Static React App/Webpage Multi-language - reactjs

I have spend a week to figure out this question currently I'm using gatsby to generate my static web app.
i have tried to do it
it's kind a works, but still not exactly perfect solution.
i'm thinking about impelent React-Intl but i'm not sure. is it possible for static app/webpage?
any other suggestion ?

we use Instant as a multi-language solution for React. We have a static generated React app that we deploy to S3 and serve through CloudFront. In you React router you can make sure all paths are caught like /en/some-page and /fr/some-page. Then, based on this route you set the correct Locale in Instant and the tool will serve the correct language to the visitors.

My current approach is using react-intl and Gatsby-plugin-i18n together. so I keeping the content of the pages in Gatsby-plugin-i18n and for everything else in react-intl. which is works totally fine so far.


Is it safe and optimized to use static pre-rendered react app in production

I know you may find this question idea based, but as I'm newbie to react, I haven't had other places to ask.
I have created a single page react app using create-react-app and exported production version into build directory using the command npm run build.
Due to SEO friendly problems that react apps have, I decided to go with react-snapshot and react-snap but the first one is too old and deprecated and the second one has too many issues in its GitHub repo.
I should mention that I know about NextJs, Gatsby, Cloud pre-rendering and other ways. But I want to deploy my app to a serverless cloud like Vercel.
I wonder what happens if I render the production version in my browser (Lets say Chrome) and export rendered html, js and css into a single static HTML file? Remember that my app is made of several components, but the URL won't change because the whole app is in a single path/route.
I guess there would be some problems in different browsers!
I have found that it is possible to host a NextJs application on vercel. Besides, I went for vps.
Anyway, for future readers, I guess the best decision in my case was NextJs, which is very fast and light in production.
Note: If you find this Q&A useless, just let me know in the comments so I'll delete it.

How to add a Docusaurus website within Next.js Website as a route

Does anyone have any pointers on how to go about adding a /docs page for website documentation to a next.js app? I've looked up Docusaurus but it seems like it's already a react app itself. Is there a way to integrate it inside an existing next.js app or are there other solutions?
Many Thanks
One idea might be to intercept the request and send the html file that docusaurus builds out, and putting all other files in the public folder.
Also checkout this discussion about it.
I have done this with React apps using express. But never with Next. At first it looks like it would be possible with multi-zone in Next but that doesn't seem to do the job. So my other recommendation would be to try to use a instead and host it separately. Then you have a /docs url or a button that redirects to the doc domain instead.
Firebase has free hosting and allows you to setup multiple sites. So it should be fast to test this setup there
I'm going to actively try to get this to work with Next myself but I do not think it will work because of how they are developed. So I would do the above recommendation and if I find a workaround, I'll post an update.

NextJS + React Router - partially SSR app

I want to make partially SSR web application and looking for best solution for that. I need SSR for SEO and that will only serve dynamically rendered products pages - this will be handled by NextJS.
Other part of the app is only for logged users and I don't want anybody not logged to accidentally display it (but only users data have to be secure, if anyone access by a hack those restricted pages without any user data that's ok) - for that part I've already implemented React Router with proper redirections and few routes (it's using Redux too).
Whole project was made with create-react-app. Is there a way to easily combine those two functionalities? Do I have to move everything from /src to /pages? Maybe best way would be to serve them independently and just redirect to one or another using Apache configuration?
If anybody wonders about it - currently the best solution would be to use NextJS for all of it, cause Next provides a clean way to handle static pages, CSR and SSR alongside each other.
By the default all pages are static generated or pre-rendered with partial CSR, while using getServerSideProps method allows to handle SSR, without any extra configuration.

Universal rendering for react app based on create-react-app

I have an app based on the create-react-app starter kit and need to switch to universal/server rendering due to SEO issues.
Is there an easy way or example of taking the create-react-app teamplate and adding or modifying it to support universal rendering?
A lot of the examples I see for universal are overly complex for my needs and I prefer to keep it very clean and simple, if possible.
I found this medium post which points at this repository.
Seems simple enough, but since I'm a newbie on all webpack/react/node related stuff, if anyone thinks it's the wrong approach, would love to know...
There was a proof of concept of adding server rendering in this PR.
I can’t speak to how good it is but it’s something you could start with.
You may also look at some of the alternatives.
A few of them provide server rendering out of the box.
I've just created react universal (server-side rendering) starter used recommendations from redux and react-router v4. Fill free for feedback
You can take your app (bootstrapped with Create React App) to the next level by replacing react-scripts with a slightly altered version - react-app-tools, which allows adding server-side code to your project (e.g. for server-side rendering purposes and/or implementing an API endpoint). It will allow compiling and running your app using normal Create React App pipeline, using a single instance of Webpack, on the same HTTP port.
You can find more info by visiting React App SDK.

How to generate sitemap with react router

I'm trying to figure out how to dynamically generate sitemap in reactJS server side (express) web app. I'm using react router.
For simple ReactJS sitemap integration with React Router, you should check out the react-router-sitemap package.
It's fairly configurable as well, as you can see in the docs, so if you need to include change frequency or things like that, you should be able to do it no problem.
Or were you looking for a way to implement one yourself?
If your site frequently changes, you need to dynamically create the sitemap. I was stuck here and found this effective solution, which can even generate a real time sitemap by calling API for my website in ReactJS, using NextJs. dynamic Sitemap Steps
You can do this by creating most of the public files like
That too with preserving the behaviour of ReactJS.
