Which clock should be used for inter process communication in linux? - c

I have implemented two single thread process A & B with two msg queue [separate queue for send and receive]. Process A will send a message to B and wait for reply in the receive queue.
I want to send a time-stamp from process A to process B. If process B receives the message after 10 second, i want to send a Error string from process B to A.
Accuracy should be in milliseconds.
In process A i used ,
struct timespec msg_dispatch_time;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &msg_dispatch_time);
add_timestamp_in_msg(msg, msg_dispatch_time);
if (msgsnd(msqid, msg, sizeof(msg), msgflg) == -1)
perror("msgop: msgsnd failed");
In process B,
struct timespec msg_dispatch_time;
struct timespec msg_receive_time;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &msg_received_time);
if( !(time_diff(msg_received_time, msg_dispatch_time) >= 10 ))
msgsnd(msqid, &sbuf, buf_length, msg_flag)
/*send the error string.*/
My question is,
1) How to write a time_diff function here with millisecond accuracy to compare against 10 seconds?
if( !(time_diff(msg_received_time, msg_dispatch_time) >= 10 ))
/********Existing time diff code******************/
long int time_diff (struct timeval time1, struct timeval time2)
struct timeval diff,
if (time1.tv_usec < time2.tv_usec) {
time1.tv_usec += 1000000;
diff.tv_usec = time1.tv_usec - time2.tv_usec;
diff.tv_sec = time1.tv_sec - time2.tv_sec;
return diff.tv_sec; //return the diff in second
2) Is clock_gettime is fine to use across process in the same system?

If you wish to keep using the struct timespec type, then I recommend using a difftime() equivalent for struct timespec type, i.e.
double difftimespec(const struct timespec after, const struct timespec before)
return (double)(after.tv_sec - before.tv_sec)
+ (double)(after.tv_nsec - before.tv_nsec) / 1000000000.0;
However, I think there exists a better option for your overall use case.
If you are satisfied for your program to work till year 2242, you could use a 64-bit signed integer to hold the number of nanoseconds since Epoch. For binary messages, it is a much easier format to handle than struct timespec. Essentially:
#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L
#include <stdint.h>
#include <time.h>
typedef int64_t nstime;
nstime nstime_realtime(void)
struct timespec ts;
if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts))
return NSTIME_MIN;
return ((nstime)ts.tv_sec * 1000000000)
+ (nstime)ts.tv_nsec;
double nstime_secs(const nstime ns)
return (double)ns / 1000000000.0;
struct timespec nstime_timespec(const nstime ns)
struct timespec ts;
if (ns < 0) {
ts.tv_sec = (time_t)(ns / -1000000000);
ts.tv_nsec = -(long)((-ns) % 1000000000);
if (ts.tv_nsec < 0L) {
ts.tv_nsec += 1000000000L;
} else {
ts.tv_sec = (time_t)(ns / 1000000000);
ts.tv_nsec = (long)(ns % 1000000000);
You can add and substract nstime timestamps any way you wish, and they are suitable for binary storage, too (byte order (aka endianness) issues notwithstanding).
(Note that the code above is untested, and I consider it public domain/CC0.)
Using clock_gettime() is fine. Both CLOCK_REALTIME and CLOCK_MONOTONIC are system-wide, i.e. should report the exact same results in different processes, if executed at the same physical moment.
CLOCK_REALTIME is available in all POSIXy systems, but CLOCK_MONOTONIC is optional. Both are immune to daylight savings time changes. Incremental NTP adjustments affect both. Manual changes to system time by an administrator only affect CLOCK_REALTIME. The epoch for CLOCK_REALTIME is currently Jan 1, 1970, 00:00:00, but it is unspecified for CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
Personally, I recommend using clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME,), because then your application can talk across processes in a cluster, not just on a local machine; cluster nodes may use different epochs for CLOCK_MONOTONIC.


Measuring Elapsed Time Using clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC)

I have to elapse the measuring time during multiple threads. I must get an output like this:
Starting Time | Thread Number
00000000000 | 1
00000000100 | 2
00000000200 | 3
Firstly, I used gettimeofday but I saw that there are some negative numbers then I made little research and learn that gettimeofday is not reliable to measure elapsed time. Then I decide to use clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC).
However, there is a problem. When I use second to measure time, I cannot measure time precisely. When I use nanosecond, length of end.tv_nsec variable cannot exceed 9 digits (since it is a long variable). That means, when it has to move to the 10th digit, it still remains at 9 digits and actually the number gets smaller, causing the elapsed time to be negative.
That is my code:
long elapsedTime;
struct timespec end;
struct timespec start2;
//gettimeofday(&start2, NULL);
while(c <= totalCount)
if(strcmp(algorithm,"FCFS") == 0)
printf("In SErunner count=%d \n",count);
if(count > 0)
printf("Count = %d \n",count);
it = deQueue();
tid = it->tid;
usleep( 1000*(it->value));
elapsedTime = ( end.tv_sec - start2.tv_sec);
printf("Process of thread %d finished with value %d\n",it->tid,it->value);
fprintf(outputFile,"%ld %d %d\n",elapsedTime,it->value,it->tid+1);
Unfortunately, timespec does not have microsecond variable. If you can help me I will be very happy.
Write a helper function that calculates the difference between two timespecs:
int64_t difftimespec_ns(const struct timespec after, const struct timespec before)
return ((int64_t)after.tv_sec - (int64_t)before.tv_sec) * (int64_t)1000000000
+ ((int64_t)after.tv_nsec - (int64_t)before.tv_nsec);
If you want it in microseconds, just divide it by 1000, or use:
int64_t difftimespec_us(const struct timespec after, const struct timespec before)
return ((int64_t)after.tv_sec - (int64_t)before.tv_sec) * (int64_t)1000000
+ ((int64_t)after.tv_nsec - (int64_t)before.tv_nsec) / 1000;
Remember to include <inttypes.h>, so that you can use conversion "%" PRIi64 to print integers of int64_t type:
printf("%09" PRIi64 " | 5\n", difftimespec_ns(after, before));
To calculate the delta (elapsed time), you need to make an substraction between two timeval or two timespec structures depending on the services you are using.
For timeval, there is a set of operations to manipulate struct timeval in <sys/time.h> (e.g. /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/time.h):
# define timersub(a, b, result) \
do { \
(result)->tv_sec = (a)->tv_sec - (b)->tv_sec; \
(result)->tv_usec = (a)->tv_usec - (b)->tv_usec; \
if ((result)->tv_usec < 0) { \
--(result)->tv_sec; \
(result)->tv_usec += 1000000; \
} \
} while (0)
For timespec, if you don't have them installed in your header files, copy something like the macro defined in this source code:
#define timespecsub(tsp, usp, vsp) \
do { \
(vsp)->tv_sec = (tsp)->tv_sec - (usp)->tv_sec; \
(vsp)->tv_nsec = (tsp)->tv_nsec - (usp)->tv_nsec; \
if ((vsp)->tv_nsec < 0) { \
(vsp)->tv_sec--; \
(vsp)->tv_nsec += 1000000000L; \
} \
} while (0)
You could convert the time to a double value using some code such as :
clocktime_BM (clockid_t clid)
struct timespec ts = { 0, 0 };
if (clock_gettime (clid, &ts))
return NAN;
return (double) ts.tv_sec + 1.0e-9 * ts.tv_nsec;
The returned double value contains something in seconds. On most machines, double-s are IEEE 754 floating point numbers, and basic operations on them are fast (less than a µs each). Read the floating-point-gui.de for more about them. In 2020 x86-64 based laptops and servers have some HPET. Don't expect a microsecond precision on time measurements (since Linux runs many processes, and they might get scheduled at arbitrary times; read some good textbook about operating systems for explanations).
(the above code is from Bismon, funded thru CHARIOT; something similar appears in RefPerSys)
On Linux, be sure to read syscalls(2), clock_gettime(2), errno(3), time(7), vdso(7).
Consider studying the source code of the Linux kernel and/or of the GNU libc and/or of musl-libc. See LinuxFromScratch and OSDEV and kernelnewbies.
Be aware of The year 2038 problem on some 32 bits computers.

What is the best way to create periodic Linux threads in C

For my application I have the requirement of accurate periodic threads with relative low cycle times (500 µs).
In particular the application is a run time system of a
It's purpose is to run an application developed by the PLC user.
Such applications are organised in programs and periodic tasks - each task with it's own cycle time and priority.
Usually the application runs on systems with real time OSs (eg. vxWorks or Linux with RT patch).
Currently the periodic tasks are implemented via clock_nanosleep.
Unfortunately the actual sleep time of clock_nanosleep is disturbed by other threads - even with lower priority.
Once every second, the sleep time is exceeded by about 50 ms.
I've observed this on Debian 9.5, on RaspberryPi and also on an ARM-Linux with Preemt-RT.
Here's a sample, which shows this behavior:
#include <pthread.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
typedef void* ThreadFun(void* param);
#define INTERVAL_NS (10 * 1000 * 1000)
static long tickCnt = 0;
static long calcTimeDiff(struct timespec const* t1, struct timespec const* t2)
long diff = t1->tv_nsec - t2->tv_nsec;
diff += 1000000000 * (t1->tv_sec - t2->tv_sec);
return diff;
static void updateWakeTime(struct timespec* time)
uint64_t nanoSec = time->tv_nsec;
struct timespec currentTime;
clock_gettime(CLOCK, &currentTime);
while (calcTimeDiff(time, &currentTime) <= 0)
nanoSec = time->tv_nsec;
nanoSec += INTERVAL_NS;
time->tv_nsec = nanoSec % 1000000000;
time->tv_sec += nanoSec / 1000000000;
static void* tickThread(void *param)
struct timespec sleepStart;
struct timespec currentTime;
struct timespec wakeTime;
long sleepTime;
long wakeDelay;
clock_gettime(CLOCK, &wakeTime);
wakeTime.tv_sec += 2;
wakeTime.tv_nsec = 0;
while (1)
clock_gettime(CLOCK, &sleepStart);
clock_nanosleep(CLOCK, TIMER_ABSTIME, &wakeTime, NULL);
clock_gettime(CLOCK, &currentTime);
sleepTime = calcTimeDiff(&currentTime, &sleepStart);
wakeDelay = calcTimeDiff(&currentTime, &wakeTime);
if (wakeDelay > INTERVAL_NS)
printf("sleep req=%-ld.%-ld start=%-ld.%-ld curr=%-ld.%-ld sleep=%-ld delay=%-ld\n",
(long) wakeTime.tv_sec, (long) wakeTime.tv_nsec,
(long) sleepStart.tv_sec, (long) sleepStart.tv_nsec,
(long) currentTime.tv_sec, (long) currentTime.tv_nsec,
sleepTime, wakeDelay);
tickCnt += 1;
static void* workerThread(void *param)
while (1)
static int createThread(char const* funcName, ThreadFun* func, int prio)
pthread_t tid = 0;
pthread_attr_t threadAttr;
struct sched_param schedParam;
printf("thread create func=%s prio=%d\n", funcName, prio);
pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(&threadAttr, SCHEDULER_POLICY);
pthread_attr_setinheritsched(&threadAttr, PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED);
schedParam.sched_priority = prio;
pthread_attr_setschedparam(&threadAttr, &schedParam);
if (pthread_create(&tid, &threadAttr, func, NULL) != 0)
return -1;
printf("thread created func=%s prio=%d\n", funcName, prio);
return 0;
#define CREATE_THREAD(func,prio) createThread(#func,func,prio)
int main(int argc, char*argv[])
int minPrio = sched_get_priority_min(SCHEDULER_POLICY);
int maxPrio = sched_get_priority_max(SCHEDULER_POLICY);
int prioRange = maxPrio - minPrio;
CREATE_THREAD(tickThread, maxPrio);
CREATE_THREAD(workerThread, minPrio + prioRange / 4);
printf("%ld ticks\n", tickCnt);
Is something wrong in my code sample?
Is there a better (more reliable) way to create periodic threads?
For my application I have the requirement of accurate periodic threads with relative low cycle times (500 µs)
Probably too strong requirement. Linux is not a hard real-time OS.
I would suggest to have fewer threads (perhaps a small fixed set -only 2 or 3, organized in a thread pool; see this for an explanation, remembering that a RasberryPi3B+ has only 4 cores). You might prefer a single thread (think of a design around an event loop, inspired by continuation-passing style).
You probably don't need periodic threads. You need some periodic activity. They all might happen in the same thread. (the kernel is rescheduling tasks perhaps every 50 or 100 ms, even if it is capable of sleeping a smaller time, and if tasks get rescheduled very frequently -e.g. every millisecond- , their scheduling has a cost).
So read carefully time(7).
Consider using timer_create(2), or even better timerfd_create(2) used in an event loop around poll(2).
On a RaspberryPi, you won't have guaranteed 500µs delays. This is probably impossible (the hardware might not be powerful enough, and the Linux OS is not hard real-time). I feel your expectations are not reasonable.

gettimeofday for displaying current time without using space

Is there any way to store number of time ticks from gettimeofday() and format into some specific way (for example "%m-%d-%Y %T") without using any array?.
This will save memory for each instance of a program which calculates current time.
Code for the same using an array.(Taken from C - gettimeofday for computing time?)
char buffer[30];
struct timeval tv;
time_t curtime;
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
strftime(buffer,30,"%m-%d-%Y %T.",localtime(&curtime));
any way to store number ... from gettimeofday() and ... without using any array?
gettimeofday() does not return the "number of time ticks". It is a *nix functions defined to populate a struct timeval which contains a time_t and a long representing the current time in seconds and microseconds. Use clock() to get "number of time ticks".
The simplest way to avoid an array is to keep the result in a struct timeval without any modifications.
This will save memory for each instance of a program which calculates current time.
This sounds like OP would like to conserve memory as much as possible. Code could convert the struct timeval to a int64_t (a count of microseconds since the epoch) without much risk of range loss. This would only be a memory savings if sizeof(struct timeval) > sizeof(int64_t).
#include <sys/time.h>
int64_t timeval_to_int64(const struct timeval *tv) {
const int32_t us_per_s = 1000000;
int64_t t = tv->tv_sec;
if (t >= INT64_MAX / us_per_s
&& (t > INT64_MAX / us_per_s || tv->tv_usec > INT64_MAX % us_per_s)) {
// Handle overflow
return INT64_MAX;
if (t <= INT64_MIN / us_per_s
&& (t < INT64_MIN / us_per_s || tv->tv_usec < INT64_MIN % us_per_s)) {
// Handle underflow
return INT64_MIN;
return t * us_per_s + tv->tv_usec;
void int64_to_timeval(struct timeval *tv, int64_t t) {
const int32_t us_per_s = 1000000;
tv->tv_sec = t / us_per_s;
tv->tv_usec = t % us_per_s;
if (tv->tv_usec < 0) { // insure tv_usec member is positive.
tv->tv_usec += us_per_s;
If code wants to save the timestamp to a file as text, with minimal space, a number of choices are available. What is the most efficient binary to text encoding?
goes over some ideas. For OP's code though a decimal or hexadecimal print of the 2 members may be sufficient.
printf("%lld.%06ld\n", (long long) tv.tv_sec, tv.tv_usec);
I do not recommend storing timestamps via localtime() as that imparts ambiguity or overhead of timezone and day light savings time. If code must saving using month, day, year, consider ISO 8601 and using universal time.
#include <sys/time.h>
int print_timeval_to_ISO8601(const struct timeval *tv) {
struct tm t = *gmtime(&tv->tv_sec);
return printf("%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d.%06ld\n", //
t.tm_year + 1900, t.tm_mon + 1, t.tm_mday, //
t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, t.tm_sec, tv->tv_usec);
// Or ("%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d.%06ld\n"
Note OP's code has a weakness. Microsecond values like 12 will print a ".12" when ".000012" should appear.
// printf("%s%ld\n",buffer,tv.tv_usec);

clock_gettime alternative in Mac OS X

When compiling a program I wrote on Mac OS X after installing the necessary libraries through MacPorts, I get this error:
In function 'nanotime':
error: 'CLOCK_REALTIME' undeclared (first use in this function)
error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
error: for each function it appears in.)
It appears that clock_gettime is not implemented in Mac OS X. Is there an alternative means of getting the epoch time in nanoseconds? Unfortunately gettimeofday is in microseconds.
After hours of perusing different answers, blogs, and headers, I found a portable way to get the current time:
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#ifdef __MACH__
#include <mach/clock.h>
#include <mach/mach.h>
struct timespec ts;
#ifdef __MACH__ // OS X does not have clock_gettime, use clock_get_time
clock_serv_t cclock;
mach_timespec_t mts;
host_get_clock_service(mach_host_self(), CALENDAR_CLOCK, &cclock);
clock_get_time(cclock, &mts);
mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), cclock);
ts.tv_sec = mts.tv_sec;
ts.tv_nsec = mts.tv_nsec;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts);
or check out this gist: https://gist.github.com/1087739
Hope this saves someone time. Cheers!
None of the solutions above answers the question. Either they don't give you absolute Unix time, or their accuracy is 1 microsecond. The most popular solution by jbenet is slow (~6000ns) and does not count in nanoseconds even though its return suggests so. Below is a test for 2 solutions suggested by jbenet and Dmitri B, plus my take on this. You can run the code without changes.
The 3rd solution does count in nanoseconds and gives you absolute Unix time reasonably fast (~90ns). So if someone find it useful - please let us all know here :-). I will stick to the one from Dmitri B (solution #1 in the code) - it fits my needs better.
I needed commercial quality alternative to clock_gettime() to make pthread_…timed.. calls, and found this discussion very helpful. Thanks guys.
Ratings of alternatives to clock_gettime() to use with pthread timed waits:
Solution 1 "gettimeofday":
Complexity : simple
Portability : POSIX 1
timespec : easy to convert from timeval to timespec
granularity : 1000 ns,
call : 120 ns,
Rating : the best.
Solution 2 "host_get_clock_service, clock_get_time":
Complexity : simple (error handling?)
Portability : Mac specific (is it always available?)
timespec : yes (struct timespec return)
granularity : 1000 ns (don't be fooled by timespec format)
call time : 6000 ns
Rating : the worst.
Solution 3 "mach_absolute_time + gettimeofday once":
Complexity : simple..average (requires initialisation)
Portability : Mac specific. Always available
timespec : system clock can be converted to timespec without float-math
granularity : 1 ns.
call time : 90 ns unoptimised.
Rating : not bad, but do we really need nanoseconds timeout?
- OS X is UNIX System 3 [U03] certified
- UNIX System 3 <--> POSIX 1 <--> IEEE Std 1003.1-1988
- gettimeofday() is mandatory on U03,
clock_..() functions are optional on U03,
clock_..() are part of POSIX Realtime extensions
- clock_gettime() is not available on MacMini OS X
(Xcode > Preferences > Downloads > Command Line Tools = Installed)
- OS X recommends to use gettimeofday to calculate values for timespec
- timeval holds microseconds, timespec - nanoseconds
- microtime() is used by kernel to implement gettimeofday()
- mach_absolute_time() is really fast
- Only 9 deciaml digits have meaning when int nanoseconds converted to double seconds
Tutorial: Performance and Time post uses .12 precision for nanoseconds
Three ways to prepare absolute time 1500 milliseconds in the future to use with pthread timed functions.
Output, N = 3, stock MacMini, OSX 10.7.5, 2.3GHz i5, 2GB 1333MHz DDR3:
inittime.tv_sec = 1390659993
inittime.tv_nsec = 361539000
initclock = 76672695144136
get_abs_future_time_0() : 1390659994.861599000
get_abs_future_time_0() : 1390659994.861599000
get_abs_future_time_0() : 1390659994.861599000
get_abs_future_time_1() : 1390659994.861618000
get_abs_future_time_1() : 1390659994.861634000
get_abs_future_time_1() : 1390659994.861642000
get_abs_future_time_2() : 1390659994.861643671
get_abs_future_time_2() : 1390659994.861643877
get_abs_future_time_2() : 1390659994.861643972
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h> /* gettimeofday */
#include <mach/mach_time.h> /* mach_absolute_time */
#include <mach/mach.h> /* host_get_clock_service, mach_... */
#include <mach/clock.h> /* clock_get_time */
#define BILLION 1000000000L
#define MILLION 1000000L
#define NORMALISE_TIMESPEC( ts, uint_milli ) \
do { \
ts.tv_sec += uint_milli / 1000u; \
ts.tv_nsec += (uint_milli % 1000u) * MILLION; \
ts.tv_sec += ts.tv_nsec / BILLION; \
ts.tv_nsec = ts.tv_nsec % BILLION; \
} while (0)
static mach_timebase_info_data_t timebase = { 0, 0 }; /* numer = 0, denom = 0 */
static struct timespec inittime = { 0, 0 }; /* nanoseconds since 1-Jan-1970 to init() */
static uint64_t initclock; /* ticks since boot to init() */
void init()
struct timeval micro; /* microseconds since 1 Jan 1970 */
if (mach_timebase_info(&timebase) != 0)
abort(); /* very unlikely error */
if (gettimeofday(&micro, NULL) != 0)
abort(); /* very unlikely error */
initclock = mach_absolute_time();
inittime.tv_sec = micro.tv_sec;
inittime.tv_nsec = micro.tv_usec * 1000;
printf("\tinittime.tv_sec = %ld\n", inittime.tv_sec);
printf("\tinittime.tv_nsec = %ld\n", inittime.tv_nsec);
printf("\tinitclock = %ld\n", (long)initclock);
* Get absolute future time for pthread timed calls
* Solution 1: microseconds granularity
struct timespec get_abs_future_time_coarse(unsigned milli)
struct timespec future; /* ns since 1 Jan 1970 to 1500 ms in the future */
struct timeval micro = {0, 0}; /* 1 Jan 1970 */
(void) gettimeofday(&micro, NULL);
future.tv_sec = micro.tv_sec;
future.tv_nsec = micro.tv_usec * 1000;
NORMALISE_TIMESPEC( future, milli );
return future;
* Solution 2: via clock service
struct timespec get_abs_future_time_served(unsigned milli)
struct timespec future;
clock_serv_t cclock;
mach_timespec_t mts;
host_get_clock_service(mach_host_self(), CALENDAR_CLOCK, &cclock);
clock_get_time(cclock, &mts);
mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), cclock);
future.tv_sec = mts.tv_sec;
future.tv_nsec = mts.tv_nsec;
NORMALISE_TIMESPEC( future, milli );
return future;
* Solution 3: nanosecond granularity
struct timespec get_abs_future_time_fine(unsigned milli)
struct timespec future; /* ns since 1 Jan 1970 to 1500 ms in future */
uint64_t clock; /* ticks since init */
uint64_t nano; /* nanoseconds since init */
clock = mach_absolute_time() - initclock;
nano = clock * (uint64_t)timebase.numer / (uint64_t)timebase.denom;
future = inittime;
future.tv_sec += nano / BILLION;
future.tv_nsec += nano % BILLION;
NORMALISE_TIMESPEC( future, milli );
return future;
#define N 3
int main()
int i, j;
struct timespec time[3][N];
struct timespec (*get_abs_future_time[])(unsigned milli) =
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
time[j][i] = get_abs_future_time[j](1500); /* now() + 1500 ms */
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
printf("get_abs_future_time_%d() : %10ld.%09ld\n",
j, time[j][i].tv_sec, time[j][i].tv_nsec);
return 0;
In effect, it seems not to be implemented for macOS before Sierra 10.12. You may want to look at this blog entry. The main idea is in the following code snippet:
#include <mach/mach_time.h>
#define ORWL_NANO (+1.0E-9)
#define ORWL_GIGA UINT64_C(1000000000)
static double orwl_timebase = 0.0;
static uint64_t orwl_timestart = 0;
struct timespec orwl_gettime(void) {
// be more careful in a multithreaded environement
if (!orwl_timestart) {
mach_timebase_info_data_t tb = { 0 };
orwl_timebase = tb.numer;
orwl_timebase /= tb.denom;
orwl_timestart = mach_absolute_time();
struct timespec t;
double diff = (mach_absolute_time() - orwl_timestart) * orwl_timebase;
t.tv_sec = diff * ORWL_NANO;
t.tv_nsec = diff - (t.tv_sec * ORWL_GIGA);
return t;
#if defined(__MACH__) && !defined(CLOCK_REALTIME)
#include <sys/time.h>
// clock_gettime is not implemented on older versions of OS X (< 10.12).
// If implemented, CLOCK_REALTIME will have already been defined.
int clock_gettime(int /*clk_id*/, struct timespec* t) {
struct timeval now;
int rv = gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
if (rv) return rv;
t->tv_sec = now.tv_sec;
t->tv_nsec = now.tv_usec * 1000;
return 0;
Everything you need is described in Technical Q&A QA1398: Technical Q&A QA1398: Mach Absolute Time Units, basically the function you want is mach_absolute_time.
Here's a slightly earlier version of the sample code from that page that does everything using Mach calls (the current version uses AbsoluteToNanoseconds from CoreServices). In current OS X (i.e., on Snow Leopard on x86_64) the absolute time values are actually in nanoseconds and so don't actually require any conversion at all. So, if you're good and writing portable code, you'll convert, but if you're just doing something quick and dirty for yourself, you needn't bother.
FWIW, mach_absolute_time is really fast.
uint64_t GetPIDTimeInNanoseconds(void)
uint64_t start;
uint64_t end;
uint64_t elapsed;
uint64_t elapsedNano;
static mach_timebase_info_data_t sTimebaseInfo;
// Start the clock.
start = mach_absolute_time();
// Call getpid. This will produce inaccurate results because
// we're only making a single system call. For more accurate
// results you should call getpid multiple times and average
// the results.
(void) getpid();
// Stop the clock.
end = mach_absolute_time();
// Calculate the duration.
elapsed = end - start;
// Convert to nanoseconds.
// If this is the first time we've run, get the timebase.
// We can use denom == 0 to indicate that sTimebaseInfo is
// uninitialised because it makes no sense to have a zero
// denominator is a fraction.
if ( sTimebaseInfo.denom == 0 ) {
(void) mach_timebase_info(&sTimebaseInfo);
// Do the maths. We hope that the multiplication doesn't
// overflow; the price you pay for working in fixed point.
elapsedNano = elapsed * sTimebaseInfo.numer / sTimebaseInfo.denom;
printf("multiplier %u / %u\n", sTimebaseInfo.numer, sTimebaseInfo.denom);
return elapsedNano;
Note that macOS Sierra 10.12 now supports clock_gettime():
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
int main() {
struct timespec res;
struct timespec time;
clock_getres(CLOCK_REALTIME, &res);
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &time);
printf("CLOCK_REALTIME: res.tv_sec=%lu res.tv_nsec=%lu\n", res.tv_sec, res.tv_nsec);
printf("CLOCK_REALTIME: time.tv_sec=%lu time.tv_nsec=%lu\n", time.tv_sec, time.tv_nsec);
It does provide nanoseconds; however, the resolution is 1000, so it is (in)effectively limited to microseconds:
CLOCK_REALTIME: res.tv_sec=0 res.tv_nsec=1000
CLOCK_REALTIME: time.tv_sec=1475279260 time.tv_nsec=525627000
You will need XCode 8 or later to be able to use this feature. Code compiled to use this feature will not run on versions of Mac OS X (10.11 or earlier).
Thanks for your posts
I think you can add the following lines
#ifdef __MACH__
#include <mach/mach_time.h>
int clock_gettime(int clk_id, struct timespec *t){
mach_timebase_info_data_t timebase;
uint64_t time;
time = mach_absolute_time();
double nseconds = ((double)time * (double)timebase.numer)/((double)timebase.denom);
double seconds = ((double)time * (double)timebase.numer)/((double)timebase.denom * 1e9);
t->tv_sec = seconds;
t->tv_nsec = nseconds;
return 0;
#include <time.h>
Let me know what you get for latency and granularity
Maristic has the best answer here to date. Let me simplify and add a remark. #include and Init():
#include <mach/mach_time.h>
double conversion_factor;
void Init() {
mach_timebase_info_data_t timebase;
conversion_factor = (double)timebase.numer / (double)timebase.denom;
Use as:
uint64_t t1, t2;
t1 = mach_absolute_time();
/* profiled code here */
t2 = mach_absolute_time();
double duration_ns = (double)(t2 - t1) * conversion_factor;
Such timer has latency of 65ns +/- 2ns (2GHz CPU). Use this if you need "time evolution" of single execution. Otherwise loop your code 10000 times and profile even with gettimeofday(), which is portable (POSIX), and has the latency of 100ns +/- 0.5ns (though only 1us granularity).
I tried the version with clock_get_time, and did cache the host_get_clock_service call. It's way slower than gettimeofday, it takes several microseconds per invocation. And, what's worse, the return value has steps of 1000, i.e. it's still microsecond granularity.
I'd advice to use gettimeofday, and multiply tv_usec by 1000.
Based on the open source mach_absolute_time.c we can see that the line extern mach_port_t clock_port; tells us there's a mach port already initialized for monotonic time. This clock port can be accessed directly without having to resort to calling mach_absolute_time then converting back to a struct timespec. Bypassing a call to mach_absolute_time should improve performance.
I created a small Github repo (PosixMachTiming) with the code based on the extern clock_port and a similar thread. PosixMachTiming emulates clock_gettime for CLOCK_REALTIME and CLOCK_MONOTONIC. It also emulates the function clock_nanosleep for absolute monotonic time. Please give it a try and see how the performance compares. Maybe you might want to create comparative tests or emulate other POSIX clocks/functions?
As of at least as far back as Mountain Lion, mach_absolute_time() returns nanoseconds and not absolute time (which was the number of bus cycles).
The following code on my MacBook Pro (2 GHz Core i7) showed that the time to call mach_absolute_time() averaged 39 ns over 10 runs (min 35, max 45), which is basically the time between the return of the two calls to mach_absolute_time(), about 1 invocation:
#include <stdint.h>
#include <mach/mach_time.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
uint64_t now, then;
uint64_t abs;
then = mach_absolute_time(); // return nanoseconds
now = mach_absolute_time();
abs = now - then;
cout << "nanoseconds = " << abs << endl;
void clock_get_uptime(uint64_t *result);
void clock_get_system_microtime( uint32_t *secs,
uint32_t *microsecs);
void clock_get_system_nanotime( uint32_t *secs,
uint32_t *nanosecs);
void clock_get_calendar_microtime( uint32_t *secs,
uint32_t *microsecs);
void clock_get_calendar_nanotime( uint32_t *secs,
uint32_t *nanosecs);
For MacOS you can find a good information on their developers page
I found another portable solution.
Declare in some header file (or even in your source one):
/* If compiled on DARWIN/Apple platforms. */
#ifdef DARWIN
#define CLOCK_REALTIME 0x2d4e1588
#endif /* DARWIN */
And the add the function implementation:
#ifdef DARWIN
* Bellow we provide an alternative for clock_gettime,
* which is not implemented in Mac OS X.
static inline int clock_gettime(int clock_id, struct timespec *ts)
struct timeval tv;
if (clock_id != CLOCK_REALTIME)
errno = EINVAL;
return -1;
if (gettimeofday(&tv, NULL) < 0)
return -1;
ts->tv_sec = tv.tv_sec;
ts->tv_nsec = tv.tv_usec * 1000;
return 0;
#endif /* DARWIN */
Don't forget to include <time.h>.

Time stamp in the C programming language

How do I stamp two times t1 and t2 and get the difference in milliseconds in C?
This will give you the time in seconds + microseconds
#include <sys/time.h>
struct timeval tv;
tv.tv_sec // seconds
tv.tv_usec // microseconds
Standard C99:
#include <time.h>
time_t t0 = time(0);
// ...
time_t t1 = time(0);
double datetime_diff_ms = difftime(t1, t0) * 1000.;
clock_t c0 = clock();
// ...
clock_t c1 = clock();
double runtime_diff_ms = (c1 - c0) * 1000. / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
The precision of the types is implementation-defined, ie the datetime difference might only return full seconds.
If you want to find elapsed time, this method will work as long as you don't reboot the computer between the start and end.
In Windows, use GetTickCount(). Here's how:
DWORD dwStart = GetTickCount();
... process you want to measure elapsed time for
DWORD dwElapsed = GetTickCount() - dwStart;
dwElapsed is now the number of elapsed milliseconds.
In Linux, use clock() and CLOCKS_PER_SEC to do about the same thing.
If you need timestamps that last through reboots or across PCs (which would need quite good syncronization indeed), then use the other methods (gettimeofday()).
Also, in Windows at least you can get much better than standard time resolution. Usually, if you called GetTickCount() in a tight loop, you'd see it jumping by 10-50 each time it changed. That's because of the time quantum used by the Windows thread scheduler. This is more or less the amount of time it gives each thread to run before switching to something else. If you do a:
at the beginning of your program or process and a:
at the end, then the quantum will change to 1 ms, and you will get much better time resolution on the GetTickCount() call. However, this does make a subtle change to how your entire computer runs processes, so keep that in mind. However, Windows Media Player and many other things do this routinely anyway, so I don't worry too much about it.
I'm sure there's probably some way to do the same in Linux (probably with much better control, or maybe with sub-millisecond quantums) but I haven't needed to do that yet in Linux.
Returns the current time.
char *time_stamp(){
char *timestamp = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * 16);
time_t ltime;
struct tm *tm;
sprintf(timestamp,"%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d", tm->tm_year+1900, tm->tm_mon,
tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec);
return timestamp;
int main(){
printf(" Timestamp: %s\n",time_stamp());
return 0;
Output: Timestamp: 20110912130940 // 2011 Sep 12 13:09:40
Use #Arkaitz Jimenez's code to get two timevals:
#include <sys/time.h>
struct timeval tv1, tv2, diff;
// get the first time:
gettimeofday(&tv1, NULL);
// do whatever it is you want to time
// ...
// get the second time:
gettimeofday(&tv2, NULL);
// get the difference:
int result = timeval_subtract(&diff, &tv1, &tv2);
// the difference is storid in diff now.
Sample code for timeval_subtract can be found at this web site:
/* Subtract the `struct timeval' values X and Y,
storing the result in RESULT.
Return 1 if the difference is negative, otherwise 0. */
timeval_subtract (result, x, y)
struct timeval *result, *x, *y;
/* Perform the carry for the later subtraction by updating y. */
if (x->tv_usec < y->tv_usec) {
int nsec = (y->tv_usec - x->tv_usec) / 1000000 + 1;
y->tv_usec -= 1000000 * nsec;
y->tv_sec += nsec;
if (x->tv_usec - y->tv_usec > 1000000) {
int nsec = (x->tv_usec - y->tv_usec) / 1000000;
y->tv_usec += 1000000 * nsec;
y->tv_sec -= nsec;
/* Compute the time remaining to wait.
tv_usec is certainly positive. */
result->tv_sec = x->tv_sec - y->tv_sec;
result->tv_usec = x->tv_usec - y->tv_usec;
/* Return 1 if result is negative. */
return x->tv_sec < y->tv_sec;
how about this solution? I didn't see anything like this in my search. I am trying to avoid division and make solution simpler.
struct timeval cur_time1, cur_time2, tdiff;
tdiff.tv_sec = cur_time2.tv_sec - cur_time1.tv_sec;
tdiff.tv_usec = cur_time2.tv_usec + (1000000 - cur_time1.tv_usec);
while(tdiff.tv_usec > 1000000)
tdiff.tv_usec -= 1000000;
printf("updated tdiff tv_sec:%ld tv_usec:%ld\n",tdiff.tv_sec, tdiff.tv_usec);
printf("end tdiff tv_sec:%ld tv_usec:%ld\n",tdiff.tv_sec, tdiff.tv_usec);
Also making aware of interactions between clock() and usleep(). usleep() suspends the program, and clock() only measures the time the program is running.
If might be better off to use gettimeofday() as mentioned here
Use gettimeofday() or better clock_gettime()
U can try routines in c time library (time.h). Plus take a look at the clock() in the same lib. It gives the clock ticks since the prog has started. But you can save its value before the operation you want to concentrate on, and then after that operation capture the cliock ticks again and find the difference between then to get the time difference.
#include <sys/time.h>
time_t tm = time(NULL);
char stime[4096];
ctime_r(&tm, stime);
stime[strlen(stime) - 1] = '\0';
This program clearly shows how to do it. Takes time 1 pauses for 1 second and then takes time 2, the difference between the 2 times should be 1000 milliseconds. So your answer is correct
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
// Name: miliseconds.c
// gcc /tmp/miliseconds.c -o miliseconds
struct timespec ts1, ts2; // time1 and time2
int main (void) {
// get time1
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts1);
sleep(1); // 1 second pause
// get time2
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts2);
// nanoseconds difference in mili
long miliseconds1= (ts2.tv_nsec - ts1.tv_nsec) / 10000000 ;
// seconds difference in mili
long miliseconds2 = (ts2.tv_sec - ts1.tv_sec)*1000;
long miliseconds = miliseconds1 + miliseconds2;
printf("%ld\n", miliseconds);
return 0;
