I'm using lightbox2 in DreamWeaver and it's great. The only problem is that both the next and prev arrows don't show up, but the X and loading gif show up fine. They are all in my images folder. Any thoughts?
Are you sure they aren't just showing up below the image? I' currently have a problem where they're displaying way below the image. I have to scroll down to see them.
I am facing a issue while trying to update scroll fast in my application. Screen became blank while scrolling fast.
I have added video link.Issue Video
I was trying to make smooth render on contact list but adding 50 per conacts scroll blank space was coming.
I am developing an app with angular and ionic, and I am facing a strange issue with scrolling.
What I currently have, is a directive to display some temperatures on a page.
Everything works, but if I try to scroll using the mouse wheel (when the mouse cursor hover some text) the page won't scroll. If, however, I have the mouse cursor somewhere else, the page scrolls.
To better explain and show this issue, I've created a codepen which you can find here: http://codepen.io/NickHG/pen/beBGdx
I have no idea why this happens.
Any suggestion?
I've found a workaround.
Set overflow-scroll="true" in the ion-content.
Is it possible to achieve something similar to the attachment using imageviewer. I already have images loaded using the DefaultListModel but I would like something similar to the screenshot where part of the next image shows so the user knows there is a next image and if possible the slider at the bottom of the screen.
Most of the people who did that used the Tabs widget which is more suitable for that sort of usage. You can see some discussion of this here:
Since I'm updating my application from Ext JS 4.2.1 to Ext JS 5.1, I took the chance to upgrade my old charts to the shiny new sencha charts. I've been trying to set up an interactable stacked bar chart that looks like this
Users should be able to click on the bars or on the labels on the left to check out the details.
I've managed to capture mouse events on the chart bars (using the chartitemevents plugin), but I'm stuck trying to capture click events on the labels.
I've tried using the spriteevents plugin on the chart, but on 5.1 it simply doesn't work, and it's broken on the 5.1.1 nightly builds (you always get the background sprite no matter what). Even if it did work, getting the correct sprite would only get me halfway there as I would have no clue about which series does that label belong to.
Here's a fiddle with an example of the situation: https://fiddle.sencha.com/#fiddle/hjm
Does anyone know of a way to do this?
As and added bonus, it would be great if it was possible to capture onmouseover and onmouseout events too, so I could change the cursor to pointer whenever a label is hovered.
i just created a plugin for axis click: Sencha Forums
Ask me anything if the plugin usage is not clear.
there is one issue with page scroll down you can,t select any tile i that for this try to re size your browser
and create a vertical scroll and then select any tile you will see the issue. please see this screen shot am facing this issue in html5 version. Thanks any help will be appriciated
Please see the attached screen shot
i got success to get resolved the issue. by getting scroll top and scroll left in jquery to get highlight specific tile in pivotviewer . so now when page resize it don,t disturb its position. :P