Create a Google App Engine Project Programatically in Go - google-app-engine

I'm trying to find a way to dynamically create a project on Google App Engine using Go following this example.
However, the documentation isn't very clear (at least for me) in how to proceed to authenticate the user and the Go example goes as far as saying:
// TODO: Fill required fields.
I also had a look at the Go Client Library Documentation which made things even more confusing to me.
Has anyone used this API before or have found a way to programatically create a project in App Engine?

When you initialize the API by calling cloudresourcemanager.New(hc), you pass an http client, that in the case of this example is authenticated by using the default credentials from the system. These credentials come from the default service account of App Engine or Compute Engine (not sure about the second though), depending on the environment you are in. If you are outside of Google Cloud, you can follow the instructions on the example:
// 2. This sample uses Application Default Credentials for authentication.
// If not already done, install the gcloud CLI from
// and run
// 'gcloud beta auth application-default login'
If you do this, the default credentials will be taken from the user you used to log in on the command gcloud beta auth application-default login. Another possibility would be changing the code to generate the credentials by calling JWTConfigFromJson1, that would explicitly load your credentials from a json file. Here2 you can see an example of how to initialize an http client using this method.


Setting target url with gcloud

I have been using the Google App Engine Launcher's "Deploy" button. I realize that the Launcher is going away at the end of July 2020, so I'm trying to learn to use gcloud. My web site has a custom url,, but "gcloud app deploy" uploads to instead of to, presumably because "target url" is set to Can someone please tell me what gcloud command I need to use to change "target url" to, or some other scheme that would work? I've wandered through lots of gcloud and GAE documentation and web searches without being able to figure out what I need to do.
There is a very good and complete guide about mapping a custom domain to your application in the official documentation. As #DanCornilescu said,it needs to be configured, but it is not necessary to be done before deployment.
Basically, you need to follow the steps from the guide:
1) Verify that you are the owner of your domain through Webmaster
2)Ensure that your domain has been verified, otherwise you will not be able to proceed with the following steps. Note that only verified domains will be displayed.
3)If you need to delegate the ownership of your domain to other users or service accounts, you can add permission through the Webmaster Central page
4)After you verify ownership of your domain, you can map that domain to your App Engine app
5)Add the resource records that you receive to the DNS configuration of your domain registrar
6)Test for success by browsing to your app via its new domain URL, for example
In case you need to do more complex mappings for different urls and subdomains you can always write down the routing rules in the dispatch.yaml file and they will be mapped successfully.
Also, to add a bit more of information about the dipatch.yaml file, it will handle the routing in the App as opposed with the app.yaml which will take care of the App's settings. Both .yamls can exist in the same application and can be deployed at the same time by using the following gcloud command:
gcloud app deploy app.yaml dispatch.yaml
The deployment is always done to, the custom domain is automatically updated if it is already configured. If it is not then it needs to be configured (it can be done after the deployment as well).

Google Cloud Functions http request only by Google App Engine

I have a nodejs app deployed on Google App Engine, which trigger http cloud functions, thought simple http call (using axios) to get data from Google Cloud Sql.
Everyone that will use the site will be able to see the http request and to replicate it.
What is the best way to secure my google cloud functions to be called only from google app engine?
The best way is to deploy a private function.
When you deploy your function with the cli use the --no-allow-unauthenticated param. This feature is in Beta
On the console, you can't you when you deploy your function. However, you can delete the access to all user in the functions list page
Click on the function line (not the name of the function, the line)
Show the info panel in the upper right corner
Delete allUsers from the cloud function invoker.
Now authorize only AppEngine to access to your function
In the console, at the same place (Function Invoker), add the AppEngine default service account :
With the cli, use this command
gcloud beta functions add-iam-policy-binding <Your Function Name> \
--member='serviceAccount:<your project id>' \
Now only the user/service account with the role cloudfunctions.invoker could invoke your function.
I feel the post mentioned by #Denis T does mention options for your scenario. Since you commented it does not work for your scenario, did you consider restricting access to Cloud Function to only the App Engine default service account? How to do this is mentioned in the answer quoted by Denis.

Changing app engine service account roles not effecting access

My goal is to run a google app engine application with the minimal amount of access to resources it needs. In my case the application will access the datastorage in the project (this is the golang example tutorial using the source code git checkout origin/part4-usingdatastore from
I did the following
Create a new project, foobarproject3
Created a new app in the project (using golang)
In the project IAM/IAM noticed the, assumed this is the service account, so changed it's role to just BigQuery User. Notice that no Datastorage roles are configured (The UI forces me to provide access to something so I chose BQ)
Followed the tutorial instructions for the using datastore golang app (guestbook application)and deployed the app.
Opened the link to my app: It failed (this is great, this is what I expected, since the service account does not give the app permissions to read/write datastorage)
Refreshed and it started to work
There is something basic that I'm not understanding about service account from app engine. Isn't the app engine using these service account to access project resources? Why is the app getting access to datastorage when the service account does not have a policy that would allow access to datastorage?
"My goal is to run a google app engine application with the minimal amount of access to resources it needs."
This is dicey to unpack without more context. What is it that you're trying to achieve that goes beyond App Engine's default behavior?
My experience is that if one starts changing roles without understanding the basics, things go sideways (or South, or West, or Pear-shaped, depending on where you are). So I suspect you shot yourself in the foot in your third bullet.
When you access your app from the browser you are using your own user credentials, not the app's service account. And your user credentials might be exactly the app owner/admin ones, if you created the app using those credentials. See, for example, app.yaml handler login: admin option not effective on standard env python GAE app?
Make sure you log out from the app, or try accessing the app from an incognito browser window or by using a dumb(er) utility to prevent accidental/undesired credential leaking.
The app's service account is for your app to identify itself when it's interacting with other services/apps. From Understanding Service Accounts:
A service account is a special type of Google account that belongs to
your application or a virtual machine (VM), instead of to an
individual end user. Your application assumes the identity of the
service account to call Google APIs, so that the users aren't
directly involved. A service account can have zero or more pairs of
service account keys, which are used to authenticate to Google.

hide app from public in Google App Engine

I've read some info about authentication, but I would have thought that I could turn off my app's visibility and/or access to the public. This would be useful for alpha testing so surely a setting like this exists? Or do I need to build such things into the app itself?
Without some sort of authentication mechanism your app can't really distinguish between a request coming from you and one coming from someone else.
It might be a good idea to spend a bit of time to analyze your app's authentication requirements and maybe get it done now, while still in alpha.
Depending on the solution it may be fairly simple to integrate.
Google offers multiple authentication options, see What is the difference between Google identity toolkit, Google OAauth and Google+ sign in
I personally opted for the GIT kit for simplicity, flexibility and convenience.
It's possible secure your App's urls so only an authorised user or administrator can access them.
This can be done through the app.yaml file (Python, PHP and Go applications) or the web.xml deployment descriptor (Java applications).
Option A:
Just allow only admin access, in yourapp.yaml
- url: /*
login: admin
Option B:
If you have an static IP (or with a few changes a week), you can detect the IP of the request and let run only from your IP:
class yourHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
if userIP=="" # Change this with your static IP
...your code for authorized users.
Option C:
Check request domain (to ensure is called from your own authorized domains), and put some security client side.
class yourHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
if origin=="" # Change this with your domain/subdomain
...your code for authorized users.
# I recommend to put also the CORS headers for your own domain
self.response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = ""
Personally, I have a mix of the three options plus a custom authentication to access private content.
By default, every service is born public. Change that, individually, by changing the --ingress setting for the service you want.
gcloud beta app services update <service-name> --ingress <value>
all (default): public to internet.
internal-only: only accessible for resources in the same Cloud Project.
internal-and-cloud-load-balancing: only accessible for resources in the same Cloud Project. And those requests came from configured Cloud Load Balancing.
1 Gateway + a bunch Microservices architecture example:
gcloud beta app services update ms-payment --ingress internal-only
gcloud beta app services update my-backend-gateway --ingress all << default!! Just for example purpose.
In this way, ms-payment is accessible only by resources within the same Cloud Project, even if they are in different VPCs.
Refer the documentation:
I've found recently that you could also use IAP (Identity-Aware Proxy) IA-what? I found a tutorial that implements it on App Engine.
Tutorial for App Engine.
So I didn't want to rely on my own authentication implementation because I'm not an expert, and security it's something very hard to learn in a rush. In a nutshell
Deploy an IAP step 1
Add your app engine (or the whole scope) to your IAP
add your authorized emails on the left panel step 3. For access use:
IAP-Secured Web App User: Grants access to the app and other HTTPS
resources that use IAP.
My Personal opinion here: try to implement as many safety measures as possible (don't rely on one system only), usually they could fail.

GAE Launcher enforce Google account signin in app.yaml

Firstly, just letting you know I have searched a fair bit here and I am aware of some of the other questions on this topic but none answer my question.
The authentication of the Local GAE differs from the appspot deploy and I need it not to with minimal work-around code.
I'm writing an HTML5 app and I can do the google authentication via a button and it updates all the correct tokens so I can access the profile in either GAE Launched apps or appspot deployed ones.
I need the google account details of the logged in user within the app
I am writing (for API calls to calendar and contacts for example)
, and I'd rather not have to write a login handler only for my local development platform - automated for simplicity or otherwise.
I've read that adding login:required forces a login, and on appspot this works perfectly. Locally it does nothing useful.
I've read that you can write a Python decorator to use #login_required - but I'm not writing in Python (It's php generating an HTML5 page). I could write a bit of a PHP wrapper to handle it, or automate a call in Javascript on page load - but this is the workaround I don't want to write because it's handled in the production environment for me.
I want the login:required option as everything is handled for me in
. I have googled the options for the login tag and nothing there suggests I can force a google login in the locally launched app. I have googled the launcher and settings, but nothing seems apparent.
I suppose I could live with the dev workaround, and the app could assume I'm authenticated and the JSON request handlers in my app would just use the login:required with the correct google tokens being passed once I am authenticated.
Do I have any other options?
This sounds like it could be a PHP runtime bug. login:required works fine on the python local dev server. Have you checked the issues page to see if it's been reported?
Otherwise it's possible that it's bypassing the login on your dev server because you have some cookie in your browser indicating that you're already logged in. You might try clearing cookies
Alternatively (at least on the python devserver), you can go to your login page via http://localhost:8000/_ah/login to force a logout (obviously fix the hostname and port number)
There appears to be no way round this other than to write the whole OAuth handler yourself (or get one elsewhere) - significant overkill for a development environment only 'issue'.
I have written the app to handle the getting of the google profile details as it starts and force an authenticate if they are not present.
This means that the login:required will work as expected in the production world and force you to authenticate to google before you even get to the application... then the app just gets the profile details because the tokens are already present.
login:required in the dev environment just puts up a screen which you just 'ok', then the app attempts to gets the profile details but forces the authentication itself because there are no authentication tokens present.
It's unfortunate, but it's a single step in a development that users will not have to use, but it works.
