Laravel DB design: how to model different types of similar entity - database

First of all I have to mention that I am modernising our ERP system that is build in-house. It handles everything from purchasing of parts, sale orders, quotes and inventory to invoicing and statistical data. The system is web based and heavily dependent on ORM. EloquentORM will be used in the redesign.
My main question is about the data model of certain entities that are very similar. Currently three of most widely interconnected entities in the app are: Orders, Products and Invoices.
1. Orders
In current DB design I have one big orders table in which there is a order_type attribute to distinct between different order types: Purchase orders, Sale orders, Quotes and Service orders. About 80% of fields are common to each order type and there are some specific fields for each order types. Currently at ~15k records.
2. Products
Similarly I have one big products table with an attribute product_type to distinct between different product types: Finished products, Services, Assemblies and Parts. Again there is a fair % of fields that are common throughout all product types and some that are specific to different product type Currently at ~7k records.
3. Invoices
Again one table invoices with invoice_type attribute to distinct between 4 invoice types: Issued invoices (for things we sell), Received invoices (for things we buy), Credit notes and Avans Invoices. More or less all invoice types use the same fields. Currently at ~15k records.
I am now trying to decide which is the optimal way for this kind of DB model. I see three options:
1. Single Table Inheritance
Leave as is, everything in the same table. It feels kind of awkward to always filter records like where order_type = 'Sale order' to display right orders in the right place in GUI... Also when doing sale and purchase analytics I need to include the same where condition to fetch right orders. Seems wrong!
2. Class Table Inheritance
Have a master tables orders, products and invoices with common set of fields between each of entity types and then one-to-one child relation tables for every different type of each entity: sales_orders, purchase_orders, quote_orders, finished_products, reseller_products, part_products, assembly_products, received_invoices and issued_invoices with FK in each of the child tables to master table... This seems like a good idea but handling that with ORM brings in a little more complexity...
In this method I have a questions which FK should be used around. For example each invoice can belong to one order. Received invoice will go with Purchase order and issued invoice will go with Sale order. Should the master orders table's PK be used as a FK in the master invoices table to relate these entities, or should the child sale_orders PK be used in the child issued_invoices?
3. Concrete Table Inheritance
Having completely separated tables for every type of each entity. This would avoid me having parent->child relationship between master table but would result in a lot of similar attributes in each table...
What would be the best approach? I am aiming at ease of use in EloquentORM and also speed and scalability for the future.


What's the proper way to associate different account types (database types) to payments and invoices?

I've run into a bit of a pickle during my development of a web application. I've boiled down the complexity of the application for sake of simplicity in this question.
The purpose of this web application is to sell insurance. Insurance can be purchased through an agent (Agency) or over the phone directly (Customer). Insurance policies can be paid through the agency or the customer can pay for the policy directly. So money is owed (invoiced) and received (payments) from multiple sources (Agencies/Customers).
Billing Options:
Agency (Agency collects from customer outside of app)
Here's where it gets complicated. Agencies are stored in a separate database table than customers (for obvious reasons). However, both agencies and customers need to be able to make payments and have invoices assigned to them. I'm having difficulty figuring out how to create the proper database schema to allow for both types of database records to be connected to their invoices and payments.
My initial plan was to set up separate relationship (joining) tables that link the agencies and customers to invoices/payments.
However, now that I've been thinking about the problem more, I think it might be beneficial to merge both agencies and customers into a single "Payee" table which would then be associated with payments/invoices. The payee table would only store a primary key. It would not contain actual names or info for the payee - instead I would pull that data via a JOIN with either the agencies or customers tables.
Regardless of whatever solution I choose I am still faced with the problem when creating a new payment record is that I need to scan both the agencies and customers table for possible payees. I'm wondering if there's a proper way to approach this from a database schema standpoint (or from an accounting/e-commerce standpoint).
What is the correct way to handle this type of situation? All ideas and possible solutions are most welcome!
Update 01:
After a few helpful suggestions (see below) I've come up with a possible solution that may solve this issue while keeping the data normalized.
The one thing about this method that rubs me the wrong way is that I will have to make multiple table selects to get a list of all the people who can potentially make payments and/or have invoices assigned to them.
Perhaps this is unavoidable though in this situation since indeed there are different "types" of people that can be associated with payments and invoices. I'm stuck with a situation where I have two different types of records that need to be associated to the same thing. In the above approach I'm using the FKs to link each table (Agencies/Customers) to a Payee record (the table that unifies both Agencies/Customers) and then ultimately links them to Payments and Invoices.
Is this the proper solution? Or is there something I've overlooked?
There are several options:
You might put this like you'd do it with OOP programming and inheritance.
There is one table Person which holds an uniqueID and a type (Agency, Customer, more in Future). Additionally you might add columns with meta-data like who inserted/when/why and columns for status/soft-delete/???
There are two tables Agency and Customer, both holding a PersonID as FK.
Your Payee is the Person
You might use a schema-bound VIEW with a UNION ALL to return both tables of your modell in one result. A unique index on this view should ensure, that you'll have a unique key, at least as combination of the table-source and the ID there.
You might use a middle table with the table-source and the ID there as unique Key and use this two-column-id in you payment process
For sure there are several more...
My best friend was the first option...
My suggestion would be: instead of Payees table - to have two linking tables:
PayeeInvoices {
Id, --PK
InvoiceId --FK to Invoices tabse
PayeePayments {
Id, --PK
PaymentId --FK to Payments table.
PayeeType is an option of two: Customer or Agency. When creating a new payment record you can query PayeeInvoices by InvoiceId to get PayeeType and corresponding PayeeId, and then lookup the rest of the data in corresponding tables.
Having second thoughts now. Instead of two extra tables PayeeInvoices and PayeePayments, you can just have PayeeId and PayeeType columns right in Invocies and Payments tables, assuming that Invoice or Payment belongs only to one Payee (Customer or Agency). Both my solutions are not really normalized, though.

How do I create a table in SQL Server that stores multiple values for one cell?

Suppose I have a table for purchase orders. One customer might buy many products. I need to store all these products and their relevant prices in a single record, such as an invoice format.
If you can change the db design, Prefer to create another table called PO_products that has the PO_Id as the foreign key from the PurchaseOrder table. This would be more flexible and the right design for your requirement.
If for some reason, you are hard pressed to store in a single cell (which I re-iterate is not a good design), you can make use of XMLType and store all of the products information as XML.
Note: Besides being bad design, there is a significant performance cost of storing the data as XML.
This is a typical example of an n-n relationship between customer and products.
Lets say 1 customer can have from 0 to N products and 1 products can be bought by 0 to N customers. You want to use a junction table to store every purchase orders.
This junction table may contain the id of the purchase, the id of the customer and the id of the product.

Designing a data model that incorporates logical operators

I am new to data modeling and i'm having trouble coming up with a data model that can store logic.
The data model would be used to store location and marketing attributes.
When a customer visits one of the company's websites, they would enter in their zip code, and based on their location the attributes would be used to arrange the online catalog of items.
The catalog of items would be separate from the database, so the data model would only produce the output of attributes used to arrange the items. Each item in the catalog has attributes such as ItemNumber, Price, Condition, Manufacture, and marketing segments (Age:Adult, Education: College, Income:High, etc.).
**For example:**
**Input zip code**: 90210
**Output Attributes**: (ItemNumber:123456, Segment:HighIncome, Condition:New)
This example is saying for zip 90210, first show item #123456, followed by all of the items with the HighIncome segment, and then display all of the non-refurbished items.
So far I have 2 tables with a many to many relationship and I would like to add an additional table(s) so I can incorporate logic (AND & OR).
The first table would have location and other information about which of the company's site the user is on.
Table Location(
Location_Unique_Identifier number
ZipCode varchar2
State varchar2
Site varchar2
The second table would have the attributes types (Manufacture, Price, Condition, etc.) and the attribute values (IBM, 10.00, Refurbished, etc.).
Table Attributes(
Attribute_Unique_Identifier number
Attribute_Type varchar2
Attribute_Value varchar2
In-between these two tables to break up the many to many relationship I would add the logic table. This table should allow me to output
item#123456 AND (item#768900 OR Condition:New)
The problem I am having with the logic table is trying to make it flexible enough to handle an unknown amount of AND/ORs and to handle the grouping.
This is a typical scenario of JOIN two( many ) tables together to do AND/OR/XOR or something else logical.
The best choice is to build a meterailized view that denormalize the attributes from multiple tables together into one table(this table is called a view).
In your case, the view may be:
table location_join_attributes{
Then you will operate your logical statement on this table/view as(modified from your example):
item#123456 OR (item#768900 AND Condition:New) AND (more condition)
If we do not have this view, this operation will firstly fetch out all the records have item#768900, and then filter among the second table to know which of them have condition:new. It will take a long time to finish. If the condition is complex, the performance is terrible.
For quick query, you should build secondary indexes on the columns you operate.
On the scalability side, if your business logic changes, you may build a new view, and the older one will be discarded. The original tables do not change, which is also one of the advantages of a materialized view has.

Best Database Design for Circular Relations

I have a following Class Diagram:
Products (One package may have 1 to many products)
How i can make relationship between Orders, Products and Packages. I am using Entity Framework 6 Code First with MVC 5 webapi.
Customer can place multiple orders, One order is only associated with one customer
One order can contain multiple Products, One product may have multiple orders
Customer can order multiple Packages, One package can be ordered by multiple customers
Customer - Orders have a one to many relationship. Will require ForeignKey CustomerId in Orders. So the above should do.
Orders - Products have a many to many relationship. Will require a many to many table (say, RelatedOrderProducts) with Foreign Key fields OrderId and ProductId of tables Orders and Products resp.
Customer and Packages are also a many to many relationship. So same as above there should be a many to many table (RelatedPackagesCustomers) with foreign key fields PackageId and CustomerId of tables Packages and Customers respectively.
I am not familiar with the Entity Framework, MVC, but this is a database design you may follow.
I may have misunderstood the third relationship. There are a few fixes that may work depending upon how you wish to access the data. One possible edit is to change the RelatedPackagesCustomers table to RelatedOrderPackages table and the Foreign keys accordingly. This way you will have two relations, order-packages and order-products that will save your order having combination of packages and products.
To save you should add a order and use the OrderId to add products and package relations in their resp. relation tables.
When you need to get a list of all the packages and products that a customer has ordered till date, you will do a query of Order with CustomerId and over it do two JOIN queries that will fetch you the packages from RelatedOrderPackages and products from the RelatedOrderProducts related to the particular OrderId (indirectly related to the customer).

Many tables to a single row in relational database

Consider we have a database that has a table, which is a record of a sale. You sell both products and services, so you also have a product and service table.
Each sale can either be a product or a service, which leaves the options for designing the database to be something like the following:
Add columns for each type, ie. add Service_id and Product_id to Invoice_Row, both columns of which are nullable. If they're both null, it's an ad-hoc charge not relating to anything, but if one of them is satisfied then it is a row relating to that type.
Add a weird string/id based system, for instance: Type_table, Type_id. This would be a string/varchar and integer respectively, the former would contain for example 'Service', and the latter the id within the Service table. This is obviously loose coupling and horrible, but is a way of solving it so long as you're only accessing the DB from code, as such.
Abstract out the concept of "something that is chargeable" for with new tables, of which Product and Service now are an abstraction of, and on the Invoice_Row table you would link to something like ChargeableEntity_id. However, the ChargeableEntity table here would essentially be redundant as it too would need some way to link to an abstract "backend" table, which brings us all the way back around to the same problem.
Which way would you choose, or what are the other alternatives to solving this problem?
What you are essentially asking is how to achieve polymorphism in a relational database. There are many approaches (as you yourself demonstrate) to this problem. One solution is to use "table per class" inheritance. In this setup, there will be a parent table (akin to your "chargeable item") that contains a unique identifier and the fields that are common to both products and services. There will be two child tables, products and goods: Each will contain the unique identifier for that entity and the fields specific to it.
One benefit to this approach over others is you don't end up with one table with many nullable columns that essentially becomes a dumping ground to describe anything ("schema-less").
One downside is as your inheritance hierarchy grows, the number of joins needed to grab all the data for an entity also grows.
I believe it depends on use case(s).
You could put the common columns in one table and put product and service specific columns in its own tables.Here the deal is that you need to join stuff.
Else if you maintain two separate tables, one for Product and another for Sale. You use application logic to determine which table to insert into. And getting all sales will essentially mean , union of getting all products and getting all sale.
I would go for approach 2 personally to avoid joins and inserting into two tables whenever a sale is made.
