I have a Drupal 7 site with 3 languages- English (default), Korean, and Spanish.
On certain pages (user profile, 2 different custom content types), anonymous users get access denied error messages when viewing the pages on the Korean or Spanish versions, but can see the content fine on the English version.
Logged in users can see the pages without any problem, and other custom content types don't have this issue.
I tried flushing the cache (multiple times) and rebuilding permissions (multiple times) to no avail.
Is the Content Access module enabled? If so try looking into the settings for that.
I'm doing a tutorial on communities, and after setting pages and themes, i wanted to add users. The access is made from the contact object.
I setup the community, but think i should have a link here
i setup the user of a contact like this:
User License = Customer Community
Profile = Customer Community User
Active = true
but when i try to log him in, i get: "Looks like this portal user is not a member"
I tried the same with another profile, a clone of the native Administrator profile, to which i added, in Profile Overview > App Permissions
Manage External Users = true
then, one by one, i activated all permissions, and still had that warning.
i'm using Classic
This is a developer licence
What am i missing?
The links disappeared because you killed off your own access to community (on Sysadmin, cloned profile etc). Do you remember editing this page? (sorry I had to censor some bits). If you removed System Administrator from the list of profiles - #fail.
If you can work with the new community and it's OK to have old one lying around - cool. If not - You might be able to resurrect it by exporting the community definition file, tweaking it and deploying back. I'm assuming you have some dev experience.
Prepare package.xml that contains
Export the zip file (you don't neccessarily need developer tools, http://workbench.developerforce.com/ might be enough). Inspect the networks/YourCommunityName.network file. There should be a section similar to this
<profile>Censored User</profile>
Make sure "Admin" is on the list and deploy it back to org. It should give you access back and then you can add your customer community user's profile, permission set or whatever you plan to give them.
Hello 2sxc enthusiasts!
I developed a 2sxc application in a protected page. A group of users can read, add and modify the information in that 2sxc application. Since they can do some important actions but not administer the entire page, I gave the rights to "modify the module" (not certain it's the English terms...) to this group of users only for the 2sxc application developed. In my controller, the function attributes are:
[DnnModuleAuthorize (AccessLevel = SecurityAccessLevel.Edit)]
Everything works very well considering the code but giving the editing rights on the DNN module, it appears now the persona bar with this little pencil and no menus that ultimately is useless. This creates an overhead, slowing down the application without need.
I could set the rights to [DnnModuleAuthorize (AccessLevel = SecurityAccessLevel.Annonymous)] considering the presence of [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] and only base the security on the DNN page but is there a way to retain limited rights for the controller without having this persona bar?
Thanks for your advices!
As of 2sxc 9.30 there are new ways to set permissions, incl. at App-level. You could try to remove DNN edit permissions but set the app to editable. We haven't tried this scenario, but it could work.
I'm planning to create a website, and the pages contents will be created by both Admin and normal(logged in) users.
Is wagtail admin page supposed to be only for the admin users to create page contents ?
Is it a bad idea to give normal users the admin access with limited permissions to allow them to create their page contents?
If it is a bad idea, is it still possible to use the awesome admin page editor interface for the normal user?
I'm wondering how other people handles the page creation by the normal users in wagtail..
It depends how you're defining "admin user". By the most literal definition, as soon as you give a user access to the Wagtail admin, they're an admin user...
Wagtail is designed to support multiple user roles - through features like the permission system and the "submit for moderation" option, so that you can give people access to edit pages without giving them total control over the site. For example, the Royal College of Art - the site that Wagtail was originally built for - gives students limited-permission accounts on Wagtail so that they can create and submit pages about their work in the RCA Now section, without giving them edit access to the rest of the site.
If you want to give normal user to wagatil admin access than you have to give below permission as mentioned in photo.
You can see this in
wagtail admin > settings > groups > other permissions > check "can access wagtail admin"
And might be clear that you have'nt given Admin Access Role.
I've created some new fields for users who register in admin/config/people/profile
since we are still building the site I want to port these out to a features module
but am completely unable to figure out how to do this? I thought it would be some
thing like Features >> [Create Feature] [Edit components] >> Variables but cannot
find my custom fields?
I named my new form Registration, and tried view sourcing and flipping through the
source with the find command but am unable to find it there either. Anyone know what
it might be called or under?
In order to unlock the profiles, I used this Administer user profiles in Drupal 7 method.
In case you hadn't figured it out yet, you can export fields by selecting the "Fields: field" component when creating your view.
By the looks of your URL you're not using the latest 7.12 core version? Currently the page to manage the fields for user profiles is located at "Administer > Configuration > People > Account Settings > Manage fields" (admin/config/people/accounts/fields) page, so you may need to update...
Did you create a profile or add the fields directly to the user entity?
With the drupal 7 fields API you don't need the profile module anymore in fact it's deprecated. Because of that I don't think their is features support for profiles
I have 2 MVC sites on a shared hosting environment. The first one works fine and I can log on and use the membership provider etc.. no problems. A second site can see the database and retrieve other (site specific) data on its pages. However when I try to log in I simply get a page refresh - no error messages with invalid UC/PW, and no succesful log on with good credentials, for example.
One further piece of info (may be a red herring) is that the first domain has the database declared within its control panel (using Plesk) - but the second one has no reference to it within the domain - however the hosting company have assured me that simply using the same connection string will work. And it does to retreive the site-specific data.
tm, Leeds UK
For anyones interest . .
It seems that because the site was still in preview, forms don't work until you actually put live.
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