Load/store register results in different value than memory viewer - arm

I'm working on a program that runs under Xilinx's QEMU builds. This question is tagged zynq, but I'm actually targeting a Zynq MP in QEMU, specifically the Cortex-R5.
My background is in microcontrollers and Cortex-M, so this is a big jump and there are a lot of features (MPU, AXI, extra caches) that I'm not accustomed to. I'm writing a driver that is accessing peripheral registers in one of the hard peripherals (in the low power domain). I've written a function, reginsert to simplify accessing bits in these registers.
void reginsert(uint32_t base, uint32_t offset,
uint32_t mask, uint32_t data)
uint32_t volatile * reg = (uint32_t volatile *)(base + offset);
uint32_t regdata;
/* This section actually happens in a critical section for atomicity,
* but I've trimmed that out for brevity */
regdata = *reg;
*reg = (regdata & ~mask) | data;
/* End of critical section */
Not a very exciting function at all. To me, it's also straightforward.
I call the function like so:
/* Magic number provided by Xilinx, I don't actually plan to keep it as such a
* magical number, but for now while trying things to debug. */
Additional information:
#define XPART_PSU_UART_0_BASEADDR 0xFF000000
#define XUARTPS_CR_OFFSET 0x00000000
In stepping through the code, I find that this function correctly calculates the address for the register as 0xFF000000, and I can see this within the Xilinx SDK debugger (gdb based) when viewing the value for reg. I can also see, stepping through the assembly that the register r3 is loaded with the proper address.
When execution reaches:
regdata = *reg;
The disassembly has:
ldr r3, [r3]
And I get 0x00000000 in r3. If I use the memory view, I can see that 0xFF000000 has a value of 0x00000114. If I look in the variable view, I can see that *reg has the same value (0x00000114). If I step to the line where the local copy is masked and then written back, I end up at the instruction:
str r2, [r3] ; r3 has been reloaded with the register address,
; and r2 contains the read-modify-write data.
Stepping past this, I see that the value of 0x00000000 (though not the correct value) should have been written, but the value does not actually change (via memory or variable view). In either of these views, I can manually change the value and it writes correctly.
I don't know how thoroughly the bus architecture of the Zynq MP is being emulated in this build of QEMU, but the silicon has separate memory ports for debug access and processor access, and does not access memory through the CPU, so there is a possibility for things to be mapped differently. However, the Xilinx demo code does appropriately perform the same actions.
So, a summary of what I've tried:
Verify disassembly should load/store from register location.
Step through instructions to verify CPU registers have the correct value to access peripheral register.
Accessed memory and variable directly via debugger.
Verify with Xilinx code that QEMU emulates peripheral.
Checked MPU settings (the region is set to non-shared and no restrictions on access)
I don't know what else I should try, and I'm basically stumped. It appears that QEMU, at least through the gdb interface, properly simulates the peripheral register, so I would think it would be fairly straightforward for the CPU to read/write. I appreciate any help, pointers, tips, etc. There's a lot going on that is new to me, including using QEMU as a development platform.


Understanding Cortex-M assembly LDR with pc offset

I'm looking at the disassembly code for this piece of C code:
#define GPIO_PORTF_DATA_R (*((volatile unsigned long *)0x400253FC))
int main(void){
// Initialization code
while(1) {
SW1 = GPIO_PORTF_DATA_R&0x10; // Read PF4 into SW1
// Other code
The assembly for that SW1= line is (sorry can't copy code):
Here are my questions:
At the first line, PC = 0x00000A56, and PC + 92 = 0x00000AB2, which is not equal to 0x00000AB4, the number shown. Why?
I did a bit of research on SO and found out that PC actually points to the Next Next instruction to be executed.
When pc is used for reading there is an 8-byte offset in ARM mode and 4-byte offset in Thumb mode.
However 0x00000AB4 - 0x00000A56 = 0x5E = 94, neither does it match 92+8 or 92+4. Where did I get wrong?
Strange behaviour of ldr [pc, #value]
Why does the ARM PC register point to the instruction after the next one to be executed?
LDR Rd,-Label vs LDR Rd,[PC+Offset]
From ARM documentation:
address = (PC[31:2] << 2) + (immed_8 * 4)
Rd = Memory[address, 4]
The pc is 0xA56+4 because of two instructions ahead and this is thumb so 4 bytes.
(0xA5A>>2)<<2 + (0x17*4)
(0x00000A5A&0xFFFFFFFC) + (0x17<<2)
This is an LDR so it is a word-based address ideally. Because the thumb instruction can be on a non-word aligned address, you start off by adding two instructions of course (thumb2 complicates this but add four for thumb). Then zero the lower two bits (LDR) the offset is in words so need to convert that to bytes, times four. This makes the encoding make more sense if you think about each part of it. In arm mode the PC is already word aligned so that step is not required (and in arm mode you have more bits for the immediate so it is byte-based not word-based), making the offset encoding between arm and thumb possibly confusing.
The various documents will show the math in different ways but it is the same math nevertheless. The PC is the only confusing part, especially for thumb. For ARM you add 8, two ahead, for thumb it is basically 4 because the execution cannot tell if there is a thumb2 coming, and it would break a great many things if they had attempted that. So add 4 for the two ahead, for thumb. Since thumb is compressed they do not use a byte offset but instead a word offset giving 4 times the range. Likewise this and/or other instructions can only look forward not back so unsigned offset. This is why you will get alignment errors when assembling things in thumb that in arm would just be unaligned (and you get what you get there depending on architecture and settings). Thumb cannot encode any address for an instruction like this.
For understanding instruction encoding, in particular pc based addressing, it is best to go back to the early ARM ARM (before the armv5 one but if not then just get the armv5 one) as well as the armv6-m and armv7-m and full sized armv7-ar. And look at the pseudo-code for each. The older one generally has the best pseudo-code, but sometimes they leave out the masking of lower bits of the address. No document is perfect, they have bugs just like everything else. Naturally the architecture tied to the core you are using is the official document for the IP the chip vendor used (even down to the specific version of the TRM as these can vary in incompatible ways from one to the next). But if that document is not perfectly clear you can sometimes get an idea from others that, upon inspection, have compatible instructions, architectural features.
You missed a key part of the rules for Thumb mode, quoted in one of the question you linked (Why does the ARM PC register point to the instruction after the next one to be executed?):
For all other instructions that use labels, the value of the PC is the address of the current instruction plus 4 bytes, with bit[1] of the result cleared to 0 to make it word-aligned.
(0xA56 + 4) & -4 = 0xA58 is the location that PC-relative things are relative to during execution of that ldr r0, [PC, #92]
((0xA56 + 4) & -4) + 92 = 0xab4, the location the disassembler calculated.
It's equivalent to do 0xA56 & -4 = 0xa54 then +4 + 92, because +4 doesn't modify bit #1; you can think of clearing it before or after adding that +4. But you can't clear the bit after adding the PC-relative offset; that can be unaligned for other instructions like ldrb. (Thumb-mode ldr encodes an offset in words to make better use of the limited number of bits, so the scaled offset and thus the final load address always have bits[1:0] clear.)
(Thanks to Raymond Chen for spotting this; I had also missed it initially!)
Also note that your debugger shows you a PC value when stopped at a breakpoint, but that's the address of the instruction you're stopped at. (Because that's how ARM exceptions work, I assume, saving the actual instruction to return to, not some offset.) During execution of the instruction, PC-relative stuff follows different rules. And the debugger doesn't "cook" this value to show what PC will be during its execution.
The rule is not "relative to the end of this / start of next instruction". Answers and comments stating that rule happen to get the right answer in this case, but would get the wrong answer in other Thumb cases like in LDR Rd,-Label vs LDR Rd,[PC+Offset] where the PC-relative load instruction happens to start at a 4-byte aligned address so bit #1 of PC is already cleared.
Your LDR is at address 0xA56 where bit #1 is set, so the rounding down has an effect. And your ldr instruction used a 2-byte encoding, not a Thumb2 32-bit instruction like you might need for a larger offset. Both of these things means round-down + 4 happens to be the address of the next instruction, rather than 2 instruction later or the middle of this instruction.
Since the program counter points to the next instruction, when it executes the LDR at address 0x00000A56, the program counter will be holding the address of the next instruction, which is 0x00000A58.
0x0A58 + 0x5C (decimal 92) == 0x00000AB4

How to prevent LDM/STM instructions expansion in ARM Compiler 5 armcc inline assembler?

I'm trying to generate AXI bus burst accesses using STM/LDM instructions in inline assembly in .c file compiled with ARM Compiler 5 armcc.
inline void STMIA2(uint32_t addr, uint32_t w0, uint32_t w1)
__asm {
STMIA addr!, { w0, w1 }
But ARM Compiler armcc User Guide, paragraph 7.18 is saying:
"All LDM and STM instructions are expanded into a sequence of LDR and STR instructions with equivalent effect. However, the compiler might subsequently recombine the separate instructions into an LDM or STM during optimization."
And that is what really happens in practice, LDM/STM are expanded into a set of LDR/STR in some cases and order of these instuctions is arbitrary.
This affects performance since HW we use optimized for bursts processing. Also this breaks functional correctness because HW we use takes into consideration sequence of words and ignores offsets (but compiler think that it's safe to change the order of instructions).
To resolve this it's possible to use embedded assembler instead of inline assembler, but this leads to extra function calls-returns what affects performance.
So I'm wondering if there is a way to generate LDM/STM properly without losing performance? We were able to do this in GCC, but didn't find any solution for armcc.
Target CPU: Cortex M0+ (ARMv6-M).
Slave devices are all on-chip devices, most of them are non-memory devices. For every register of non-memory slave that supports burst access region of address space is reserved (for example [0x10000..0x10100]), I'm not completely sure why, maybe CPU or bus doesn't support fixed (non-incremental) addresses. HW ignores offsets within this region. Full request can be 16 bytes for example and first word of the full request is first word written (even if offset is non-zero).
So I'm wondering if there is a way to generate LDM/STM properly without losing performance? We were able to do this in GCC, but didn't find any solution for armcc.
A little bit about compiler optimizations. Register allocation is one of it's toughest jobs. The heart of any compiler's code generation is probably around when it allocates physical CPU registers. Most compilers are using Single static assignment or SSA to rename your 'C' variables into a bunch of pseudo variable (or time order variables).
In order for your STMIA and LDMIA to work you need the loads and stores to be consistent. Ie, if it is stmia [rx], {r3,r7} and a restore like ldmia [rx], {r4,r8} with the 'r3' mapping to the new 'r4' and the stored 'r7' mapping to the restored 'r8'. This is not simple for any compiler to implement generically as 'C' variables will be assigned according to need. Different versions of the same variable maybe in different registers. To make the stm/ldm work those variable must be assigned so that register increments in the right order. Ie, for the ldmia above if the compiler want the stored r7 in r0 (maybe a return value?), there is no way for it to create a good ldm instruction without generating additional code.
You may have gotten gcc to generate this, but it was probably luck. If you proceed with only gcc, you will probably find it doesn't work as well.
See: ldm/stm and gcc for issues with GCC stm/ldm.
Taking your example,
inline void STMIA2(uint32_t addr, uint32_t w0, uint32_t w1)
__asm {
STMIA addr!, { w0, w1 }
The value of inline is that the whole function body may be put right in the code. The caller might have the w0 and w1 in registers R8 and R4. If the function is not inline, then the compile must place them in R1 and R2 but may have generated extra moves. It is difficult for any compiler to fulfil the requirements of the ldm/stm generically.
This affects performance since HW we use optimized for bursts processing. Also this breaks functional correctness because HW we use takes into consideration sequence of words and ignores offsets (but compiler think that it's safe to change the order of instructions).
If the hardware is a particular non-memory slave peripheral on the bus, then you can wrap the functionality to write to this slave in an external wrapper and force the register allocation (see AAPCS) so that ldm/stm will work. This will result in a performance hit which could be mitigated by some custom assembler in the driver for the device.
However, it sounds like the device might be memory? In this case, you have a problem. Normally, memory devices like this will use a cache only? If your CPU has an MPU (memory protection unit) and can enable both data and code cache, then you might resolve this issue. Cache lines will always be burst accesses. Care only needs to be taken in the code to setup the MPU and the data cache. OPs Cortex-M0+ has no cache and the devices are non-memory so this will not be possible (nor needed).
If your device is memory and you have no data cache then your issue is probably unresolvable (without massive effort) and you need different hardware. Or you can wrap it like the peripheral device and take a performance hit; loosing the benefits of the random access of the memory device.

ARM Program Counter distinguishing feature

How does the R15 of ARM differ from the general PC of a CPU?
Both of them are program counters only. What is the difference?
ARM's PC is more similar to a regular register with some restrictions than x86's IP is similar to a regular register.
Considering general PC is an Intel x86 based CPU, in x86's case you can't manipulate PC (Instruction pointer) directly but it is updated implicitly by provided control flow instructions.
In ARM's case historically Program Counter (PC), mapped as register at index 15 (16th register) can be manipulated directly via arithmetic instructions. For example you can add 16 to PC which would alter flow of instruction stream similar to a 16-byte forward jump instruction.
The ARM PC maybe more of a general register than most CPUs, but it is still very special. The traditional simple arithmetic instructions can use the PC as an input argument in many cases. Here it functions as a pointer or array base. It can also be used as the output for control transfer with these instructions. As a read-only value, it is useful for calculating return values in a PC-independent way. It is also useful to use as a constant table look-up in near-by code. For these cases, the PC is very much like a regular register. This is probably more common on many RISC CPUs as opposed to a CISC ISA.
However, when the PC is used as a destination (lvalue or updated and written), the behavior is often non-standard. Some examples of special cases (for some ARM architechure versions) for R15/PC are,
adcs - copies SPSR to CPSR
adds - copies SPSR to CPSR
ands - copies SPSR to CPSR
bics - copies SPSR to CPSR
bx r15 - highly discourage or not supported.
clz r15 - not supported.
mcr pXX, xx, r15,... - unpredictable
In most cases, using the PC as a destination of an instruction will have some special case. Especially, the use of the S (normally to set conditions codes) can be used to return from an exception. This might be used as some sort of veneer when returning from an exception or just a direct return. In some cases, the meaning of the instruction might change completely. For instance, ldm sp, {r0-r15}^ and ldm sp, {r0-r14}^ use different register banks; the first will load the registers according to the mode in the SPSR; whereas the 2nd will load the register to user mode.
For load/store, atomics, mode manipulation, co-processor and complex arithmetic (64 bit multiplies, etc) instructions, the PC is often unsupported or has a different meaning; the different meaning is often a mechanism for handling exceptions for system level code.

Unexpected warning on GNU ARM Assembler

I am writing some bare metal code for the Raspberry Pi and am getting an unexpected warning from the ARM cross assembler on Windows. The instructions causing the warnings were:
stmdb sp!,{r0-r14}^
ldmia sp!,{r0-r14}^
The warning is:
Warning: writeback of base register is UNPREDICTABLE
I can sort of understand this as although the '^' modifier tells the processor to store the user mode copies of the registers, it doesn't know what mode the processor will be in when the instruction is executed and there doesn't appear to be a way to tell it. I was a little more concerned to get the same warning for:
stmdb sp!,{r0-r9,sl,fp,ip,lr}^
ldmia sp!,{r0-r9,sl,fp,ip,lr}^
despite the fact that I am explicitly not storing ANY sp register.
My concern is that, although I used to do a lot of assembler coding about 15 years ago, ARM code is new to me and I may be misunderstanding something! Also, if I can safely ignore the warnings, is there any way to suppress them?
The ARM Architecture Reference Manual says that writeback is not allowed in LDM/SMT of user registers. It is allowed in the exception return case, where pc is in the register list.
LDM (exception return)
LDM{<amode>}<c> <Rn>{!},<registers_with_pc>^
LDM (user registers)
LDM{<amode>}<c> <Rn>,<registers_without_pc>^
The term "writeback" refers not to the presence or absence of SP in the register list, but to the ! symbol which means the instruction is supposed to update the SP value with the end of transfer area address. The base register (SP) value will be used from the current mode, not the User mode, so you can still load or store user-mode SP value into your stack. From the ARM ARM B9.3.6 LDM (User registers):
In a PL1 mode other than System mode, Load Multiple (User registers)
loads multiple User mode registers from consecutive memory locations
using an address from a base register. The registers loaded cannot
include the PC. The processor reads the base register value normally,
using the current mode to determine the correct Banked version of the
register. This instruction cannot writeback to the base register.
The encoding diagram reflects this by specifying the bit 21 (W, writeback) as '(0)' which means that the result is unpredictable if the bit is not 0.
So the solution is just to not specify the ! and decrement or increment SP manually if necessary.

call stack unwinding in ARM cortex m3

I would like to create a debugging tool which will help me debug better my application.
I'm working bare-bones (without an OS). using IAR embedded workbench on Atmel's SAM3.
I have a Watchdog timer, which calls a specific IRQ in case of timeout (This will be replaced with a software reset on release).
In the IRQ handler, I want to print out (UART) the stack trace, of where exactly the Watchdog timeout occurred.
I looked in the web, and I didn't find any implementation of that functionality.
Anyone has an idea on how to approach this kind of thing ?
EDIT: OK, I managed to grab the return address from the stack, so I know exactly where the WDT timeout occurred.
Unwinding the whole stack is not simple as it first appears, because each function pushes different amount of local variables into the stack.
The code I end up with is this (for others, who may find it usefull)
void WDT_IrqHandler( void )
uint32_t * WDT_Address;
Wdt *pWdt = WDT ;
volatile uint32_t dummy ;
WDT_Address = (uint32_t *) __get_MSP() + 16 ;
LogFatal ("Watchdog Timer timeout,The Return Address is %#X", *WDT_Address);
/* Clear status bit to acknowledge interrupt */
dummy = pWdt->WDT_SR ;
ARM defines a pair of sections, .ARM.exidx and .ARM.extbl, that contain enough information to unwind the stack without debug symbols. These sections exist for exception handling but you can use them to perform a backtrace as well. Add -funwind-tables to force GCC to include these sections.
To do this with ARM, you will need to tell your compiler to generate stack frames. For instance with gcc, check the option -mapcs-frame. It may not be the one you need, but this will be a start.
If you do not have this, it will be nearly impossible to "unroll" the stack, because you will need for each function the exact stack usage depending on parameters and local variables.
If you are looking for some exemple code, you can check dump_stack() in Linux kernel sources, and find back the related piece of code executed for ARM.
It should be pretty straight forward to follow execution. Not programmatically in your isr...
We know from the ARM ARM that on a Cortex-M3 it pushes xPSR,
ReturnAddress, LR (R14), R12, R3, R2, R1, and R0 on the stack. mangles the lr so it can detect a return from interrupt then calls the entry point listed in the vector table. if you implement your isr in asm to control the stack, you can have a simple loop that disables the interrupt source (turns off the wdt, whatever, this is going to take some time) then goes into a loop to dump a portion of the stack.
From that dump you will see the lr/return address, the function/instruction that was interrupted, from a disassembly of your program you can then see what the compiler has placed on the stack for each function, subtract that off at each stage and go as far back as you like or as far back as you have printed the stack contents.
You could also make a copy of the stack in ram and dissect it later rather than doing such things in an isr (the copy still takes too much time but is less intrusive than waiting on the uart).
If all you are after is the address of the instruction that was interrupted, that is the most trivial task, just read that from the stack, it will be at a known place, and print it out.
Did I hear my name? :)
You will probably need a tiny bit of inline assembly. Just figure out the format of the stack frames, and which register holds the ordinary1 stack pointer, and transfer the relevant values into C variables from which you can format strings for output to the UART.
It shouldn't be too tricky, but of course (being rather low-level) you need to pay attention to the details.
1As in "non-exception"; not sure if the ARM has different stacks for ordinary code and exceptions, actually.
Your watchdog timer can fire at any point, even when the stack does not contain enough information to unwind (e.g. stack space has been allocated for register spill, but the registers not copied yet).
For properly optimized code, you need debug info, period. All you can do from a watchdog timer is a register and stack dump in a format that is machine readable enough to allow conversion into a core dump for gdb.
