I'd like to add two forms of blockquote (one left & one right) to the "formatting" dropdown menu (not styles) in CKEditor in Drupal 7. Right now I only get options like "normal," "heading 2," etc.
If the editor selects "block quote right," for example from the dropdown it would wrap the text so that the end result would be something like this:
<blockquote class="blockquote-right"> Some text </blockquote>
How can that be done?
I am trying to build a text editor for my application using react quill. My requirement is to build a sentence template and in that template, there will be some HTML controls like some free texts and some dropdown options. Is it possible to build an editor like this using Quill. Basically, instead of toolbars, I want that toolbar like options in the text editor area.
Template 1 - I have {select option} brothers
Template 2 - My name is {input box}
In the first template, the number is a selectable item, and in the second example, the name is a free text. There are some validations on these items. that need to cover separately.
Is it possible to fulfil this requirement using Quill editor?
Following is the CkEditor I am trying to automate on my website:
I have automated clicking through the Bold, Italics, Subscript and Superscript buttons. However, the dropdown menu for Font color or Text style show up blank on the DOM as follows:
DOM for CKEditor
As you can notice, the span underneath the combo box element is empty. Thus any of the text color options available in the combo box do not show up on the DOM. How to automate clicking through various different text colors?
The issue is that at least this dropdown is inside an iframe. You have to switch context into that iframe before you can select something in the dropdown. The code below is working for me.
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("a[title='Formatting Styles']")).click();
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("a[title='Borderless Table']")).click();
I have a very simple assignment but for some reason it is not working. I am using the Community Builder feature in Salesforce. All I want to do is increase the spacing between the text and button(the orange marking). See picture below. I have been clicking to the "Page Editor" icon to make changes to the layout. On the side, where it says "Rich Text," I have pressed enter probably a 1000 times to increase the space but the button is in the same position. Can anyone please help on how I can increase the space between button and text?
Thank you
For Winter '17, simply pressing enter to create a new line break appears to work as you expect.
For non Winter '17, you could try this:
Click on the Rich Content Editor (or Rich Text) Lighting Component in the Community Builder
Click Source
At the very top of the source, you'll see <p>, change this to <p style="padding-bottom: 10px;">
If you want something like this to happen more than once, you could also create a custom Lighting Component that allows you to pick how much padding you want.
I'm building a responsive navigation with foundation 6, integrated in wordpress. I'd like to use data-responsive-menu attribute in order to trigger the drilldown plugin on small screens. Easy. The problem is that I don't want any of the other plugins on the other screen sizes. The documentation gives this example:
<ul class="vertical menu" data-responsive-menu="drilldown medium-dropdown">
But this trigger drilldown plugin on small screens and dropdown on bigger ones. If I use only "drilldown" options, or "small-drilldown", it targets all media queries. I know that I could call two instances of wp_nav_menu, with show-for-small-only and show-for-medium-up, but I wonder if I can achieve this without printing two equal menus.
You just need to add the responsive class that tells the menu to be horizontal from medium and up, like so:
<ul class="vertical medium-horizontal menu" data-responsive-menu="drilldown medium-dropdown">
Update: The bugs related to the dropdown arrows and submenu fold out direction in the responsive menu have been fixed in the release of foundation-sites 6.2.0.
I am trying to use navigation images on left as well right of <super-navbar> but it is stated in the official documentation, that only text is supported in super-navbar buttons. But there must be some way around to do this. Below is my code, where I want to place images instead of text:
<super-navbar-button side="left" id="hamburger" onclick="supersonic.ui.drawers.open()">Menu</super-navbar-button>
<super-navbar-button side="right">Search</super-navbar-button>
Instead of "menu" text I want to have hamburger type icon or png image at least. Same for search text.
This can be accomplished right now by removing the <super-navbar> section and writing your own html header.
If you look in the layout file for your project there is an import statement as you mentioned:
<link rel="import" href="/components/supersonic/components/import.html">
There is a section that states:
* #name super-navbar-button
* When used inside theelement, creates a button that will be displayed on the navigation bar. Only text content is supported for the button title.
Support for icons has been requested. You can subscribe to their github to get notifications of issues. https://github.com/AppGyver/steroids
One work around to be able to keep using <super-navbar> and have icons is to use something like this which will render as ≡
<super-navbar-button ng-click="toggleMenuDrawer()">
They have a good forum on Muut as well. This issue is most likely related to trying to add icons in the <super-navbar>. I experienced a disappearing navbar after trying to add markup: <i class="icon super-search"></i>
It works in the main content area, but makes the navbar behave differently when nested in a <super> element.