We were trying to add field in contextual filters view .In local server its working but only in Live domain PHP version 5.6.25 its not working(some fields are not added).
Eg: Content: Course (field_accreditation_course)
Appears in: node:accreditation
Is there any other way to add a field to contextual filter.
In Drupal 7 Views Module, I can access the custom field field_area which is a list (select).
I have for example:
cyt|Ciencia y TecnologĂa
I need to use the first one when building a div, to use as a MixItUp selector.
How can I access this in Views?
I've found Googling that you must use Formatter: Key instead of Default when clicking on the field, below Exclude from Display
I've created a calendar views wherein i can see all the events I've created. I also add contextual filter(start_date_of_event) to set the date to current on the first load of the page. It is working fine but my problem is that when i put an exposed filter(start_date_of_event) same field i use in my contextual filter, and tried to run it ? it seems it wont work.
To further explain. Below are the sample link:
1. with contextual filter (working) : http://test.com/test-calendar-listing/2014-12
2. with contextual filter and exposed filter (not working) :http://test.com/test-calendar-listing/2014-12?field_state_country_value=All&field_sample_method_of_delivery_tid=All&field_topics_tid=All&field_provider_type_value=All&field_event_status_value=1&field_start_date_value%5Bvalue%5D%5Bmonth%5D=11&field_start_date_value%5Bvalue%5D%5Byear%5D=2014
What i did so far is used filter harmonizer but no luck.I also tried to used hook_form_alter to redirect the page the link i want but not working also. can you please suggest what is the best thing to do? or what are things i am missing ? thanks for your help.
I am trying to do a seemingly simple thing but unable to come up with anything.
I'll be specific here for what I want to achieve. I want to clone the existing Taxonomy term which has a path of /taxonomy/term/%. After cloning this view, I wanna make the following changes to it:-
Change the name to Document of Taxonomy Term
Add a filter to this view of a field called is_document. It's a checkbox which is when clicked shows that this node of my taxonomy term is a document.
Change path to /taxonomy/term/documents/%, which shows that I am opening all nodes of this term which are marked as document.
Now when I open my site, let's say with the URL www.mysite.com/organisation/company/documents, it doesn't pick the view. The URL www.mysite.com/organisation/company works as it picks the default Drupal View.
Any idea what I can do here?
I hope I was able to explain efficiently.
I used TVI, but it changes all the pages of my taxonomy terms. I don't wanna change my current scenario where normal taxonomy term pages are opened through /taxonomy/term/% (native Drupal view). I just wanna open all taxonomy terms with a document filter when /taxonomy/term/documents/% view is selected.
I suggest you to download and install Pathauto for URL aliases patterns.
In your Views, you set the path at: taxonomy/term/documents/%
In Pathauto settings, you to go "Patterns", then scroll to the taxonomy section where you can set a new URL pattern: [term:vocabulary]/[term:name]/documents
Then, go to Update tab and update all the paths for Taxonomy.
Enjoy your new Views.
I have a field in a cms called 'services' the services is a lsit of checkboxes with the values
The issue is each of the options has a related url. Is there way to link a url to a 'service' or am I looking at taxonomy to solve this issue?
You need to use a taxonomy. A select list is simply a key/value pair with no other additional data. If you build a new taxonomy, you can either use the taxonomy URL for your purpose or you can add a Link field and give each term a specific URL and tie that in somehow, maybe through Views or a custom display.
I'm using "views" to customize the output of every single blog page.
I know I need some kind of wildcard. I am also using clean URLS but am unsure if a wildcard can be used on an alias.
There is only 1 user who will be posting blogs.
Using an alias I would like to apply this custom view to every page under this URL:
For example: http://www.esselaw.com/blogs/blog-entry1 & http://www.esselaw.com/blogs/blog-entery2 and so on.
Since there are other pages that I don't want to apply this view to, I don't want apply this view to anything in this URL format:
Can this be done?
I believe you can achieve with the following approach:
First Create a view on the same principale as the taxomony term view (admin/structure/views/view/taxonomy_term/edit).
The specific setup shall be :
Path settings shall be : /node/%
Contextual fitlers : nid with the following setup in the fieldset "When the filter
value IS in the URL or a default is provided" : select validor 'content' then
choose your content type. This shall restrict the view to the content
type selected
When done, setup a custom url pattern for your content type using the pathauto module.