Same data is inserted during insert - sql-server

I have couple insert queries which are merged in transaction. First of that insert is to create new product articel number incrementing the most higher in table by one. Unfortunetly i just noticed that mostly during tests if for instance two users from two diffrent applications click button which trigger my transaction's method they could get same new product number. How can avoid that situation? Is there something like lock on first insertion so that if first user accessing table to insert restrict other's user/s about their insertion so they have to wait in queue after first user insert is finished? Is there something like that? Besides i thought if someone inserts other users are not able to insert. I made comments in code you to understand.
Part of my transaction query below:
Public Sub ProcessArticle(ByRef artikel As ArticlesVariations)
Dim strcon = New AppSettingsReader().GetValue("ConnectionString", GetType(System.String)).ToString()
Using connection As New SqlConnection(strcon)
Using transaction = connection.BeginTransaction()
For Each kvp As KeyValuePair(Of Integer, Artikel) In artikel.collection
articleIndex = kvp.Key
Dim art As Artikel = kvp.Value
Using cmd As New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO tbArtikel (Nummer) VALUES (#Nummer);Select Scope_Identity()", transaction.Connection)
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
cmd.Connection = connection
cmd.Transaction = transaction
'Get next product number from table tbArtikel (this will be new product number)'
Dim NewArtNummer as String = New DALArtikel().GetNewArtikelNumber(transaction)
art.Nummer = NewArtNummer
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Nummer", art.Nummer)
'Get inserted product id for other diffrent inserts below'
newArticleRowId = CInt(cmd.ExecuteScalar())
other INSERTs queries to other tables ...
Catch ex As Exception
Throw 'Rethrow exception.'
End Try
End Using
End Using
End Sub

Just about the only way to assure that users are not assigned the same values is to issue them from the server when the row is inserted. It is the entire premise behind the server issuing AI values for PKs.
BUT since your thing is a multi-segment, "numeric string" that presents a problem. Rather than tearing the string apart to find the Max()+1 for one segment with a WHERE clause on parts of the string. Consider something like this:
Start with a table used to increment and issue the values:
{DocId Int, SegmentB int, SegmentC Int}
This will simply track the values to use in the other table. Then a stored procedure to create/increment a new code (MySQL - this is a conceptual answer):
CREATE DEFINER=`root`#`localhost` PROCEDURE `GetNextProductCode`(in docId int,
in Minr int,
in Rev int
SET #maxR = 0;
SET #retCode ='';
if Minr =-1 then
Start transaction;
SET #maxR = (SELECT Max(SegmentB) FROM articlecode WHERE MainId = docId) + 1;
UPDATE articlecode SET SegmentB = #maxR WHERE MainId = docId;
Select concat(Cast(docId As char) , '.',
Cast(#maxR AS char) , '.',
Cast(Rev As char)
end if;
This is a rough idea of the process. As such, it only works on the second segment (I dunno what happens when you create a NEW SegmentB - does SegmentC reset to 1???). The idea is:
pass numbers so there is no need to tear up a string
pass -1 for the segment you need the next value for
the sp gets the Max()+1 and updates the counter table so the next user will get a new value
If for some reason you end up not saving the row, there will be gaps
the sp uses a transaction (probably only needs to protect the update) so that only 1 update can happen at a time
returns the new code. it could just return 2 values, but your going to glue them together anyway
There is much To Do:
It only does SegmentB
For a NEW DocId (-1), insert a new row with 1000 and 1(?) defaults
Same for a NEW segmentB (whatever it is): insert a new row for that DocId with default values
To get a new code before you insert a row:
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmd.Parameters.Add("docId", MySqlDbType.Int32).Value = 3
cmd.Parameters.Add("Minr", MySqlDbType.Int32).Value = -1
cmd.Parameters.Add("Rev", MySqlDbType.Int32).Value = 1
Using rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader()
End Using
The obvious downside is that each insert requires you to hit the DB in order to...well save to the DB. If they were int values it could be a Trigger.

I'm a SQL developer and my VB skills are about fifteen years out of date, but instead of creating the incremented number yourself in VB just let SQL generate them with an IDENTITY field. SQL will never allow duplicates and then you just need to return the SCOPE_IDENTITY():
ALTER TABLE dbo.tbArtikel

I have two suggestions:
First suggestion: move your code to a stored procedure this way all your users will execute the same transaction where you can set your isolation level the way you want. Read This.
Second suggestion: I would create a unique index on your field Nummer. This way when I try to insert a duplicate value it will raise an error that I can deal with it by telling the user that he need to retry the same operation or retry it automatically.
Trying to lock the record or the table for your operation is not advisable, however you can check this article on code project you might find what you are looking for. Make sure that you provide a mechanism of releasing all locks if your program stops at the middle of the transaction.


F# FSharp.Data.SqlClient not recognizing multiple return tables from Stored Procedure

I am not sure if this is possible but I have not been able to come across clear documentation for this use case. I am using F# 4 and the FSharp.Data.SqlClient library to connect to SQL Server 2016. I am wanting to call a stored procedure that returns multiple tables and turn those tables into the corresponding records. In this case the first table is made up of items and the second table is made up of customers.
My instinct is that it should look something like this:
let items, customers = cmd.Execute()
My gut is that items would be an IEnumerable<item> and customers would be an IEnumerable<customer> where item and customer are both Record types. What it appears is happening though is that FSharp.Data.SqlClient is only seeing the first returned table from the stored procedure. I am working on a SQL Server 2016 Developer instance. Here is the T-SQL to setup the example:
create table Item (
ItemID int identity(1, 1) primary key,
ItemName nvarchar(50)
create table Customer (
CustomerID int identity(1, 1) primary key,
CustomerName nvarchar(50)
insert into Item (ItemName) values ('A');
insert into Item (ItemName) values ('B');
insert into Item (ItemName) values ('C');
insert into Customer (CustomerName) values ('Gary');
insert into Customer (CustomerName) values ('Sergei');
insert into Customer (CustomerName) values ('Elise');
create procedure dbo.ExampleProcedure
set nocount on;
from Item
from Customer
And here is the F# script that I am testing with. It shows what I would like to be able to do but I get a compile error on the last line:
#r "../packages/FSharp.Data.SqlClient.1.8.2/lib/net40/FSharp.Data.SqlClient.dll"
#r "../packages/FSharp.Data.2.3.2/lib/net40/FSharp.Data.dll"
#r "System.Xml.Linq.dll"
open FSharp.Data
let connStr =
"Data Source=**connection string**;"
type queryExample = SqlProgrammabilityProvider<connStr>
use cmd = new queryExample.dbo.ExampleProcedure(connStr)
let items, customers = cmd.Execute()
I am wanting items to correspond to the first returned table and customers to correspond to the second returned table. The intellisense suggests that FSharp.Data.SqlClient is only seeing the first table. When I hover over cmd.Execute() the popup says "This expression was expected to have type 'a*'b but here has type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<SqlProgrammabilityProvider<...>.dbo.ExampleProcedure.Record>". If I do the following I get access to the Items query in the stored procedure:
// Learn more about F# at See the 'F# Tutorial' project
// for more guidance on F# programming.
#r "../packages/FSharp.Data.SqlClient.1.8.2/lib/net40/FSharp.Data.SqlClient.dll"
#r "../packages/FSharp.Data.2.3.2/lib/net40/FSharp.Data.dll"
#r "System.Xml.Linq.dll"
open FSharp.Data
let connStr =
"Data Source=**connection string**;"
type queryExample = SqlProgrammabilityProvider<connStr>
use cmd = new queryExample.dbo.ExampleProcedure(connStr)
for item in cmd.Execute() do
printfn "%A" item.ItemID
Is this even possible? Is my approach wrong? I could not find clear documentation on this use case but I thought it would be common enough it would be covered.
Just to clarify what I am trying to achieve I am showing how I solve this in C#. In C# I create a DataSet object and populate it with the results of the Stored Procedure. From there I pick out the individual tables to work with. After extracting the tables I then use LINQ to transform the rows into the corresponding objects. It often looks something like the following:
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
var connStr = "**connection string**"
var sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(connStr );
var sqlCommand = new SqlCommand("ExampleProcedure", sqlConnection);
sqlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
var dataSet = new DataSet();
var adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlCommand);
var itemsTable = dataSet.Tables[0];
// Turn the itemsTable into a List<Item> using LINQ here
var customersTable = dataSet.Tables[1];
// Turn the customersTable into List<Customer> using LINQ here
I find this to be overly verbose for such a simple thing as extracting the individual tables but perhaps I am too sensitive to code clutter. I know that F# must have a more elegant and terse way to express this.
I don't know F#, however this is a data access problem.
When a stored procedure returns multiple resultsets, you need to access they in sequence, one by one.
cmd.ExecuteReader() returns an instance of a datareader pointing to the first resultset. You need to process this resultset, may be filling a list with instances of a custom class, than you call the method "NextResult" and you will have access to the next resultset and so on.
A reference for the method "NextResult":

SQL Server: Get Latest Auto-Increment Value [duplicate]

I am creating a winform application in c#.and using sql database.
I have one table, employee_master, which has columns like Id, name, address and phone no. Id is auto increment and all other datatypes are varchar.
I am using this code to get the next auto increment value:
string s = "select max(id) as Id from Employee_Master";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(s, obj.con);
SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
int i = Convert.ToInt16(dr["Id"].ToString());
txtId.Text = (i + 1).ToString();
I am displaying on a textBox.
But when last row from table is deleted, still I get that value which is recently deleted in textbox
How should I get the next autoincrement value?
To get the next auto-increment value from SQLServer :
This will fetch the present auto-increment value.
Next auto-increment value.
SELECT IDENT_CURRENT('table_name')+1;
------> This will work even if you add a row and then delete it because IDENT_CURRENT returns the last identity value generated for a specific table in any session and any scope.
try this:
SELECT IDENT_CURRENT('tbl_name') + IDENT_INCR('tbl_name');
If you are using Microsoft SQL Server. Use this statement to get current identity value of table. Then add your seed value which you have specified at time of designing table if you want to get next id.
As for me, the best answer is:
dbcc checkident(table_name)
You will see two values (probably same)
current identity value , current column value
When you delete a row from the table the next number will stay the same as it doesnt decrement in any way.
So if you have 100 rows and you deleted row 100. You would have 99 rows but the next number is still going to be 101.
select isnull((max(AddressID)+1),1) from AddressDetails
the max(id) will get you maximum number in the list pf employee_master
e.g. id = 10, 20, 100 so max will get you 100
But when you delete the record it must have been not 100
So you still get 100 back
One important reason for me to say this might be the issue because you are not using order by id in your query
For MS SQL 2005 and greater:
Select Cast(IsNULL(last_value,seed_value) As Int) + Cast(increment_value As Int) As NextID
From sys.identity_columns
WHERE NAME = <Table_Name>
Just a thought, if what you wanted was the last auto-number that you inserted on an already open connection try using:
from that connection. That's the best way to keep track of what has just happened on a given connection and avoids race conditions w/ other connections. Getting the maximum identity is not generally feasible.
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=databasename;User ID=sa;Password=123");
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT TOP(1) UID FROM InvoiceDetails ORDER BY 1 DESC", con);
SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
//won't need a while since it will only retrieve one row
while (reader.Read())
string data = reader["UID"].ToString();
//txtuniqueno.Text = data;
//here is your data
//txtuniqueno.Text = data.ToString();
int i = Int32.Parse(data);
txtuid.Text = i.ToString();

SQL SERVER: Loading data all at ONCE or Checking ONE by ONE?

Which one could be a better practice? In my situation, I need to check if a specific data exists in a table. I am iterating through an Excel file and verifying if a code there exists in my table using VB.NET. I have two options to do this (or if there is a better way to do this, I am open for suggestions).
First is to check it one by one, this code is executed per loop:
SQL = "SELECT TOP 1 * FROM Table1 WHERE Code = '" & codeFromExcel & "'"
rs = dbConn.Execute(SQL)
If Not rs.EOF Then
isFound = True
isFound = False
End If
The other one is I load all the codes in a List(Of T)
Dim myList As New List(Of String)()
rs = Nothing
rs = dbConn.Execute("Select Code from Table1")
If Not rs.EOF Then
Do While Not rs.EOF
End If
Then check every record if it is in the List(Of T) while iterating in the Excel.
If myList.Contains(codeFromExcel) Then
isFound = True
isFound = False
End If
I've been working with this kind of stuff most of the time and I want to know which one is the most efficient way to use. At the moment I only have a few records in my database. I want my code to be ready and efficient when the time comes that I need to deal with numerous records. Thanks in advance!
Additional info: The data doesn't need to be "fresh" as that table is meant for one-time entry only.
Personally I prefer to open as less connections to data base as possible.
If the table is not very large (some hundred rows) I would go with the "cache" option.
I would gather all excel codes in a list. ( excelCodes )
Then I would query something like Select Distinct Code from Table1 Where Code In ( excelCodesList ) and store it in a second list ( foundCodes ).
Then I would compare these lists.
I test it on a table with 6.143.993 rows.
To select just one column (description) to "cache" took 1'29".
On the other hand query like:
select distinct description from ItemDetail where description in ( 'abc','cddd','xxx' )
took 0'58".
An index on Code column might help with performance.

getting data from rows after executing query

I am very new to DB application development, though I have a fair amount of experience in VB.NET and C++ (self-taught, somewhat intermediate). I have a query in a table adapter with two parameters (user input) that always returns only one row from a table, based on those two parameters. Let's say row X with A, B and C columns. Filters are set on A and B in my query, but it selects all fields.
Now, I want to show the value of C in one of my main Form objects (let's say a Label in this example), but I cannot seem to be able to extract it. I know it probably is very easy, but I am a bit lost in DB code jungle..
My apologies, the code bit (example).
SELECT Column1, Column2, Column3
FROM Table1
WHERE (Column1 = #Parameter1) AND (Column2 = #Parameter2)
In my VB project:
Dim temp
temp=Me.Table1TableAdapter.queryName(Me.MyProjectDBDataSet.Table1,userinput1, userinput2)
Up to this point everything works perfectly, but this is also where I get stuck. How do I, let's say, assign the value of Column3 (after running the query the result will always be only one row from Table1) to Label.Text for instance?
I hope this makes it a bit clearer..
Dim db As Database = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase
Dim cmd As DbCommand = db.GetSqlStringCommand(query) 'Query is a string containing your SQL command'
Dim sqlDataReader As IDataReader = db.ExecuteReader(cmd)
Dim myObj As New MyObject
If sqlDataReader IsNot Nothing Then
'Loop through the rows of the DataReader'
Do While sqlDataReader.Read()
'Do something here with the value in Column3'
myObj.myIntegerProperty= CInt(IIf(IsDBNull(.Item("Column3")), 0, .Item("Column3")))
End If

Why is the same value on IDENTITY column being returned to two inserters?

My program is inserting into a table like this...
using the following code...
database_connection = New ADODB.Connection
' ...code to connect...
database_connection.IsolationLevel = ADODB.IsolationLevelEnum.adXactSerializable
command_string = "INSERT INTO [MySchema].[dbo].[MyTable] (NOTES) VALUES ('sometext')"
command_string = "SELECT MAX([id]) as max_id FROM [MySchema].[dbo].[MyTable]"
Dim record_set As ADODB.Recordset = New ADODB.Recordset
record_set.CursorLocation = ADODB.CursorLocationEnum.adUseClient
record_set.Open(command_string, database_connection, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, , ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText)
new_id = CInt(record_set.Fields("id").Value)
Occasionally this code is executed by two different programs simultaneously (close enough in time that the date_time values are identical), and although there are two rows visible in MyTable, both programs are running with the same new_id.
Although I appreciate I should probably be using SCOPE_IDENTITY here (and I'll try it in a minute), I was under the impression that the SERIALIZABLE transaction would prevent this from happening. Does anyone know why this duplication is occurring, and if SCOPE_INDENTITY will fix the problem?
You definitely need to use SCOPE_IDENTITY, but in the same query as INSERT.
When 2 clients insert data in a same table at same time -> the second query will return Max(id) of 2nd inserted value.
INSERT INTO [MySchema].[dbo].[MyTable] (NOTES) VALUES ('sometext')
the easiest way would be opening the recordset with following command, without previous execute
INSERT INTO [MySchema].[dbo].[MyTable] (NOTES)
VALUES ('sometext')
