Update array content within another array that don't have key - arrays

I have mongoDB content as below:
Here I have an array named 'Category' where it contains objects with different category id.
I need to
select a particular category id - '57c3df061eb1e59d3959cc40'
From the above selected Category, we get 'Value' array
From Value array need to find if the second value is equal to 'ZZZZZ' ie. value[1] == 'ZZZZZ'
And now, update the matched value arrays with a new value at the end
should be updated to
should be updated to
I have tried as below:
"Category.CategoryId": new ObjectId('57c3df191eb1e59d3959cc43'),
"Category.Value.$.1": 'ZZZZZ'
{"$set": {"Category.Value.$.3": "update1"}
}, function(err, resData){
But, nothing gets updated. Its there any way to get this work. Please help to update the inner array.
Thanks in advance.

Your goal is not possible at the moment since you need to update two positional elements.
There is a JIRA trackable for the sort of behaviour you want here: https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-831
It's a problem since you need to match two elements positions:
the Category element with the matched CategoryId
the Value element in the Value array of arrays
If one of these wouldn't be an array it would have been possible.
Anyway, Your update try above was wrong. IF this feature was possible (and it is not!!!) it would have been something like this:
Category: {
$elemMatch: {
CategoryId: ObjectId('57c3df061eb1e59d3959cc40'),
Value: {
$elemMatch: {
'1': 'ZZZZZ'
$push: {
'Category.$.Value.$': 'update1'
The positional $ operator should be used during the update and not the find like you did, and it will update the first element that matched the query.
Doing the above will return the error:
Too many positional (i.e. '$') elements found in path 'Category.$.Value.$'
Because of the missing feature I explained at the top.
So, currently (version 3.2) you will not be able to do this unless you change your schema.


Remove only one of the selected elements from the array in mongodb

I have an array that is like [1,2,1,2,3,5,2]. And I want to remove only one element amongst the selected elements. I used $pull operator and it doesn't work as I required, it remove all elements I specified.
db.user.updateOne({_id: ...}, {$pull:{'array': 1}})
I tried it and give this result: [2,2,3,5,2].
is there any way to get the result: [2,1,2,3,5,2]
This feature does not exist (and won't), as you can see in this Jira. ticket they choose they won't do this.
Here is a hacky work around - the strategy will be to find the index of the first matching element and slice it out of the array, like so:
"$set": {
"array": {
"$concatArrays": [
$cond: [
$gt: [
"$indexOfArray": [
"$slice": [
"$indexOfArray": [
"$slice": [
"$add": [
"$indexOfArray": [
"$size": "$array"
Mongo Playground
$reduce the array starting with {"n-ar": [], "found": false}
the first time you find it you ignore it, and you set found=true
else you just $concat to add the member to the new-ar
*it can be generalized, like remove the first 4 occurences, if integer is used as found
*its pipeline update requires MongoDB >= 4.2
{"field": "n-ar",
{"input": "$ar",
"initialValue": {"n-ar": [], "found": false},
[{"$eq": ["$$this", 1]}, {"$eq": ["$$value.found", false]}]},
{"n-ar": "$$value.n-ar", "found": true},
{"n-ar": {"$concatArrays": ["$$value.n-ar", ["$$this"]]},
"found": "$$value.found"}]}}}}}}}])

MongoDB - How to modify the "key" element in the document

I am having the below document structure:
"network_type": "ex",
"rack": [
"xxxx": {
"asn": 111111,
"nodes": {
"business": [
"region": "ex-01",
"zone": "01a"
I need to rename/update the key array element "xxxx" to "details".
I tried the below command, but it doesn't seem to work.
$rename: {
"rack.xxxx": "details"
Link: https://mongoplayground.net/p/9dcDP-VKZ55
Please help me.
You can't direct $rename the field name which is within the array.
Iterate with document(s) in the rank array, create the details field with the value of xxxx and next append this field to each document.
Remove the path with $rank.xxxx to remove the xxxx field from the document(s) in the rank array.
$set: {
rack: {
$map: {
input: "$rack",
in: {
$mergeObjects: [
"details": "$$this.xxxx"
$unset: "rack.xxxx"
Sample Mongo Playground

How to push a new element into existing array or create one if it doesn't exist yet in MongoDb?

I have a script creating a document, updating it and cleaning up.
db.getCollection('things').insert( { _id: 1001,
elemo: { a: "A", b: "B" },
histo: [ ] } } )
db.getCollection('things').update( { _id: 1001 },
[ { $set: {
histo: { $concatArrays: [ "$histo", ["$elemo"] ] } } } ] )
db.getCollection("things").find({ _id: 1001})
db.getCollection('things').remove({ _id: 1001 })
For certain reasons, I'd like to retain the functionality but can't guarantee that the originally empty array actually exists. I need to perform my update in such a way so that an existing array will get an additional element, while a non-existing (yet) one will get created (including said element).
db.getCollection('things').insert( { _id: 1001,
elemo: { a: "A", b: "B" } } )
db.getCollection('things').update( { _id: 1001 },
[ { $set: {
histo: { $concatArrays: [ "$histo", ["$elemo"] ] } } } ] )
db.getCollection("things").find({ _id: 1001})
db.getCollection('things').remove({ _id: 1001 })
The above only creates the field but its value is null, and so additional amendments to it result in null. I'm rather certain that it needs something more around $concatArrays but I can't figure out what. First, I thought I could go $ifnull but it didn't recognize that command (no error, no insertion, no coalescing, nothing).
You can make use of $cond or $ifNull (as you guessed) to check if the key exists or not inside the $concatArrays operator.
Using $cond Method
_id: 1001
$set: {
histo: {
"$concatArrays": [
"$cond": {
"if": {
"$not": [
"then": [],
"else": "$histo",
Mongo Playground Sample Execution
Using $ifNull Method
_id: 1001
$set: {
histo: {
"$concatArrays": [
"$ifNull": [
Mongo Playground Sample Execution

Mongo - Remove Array Element with $pull Does Not Work With $nin (does not exist)

I have the following query and it works with $in but not with $nin.
I'm trying to remove the link list items by name (itemA and itemB) from all records that are NOT part of a document that has a user name which contains '#not_these' or '#nor_these'.
db.users.update({userName:{$nin: [ RegExp('#not_these.com'), RegExp('#nor_these.com') ]}},{$pull:{'myLinkList': {name: {$in: ['itemA', 'itemB']} } } } )
If I make it $in and and declare the RegExp() explicitly it does remove the array items as expected.
db.users.update({userName:{$in: [ RegExp('#yes_these.com'), RegExp('#and_these.com') ]}},{$pull:{'myLinkList': {name: {$in: ['itemA', 'itemB']} } } } )
This one does remove itemA and itemB array list items for those explicitly declared users.
Why can't the items '#yes_these' and '#and_these' be removed using the first example? It seems to do nothing when executed.
Sample document:
"_id": ObjectId('5e34741aa18d8a0c24078b61'),
"myLinkList": [
"name": "item",
"created": ISODate('2020-01-31T18:38:18.682Z'),
"managedBy": [
"name": "itemA",
"created": ISODate('2020-01-31T18:38:18.682Z'),
"managedBy": [
"name": "itemB",
"created": ISODate('2020-01-31T18:38:18.682Z'),
"managedBy": [
"userName": "#yes_these.com"
After update (hopefully):
"_id": ObjectId('5e34741aa18d8a0c24078b61'),
"myLinkList": [
"name": "item",
"created": ISODate('2020-01-31T18:38:18.682Z'),
"managedBy": [
"userName": "#yes_these.com"
I verified this did work:
db.users.updateMany({userName:{$nin: [ /#not_these\.com/), /#nor_these\.com/) ]}},{$pull:{'myLinkList': {name: {$in: ['itemA', 'itemB']} } } } )

Find array in array data in MongoDB

I want find in this document groups:
"document": {
"groups": [
"id": "5ccd5f7f34f82b0e3315b2f6"
"id": "73b43unbfkfmdmddfdf84jjk"
are contains some of my query array groups ID:
[ '5ccd5f7f34f82b0e3315b2f6',
'5cdee5d114edac2cc00bb333' ]
A simple find query suffices:
db.collection.find({ 'groups.id' : {$in : [ '5ccd5f7f34f82b0e3315b2f6',
'5cdee5d114edac2cc00bb333' ] }})
