I would like to fill a plane with randomly placed points, check whether any of them overlap (and if they do, move one of them to empty place) and then calculate the average distance between them. Later I plan on extending that to 3D so that it is kind of having particles in a box.
I know there must be better ways of doing it but here's what I came up with. For placing random points in a plane:
int pos[NUMBER][2]; /* Creates an array of NUMBER amount of points with x and y coordinate */
int a, b;
srand( time(NULL) );
pos[a][b]=rand()%11; /* Using modulus is random enough for now */
The next stage is finding points that over lap:
if( pos[a][0] == pos[b][0] && pos[a][1] == pos[b][1])
printf("These points overlap:\t", pos[a][0], pos[a][1]);
Now when I identify which points overlap I have to move one of them, but when I do the point in new position might overlap with one of the earlier ones. Is there any accepted way of solving this problem? One way is infinite while(true) loop with breaking condition but that seems very inefficient especially when system gets dense.
Thank you!
Here's a sketch of a solution that I think could work:
Your point generation algorithm is good, can be left as is.
The correct time to check for overlap is already when the point is generated. We simply generate new points until we generate one that doesn't overlap with any previous.
To quickly find overlap, use a hash table such as the one from '''glib'''. The key could be two int32_t packed into a int64_t union:
typedef union _Point {
struct {
int32_t x;
int32_t y;
int64_t hashkey;
} Point;
Use the "iterate over all keys" functionality of your hash table to build the output array.
I haven't been able to test this but it should work. This assumes that the plane is large in relation to the number of points, so that overlaps are less likely. If the opposite is true, you can invert the logic: start with a full plane and add holes randomly.
Average complexity of this algorithm is O(n).
As you hinted that it should work for high densities as well, the best course of action is to create a 2D array of booleans (or bit vectors if you want to save space), where all elements are set to false initially. Then you loop NUMBER times, generating a random coordinate, and check whether the value in the array is true or not. If true, you generate another random coordinate. If false, you add the coordinate to the list, and set the corresponding element in the array to true.
The above assumes you want exactly NUMBER points, and a completely uniform chance of placing them. If either of those constraints are not necessary, there are other algorithms possible that use much less memory.
One solution is to place points at random, see if they overlap, and re-try on overlap. To avoid testing every point, you need to set up an index by space - if you have a 100*100 plane and a cut-off of 3-4, you could use 10*10 grid squares. Then you have to search four grid squares to check you don't have a hit.
But there are other ways of doing it. Uniformly placing points on a gird will create a Poisson distribution. So for each point, you can create a random number with the Poisson distribution. What happens when you get 2 or more? This method forces you to answer that question. Maybe you artificially clamp to one, maybe you move into the neighbouring slot. This method won't create exactly N points, so if you must have N, you can put in a fudge (randomly add/remove the last few points).
I'm designing a game in Scratch. The game is suppose to have a Spaceship travel through space, avoiding asteroids. These asteroids start at a fixed X position on the right side of the screen and go to the left, horizontally until they hit a fixed X position and they'll disappear. The asteroids will start in groups between 2-6 (it's a random number generated), and each set is about 1 second apart.
Assuming the game throws out up to 6 asteroids at once, I want to make sure each asteroid is distant from the next. I tried using two variables and comparing the distance, but this did not work. I can put the group of asteroids Y spawning position into a list. So say for instance in my list, I have:
0, 100, 5, 30, -20
As you can see, there are two items in that list that are close together. What I'm trying to do, is prevent this, so the third item would be something else, like -50, for instance, and then if a six item is generated, ensure it's also distant.
Can someone pseudocode how to achieve something like this? It doesn't matter what programming language it's in, I can probably translate the general idea into Scratch.
There is a way to do this without a trial-and-error loop.
Instead of picking random positions, pick random distances, then scale them to fit the screen.
Roughly, the approach is as follows.
The lists below represent the distances between neighboring asteroids (ordered by Y coordinate), as well as distances between the outermost asteroids and the edges of the screen.
For example, if a group contains 6 asteroids, then you need lists of 7 elements each.
Create a list L1 of minimal distances. Obviously, these are all fixed values.
Create a list L2 of random numbers. Take them from some arbitrary, fixed range with a positive lower bound, e.g. [1..100].
Calculate the total 'slack' = height of screen minus sum(L1).
Calculate a multiplication factor = slack divided by sum(L2).
Multiply every element of L2 with the multiplication factor.
Add every value from L1 to the value in L2 at the same index.
L2 now contains a list of distances that:
obey the minimal distances specified in L1
together equal the height of the screen
The final step is to position every asteroid relative to its neightbor, based on the distances in L2.
Note: if step 3 gives a negative number, then obviously there is not enough room on screen for all asteroids. What's worse, a naive 'trial-and-error' algorithm would then result in an infinite loop. The solution is of course to fix your parameters; you cannot fit 6 asteroids in 360 pixels with a minimal distance of 100.
To do this, you need to do through each previous entry in the array, compare that value to the new value, and if any element is too close change the value. This process needs to repeat until a suitable number is found. If this number is less then some minimum distance, then a variable tooClose is set to yes and the value will be reset. At the begining of the loop tooClose is set to yes so that at least one random number will be generated. Then, at the beginning of the loop, the value is randomized, and tooClose is set to no, then, I loop through all the previous entries with the value i, comparing each element and setting tooClose to yes if it is too close. The comparison between numbers is done with a subtraction, followed by an absolute value, which will ensure the result is positive, giving the difference between the two numbers as a positive value.
Here is a screenshot of the code:
And here is the project:
Say I need to find the euclidean distance from one (x,y) coordinate to every coordinate in an array of million coordinates and then select the coordinate with the smallest distance.
At present I loop though the million element array, calculate distance keeping track of the minimum. Is there a way I could do it differently and faster.
You can improve your algorithm significantly by using a more complex data structure for instance a k-d tree. Still if what you expect to do is to simply search once for the nearest neighbour, you can not possibly perform better than iterating over all points.
What you can do, though is optimize the function that computes the distance and also(as mentioned in comments) you may omit the square root as comparing the squares of two non-negative integers is just the same as comparing the values.
What I understand from the question is that you wanna find closest pair of point. There is an algorithm Closest pair of points problem to solve this.
Closest Pair of a set of points:
Divide the set into two equal sized parts by the line l, and recursively compute the minimal distance in each part.
Let d be the minimal of the two minimal distances.
Eliminate points that lie farther than d apart from l
Sort the remaining points according to their y-coordinates
Scan the remaining points in the y order and compute the distances of each point to its five neighbors.
If any of these distances is less than d then update d.
The whole of algorithm Closest Pair takes O(logn*nlogn) = O(nlog2n) time.
We can improve on this algorithm slightly by reducing the time it takes to achieve the y-coordinate sorting in Step 4. This is done by asking that the recursive solution computed in Step 1 returns the points in sorted order by their y coordinates. This will yield two sorted lists of points which need only be merged (a linear time operation) in Step 4 in order to yield a complete sorted list. Hence the revised algorithm involves making the following changes:
Step 1: Divide the set into..., and recursively compute the distance in each part, returning the points in each set in sorted order by y-coordinate.
Step 4: Merge the two sorted lists into one sorted list in O(n) time.
Hence the merging process is now dominated by the linear time steps thereby yielding an O(nlogn) algorithm for finding the closest pair of a set of points in the plane.
You could save quite a chunk of time by first checking if both the distance along x and along y are <= than the last distance (squared) you stored. If it's true, then you carry on with calculating the distance (squared). Of course the amount of time you save depends on how the points are distributed.
I already read this post but the answer didn't satisfied me Check if Array is sorted in Log(N).
Imagine I have a serious big array over 1,000,000 double numbers (positive and/or negative) and I want to know if the array is "sorted" trying to avoid the max numbers of comparisons because comparing doubles and floats take too much time. Is it possible to use statistics on It?, and if It was:
It is well seen by real-programmers?
Should I take samples?
How many samples should I take
Should they be random, or in a sequence?
How much is the %error permitted to say "the array sorted"?
That depends on your requirements. If you can say that if 100 random samples out of 1.000.000 is enough the assume it's sorted - then so it is. But to be absolutely sure, you will always have to go through every single entry. Only you can answer this question since only you know how certain you need to be about it being sorted.
This is a classic probability problem taught in high school. Consider this question:
What is the probability that the batch will be rejected?
In a batch of 8,000, clocks 7% are defective. A random sample of 10 (without replacement) from the 8,000 is selected and tested. If at least one is defective the entire batch will be rejected.
So you can take a number of random samples from your large array and see if it's sorted, but you must note that you need to know the probability that the sample is out of order. Since you don't have that information, a probabilistic approach wouldn't work efficiently here.
(However, you can check 50% of the array and naively conclude that there is a 50% chance that it is sorted correctly.)
If you run a divide and conquer algorithm using multiprocessing (real parallelism, so only for multi-core CPUs) you can check whether an array is sorted or not in Log(N).
If you have GPU multiprocessing you can achieve Log(N) very easily since modern graphics card are able to run few thousands processes in parallel.
Your question 5 is the question that you need to answer to determine the other answers. To ensure the array is perfectly sorted you must go through every element, because any one of them could be the one out of place.
The maximum number of comparisons to decide whether the array is sorted is N-1, because there are N-1 adjacent number pairs to compare. But for simplicity, we'll say N as it does not matter if we look at N or N+1 numbers.
Furthermore, it is unimportant where you start, so let's just start at the beginning.
Comparison #1 (A[0] vs. A[1]). If it fails, the array is unsorted. If it succeeds, good.
As we only compare, we can reduce this to the neighbors and whether the left one is smaller or equal (1) or not (0). So we can treat the array as a sequence of 0's and 1's, indicating whether two adjacent numbers are in order or not.
Calculating the error rate or the propability (correct spelling?) we will have to look at all combinations of our 0/1 sequence.
I would look at it like this: We have 2^n combinations of an array (i.e. the order of the pairs, of which only one is sorted (all elements are 1 indicating that each A[i] is less or equal to A[i+1]).
Now this seems to be simple:
initially the error is 1/2^N. After the first comparison half of the possible combinations (all unsorted) get eliminated. So the error rate should be 1/2^n + 1/2^(n-1).
I'm not a mathematician, but it should be quite easy to calculate how many elements are needed to reach the error rate (find x such that ERROR >= sum of 1/2^n + 1/2^(n-1)... 1/^(2-x) )
Sorry for the confusing english. I come from germany..
Since every single element can be the one element that is out-of-line, you have to run through all of them, hence your algorithm has runtime O(n).
If your understanding of "sorted" is less strict, you need to specify what exaclty you mean by "sorted". Usually, "sorted" means that adjacent elements meet a less or less-or-equal condition.
Like everyone else says, the only way to be 100% sure that it is sorted is to run through every single element, which is O(N).
However, it seems to me that if you're so worried about it being sorted, then maybe having it sorted to begin with is more important than the array elements being stored in a contiguous portion in memory?
What I'm getting at is, you could use a map whose elements by definition follow a strict weak ordering. In other words, the elements in a map are always sorted. You could also use a set to achieve the same effect.
For example: std::map<int,double> collectoin; would allow you to almost use it like an array: collection[0]=3.0; std::cout<<collection[0]<<std:;endl;. There are differences, of course, but if the sorting is so important then an array is the wrong choice for storing the data.
The old fashion way.Print it out and see if there in order. Really if your sort is wrong you would probably see it soon. It's more unlikely that you would only see a few misorders if you were sorting like 100+ things. When ever I deal with it my whole thing is completely off or it works.
As an example that you probably should not use but demonstrates sampling size:
Statistically valid sample size can give you a reasonable estimate of sortedness. If you want to be 95% certain eerything is sorted you can do that by creating a list of truly random points to sample, perhaps ~1500.
Essentially this is completely pointless if the list of values being out of order in one single place will break subsequent algorithms or data requirements.
If this is a problem, preprocess the list before your code runs, or use a really fast sort package in your code. Most sort packages also have a validation mode, where it simply tells you yes, the list meets your sort criteria - or not. Other suggestions like parallelization of your check with threads are great ideas.
I have a relatively complex issue, I need an algorithm to find all possible sub arrays from an array that sum up to X, so for the given array:
lets say we need subarrays that sum to 20, some would be:
{8,12} {2,7,6,5} {12,6,2}
however there will be combinations like:
{7,7,6} {5,5,5,5} {8,8,2,2}
I will need all possible sums.
I have done a solution doing brute force checking of all possibilities however it takes way too long (in some cases in excess of 30 minutes) to complete, so I do need a smarter solution that I've been bumping my head over for a couple of days now.
Your question seems to indicate that answers which repeat numbers are acceptable, and you don't want to generate all possible ways the summands can be ordered. I'll base my answer on that.
I'd implement this in C++. As data structure, I'd probably use something like this:
struct partial_sum {
int min_last_summand;
std::vector< std::pair<partial_sum*, int> > prefixes;
std::map<int, partial_sum*> m;
The central piece here is the map m. It maps the value of a sum to some information about how to obtain it. You'd initialize it with 0 mapped to NULL. The prefixes member would store data about all possible ways to obtain a given sum. The first part of each pair gives a pointer to information about all summands except the last, while the second part gives that last member. This gives you a form of directed acyclic graph, as sums can be prefixes of many sums, and sums can have many different prefixes, but the value of every prefix sum is smaller than that of the current sum.
The central iteration step would remove the minimal elkement from m, and generate all possible ways you can add an element from your input set to the value you just removed. So you'd check the map whether you need to insert a new entry for the new sum. And for existing and new entries alike, you create a new item in the prefixes list, with the pointer you just removed from the map as first part, and the last summand you added as the second.
I'd only generate sums in ascending (or rather non-descending) order of summands, to avoid generating all permutations. To make things easier, I'd maintain this min_last_summand information. It should always contain the minimum of all the second elements from the pairs in the prefixes list. When generating new sums, you can skip those where the last summand would be less than the minimal last summand of the prefix, as that would imply a summand being smaller than its predecessor. You could also avoid generating sums where the total value is greater than your target sum.
When printing the results, you'll have to recurse over the part of the DAG reachable from your target sum, and list all paths from there to the root NULL. So in each recursion step, you'd have a pointer to the current partial sum. If that pointer is NULL, you emit a sum consisting of zero summands. Otherwise, you iterate over all prefixes. For each prefix, you recurse to generate all possible ways to write that prefix, but only if the min_last_summand of the first element is no greater than the current last summand, and also only if the second element is no greater than the summand that will follow it. Which means that you'll have to pass that following summand as an argument to your recursive calls. Taken together, this avoids generating sums with descending steps in them.
The approach above assumes that your program will terminate after one run, so you don't have to worry about freeing memory. If you do, you'll probably have to store pointers to all the objects you created, so you can free them all.
I need to sort a point array (a point is a struct with two float types - one for x and one for y) in a special fashion.
The points have to be sorted so when they are traversed, they form a zig-zag pattern starting at the top leftmost point, moving to the top rightmost point, then down to the second leftmost point, to the second rightmost point and so on.
I need this to be able to convert arbitrary polygons to triangle strip arrays which I can then draw using GLes. What would be the most efficient way of sorting those points, by either using pointers (ie. passing and rearranging the pointers to the point structures) or by copying and moving the data in the structures directly?
I'd use qsort() with a custom compare() function that as #stefan noted, sorts descending by y then alternates (max/min) for x.
I would highly recommend you use Delaunay Triangulation. OpenCV (it's available in C) has a nice implementation.
You seem to presenting us with an already reduced version of your original problem, believing that you are on the right path to the solution. I might be wrong, but it doesn't look like you are.
It seems (judging by your other questions) that you are ultimately looking for a triangulation. And, quite possibly, a triangulation of a polygon or polygons (as opposed to a set of independent points). If so, I'd suggest you take a look at some basic triangulation algorithms, like the one based on monotone decomposition. The problem you present here actually looks like a [possibly misguided] attempt to do something similar to monotone decomposition.
I don't think you've given a well-defined order. For example, what order should the points be connected if they look like this:
I would recommend moving data from the structures directly.
The size of the point struct is only 8 to 16 bytes (16bytes if float is 8bytes). If you sort the array through pointers you are copying almost the same amount of data (Or same amount of data if float is 4bytes and 8bytes pointer on 64bit system).
I would recommend sorting through pointer if the struct is large.
It seems you are trying to reinvent some kind of monotone polygonal chain. Some polygon triangulation methods are in short described in wiki and here with links to code
You should first find the median(middle value) of the points (based on the horizontal values). This will split the set of points into left and right. Next sort the 2 sets based on the vertical value. You can then just iterate from the top from each set: take top element from left set, then top element from the right.. and so on.
To find the median there is a short algorithm based on quick-sort. But faster than quick-sort. Just recurse on the part where the median is (not on both like in quick-sort).
You should be able to do it the other way around: first sort by the vertical value and then split by the horizontal (maybe this is better when you have an odd number of points).