Hot reloading of VideoJS - reactjs

I am having a video js component in my react project. I am also using marker plugin on video.js. Every component in my project gets Hot Reloaded whenever I make any change in them, but my videoJS component doesn't get hot reloaded. For example: If I make any change in markers then it doesn't get reflected on webpage as hot reloaded. I have to refresh webpage everytime I make any change in videoJS. What should I do?

Videojs is base on jQuery, it's not a React component.
You could have a try with:


Using vite to build a react project, the hot update failure problem after using mobx in the project

Home.tsx,Page effect
Modify the Home component and save it.
And the terminal console can see the update of hmr, but the page effect has not changed, and the console.log in the Home component has not been triggered.

Hot Reload with django template and react?

Is hot reloading possible while mounting react components into our Django template?
As part of improving our UX, we are adding react component to our page to bring dynamic content on every customer interaction.
I have successfully set up the react inside our Django and placed bundle.js into a static path using Webpack. Now using Webpack watch we are able to load the latest changes on the page.
In this setup, we can't bring hot reloading and source in the browser devtools console to debug and speed up our development.
Note: The application is not a SPA also not a Restful design for now.

Bootstrap navbar style changes on scroll in ReactJS app not working

I'm using a bootstrap theme into ReactJS app. Everything works except the NavBar transition/animation effect on scrolling isn't working. I have noticed in the projects GitHub they are using a script. They are referring this script in the index.html page (the last line within the body tag).
Now, I'm trying to get it working in my ReactJS app but without luck so far. I've created a navbar component and imported into App.JS. I've used same id, "mainNav" for the tag with in my navbar component, but I've noticed that an error in the script. It says "undefined is not an object(evaluating '$("#mainNav").offset().top > 100)' in the browser.
Could you please point me what I'm doing wrong? How can I get the same effect using ReactJS?

ReactJS, How to reload a component only once?

I need a logic in which I can reload a component route only once.when it load at first time. So, it can load all the js files properly.In my situation in react-modal jquery is not working when modal open.If we reload it then it works better.
-> childComponent(import jQuery file)
->Modal in childComponent
when MainComponent reload it reload all the js file only once.but if we open the modal then jquery doesn't work,So need to reload that childComponent.How can,we reload childComponent only once or any other solution.

Hot Reload not working when React is externalized

I'm attempting to integrate React components into our Angular 1.5.x application. I've been successful thus far in learning webpack and utilizing webpack-dev-middleware and webpack-hot-middleware; however, I'm running into a problem when using an external copy of React.
ngReact expects to find copies of React and ReactDOM. In addition, loading Angular and our controllers, directives, etc. takes precedence. To avoid loading multiple copies of React, I set the external property in webpack.config.js.
Now that React is externalized, it doesn't appear Hot Reloading works anymore. The terminal updates, HMR is connected according to the browser console, but the component on screen is not reloading.
Is there a workaround?
