How to pass a filename when executing a C program - c

I am trying to not hardcode the name of the input file in my C program. I have all of the other components working when I hardcode the filename. But would like to be able to pass it a string filename.
I am trying to execute compile a file called Matrix.c and name its executable matrix.
So, in terminal, when I get to my working directory.
gcc -g Matrix.c -o matrix
then when I compile
It doesn't have a filename passed to it so I am gonna check for that and have the user input a filename to load.
However, when someone passes the filename, should it be passed as:
./matrix filename.txt
./matrix < filename.txt
With the latter option, I can't seem to get the name of the argument passed to the function from argv[1] — it's just "(Null)".
I know this is very simplistic question. But am I just completely off my rocker? Is it something to do with me running on OS X El Capitan. I know I've used the '<' convention before.

The issue is how the shell works, mainly. When you use:
./matrix filename.txt
then the program is given two arguments — the program name and the file name. When you use:
./matrix < filename.txt
then the program is given just one argument — the program name — and the shell arranges for its standard input to come from the file (and the file name is not passed to your program).
Either can be made to work; you just have to decide which you want to support. What should happen if the user types ./matrix file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt? One version of conventional behaviour would be to process each file in turn, writing each set of results to standard output. There are plenty of alternative behaviours — most of them have been used by someone at some time or another. Reading from standard input when there is no file name specified is a common mode of operation (think cat and grep and …).

Arguments to a command are in argv[1 .. argc-1].
The redirect from '<' sends the contents of the file to the program's stdin.
A third way to get the filename would be to print "Enter filename: " and then read the string typed by the user.


how to get the file name in C program, that i had given in input redirection?

Let's say I have a C program inputFileName.c
I run inputFileName with input redirection such as ./inputFileName < file
How can I print the name of the file in my C program that I have typed in the terminal as an input redirection file?
The input redirection is a function of the shell. Your inputFileName executable see this as standard input. Depending on the exact operating system, you may be able to use system-specific functions to get the information you want, but there is not a standard means of doing so.
Input redirection can be achieved not only with the '<' symbol, but also with '|'.
program < filename
is equivalent to
cat filename | program
From there, one could go to
cat file1 file2 file3 | program
You begin to see why the initial 'stdin' for an executable cannot and does not have a "filename" associated with it.
If input comes from a pipe, there can't be an associated filename. Also if the file has been deleted or moved before closing the file descriptor, there is no associated filename. A file can have multiple names. In that case there are multiple filenames.
Given that, the "associated filename" of a file descriptor doesn't really make much sense. And even if you could get that info, using the filename in any way might make race conditions an issue.
The linux kernel does try to track an associated filename if a file descriptor was created by opening a file. But the keyword here is "tries".
If you are running Linux, you can find the filenname for standard input as a symlink under "/proc/self/fd/0". Just remember that you should not rely on that name for anything more than debug or display purposes.

How to redirect output to a file in C?

I am trying to, in C:
Read data from a file
Manipulate the data
Write manipulated data to another file
In the assignment requirements, it says to compile and run the program with the following commands:
gcc -o name name.c
./name inputFileName.ext > outputFileName.ext
I am unfamiliar with the " > " command. I have a couple of questions:
Online, it says that " > " redirects command output to a file, and I'm not sure exactly what "command output" means. I'm redirecting the output from my name.c file to the outputFileName.ext file. Does command output mean stdout? If so, which C keyword would I use to write information to the outputFileName.ext file from name.c as stdout?
When I open and read my input file, I need to access the file that was passed in from the command line. Does the " > " character count as another command line argument? Can I still access inputFileName.ext from main() with the statement " argv[1] " ?
Online, it says that > redirects command output to a file, and I'm not sure exactly what "command output" means.
"command output" refers to the stdout (Standard Output) stream of the program.
Do note that some shell commands are not separate programs but are actually shell builtins, though they'll still support output redirection. On Windows, most shell commands (like dir and del) are built-ins whereas on Linux/BSD/etc most shell commands are separate programs (like ls and mkdir)
If your program calls puts( "foobar" ); then running ./name from Bash will display "foobar" in your terminal emulator. But if you run ./name > file.txt then the "foobar" text will be written to file.txt and it will not be displayed in your terminal emulator.
Try it with the ls command, for example: ls -al > files.txt. This works on Windows too (dir /s > files.txt).
I'm redirecting the output from my name.c file to the outputFileName.ext file. Does command output mean stdout?
If so, which C keyword would I use to write information to the outputFileName.ext file from name.c as stdout?
You don't. This is a shell/OS feature and is not part of C.
Let's clarify a few things:
>, < and a few other symbols (that are not relevant to your question) are control operators for your command line interpreter (a.k.a the shell). When the shell sees any of those, it assumes the command line arguments to your program are now finished. So in your case, your program will have argc=2 and argv = ["name ", "inputFileName.ext"].
The "redirection" thing means that whatever your program would normally write to the screen via the stdout (which is ulitized by default when calling printf() putchar(), puts()) will be written to the filename that comes after >. Your pogram is completely unaware of this fact. In your code, you should just assume you are printing on the screen. It is the responsibility of the one who executes the command to perform the redirection. (Also: "outputFileName.ext" does not need to exist, it will be created if it doesn't, but the redirection will override anything previously written in that file, so take extra care not to redirect to a .c file by accident or to your results of your previous execution, if you need them both)
< (not in your question, but closely related) works the opposite way around as you would imagine, with the program reading input from that file rather than from the keyboard. (obviously the file needs to exist now)
For the second part of your question, you can (and should) still access the name of the input file via the contents of argv[1]. You will open the file and read from it via some of the C functions that takes a file descriptor as an argument (like fscanf(), fgets(), getline()).
Finally, are you sure the command given to you is
./name inputFileName.ext > outputFileName.ext
and not
./name < inputFileName.ext > outputFileName.ext
The latter uses redirection both for input and for output, and you should not do anything different when reading, just read normally from stdin.

Giving 5 Arguments but getting just 3 in terminal

I want to pass a file into a c program.
If I am doing it in the IDE this arguments
./test string string < test.txt
return argc = 5, but on the terminal I am just getting argc = 3.
It seems, that its because of the "<" - symbol, I wanted to use this, to indicate that I am passing a file.
What does < mean? I am using Ubuntu with Tilix terminal
Redirection is performed by the shell, and is not (directly) visible to your program.
./test string string < test.txt
Open test.txt for reading on file descriptor 1
Run ./test with the arguments string and string
The program run in point 2 will inherit the parent's file descriptors, so its standard input will be connected to the opened file handle (rather than the shell's current standard input, which could be your terminal, or a different file handle).
As an aside, you probably want to avoid calling your programs test, though as long as you don't forget to invoke it with an explicit path, this is harmless.
The < symbol will insert information from somewhere (a text file) as if you typed it yourself. It's often used with commands that are designed to get information from standard input only.
For example (using tr):
tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' < fileName.txt > fileNameNew.txt
The example above would insert the contents of fileName.txt into the input of tr and output the results to fileNameNew.txt.
Answer adapted from this page.
For similar information about all symbols, use this page

Why won't this program work with the OS redirection command in C?

I am working with command prompt features with a simple program to generate a text file in C. Here is the program:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
char buf[80];
fgets(buf, 30, stdin);
printf("the input was %s\n", buf);
return 0;
My programming book is wanting to show how to play with the command prompt to make text files from programs, and instructs typing the word 'redirect' followed by '>' then the name of the program name with '.txt'. as below:
redirect> programname.txt
Now this IS generating a file 'programname.txt' on the desktop, but it is empty. The book purports that recipe should allow me to enter a string (as the program is DESIGNED to do) and that this string will be inside a generated programname.txt file. Also, there is a warning in the command line: "not recognized as an internal or external command". I've had this schpill before, but the text file generation did WORK, in that it did generate the .txt file. What am I missing here, for this program to work as intended?
You seem to be confused by the fact that it is not your program, but the shell which creates the file programname.txt, before it even tries to run your program.
And after the first succeeded and created an empty file, the latter probably fails because there is no command redirect in your PATH or such a thing exists as a builtin in your shell, as has already been suggested.
The usual way to perform output redirection in a shell is to use the > filename, but not with redirect before it contrary to what you say. The thing that comes before the > is the command to be redirected.
So, let's say you compile your program and save it as foo in the current directory (e.g. cc -o foo myprogram.c). In that case, you can redirect its output by saying:
./foo > filename.txt

Checking if a file via stdin exists (C)

I'm having difficulty writing a function in C that checks whether a user inputed file (via stdin) exists. For instance if the program is run as ./a.out <myfile.txt, I want it to return false if this file does not exist. I can do this by passing the file as an argument (i.e ./a.out myfile.txt)using fopen(), but not sure how to do this using 'stdin' (i.e ./a.out <myfile.txt)
Ok to clarify:
The larger program is supposed to take the contents of a text file and perform actions on it. The program must be run in the command line as ./a.out arg1 arg2 <myfile.txt. If user ran the program as ./a.out arg1 arg2 or ./a.out (i.e not specifying the file to perform actions on), I want to prompt the user to include a file (using stdin <, not passed as an argument).
Stdin might not be coming from a file at all. Even if it is, when the user types "< myfile.txt" at the command line, the shell swallows that part of the command, and never passes it to the program. As far as the program is concerned, it's an anonymous stream of bytes that might be from a file, a device, a terminal, a pipe, or something else. It is possible to query which of these you have, but even if you know it's a file you won't get the name of the file given on the command line, only an inode.
Since the shell is responsible for opening the file for redirection, it will refuse to execute the command if the file doesn't open.
Input redirection is something done by the shell, not your program. It simply attaches the file to standard input.
Hence, if you try to redirect input from a non-existent file, the shell should complain bitterly and not even run your program, as shown in the following transcript:
pax> echo hello >
pax> cat <
pax> cat <nosuchfile.txt
bash: nosuchfile.txt: No such file or directory
In any case, your program generally doesn't know where the input is coming from, since you can do something like:
echo hello | cat
in which no file is involved.
If you want your program to detect the existence of a file, it will have to open the file itself, meaning you should probably give the filename as an argument rather than using standard input.
Or, you could detect the file existence before running your program, with something like the following bash segment:
if [[ -f ${fspec} ]] ; then
my_prog <${fspec}
echo What the ...
The OS prevent calling your program since it can provide a valid stdin if myfile.txt does not exists. You program will not run thus there is no way you can signal the file is missing, and this diagnostics is done at the OS level.
If user ran the program as ./a.out arg1 arg2 or ./a.out (i.e not specifying the file to perform actions on), I want to prompt the user to include a file (using stdin <, not passed as an argument).
You could use OS-specific functions to check whether stdin is terminal. Checking whether it's file is a very bad idea, because it's very useful to pipe into stdin ... in fact, that's a major reason that there is such a thing as stdin in the first place. If you only want to read from a file, not a terminal or pipe, then you should take the file name as a required argument and not read from the orginal stdin (you can still read from stdin by using freopen). If you insist that you don't want to do it that way, then I will insist that you want to do it wrong.
