Is addin (excel content add-ins) resize event supported/available in office.js 1.0 or 1.1? - office-addins

I am looking for add in resize event but not luck so for.
Is add in (excel content add-ins) resize event supported/available in office.js 1.0 or 1.1?

This can be achieved by using javascript/jquery window.resize()
window.onresize = function(event) {
$( window ).resize(function() {


aframe glft click event

I am trying to catch click event for glft model in a scene. Scene code below.
<a-scene raycaster-autorefresh>
<a-asset-item id="store_homeModel" src="app/home/store_models/store_model.gltf"></a-asset-item>
<a-asset-item id="shampoo" src="app/home/product_models/Ayush Shampoo.gltf"></a-asset-item>
<a-asset-item id="soap" src="app/home/product_models/Ayush Soap.gltf"></a-asset-item>
<a-asset-item id="facewash" src="app/home/product_models/Citra Pearl face wash.gltf"></a-asset-item>
<a-gltf-model src="#store_homeModel"></a-gltf-model>
<a-gltf-model src="#shampoo" open-desc"></a-gltf-model>
and component code I have. But click event is not getting catch and i am not able to see console log...
AFRAME.registerComponent('raycaster-autorefresh', {
init: function () {
// This will be called after the entity has properly attached and loaded.
console.log('I am readyyyyy!');
AFRAME.registerComponent('open-desc', {
init: function() {
var data =;
var el = this.el;
el.addEventListener('click', function() {
Please remember that a-frame renders the whole view on a <canvas>, so you can't just use your mouse to click on any element inside the <a-scene>.
If you want a simple gaze based cursor, you need to attach a cursor to the camera:
If You want to use the mouse, use the cursor component in the <a-scene>:
<a-scene cursor="rayOrigin:mouse">
If you want to use vive / oculus controllers, you should try laser-controls.
More details about properties and events regarding the cursor can be found in the docs.

Angularjs - WYSIWYG image resize manually

How i want to resize image inside WYSIWYG editor when user upload image? I manage to insert into editor but i cant resize the image.
Below is my code :
Appreciate your advice.
You can catch clicks on images inserted to the textarea and prompt for new size. The code below is only conceptual:
$(textarea[0]).on("click", "img", function(){
var me = this,
size = prompt("Size: ", me.width + "x" + me.height);
if (size) {
var [w,h] = size.split("x");
$(me).css({ width: w, height: h });
Insert this snippet into link function of the wysiwyg directive, insert an image and click on it.
Notice that you cannot use standard angular.element because it doesn't support selectors in the .on method, so you have to use ol'good jQuery instead.

Angular - kendo data binding

I'm using a kendo grid and have a checkbox column with the following template:
"<input class='gridCheckbox' id='gridCheckbox_#=name#' name='Selected' type='checkbox' ng-model='dataItem.checked'/>"
In addition I'm also using an observableArray as the grid's dataSource.
When clicking the chekcbox the data in the observableArray is changed as expected but no "change" event is triggered.
Here is how I define the observableArray:
var obsArray = new;
this.gridDataSource = new{
data: obsArray
obsArray.bind("change", function (e) {
console.log(e.action, e.field);
"scope.gridData" is the original dataModel. When I click the checkbox the observableArray is changed but not the "scope.gridData". In order to change the "scope.gridData" I want to listen to the "change" event and change the "scope.gridData" manually but as I said the "change" event is not triggered.
Any suggestions to what am I doing wrong and maybe there is a better solution.
Read This
your issue is that kendo uses a copy of your scope object
I manually added an event to my input checkbox (in our class we're using Angular so it was on ng-click="doSomething()" but maybe yours is just click="doSomething" and recorded handling the boolean change manually.
We have the Kendo Observables, too - but I got **lucky because we're also using the Breeze JS stuff where we can do data detection and refresh the grid once the data propagates backwards to the right place to be set to dirty. (; )
If you want the full row value, make the click="doSomething(this)" and then capture it as the Sender. Just debug in and you should the dataItem attached to the Sender.
This might help you & this is not the correct figure but i did one example like this similar to your problem
var contentData = [
{ organization: 'Nihilent', os: 'Window' }
var nihl = contentData[0];
var viewModel = kendo.observable({
gridSource: new kendo.contentData.DataSource({
contentData: contentData
kendo.bind($(document.body), viewModel);
contentData.push({ organization: 'Dhuaan', os: 'Android' });
nihl.set('os', 'iOS');

Hide/Show constrained Window

We are trying to prevent unnecessary rendering and therefor just want to hide and show a window containing a quite huge grid.
The window itself is constrained to the viewport by calling
App.Instance.getViewPort().add(scope.myWindowRef = Ext.create('Ext.Window'),{
constrainHeader: true
/* and the rest of the cfg */
scope.myWindowRef.on('close',function(win){ win.hide(); win.caller.enable(); return false; });
We have a button listeners inside the controller which should now show an hide window
onOpenWin: function(button) {
var scope = this,
win = scope.myWindowRef;
win.caller = button;;
You should use the beforeclose event when you want to stop the destruction of the window. The close event is already to late!
check out closeAction config - closeAction:'hide' should do..

Leaflet + Sencha NO touch + Sencha architect integration: mixed up tiles

I am trying to integrate Sencha 4.1 (ExtJS) with the Leaflet mapping library while using Sencha Architect.
When the page loads, the tiles are mixed up and appear offset. I need to drag the page up to be able to see the tiles.
The full project is available here:
Here is an excerpt of the custom component created (see full code here:
constructor: function () {
resize: 'doResize',
scope: this
var ll = window.L;
if (!ll) {
this.setHtml('Leaflet library is required');
onRender: function() {
var renderTo = arguments[0];
var me = this,
ll = window.L,
element = me.mapContainer,
mapOptions = me.getMapOptions(),
if (ll) {
// if no center property is given -> use default position
if (!mapOptions.hasOwnProperty('center') || !( instanceof ll.LatLng)) { = new ll.LatLng(47.36865, 8.539183); // default: Zuerich
me.setTileLayer(new ll.TileLayer(me.getTileLayerUrl(), me.getTileLayerOptions()));
tileLayer = me.getTileLayer();
mapOptions.layers = [tileLayer];
me.setMap(new ll.Map(renderTo, mapOptions));
map = me.getMap();
// track map events
map.on('zoomend', me.onZoomEnd, me);
map.on('movestart', me.onMoveStart, me);
map.on('moveend', me.onMoveEnd, me);
me.fireEvent('maprender', me, map, tileLayer);
When debugging it appears that when onRender is called, the parent container of the map is not properly sized yet, in particular its height is only enough to contain the attrib text, about 16 pix. WHen the doResize is called, the container is properly sized, but it doesn't change the end result: the tiles are mixed up and offset.
I tried various changes to the container, but nothing worked...
1) Problem with mixed layers is caused by CSS. Your leaflet.css has wrong path in html, so it's not attached in the document. To fix mixing issue set correct path to css file, or attach it from CDN:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
2) Wrong map offset is caused by extjs generated div:
<div class="x-llmap x-fit-item x-llmap-default" ...></div>
It pushes map container to the bottom and wrong offset calculations are made. You can also fix this using inline style or CSS:
.leaflet-map-pane {
top: 0;
