Salesforce APEX Auto Create Contact from Case - salesforce

So my end goal for this project is to create a contact and a case for each customer that registers a product on my companies warranty registration page.
I have already got a python script that connects to a MySQL database and saves the needed info into an .xlsx file and then another python script currently sending that same data from the .xlsx file into salesforce and it works for a Case OR a Contact but not both. Apex trigger only works if I actually do a web-to-case or email-to-case but for some reason does not work with python.
This will be something that will be triggered roughly every 6 hours indefinitely. I already got it setup to where it does not pull the same data twice from the database so it only grabs new contacts from the MySQL database by writing a '1' to a new column in each table and does a check if '1' exists and if it does then skip it. Everything is working EXCEPT for creating a Contact AND a Case. Contact specifically because it will have all the address information we need for when a customer calls in for troubleshooting of their product, we want a case also created because that is where the product and serial numbers are taken down and allows a trigger to send the customer an email once the case has been created.
public class CaseAutocreateContactTest {
public static testMethod void testBulkContactsGetCreated() {
List<Case> newCases = new List<Case>();
for (Integer i = 0; i<100; i++) {
Case c = new Case(SuppliedEmail='' + i,
SuppliedName='John Doe' + i,
Subject='Feedback - Something' + i);
insert newCases;
List<Id> newCaseIds = new List<Id>();
for (Case caseObj:newCases) {
List<Case> updatedCases = [Select ContactId From Case Where Id in :newCaseIds];
for (Case caseObj:updatedCases) {
System.debug(caseObj.Id + ' ' + caseObj.ContactId);
System.assert(caseObj.ContactId!=null,'There should be no null contacts');
public static testMethod void testContactGetsCreated() {
Case c = new Case(SuppliedEmail='',
SuppliedName='John Doe',
Subject='Feedback - Something');
insert c;
List<Contact> johnDoes = [select Id from Contact where Email=''];
//there should be only 1 -- the trigger should not have created another
System.assert(johnDoes.size()==1, 'There should be one John Doe!');
Case caseObj = [select ContactId from Case where Id=:c.Id];
System.assert(caseObj.ContactId!=null,'There should be no null contact on the case');
public static testMethod void testNoDupesAreCreated() {
Contact cnt1 = new Contact(FirstName = 'John',
LastName = 'Doe',
insert cnt1;
Case case1 = new Case(SuppliedEmail='',
SuppliedName='John Doe',
Subject='Feedback - Something');
insert case1;
List<Contact> johnDoes = [select Id from Contact where Email=''];
//there should be only 1 -- the trigger should not have created another
System.assert(johnDoes.size()==1, 'There should be only one John Doe!');
public static testMethod void testEmailNameDoesntGetCreated() {
Case c = new Case(SuppliedEmail='',
Subject='Feedback - Something');
insert c;
List<Contact> johnDoes = [select Id from Contact where Email=''];
//there should be only 1 -- the trigger should not have created another
System.assert(johnDoes.size()==0, 'There should be no John Does!');

I got it to work.
So I first created a Contact like I already had working with Simple-Salesforce and then used Selenium package in Python to open web-to-case html file hosted locally and send the data from the .xlsx sheet and submit. Confirmed it creates a case for each customer in .xlsx sheet and confirmed salesforce associates the contact and case with one another.


How To Understand #TestClass Apex code with List embedded in Map

I am trying to understand this code ,this seems to be a test class,but i am having hard time to understand the code,i know conceptually how List and Map collection works in Sales force,but this seems to be little difficult to understand,
.In brief to me this seems to test a method which browses a list of CollaborationGroupMember.
For that, CollaborationGroup has been created and code tried to add one User.
can some one please take some time to make me understand the below code line by line?
Thanks in advance
public class TestGroupFactory {
public static Map<CollaborationGroup, List<CollaborationGroupMember>> groupWithMember() {
CollaborationGroup groupe = new CollaborationGroup(Name = 'Test1', CollaborationType = 'Public');
insert groupe;
groupe = [SELECT Id, Name FROM CollaborationGroup WHERE Name = 'Test1'];
List<User> users = [SELECT Id, Name, Numero_de_plaque__c, SenderEmail
WHERE Name = 'User User'];
List<CollaborationGroupMember> cgms = new List<CollaborationGroupMember>();
for (User u : users) {
CollaborationGroupMember cgm = new CollaborationGroupMember();
cgm.CollaborationGroupId = groupe.Id;
cgm.MemberId = u.Id;
insert cgms;
return new Map<CollaborationGroup, List<CollaborationGroupMember>>{groupe => cgms};
It is technically a test class, but it does not perform any tests. Its purpose is to create test data for other test classes that contain test methods. The reason it has the #isTest annotation is so that it is only accessible in test context and does not count against the total test coverage of the organization.
The method shown creates a Chatter Group and adds Users to the group if they have the name "User User".
The code below inserts the Chatter Group and then retrieves it so the Id is available. I don't think the retrieval is necessary in this instance, but I'd have to test it.
CollaborationGroup groupe = new CollaborationGroup(Name = 'Test1', CollaborationType = 'Public');
insert groupe;
groupe = [SELECT Id, Name FROM CollaborationGroup WHERE Name = 'Test1'];
The next section retrieves the Users (presumably created in another test class)
List<User> users = [SELECT Id, Name, Numero_de_plaque__c, SenderEmail
WHERE Name = 'User User'];
Then, a list of CollaborationGroupMembers is instantiated. A loop begins that iterates over every User. For each user, a new CollaborationGroupMember is instantiated and added to the list.
List<CollaborationGroupMember> cgms = new List<CollaborationGroupMember>();
for (User u : users) {
CollaborationGroupMember cgm = new CollaborationGroupMember();
cgm.CollaborationGroupId = groupe.Id;
cgm.MemberId = u.Id;
The group members are inserted
insert cgms;
The group and group members are added to a map and returned
return new Map<CollaborationGroup, List<CollaborationGroupMember>>{groupe => cgms};

Test Class in Salesforce for a Trigger

Good day Everybody,
I am attempting to write a test class for a trigger I helped write. The trigger uses a field called trigger_help__c, a formula field derived from adding the opportunity Type and Account ID, and fires before insert if an Opportunity of that type has been created on that account within the last 90 days. Unless the profile is a system admin. Here is my trigger:
trigger leadDuplicatePreventer on opportunity(before insert) {
set<string> settgs = new set<string>();
list<opportunity> opps = [select id,Trigger_Help__c from opportunity WHERE CreatedDate = LAST_N_DAYS:90];
Profile p=[SELECT ID, Name FROM Profile WHERE Id=:userinfo.getProfileId() Limit 1];
for(opportunity opp : opps){
if(opp.Trigger_Help__c != null && p.Name <> 'System Administrator'){
for(opportunity op :{
op.adderror('An Opportunity of this type already exists on this Account. Please contact a system administrator with questions.');
I am having trouble writing the test class and I am clueless as always. I have the following written, but I am lost as to what I actually need to be doing:
private class TestleadDuplicatePreventer {
#isTest static void TestleadDuplicatePreventerwithOneOpp() {
Account acct = new Account(Name='Test Account');
insert acct;
Opportunity opp = new Opportunity(Name=acct.Name + ' Opportunity',
StageName='Open Opportunity',,
Facility__c='Tacoma WA',
Oppty_Type__c='UCO Service',
insert opp;
opp= new Opportunity(Name='Opportunity Test',
StageName='Open Opportunity',,
Facility__c='Tacoma WA',
Oppty_Type__c='UCO Service',
Account=[SELECT ID from Account WHERE Account.Name='Test Account']);
insert opp;
catch(Exception duplicate)
Any and all help is appreciated!!
Not sure exactly what your requirements were for your project, you can probably get this done without code doing a rollup sum field that counts the opportunities tied to an account that has the type used in Trigger_Help__c and then put a validation on opportunity that when ISNEW() if Account.Count_Of_Type__c > 0 causes the validation to fire OR on opportunity create a hidden field that is unique that is the concatenation of the account id and the Opportunity type which can be set by workflow or the process builder. Tis would prevent duplicate types from being added for a given account.
But to your original question: In your test I dont see you set the Trigger_Help__c field unless that is set by automation. Also when creating your second opp you dont need to do the query of account you can just use the acct.Id from earlier in the code.
For your catch you need to assert that the e.getMessage() is the message you expect from your add error in the trigger.
You probably also need to do a separate where you runAs(admin_user) where admin_user is a user that you create with the System administrator profile to ensure that you dont get an error when you run as the admin user, along the lines of:
private class TestleadDuplicatePreventer {
#isTest static void TestleadDuplicatePreventerwithOneOpp() {
Account acct = new Account(Name='Test Account');
insert acct;
Opportunity opp = new Opportunity(Name=acct.Name + ' Opportunity',
StageName='Open Opportunity',,
Facility__c='Tacoma WA',
Oppty_Type__c='UCO Service',
insert opp;
opp= new Opportunity(Name='Opportunity Test',
StageName='Open Opportunity',,
Facility__c='Tacoma WA',
Oppty_Type__c='UCO Service',
insert opp;
catch(Exception duplicate)
System.assertEquals('An Opportunity of this type already exists on this Account. Please contact a system administrator with questions.', duplicate.getMessage())
//this should probably be in a separate test method
Profile p = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name='System Administrator'];
User u2 = new User(Alias = 'newUser', Email='',
EmailEncodingKey='UTF-8', LastName='Testing', LanguageLocaleKey='en_US',
LocaleSidKey='en_US', ProfileId = p.Id,
TimeZoneSidKey='America/Los_Angeles', UserName='');
System.runAs(u2) {
insert opp;

How to get the code coverage required to deploy Apex Class

Please Help!!!
I have this Apex controller class that I'm trying to deploy from Salesforce Sandbox to Production but I'm not getting the code coverage required!!
the class is consuming 3 objects, one is stranded and 2 are custom and constructing a hierarchy tree view for those three objects.
//Apex Class
public class TeeView {
/* Wrapper class to contain the nodes and their children */
public class cNodes
Public StandardObject gparent {get;set;}
public List<CustomObject1__c> parent {get; set;}
Public List<CustomObject2__c> child {get;set;}
public cNodes(StandardObject gp, List<CustomObject1__c> p, List<CustomObject2__c> c)
parent = p;
gparent = gp;
child = c;
/* end of Wrapper class */
Public List<cNodes> hierarchy;
Public List<cNodes> getmainnodes()
hierarchy = new List<cNodes>();
List<StandardObject> tempparent = [Select Id,Name , End_Date__c, Owner.Name Account.Name from Contract ];
for (Integer i =0; i< tempparent.size() ; i++)
List<CustomObject1__c> tempchildren = [Select Id,Name, Owner.Name , (select Id,Name, Owner.Name from CustomObject2__r) from CustomObject1__c where Related_Field__c = :tempparent[i].Id];
List<CustomObject2__c> tempchild = [Select Id,Name Owner.Name from CustomObject2__c where Related_Field__c= :tempparent[i].Id];
hierarchy.add(new cNodes(tempparent[i],tempchildren, tempchild));
return hierarchy;
//Test Class
public class treeviewTest
static testMethod void test1()
Account acc = new Account(Name = 'Unit test account');
insert acc;
StandardObject c = new StandardObject(
Name = 'test',
AccountId = acc.Id,
Status = 'Draft',
StartDate =;
insert c;
catch (Exception ex)
List<StandardObject> standard = [select Id, Name from StandardObject where Name = 'test'];
system.assertequals(standard.size(), 1);
CustomObject1__c s = new CustomObject1__c(
Related_StandardObjectField__c = c.Id,
Name = 'test'
insert s;
catch (Exception ex)
List<CustomObject1__c> cus1 = [select Id, Name from CustomObject1__c where Name = 'test'];
system.assertequals(cus1.size(), 1);
insert new CustomObject2__c(Related_StandardObjectField__c = c.Id, Description__c = 'test');
List<CustomObject2__c> cus2 = [select Id, Name from CustomObject2__c where Description__c = 'test'];
system.assertequals(cus2.size(), 1);
insert new CustomObject2__c(Related_CustomObject1Field__c = s.Id, Description__c = 'test');
List<Mods__c> cus3 = [select Id, Name from Mods__c where Description__c = 'test'];
system.assertequals(cus3.size(), 1);
treeView view = new treeView();
Oh man, where do we even start... Looks like you copy-pasted some code at random trying to get the test to work? Your code works on Contract, CustomObject1__c, CustomObject2__c. Your unit test inserts Contract, Subaward__c, Mods__c. Was this some attempt at anonymizing your code? And what's this List<StandardObject> thing, it shouldn't even compile.
I think you need help of a developer with more experience, you've cobbled something together but it doesn't follow the Salesforce best practices for code...
About the main class
Smart use of subqueries will mean
you waste less SOQL (it's bad idea to blindly select all records without any filters but whatever),
don't run into errors related to "too many SOQL statements" (the limit is 100 so since you query in a loop - your code will crash and burn the moment you have around 50 Contracts)
lead to compact code occupying less lines (easier to maintain & cover with tests).
I'd go with something like that, query Contract & first related list in one go and then the parents + children in another query. Using a Map to link them for displaying.
List<Contract> levelOneAndTwo = [SELECT Id, Name, End_Date__c, Owner.Name, Account.Name,
(SELECT Id,Name, Owner.Name FROM Subawards__r)
FROM Contract];
Map<Id, SubAward__c> levelTwoAndThree = new Map<Id, Subaward__c>([SELECT Id,
(SELECT Id,Name Owner.Name FROM Mods__r)
FROM Subaward__c WHERE Contract__c = :levelOneAndTwo];
This wastes only 2 queries but fetches all contracts and their related data. Then you can loop over results building your wrapper object or just feed it directly to Visualforce for displaying.
About the unit test
You don't get the coverage because you're spread too thin. One unit test methods inserts only Contracts (so your main query will hit something, give you some coverage). Then another method (in completely different context) inserts some child objects - but they don't matter. In that other method there are 0 contracts so it won't even enter your main loop. Combine it into one?
Account acc = new Account(Name = 'Unit test account');
insert acc;
Contract c = new Contract(
Name = 'test contract',
AccountId = acc.Id,
Status = 'Draft',
StartDate =
insert c;
Subaward__c s = new Subaward(
Contract__c = c.Id,
Name = 'test'
insert s;
insert new Mod__c(Subaward__c = c.Id, Description__c = 'test');
Now you have nice tree hierarchy set up, from Account all the way down. Queries in the test should hit some data.
I was finally able to get %100 code coverage for the above class by adding these lines to the test class:
treeView view = new treeView();
system.assert(view.hierarchy.size() > 0);

Insert CSV using Apex Batch Class Salesforce for OpportunityLineItem

I want to add a button to my opportunity header record that is called Insert Products. This will send the opportunity ID to a visualforce page which will have a select file button and an insert button that will loop through the CSV and insert the records to the related opportunity.
This is for non technical users so using Data loader is not an option.
I got this working using standard apex class however hit a limit when i load over 1,000 records (which would happen regularly).
I need to convert this to a batch process however am not sure how to do this.
Any one able to point me in the right direction? I understand a batch should have a start, execute and finish. However i am not sure where i should split the csv and where to read and load?
I found this link which i could not work out how to translate into my requirements:
Here is the code i have for the standard apex class which works.
public class importOppLinesController {
public List<OpportunityLineItem> oLiObj {get;set;}
public String recOppId {
// *** setter is NOT being called ***
set {
recOppId = value;
System.debug('value: '+value);
public Blob csvFileBody{get;set;}
public string csvAsString{get;set;}
public String[] csvFileLines{get;set;}
public List<OpportunityLineItem> oppLine{get;set;}
public importOppLinesController(){
csvFileLines = new String[]{};
oppLine = New List<OpportunityLineItem>();
public void importCSVFile(){
PricebookEntry pbeId;
String unitPrice = '';
csvAsString = csvFileBody.toString();
csvFileLines = csvAsString.split('\n');
for(Integer i=1;i<csvFileLines.size();i++){
OpportunityLineItem oLiObj = new OpportunityLineItem() ;
string[] csvRecordData = csvFileLines[i].split(',');
String pbeCode = csvRecordData[0];
pbeId = [SELECT Id FROM PricebookEntry WHERE ProductCode = :pbeCode AND Pricebook2Id = 'xxxx HardCodedValue xxxx'][0];
oLiObj.PricebookEntryId = pbeId.Id;
oLiObj.Quantity = Decimal.valueOf(csvRecordData[1]) ;
unitPrice = String.valueOf(csvRecordData[2]);
oLiObj.UnitPrice = Decimal.valueOf(unitPrice);
oLiObj.OpportunityId = 'recOppId';;
insert (oLiObj);
catch (Exception e)
ApexPages.Message errorMessage = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR, e + ' - ' + unitPrice);
First problem that I can sense is that the insert DML statement is inside FOR-loop. Can you put the new "oLiObj" into a List that is declared before the FOR-loop starts and then try inserting the list after the FOR-loop ?
It should bring some more sanity in your code.

Converting Trigger to Batch Apex: Help needed to make the code work

If possible, could anyone please direct me towards the right direction? The second code (Batch Apex) is just not compiling. Currently the error is,
Error: Compile Error: Invalid type: updateContactOnEmailOptOutChangeScheduler
at line 63 column 73
But I think there are other issues to that I can't seem to make it right.
On a contact update, the trigger updates all duplicate contacts with new value of "Email Opt Out" if this field has been updated. Also, the trigger only updates duplicate contacts that have a HasOptedOutOfEmail value different from one being updated. Now my task is to convert this requirement from trigger (that was written and tested by my colleague) to Batch Apex. First is the original trigger. Second is the code I just wrote in the format of batch apex.
Original Trigger Code
trigger updateContactOnEmailOptOutChange on Contac​t (after update) { ​ ​
//Initialize lists and maps
List<Contact> duplicateContacts = new List<Con​tact>();
Map<String, Contact> contactEmailMap = new Map​<String, Contact>();
Map<Id, Contact> contactIdMap = new Map<Id, Co​ntact>();
//Build a map with contacts to update. Only se​lect the ones that have a different "Email Opt Out​" value from the contact being updated.
for (Integer i = 0; i <; i+​+) {
if (Trigger.old[i].HasOptedOutOfEmail != T​[i].HasOptedOutOfEmail) {
contactIdMap.put(Trigger.old[i].id, Tr​[i]);
//Only go through this process if "Email Opt O​ut" (HasOptedOutofEmail) was updated.
If (contactIdMap.size()>0) {
//Query the database and look for all cont​acts with a duplicate email address (same email as​ the contact currently being updated).
for (Contact dupContact : [SELECT Id, Name​, Email, HasOptedOutOfEmail
FROM Contact
WHERE Email IN ​: contactEmailMap.KeySet()
AND Id NOT IN :​ contactIdMap.KeySet()]) {
Contact contact = contactEmailMap.get(​dupContact.Email);
If (dupContact.HasOptedOutOfEmail <> c​ontact.HasOptedOutOfEmail) {
dupContact.HasOptedOutOfEmail = co​ntact.HasOptedOutOfEmail;
//If any duplicate contacts were found, up​date all duplicate contacts with the new HasOptedO​utOfEmail value.
If (duplicateContacts.size()>0) update dupl​icateContacts;
global class updateContactOnEmailOptOutChange implements Database.Batchable<sObject>
global string query;
global updateContactOnEmailOptOutChange()
query = 'SELECT id,Name, Email, HasOptedOutofEmail from Contact where HasOptedOutofEmail=true';
global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC)
return Database.getQueryLocator(query);
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List <sObject> duplicateContacts)
Map<String, Contact> contactEmailMap = new Map<String, Contact>();
Map <Id, Contact> contactIdMap = new Map<Id, Contact>();
// Build a map with contacts to update. Only select the ones that have a different "Email Opt Out" value from the contact being updated.
for(Integer i=0; i<;i++)
if(Trigger.old[i].HasOptedOutOfEmail !=[i].HasOptedOutOfEmail)
//Query the database and look for all contacts with a duplicate email address(same email as the contact currently being updated)
for (Contact dupContact: [SELECT Id, Name, Email, HasOptedOutofEmail
FROM Contact
WHERE Email IN: contactEmailMap.KeySet()
AND Id NOT IN: contactIdMap.KeySet()])
Contact contact=contactEmailMap.get(dupContact.Email);
If(dupContact.HasOptedOutOfEmail <> contact.HasOptedOutOfEmail)
dupContact.HasOptedOutOfEmail = contact.HasOptedOutOfEmail;
// if any duplicate contacts were found, update all duplicate contacts with the new HasOptedOutOFEmail value.
If(duplicateContacts.size<>0) update duplicateContacts;
//The batch process has completed successfully. Schedule next batch.
global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){
// //Build the system time of now + 300 seconds to schedule the batch apex.
Datetime sysTime =;
sysTime = sysTime.addSeconds(300);
String chron_exp=''+sysTime.second()+''+sysTime.minute()+​''+sysTime.hour()+''''+sysTime.mont​h()+'?'+sysTime.year();
updateContactOnEmailOptOutChangeScheduler scheduleFieldUpdate = new updateContactOnEmailOptOutChangeScheduler();
//Schedule the next job, and give it the system time so name is unique
System.schedule('New Email Update Job'+sysTime.getTime(),chron_exp,scheduleFieldUpda​te);
Your batch apex is including references to the Trigger class that is only valid inside a trigger. The compile error message says there is an invalid type on line 63. Check the line numbers but that likely points to the reference to Trigger
