I just want to know whether this is the right way to post request:
I think a more correct way would be:
$http.post('../productattributecreate', uploadData)
Where uploadData is an object containing all you the data:
var uploadData = {
products_id = '1',
attributes_id = tab.attributeId,
attributes_values_id = tab.attributeValueId,
regularPrice = tab.regularPrice,
salesPrice = tab.salePrice,
purchasePrice = tab.purchasePrice,
stockStatus = tab.stockStatus,
sttockQuantity = tab.stockQuantity,
minquantitySales = tab.minQuantitySales,
maxQuantitySales = tab.maxQuantitySales,
productImage = ''
Also... It would be better if you had clarified your question with more information.
How should the signature parameter be generated for opening an authenticated connection to Coinbase Websocket? I can't find any concise description anywhere.
For GET/PUT API calls, I successfully generated it with the below code, but with the Websocket there is neither a "method" nor a "path_url", so what should contain the "message"?
timestamp = str(time.time())
message = timestamp + request.method + request.path_url + (request.body or '')
hmac_key = base64.b64decode(self.secret_key)
signature = hmac.new(hmac_key, message.encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha256)
signature_b64 = base64.b64encode(signature.digest())
I was finally able to solve this problem. Granted the code doesn't look all that interesting.
I'm using the following in conjunction with the CCXT library. More specifically, the Websockets fork implementation here.
const id = this.marketId (symbol)
const timestamp = Date.now() / 1000
const p_passphrase = this.safeValue(params, 'password')
const p_apiKey = this.safeValue(params, 'apiKey')
const p_secret = this.safeValue(params, 'secret')
const what = timestamp + 'GET' + '/users/self/verify'
const key = Buffer.from(p_secret, 'base64')
const hmac = require('crypto').createHmac('sha256', key)
const signature = hmac.update(what).digest('base64')
'type': 'subscribe',
'product_ids': [id],
'channels': ['user'],
'key': p_apiKey,
'signature': signature,
'timestamp': timestamp,
'passphrase': p_passphrase,
Hopefully that helps!
I am trying to send attachment (record has one attachment) in opportunity record via Apex and Docusign "CreateAndSendEnvelope" API.
But I am getting this error "The DocuSign EnvelopeId:Exception - System.CalloutException: Web service callout failed: WebService returned a SOAP Fault: An Error Occurred during anchor tag processing. Invalid document faultcode=soap:Client faultactor=https://demo.docusign.net/api/3.0/dsapi.asmx"
Below is the piece of code used.
// Render the contract
System.debug('Rendering the contract');
PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('/apex/RenderContract');
//Blob pdfBlob = pageRef.getContent();
Attachment att = [SELECT Id, Name, Body, ContentType FROM Attachment WHERE Parentid = :contract.Id LIMIT 1];
Blob pdfBlob = att.Body;
// Document
DocuSignAPI.Document document = new DocuSignAPI.Document();
document.ID = 1;
document.pdfBytes = EncodingUtil.base64Encode(pdfBlob);
document.Name = 'Contract';
document.FileExtension = 'pdf';
envelope.Documents = new DocuSignAPI.ArrayOfDocument();
envelope.Documents.Document = new DocuSignAPI.Document[1];
envelope.Documents.Document[0] = document;
// Recipient
System.debug('getting the contact');
Contact contact = [SELECT email, FirstName, LastName
from Contact where id = :contract.CustomerSignedId];
DocuSignAPI.Recipient recipient = new DocuSignAPI.Recipient();
recipient.ID = 1;
recipient.Type_x = 'Signer';
recipient.RoutingOrder = 1;
recipient.Email = contact.Email;
recipient.UserName = contact.FirstName + ' ' + contact.LastName;
// This setting seems required or you see the error:
// "The string '' is not a valid Boolean value.
// at System.Xml.XmlConvert.ToBoolean(String s)"
recipient.RequireIDLookup = false;
envelope.Recipients = new DocuSignAPI.ArrayOfRecipient();
envelope.Recipients.Recipient = new DocuSignAPI.Recipient[1];
envelope.Recipients.Recipient[0] = recipient;
// Tab
DocuSignAPI.Tab tab1 = new DocuSignAPI.Tab();
tab1.Type_x = 'SignHere';
tab1.RecipientID = 1;
tab1.DocumentID = 1;
tab1.AnchorTabItem = new DocuSignAPI.AnchorTab();
tab1.AnchorTabItem.AnchorTabString = 'By:';
DocuSignAPI.Tab tab2 = new DocuSignAPI.Tab();
tab2.Type_x = 'DateSigned';
tab2.RecipientID = 1;
tab2.DocumentID = 1;
tab2.AnchorTabItem = new DocuSignAPI.AnchorTab();
tab2.AnchorTabItem.AnchorTabString = 'Date Signed:';
envelope.Tabs = new DocuSignAPI.ArrayOfTab();
envelope.Tabs.Tab = new DocuSignAPI.Tab[2];
envelope.Tabs.Tab[0] = tab1;
envelope.Tabs.Tab[1] = tab2;
System.debug('Calling the API');
try {
DocuSignAPI.EnvelopeStatus es
= dsApiSend.CreateAndSendEnvelope(envelope);
envelopeId = es.EnvelopeID;
} catch ( CalloutException e) {
System.debug('Exception - ' + e );
envelopeId = 'Exception - ' + e;
Any ideas how to overcome this error?
The Original Poster's (OP's) comment is
it worked fine on rendering the whole record to pdf...but now i tried sending attachments only instead of whole record.. i started to get this error.
So my guess is that the envelope request has a document problem.
Best way to debug: see what is being sent to the DocuSign platform.
Try the beta API logger or the regular logger. Then add the log to your question by editing your question.
This problem came across me with same error .
" An Error Occurred during anchor tag processing. Invalid document faultcode=soap:Client faultactor=https://demo.docusign.net/api/3.0/dsapi.asmx "
you need to replace anchor tab string with desired string given in your attached document where signature is required.
Replace :
tab1.AnchorTabItem.AnchorTabString = 'By:';
tab2.AnchorTabItem.AnchorTabString = 'Date Signed:';
To :
tab1.AnchorTabItem.AnchorTabString = 'Signature label in your document';
tab2.AnchorTabItem.AnchorTabString = 'Signature label in your document';
Still new and just learning how to use arrays. I am getting the error "Cannot convert Array to Object[][]. (line 46, file "Submit to Record")
Line 46 is
targetSheet.getRange(lastRow+1, 1, 1, arrayOfData.length).setValues(arrayOfData);
I had this error once before, but it was because of an array inside an array issue. Now I don't know what's wrong.
The entire code is
function submitButtonClick() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
Logger.log('sheet.getName(): ' + sheet.getName());
if (sheet.getName() !== "SubmitReceipt") {return;};
var targetSheet = ss.getSheetByName("ReceiptRecord");
var arrayOfData = [];
var week = sheet.getRange(6,9).getValue();
var emplN = sheet.getRange(4,9).getValue();
var purDate = sheet.getRange(9,9).getValue();
var purFrom = sheet.getRange(11,9).getValue();
var custC = sheet.getRange(14,9).getValue();
var deptC = sheet.getRange(16,9).getValue();
var lotC = sheet.getRange(18,9).getValue();
var laborC = sheet.getRange(20,9).getValue();
var itemC = sheet.getRange(22,9).getValue();
var hyperL = sheet.getRange(28,9).getValue();
var notes = sheet.getRange(44,8).getValue();
arrayOfData[0] = week;
arrayOfData[1] = emplN;
arrayOfData[2] = purDate;
arrayOfData[3] = purFrom;
arrayOfData[4] = custC;
arrayOfData[5] = deptC;
arrayOfData[6] = lotC;
arrayOfData[7] = laborC;
arrayOfData[8] = itemC;
arrayOfData[9] = hyperL;
arrayOfData[10] = notes;
Logger.log('arrayOfData '+ arrayOfData)
var lastRow = targetSheet.getLastRow();
Logger.log('lastRow: ' + lastRow);
Logger.log('arraylength ' + arrayOfData.length);
targetSheet.getRange(lastRow+1, 1, 1, arrayOfData.length).setValues(arrayOfData);
I know this code is clunky and could be written more efficiently and condensed, but I am writing this way on purpose because I am new to JS and this is an easy way for me to keep my head on straight about what is happening in the code. I hope my sanity efforts are not the cause of my problem. Please help. :)
Serge insas answered the question in the comments. He said:
I guess you should simply write
but I'm just guessing ;-)"
That did indeed fix the problem. Thanks, Serge insas!
After the TYPO3 (6.1.7) website of a customer has gone online, the Formhandler forms do not work correctly anymore. They do send an email, but it seems that they do not execute the Finisher_DB for writing into the database anymore.
The TypoScript settings look like this:
plugin.Tx_Formhandler.settings {
debug = 0
name = Default
addErrorAnchors = 1
formValuesPrefix = formhandler
fillValueMarkersBeforeLangMarkers = 1
singleErrorTemplate {
totalWrap = <div>|</div>
singleWrap = <span class="error">|</span><br />
errorListTemplate {
totalWrap = <ul>|</ul>
singleWrap = <li class="error">|</li>
validators {
1.class = Tx_Formhandler_Validator_Default
1.config {
fieldConf {
wish.errorCheck.1 = required
alternative.errorCheck.1 = required
firstname.errorCheck.1 = required
surname.errorCheck.1 = required
nationality.errorCheck.1 = required
dateofbirth.errorCheck.1 = required
phone.errorCheck.1 = required
email.errorCheck.1 = required
street.errorCheck.1 = required
zip.errorCheck.1 = required
city.errorCheck.1 = required
country.errorCheck.1 = required
# Finishers configuration
finishers {
1.class = Tx_Formhandler_Finisher_Mail
1.config {
checkBinaryCrLf = registrationMessagePlain, registrationMessageHtml
limitMailsToUser = 10
admin {
user {
2.class = Tx_Formhandler_Finisher_DB
table = tx_chilifhregistration
key = uid
fields {
timeslot = Sommerplatz
timeslot_july.mapping = timeslotSummerJuly
timeslot_august.mapping = timeslotSummerAugust
timeslot_september.mapping = timeslotSummerSeptember
wish.mapping = wish
wishcategory11.mapping = wishCategory11
wishcategory19.mapping = wishCategory19
wishcategory22.mapping = wishCategory22
wishcategorydb.mapping = wishCategoryDb
alternative.mapping = alternative
alternativecategory11.mapping = alternativeCategory11
alternativecategory19.mapping = alternativeCategory19
alternativecategory22.mapping = alternativeCategory22
alternativecategorydb.mapping = alternativeCategoryDb
salutation.mapping = salutation
firstname.mapping = firstname
surname.mapping = surname
nationality.mapping = nationality
dateofbirth.mapping = dateofbirth
phone.mapping = phone
email.mapping = email
street.mapping = street
zip.mapping = zip
city.mapping = city
country.mapping = country
salutation2.mapping = salutation2
firstname2.mapping = firstname2
surname2.mapping = surname2
nationality2.mapping = nationality2
dateofbirth2.mapping = dateofbirth2
phone2.mapping = phone2
email2.mapping = email2
street2.mapping = street2
zip2.mapping = zip2
city2.mapping = city2
country2.mapping = country2
What could be the problem?
You should better use the predef-definition-style for forms. This will save you trouble with multiple forms and is a cleaner implementation.
plugin.Tx_Formhandler.settings.predef.yourformularname { ...config... }
You can find a bunch of examples on the offical site/examples
I assume that your admin and user mail-config is only empty because you won´t post any customerinformation?
Did the form work if you fill in every single field?
In my own usecases all field i map with the finisher are required, maybe you should set a ...IfEmpty-option for non-require fields.
Here are the available ifEmpty-options.
I am doing what looks like a simple query basically doing a WHERE clause on the competition_id and the prize_type
$criteria = new CDbCriteria;
$criteria->select = 't.*, myuser.firstname, myuser.surname';
$criteria->join ='LEFT JOIN myuser ON myuser.user_id = t.user_id';
$criteria->condition = 't.competition_id = :competition_id';
$criteria->condition = 't.prize_type = :prize_type';
$criteria->params = array(":competition_id" => $competition_id);
$criteria->params = array(":prize_type" => "1");
$winners = CompetitionWinners::model()->findAll($criteria);
Can anyone suggest what is wrong with my code... I am expecting around 4 rows.. but get over 600?
I just want to do ...
WHERE competition_id = 123 AND prize_type = 1;
Is there a simple function to simply output the SQL query for this SINGLE CDbCriteria 'event'?
try this
$criteria = new CDbCriteria;
$criteria->select = 't.*, myuser.firstname, myuser.surname';
$criteria->join ='LEFT JOIN myuser ON myuser.user_id = t.user_id';
$criteria->condition = 't.competition_id = :competition_id AND t.prize_type = :prize_type';
$criteria->params = array(":competition_id" => $competition_id,":prize_type" => "1");
$winners = CompetitionWinners::model()->findAll($criteria);
Or you could use CDbCriteria::addCondition()
$criteria->addCondition('t.competition_id = :competition_id')
->addCondition('t.prize_type = :prize_type');