Reactjs - data flow - reactjs

I have a general question about where to load data in Reactjs.
The main component is called App. Then the App returns 3 components: Header, Body, and Footer. Now within Body, there is a Tab component, which is further subdivided into a few components including a component called "grids".
Now I want my data (after being filtered) displayed in Grids.
Please correct me if I'm doing it wrong but my thinking is:
Load data in the main component App as state:
Pass it to Body with:
<Body data={} />
In the Body component, pass it further as:
<Tabs data={} />
In the Tabs component, pass it further as:
<Grids data={} />
In Grids, write all the methods to filter data and display/return it accordingly.
Is this correct?

The flow you've outlined is correct. An alternate approach is to use context: Anything set into context of one component is available to every descendent of that component, without setting props of intermediate components.
Context comes with a warning though:
Using context will make your code harder to understand because it
makes the data flow less clear. It is similar to using global
variables to pass state through your application.
BTW, for managing data, I'd use something like Flux or Redux. Managing data directly within React components quickly becomes a pain in a** as application grows. Flux/Redux, on the other hand, scale very well.


Passing props with React Router

So I'm still learning React, but I feel like I understand at least the "basics". However, Routing with React router and just general "architecture" is where I'm getting a little lost at.
I'm making a personal project app, but ill keep my descriptions/components generic for the explanation. Essentially I have 3 Main components right now:
<Table/> (Rendered in "App" and also the main / URL route, it's essentially just a bootstrap table. Also contains my state which is an array of objects (That will be eventually retrieved via JSON via a GET request to an API)
<Row/> (A single row of data on the table, represented by 1 object in the array of objects from the state provided in <Table/>. Also contains a button that takes you to the "View" page/component below)
<View/> (What is going to be a "View/Details" page for the Row)
So I imagine my route for <View/> is going to be something like <Route path="/:id/view" children={<View/>} /> (Keeping it super simple and generic right now just for the explanation)
Sidenote: How come sometimes I see <Route> wrapping a component and sometimes I see <Route> defined with the children prop pointing at the Component to render?)
Anyways...the button in <Row/> will be a <Link to={'{$}/view'}> I think....however how exactly do I pass the props down to <View/> based on the :id param? I need to pass the data I receive in the <Row/> component onto the <View/> component (Because within the <Row/> component is where I link to <View/>.
I suppose ONE option would be to do something like let {id} = useParams(); and then do a GET request specific for that particular resource from the API. But considering I'm already passing the data down to each row and it's available in the state within <Table/> it seems like an unnecessary HTTP request.
Im probably making this more complex than I need to, but I need to pass the "data" all the way down from <Table/> to the <View/> component depending on the data id. And I'm not really sure how to set up React router to do that. Hopefully what I'm asking makes sense.
To answer your first question, I'll reference the react-router documentation as this is answered in the subsection named "route render methods".
The tldr of the above is simply that the "preferred" method of rendering components via <Route/> is by supplying actual children to the component. However, there are other methods and specific use cases that go along with each.
As for the core issue you're asking about: What you'll want to do is use an object in the <Link /> component that persists a state to the <View /> element that has all of the information that it will need. You can find react-router's documentation on this here.

What is proper or effective way for Composition of React Component?

I have multiple view in my application, I need helpl in how to use reusable component effectively ? Is it ohk if I create viewspecific component from reusable component ? - Generic Tree View . For users View which will render with user specific data and actions .
I have written re useable component in my react app.Which I have to use it with different data and action is it ohk to creat new component which use resuable component and provide data related to that ?
Component - DepartmentTree which renders and some functions related to Department. So finaly I will render
Component - usersTree same way here it calls and methods related to users . In the users view I will render
It's definitely OK to create a view-specific component that renders a reusable component. You could let this depend on how big your page is. If it includes a lot of components, then do split them up in view specific components.
About the data, you have a few options... First of all you could map the data response to a general structure that your TreeView component can read, so you only need to pass some props to the TreeView component. You could do this in the redux reducer.
If you require specific data different behaviour, but you still want to use the reusable TreeView component, you could think about creating a Higher Order Component. This component will wrap your reusable component and add some specific logic to it. You can read about it and see some good examples here:
The most important thing I always keep in mind: It's not always about how you finally do it, it's about keeping it simple, understandable and consistent.

Redux/MobX - Do I need to pass data in child components via props in React?

I know It may sound like a dumb question, But I am not able to get this solved in my head. Please bear with me.
In case when we use a state management system in React like Redux / Mob X, I guess the main purpose of these state management techniques is to provide a single source of Data and a more structured approach of updating it.
Say, I am Using a state management library(MobX) for React, And suppose I have a parent component which makes an http API call and updates the MobX store with the API response. Now I need that data in one of child/nested components.
My Question is, Should I pass that data as a prop to child component or should I enable child component to connect with Central Store and directly get that data ?
by connecting the child to store, I am turning the Child into a class component, which is making it more heavy and React optimisations may not apply. I am defeating the whole purpose of a functional component.
Awaiting replies.
Best Regards,
This completely depends on the situation. I would suggest splitting your components up in 2 parts:
Components that could be re-used in other projects
(Higher level) Components that are so specific to this project that they probably never will be re-used.
For components of category 1, I would suggest not using mobx store directly, but instead make pure react components. (eg think of a dropdown, or an ajax dropdown component).
For second part components (think of, header, footer, section components specific for your website). just make them directly interact with the Mobx store, so that you can way quicker code what you need (instead of constantly having to prop everything).
For components of category 1 you can always wrap them with the #inject() method. This way for example you could turn a dropdown component into a UserDropdown component that uses the mobx store for its state. (The inject method injects mobx state as props in the component).
const UserDropDownComponent = mobx.inject(stores => ({users: stores.userStore.users}))(DropDownComponent);
// usage:
<UserDropDownComponent />
For pure components wont always see changes of mobx state. To Fix this you need to wrap the component in an #observe annotation. Or you have to inject the props by wrapping it into: mobx.toJS(yourMobxStateProperty)

How to handle layout containers which do not match component hierarchy?

As far as I've understood, in React, components should communicate in an hierarchical order through the nested hierarchy. Given this, how should it be handled when an application's layout container structure don't match the natural/expected/logical component hierarchy.
As an example of my question, I've come up with a scenario based on my app, that I'm not sure how to implement properly:
The screen is split vertically in two halves. This is done having two
div containers side by side. To each halve there's a corresponding
component: ItemsList and ItemDetails.
Nested inside ItemsList, there are several Item components we can
click on.
Each time there is click on an Item, the corresponding defined _itemID prop value needs to be sent to ItemDetails so it can load and display Item details in there.
The problem is, given the component structure, how can ItemDetails be a child of Item and still be on the right section of the screen where it's intended to be. (At least without some weird CSS which I want to avoid).
Here's the layout:
<div className="wrapper">
<div className="itemList" style="width:50%; display:inline-block;">
<div className="item">item1</div>
<div className="item">item1</div>
<div className="item">item1</div>
<div className="itemDetails" style="width:50%; display:inline-block;">
The details of the selected item.
I believe I could send information from a child to parent following up the hierarchy, but this don't seem practical. Considering this scenario is just a simplification of my actual problem (I have a lot more nested components), I believe this would make the code messy and confuse.
Is there a clean, simple way to achieve this in React? Am I missing some concept?
If it were me I would have a container component based off your wrapper. It would handle all state changes and be the source of truth for what the currently selected item is. Then you'd just need to pass a callback from the wrapper component through props down to your ItemsList that would handle setting the state of the active item.
Then you can just pass activeItem as a prop to the itemDetails component. It is a fairly common pattern to have a container component that manages state and passes callback functions down to child components that would allow them to create an action that changes the state of the container
The heirarchy would look like:
<Wrapper> // holds the state of active item and provides functions to change the active item
<ItemList /> // provides a list of items that when clicked sets active
<ItemDetail /> // shows the detail of the currently select item
Here is a pen of what i'm trying to explain
This always depends on many things. If you intend for a small project you are fine working with setState and refer to finalfreq's great answer. If you intend to scale well (aka grow without pain) then I would opt for a state management library.
I hate to be the guy who answers a simple question with "Use ... library! It's awesome!", and like I said, it really does not get much better than finalFreq's answer if you don't have the need to grow your app. A redux author even mentions that you should learn react without redux first, and you should not reach for it until you have a real need.
If you use redux then you should never have to worry about component structure for the sake of passing scope. Component structure if I am not mistaken(which I often am XD) should be based on what is easiest to understand and maintain, also performance comes to mind.
Your question is in the context of react, but I think this is really a state management and data communication question. I opt for redux.js lately(a pub/sub like library), but there are many alternatives. Redux requires a bit more typing, but offers extreme explicitness that you may appreciate as the project grows.
But the main reason I would reach for this is that it focuses on functional programming principles, and pushes your state mutations to the outer fringes of your app. This simplifies your code. If there is a bug it's easy to find(All mutations should be in the reducer files. You would also move your calculations to a util file which simplifies your code even more)

ReactJS: Why use this.props.children?

I've realised that none of the components I write use {this.props.children}.
I tend to compose my components the way the official docs state at the top of
Is nesting the components like this...
<B />
<C />
...beneficial over composing them like this?:
render() {
<B />
<C />
Presuming that's the right terminology, what am I missing?
In my applications I rarely use this.props.children, because I often know specifically what children I want to render. In libraries, or components written to be re-used outside of a specific component hierarchy, I've seen it often. I think this.props.children has more relevance to that use-case.
Edit: I thought I'd elaborate on some cases that this.props.children can come in handy. One such example is when creating components which follow the 'render prop' pattern. i.e. I've got some components that require pulling data in from multiple 'render prop' HoC's, such as an Apollo Query component as well as a state management HoC. I combined all my different data sources into one HoC and then called children as a function, passing in the result of pulling out all the data I needed. That being said these days I prefer and look forward to wider adoption of Hooks as an alternative to render props.
Really any component which you want to render arbitrary children; another example I've used props.children is when creating a HoC that required a user be authenticated before rendering the child, redirecting to a login screen when the user isn't logged in. I could wrap any of my 'protected' screen components with this auth HoC.
It's still something the majority of my components don't use, but just another tool to be applied when the situation warrants.
I'd say it would be useful when you don't know what you want to render.
For instance, you have a tooltip wrapper, let's say it's A component in your scenario, and you can use it to pass different content:
<div>Some text...</div>
<ImageComponent /> // render an image as well
<div>Only text</div>
Some components don't know their children ahead of time. This is especially common for components like Sidebar or Dialog that represent generic "boxes".
We recommend that such components use the special children prop to pass children elements directly into their output:
Children is a special prop that can be passed from the owners to the components defined inside their render method. It allows us to customize a structure of a component.
With props, a child component keeps its structure under the full control and only certain attributes or values are allowed to be passed. The structure of the component is hard coded.
In the React documentation, children property is described as opaque, because it is a property that does not tell anything about the value it contains. As a result it allows a client/parent to customize a structure.
We can also say, that the components defines only a kind of basic template/structure, for instance by providing a kind of "header". And the consumer reuses this header structure, by adding children.
