Retrieving Oracle Password_Verify_Function - database

I am an IS auditor and I would like to check how we can retrieve the PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION assigned to users. I understand the script utlpwdmg.sql can be executed to setup the default password resource limits.
If changes were made using ALTER PROFILE, the script utlpwdmg.sql will not show the latest settings.
Please let me know what SQL commands I can execute to show what is the PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION stored and used in the system.

You can use this query to see source code of stored proc:
--Source of all password functions.
select *
from dba_source
where owner = 'SYS'
and name in
--The name of all password functions in use.
--See DBA_USERS.PROFILE to determine which user is using which profile.
select limit
from dba_profiles
where resource_name = 'PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION'
--Yes, this is intentionally the string 'NULL', that's what Oracle uses here.
and limit <> 'NULL'
order by name, line;

To find out what users are using PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION, you need to find out which profiles are using the function and then see which users are assigned that profile.
select profile from dba_profiles where limit = 'PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION';
select username from dba_users where profile = ;


how to check groups for specific user in sql server [duplicate]

In the Security/Users folder in my database, I have a bunch of security groups, include "MyApplication Users". I need to check if I am (or another user is) in this group, but I have no idea how to query for it or where I could see this information. I tried looking in the properties, but couldn't find anything. Any ideas?
Checking yourself or the current user:
SELECT IS_MEMBER('[group or role]')
A result of 1 = yes,0 = no, and null = the group or role queried is not valid.
To get a list of the users, try xp_logininfo if extended procs are enabled and the group in question is a windows group :
EXEC master..xp_logininfo
#acctname = '[group]',
#option = 'members'
For a quick view of which groups / roles the current user is a member of;
, [name]
, [type_desc]
, is_member(name) as [is_member]
from [sys].[database_principals]
where [type] in ('R','G')
order by [is_member] desc,[type],[name]
To find the AD Group members in the Instance, we can use below query:
xp_logininfo 'DomainName\AD_GroupName', 'members'
By using this query, we can find the below states.
account name, type, privilege, mapped login name, permission path
Accepted answer from DeanG is the preferred solution for getting this info within SQL Server
You can use Active Directory tools for this. I like Active Directory Users and Computers that is part of the Remote Server Administration Tools. Follow the link to download and install the tools on Windows 7.
Once installed, you can search for a specific group name:
Then you can see group membership using the Members tab:
If you don't want to use the AD browser packaged with RSA tools, there are several others available.
You don't.
Instead you use the users and groups to grant/deny privileges, and let the engine enforce them appropiately. Attempting to roll your own security will get you nowhere fast. A banal example is when you will fail to honor the 'one deny trumps all grants' rule. And you will fail to navigate the intricacies of EXECUTE AS. Not to mention security based on module signatures.
For the record: users, roles and groups are exposed in the sys.database_principals catalog view. sys.fn_my_permissions will return the current context permissions on a specific securable.
The code that is provided on the Microsoft page here works for me, every time.
SELECT AS DatabaseRoleName,
isnull (, 'No members') AS DatabaseUserName
FROM sys.database_role_members AS DRM
RIGHT OUTER JOIN sys.database_principals AS DP1
ON DRM.role_principal_id = DP1.principal_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.database_principals AS DP2
ON DRM.member_principal_id = DP2.principal_id
WHERE DP1.type = 'R'
Please let me know if this works for you!

How to insert username in VS2008(report edition)

I'm creating a new report (*.rdl), and there I want to add username who runs the script (insert).
I've tried on VS2008 through "built-in-fields" function which is "User ID", but it didn't work:
Plan_date date null,
Plan_customer int null,
creator_id nvarchar(55) null
[Plan_date] ,
#creator_id ="user id" --from built-in-fields
Expected result is: Column creator_id is filling with value of username from active directory who made insert through my report.
To reiterate my comment, as it's is incredibly important:
"You need to use a different account to access your data #whitefang. The sa account should never be used for something as mundane as a report. In truth it should never be used unless you really need sysadmin privileges, or you're doing something like recovering the server. You should have a service account that can do the respective tasks it needs to. If you can suffer injection through those reports, you're service is like an open book to whomever has access."
Now, onto your problem. I would add a further internal parameter on your report. Change the value of the parameter to have the default value of =User!UserID; this will be the ID of the user running the report (perhaps something like StackOverflow\Larnu).
Then map that report parameter to your dataset parameter #creator_id and change your INSERT statement to:
INSERT INTO Some_Table ([Plan_date],
VALUES (#p_plan_monthly, #p_plan_clients, #creator_id);
Q: "and there I want to add username who runs the script (insert)"
You can use these functions.
-- database user name
-- login identification name

obtain the real identity of the connected user

dxStatusbar1.Panels1.Text :=
DataModule2.UniConnectDialog1.Connection.Username; me the username that has connected to sql server.
However the connected user has a different name in the actual database.
His login name for the sql server is 'John' and is user mapped to 'Northwind' database.
However in 'Northwind' database he is called 'John Smith'.
And this is the name (John Smith) I am trying to have displayed in dxStatusbar1.Panels1.Text
after he connects.
How can I get that ?
edit :
Tried Victoria suggestion :
UserName := DataModule2.UniConnection1.ExecSQL('SELECT :Result = CURRENT_USER', ['Result']);
dxStatusbar1.Panels[1].Text := UserName;
but get :
I couldn't find any UniDAC API way to get currently connected user name (not even for SDAC), so I would just issue a SQL command querying CURRENT_USER and grab the name from the result:
Or in the Unified SQL way with the USER function:
Since you've mentioned stored procedure in your comment, it sounds to me like you probably want to get this information directly from a connection object without using query object. If that is so, you don't even need to have a stored procedure but execute directly command like this:
UserName: string;
UserName := UniConnection1.ExecSQL('SELECT :Result = CURRENT_USER', ['Result']);
Or in unified way:
UserName: string;
UserName := UniConnection1.ExecSQL('SELECT :Result = {fn USER}', ['Result']);
One of these might do the job for you. Haven't tested.
Hope it helps.
ORIGINAL_LOGIN: Returns the name of the login that connected to the instance of SQL Server. You can use this function to return the identity of the original login in sessions in which there are many explicit or implicit context switches.
SYSTEM_USER: Allows a system-supplied value for the current login to be inserted into a table when no default value is specified.
SUSER_SNAME: Returns the login name associated with a security identification number (SID).

Getting ORA-02391: SESSIONS_PER_USER limit

Is there a query which I can use to grab the amount of sessions I can use concurrently? I am threading some database connections and getting the error:
ORA-02391: exceeded simultaneous SESSIONS_PER_USER limit
How can I get the value for this limit?
start with this query to find out how many sessions you are using
select count(*) from v$session where username='YourUser';
then find out how many you are allowed in the profile for your user
select profile from dba_users where username ='YourUser';
from dba_profiles
AND PROFILE = 'YourUserProfile';
and the fix
Alter profile YourUserProfile limit SESSIONS_PER_USER 100;
Limits are in place for a reason as each session consumes resources. If you increase the limit some careful planning is in order for production systems so you don't run out of memory.
It's profile setting
You can change it using
Get the PROFILE for that user
select profile from dba_users where username = :who;
Then get the resource limit for that profile
SELECT P1.LIMIT AS "Concurrent Sessions (Per User)"
In SQL Developer, open the DBA panel and browse the users & profiles under 'security'
While the other solutions provide statements on altering the user session limit, the diagnostic queries did not work for me, although I am a complete beginner and maybe performed it incorrectly. The following queries from Atlassian helped me.
For checking number of sessions per user, so you can see which users are nearing their limit:
SELECT count(*) as connections,
FROM v$session
GROUP BY username
ORDER BY username;
and to check what that limit is set to be:
FROM dba_profiles
NATURAL JOIN dba_users
WHERE resource_name = 'SESSIONS_PER_USER';
From there, the rest of the linked site or other solutions here can presumably help with altering the limit to your needs.

Different Permissions in Apache Shiro for every User?

I built a database with the entity user and permission
user (id, email, password, permission)
permission (id, create_user, delete_user, user_fk)
create_user and delete_user is BOOLEAN.
Relationship: One-One
Now every user can have it's own permissions.
My question is: How can I use shiro to read the permissions from the database?
If you really only wish to assign permissions on user level, you can "fake" the roles table to make Shiro happy.
As Wouter mentioned, use the JdbcRealm and specify the 3 queries for your table setup.
You should modify your permission table to have this structure:
permission (id, permissionname, user_fk)
Then you insert rows for the create_user/delete_user rights as needed.
This way it's very simple to add another permission (reset_password for example) to your setup, without the need to modify the db schema.
In the shiro.ini (or how you call the your shiro config file):
jdbcRealm = org.apache.shiro.realm.jdbc.JdbcRealm
For the queries use then this:
jdbcRealm.authenticationQuery = select password from user where email=?
jdbcRealm.userRolesQuery = select id from user where email=?
jdbcRealm.authenticationQuery = select permissionname from permission where user_fk=?
The small trick in your setup is: you don't have roles at all, so we just return the id of the user as the role name.
When the lookup in the permission table is done, it then uses the role name (=user pk) and returns the associated permissions.
You should configure a JdbcReam in your .ini file:
If you change your schema to adhere to the shiro queries, no extra config is needed. You need tables users, user_roles and roles_permissions.
See the source code how the exact column names should be:
Alternatively you can configure your own queries to match your schema in the .ini file like so:
jdbcRealm.authenticationQuery=<your password select statement>
jdbcRealm.userRolesQuery=<your role names for username select statement>
jdbcRealm.authenticationQuery=<your permissions for role name select statement>
