SolrCloud in production - querying q=* gives numFound=0 - solr

So I have a three-node cluster deployed using a zookeeper. And successfully created test collection (3 shards). Then after I have
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'ec2FirstNodeIP:8983/solr/test/update' --data-binary ' [ { "f1" : "1", "f2" : "2", "f3" : "3" } ]'
I got
{"responseHeader":{"status":0,"QTime":38} ...
However when I have curl "sameIP:8983/solr/test/select?wt=json&indent=true&q=*:*"
I am getting
But using the admin UI for updating the document, the query now returns the document
image for admin UI
What am I missing?

To make document searchable we should commit. use commit=true
ec2FirstNodeIP:8983/solr/test/update?commit=true this should work.


Update the value of a specific field in solr

I am trying to update the value of existing field in solr document to a new value using curl.Below is the query and response. But I do not see the value for code getting reflected in solr. Please help to resolve the issue.
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'http://localhost:8390/solr/collection/update' -d '[{"id" : “12345”,”code” : {"set" : “500”}}]’
Looks like you have missed the commit=true in your request and hence the issue.
Try the below command and hopefully it should work for you.
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'http://localhost:8390/solr/collection/update?commit=true' -d '[{"id" : “12345”,”code” : {"set" : “500”}}]’

Solr edismax query syntax error "Query Field '_text_' is not a valid field name"

I had originally created in my solr schema 3 copy fields:
curl -X POST -H 'Content-type:application/json' --data-binary '{"add-copy-field": {"source":"company_name","dest":"_text_"}}' http://my-instance/solr/listing/schema
curl -X POST -H 'Content-type:application/json' --data-binary '{"add-copy-field": {"source":"address","dest":"_text_"}}' http://my-instance/solr/listing/schema
curl -X POST -H 'Content-type:application/json' --data-binary '{"add-copy-field": {"source":"city","dest":"_text_"}}' http://my-instance/solr/listing/schema
However, I have recently removed these from the schema and are now composing queries in a slightly different format. More advanced queries we have the need for edismax.
However, even by turning on edismax I'm receiving an error from the solr query parser as per below. Did I break something by deleting the copy fields?
"responseHeader": {
"zkConnected": true,
"status": 400,
"QTime": 1,
"params": {
"q": "*:*",
"defType": "edismax",
"debugQuery": "on",
"stopwords": "true"
"error": {
"metadata": [
"msg": " Query Field '_text_' is not a valid field name",
"code": 400
As per the comments the 'text' field remains in 3 places in the config:
As per the comment on my question (I'm still on the learning path of solr):
Although they have been deprecated for quite some time, Solr still has
support for Schema based configuration of a <defaultSearchField/>
(which is superseded by the df parameter) and <solrQueryParser defaultOperator="OR"/> (which is superseded by the q.op parameter.
If you have these options specified in your Schema, you are strongly
encouraged to replace them with request parameters (or request
parameter defaults) as support for them may be removed from future
Solr release.
For our purposes and as we are using the edismax query parser we needed to specify the query fields that we wanted to use.
2+ year old post, not sure this will help.
Since you are using "defType": "edismax"
try "q.alt": "*:*" instead of "q": "*:*". This should fix the issue.

Apache Solr JSON Querying Local Params

In the Solr documentation it focuses explanations on how to use the GET parameters to define queries, but gives very little information on how to accomplish the same tasks using the better structured JSON POST support. I have been unable to find any documentation that goes deeper than very surface-level explanation.
Particularly, I'm trying to utilize local params in my queries and would like to know how to accomplish the following using a JSON POST instead of GET params:
http://localhost:8983/solr/city/query?sort={!sfield=location pt=35.5514,-97.4075}geodist() asc&q={!geofilt sfield=location pt=35.5514,-97.4075 d=5}
According to JSON Request API / Parameters Mapping your query would map to:
"sort": "{!sfield=location pt=35.5514,-97.4075}geodist() asc",
"query": "{!geofilt sfield=location pt=35.5514,-97.4075 d=5}"
Just to complete #MatsLindh answer, you can use usual parameter names as long as you wrap them in params (no mapping needed), for example :
"params": {
"q":"{!geofilt sfield=location pt=35.5514,-97.4075 d=5}",
"sort":"{!sfield=location pt=35.5514,-97.4075}geodist() asc",
"wt": "json",
"indent": "true"
Request example using curl :
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X "POST" --data #file.json http://localhost:8983/solr/city/query

Solr: indexing on the example films doesn't return any result

I just started to learn Solr, when I create the index on the "films" example, I got only 5 documents in Solr Admin which is of course wrong. Here are the steps from Steve Rowe that I followed:
bin/solr stop
rm server/logs/*.log
rm -Rf server/solr/films/
bin/solr start
bin/solr create -c films
curl http://localhost:8983/solr/films/schema -X POST -H 'Content-type:application/json' --data-binary '{
"add-field" : {
"add-field" : {
bin/post -c films example/films/films.json
curl http://localhost:8983/solr/films/config/params -H 'Content-type:application/json' -d '{
"update" : {
"facets": {
I got nothing when I do my search:
What am I missing here? I even tried to remove solr and reinstall it with no success.
From SolAdmin I can see 1100 docs are there in the core.
Thank you very much, any clue is appreciated.
When you are doing the query q=batman you mention no field to search against. Usual Solr syntax is field:value. In your case I assume it should be q=name:batman
As additional information - when no field is specified, Solr picks up the default field from the configuration, but most likely in your case, it was the field that is not existing in the index.

org.apache.solr.common.SolrException Stream Body is disabled

I have setup apache solr 7.1 and using postman tool to query it. But when I am trying to delete indexed data using postman I get following error.
GET http://localhost:8983/solr/solr-sample3/update?stream.body={
"delete": {
"query": "*:*"
"commit": { }
"error": {
"metadata": [
"msg": "Stream Body is disabled. See for help",
"code": 400
It was working in previous solr version solr 6.6. I went through the lucene documentation but I am not able to figure it out.
You don't need to enable the stream body. Just use a curl POST request specifying the data type as text/xml
curl http://localhost:8983/solr/solr-sample3/update?commit=true -H "Content-Type: text/xml" --data-binary '<delete><query>*:*</query></delete>'
Or if you're using the Post Tool included in solr:
bin/post -c core_name -type text/xml -out yes -d $'<delete><query>*:*</query></delete>'
I went though the documentation, it says i need to enable stream body as it has been disabled in solr 7.1 .
to enable use :
curl http://localhost:8983/solr/solr-sample3/config -H 'Content-type:application/json' -d'{
"set-property" : {"requestDispatcher.requestParsers.enableRemoteStreaming":true},
"set-property" : {"requestDispatcher.requestParsers.enableStreamBody":true}
Here is what worked for me, using cURL and avoiding to enable stream body:
curl http://localhost:8983/solr/solr-sample3/update?commit=true -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/xml" --data-binary "<delete><query>*:*</query></delete>"
