(I saw answers of every single StOF questions regarding this - none fully helped. I'm very frustrated after trying so hard for 3 days & nights.)
libcurl.a is statically linked with:
OpenSSL 1.1.1k [64bit/32bit]
brotli 1.0.9 [64bit/32bit]
libgsasl 1.10.0 [64bit/32bit]
libidn2 2.3.1 [64bit/32bit]
libssh2 1.9.0 [64bit/32bit]
nghttp2 1.43.0 [64bit/32bit]
zlib 1.2.11 [64bit/32bit]
zstd 1.5.0 [64bit/32bit]
Case 1 - as if curl isn't statically linked
x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc-10.2.0.exe -o main.exe main.c "C:\curl-7.77.0-win64-mingw\lib\libcurl.a" -DCURL_STATICLIB
Throws unending lines of error, as if libcurl isn't statically linked with its dependencies*:
...\lib\libcurl.a(http2.o):(.text+0x7f): undefined reference to `nghttp2_version'
...\lib\libcurl.a(http2.o):(.text+0x297): undefined reference to `nghttp2_submit_rst_stream'
... (then the errors include many more undefined reference to symbols from nghttp2, ssl, crypt, ssh, gsasl)
The best way to use libcurl is to get the necessary flags via pkg-config. In MSYS2 this works quite well. Otherwise you may need to point the environment variable PKG_CONFIG_PATH to the location of libcurl.pc.
On my system
pkg-config --define-prefix --static --libs libcurl
-LD:/Prog/winlibs64-11.1.0/custombuilt/lib -lcurl -lidn2 -lrtmp -lssh2 -lnettle
-lgnutls -ladvapi32 -lcrypt32 -lgss -lwldap32 -lzstd -lz -lws2_32 -lrtmp
Note that with MinGW the order of the libraries is also important. The library providing a symbol should be mention on the linker command line after the object that refers to that symbol.
Finally you need to make sure that each library you include was in fact built and used statically. With that I mean no stuff like __declspec(dllexport) may be used when building it, and no __declspec(dllimport) may be used when compiling anything that depends on it. For some libraries this may require specific defines before including the library's header(s).
Specifically for libcurl and nghttp2 I find that it helps to add the following at the top of lib/http2.c and lib/http.c when building libcurl:
#if defined(BUILDING_LIBCURL) && !defined(DLL_EXPORT)
This will define NGHTTP2_STATICLIB when building static libcurl.
I have reported this as a bug at: https://github.com/curl/curl/issues/7353
It is so enormously saddening to see how many people have struggled and are still struggling to statically link libcurl to their program. So much so that a very active Curl maintainer said: "building static is a roller coaster left for the users to deal with on their own as its such a never-ending race for us to try to support."
Since linker is saying undefined references, then libcurl.a must be:
not statically linked
Or, you've got the sequence of libraries unarranged. Linker is sensitive to sequence. Example: If libbrotlidec-static.a needs a function/symbol which is inside libbrotlienc-static.a, then libbrotlienc-static.a must be mentioned before libbrotlidec-static.a
A static library is an archive .a of object .obj files. And they're not statically linked in themselves. That's why, to link some-static-library.a to a program, you need to collect and manually mention every.a single.a static.a library.a that are dependencies of some-static-library.a.
In my Chat#Terminal:~$ project, I should have a make.bat file which shows how to statically link libcurl to a program using gcc or mingw. And finally static-compile the whole program, and ship without any runtime dependency!
On a side-note, curl's precompiled-binary website says: Curl_x.x.x is statically linked with: [list of libraries you provided]. Break your misconception that, the statement made at the website means: Curl.exe is statically linked with the libs, not libcurl.
I am trying to add warning as error flag in my makefiles. But I am getting the following problem.
When I am compiling without adding the flag it is successful. But when I am adding Werror flag in some ".mk" files, compilation is failing with some error. But in the successful build log warning was not there for that source file(".c") which is throwing error now(Werror).
I am adding he following flags.
UN_CDEFS := -Wno-error=%
CDEFS := -Wall -Werror -Wextra
SUB_CDEFS := -Wall -Werror -Wextra
So please suggest what might be the problem.
Caveat: This isn't a complete answer because we need more information, but it would become [too] lengthy for more top comments like the ones I've already posted.
As you refine the problem and/or post more data, I can edit this answer accordingly. At a minimum, posting your actual makefiles might help, as well as, the actual final cc commands and the compiler warning/error output for the failing .c file [There may be multiple ones, but the single/first one should be sufficient].
Below are some detailed instructions on how to debug this, based on my own experience with such issues.
But, before I get to that, I'll hazard a guess. I notice that you're doing:
CDEFS := -Wall -Werror
[leaving off the -Wextra as you mentioned in a comment].
If this is done as [nearly] the first thing in the makefile, it's fine. However, if it occurs in the middle, you are replacing CDEFS with your own value. If a prior line in the makefile did (e.g.):
CDEFS = -Dwont_build_cleanly_without_this_option
then, when you add your line, that could be the issue, because this gets [effectively] removed. You might try this instead:
CDEFS += -Wall -Werror
This just appends to the existing symbol, so any prior value will be retained.
Also, the base makefile might have something like:
ifndef CDEFS
CDEFS := -Dwont_build_cleanly_without_this_option
Normally, make will output the full text of commands it executes to create targets. For compilation, this is (e.g.) cc -c foo.c.
Some fancier builds wrap the command in (e.g.) #doit cc -c foo.c where doit prints a message like compiling foo.c ... and only outputs the full command if there is an error. (e.g. the linux kernel build does this, IIRC). I'm assuming you don't have this, but if you do, there is usually a command line override such as make VERBOSE=1
So, there is some .c file somewhere that builds cleanly with the normal options but generates an error when extra compile options are added. Let's call this file badnews.c
What we want to see is the compilation command that make printed for badnews.c and the warning/error output for two cases:
without the extra options
with the extra options in various combinations
In particular, examining the case (1) command against the case (2) commands might show that options other than the -W are different. This indicates a makefile issue, similar to my "guess" above. You've said that [your equivalent of] case (1) is clean with no warnings, but, given the trouble you're having, it wouldn't hurt to double check.
You can cut and paste the case (1) cc command into a shell script and manually add the -W options. Watch out for things with spaces, such as -DSTRING="foo bar" in the makefile that may need extra quotes in a shell script.
To alleviate conflicts similar to yours, in my own makefiles I separate the symbols.
DFLAGS for all -DFOO=1
COPTS for -g, -O2, -Wall, -fno-inline-functions, etc.
Then, I either do:
%.o: %.c:
cc -c $(COPTS) $(DFLAGS) $<
There are other ways to do this as well.
I am using following command to build: emq PRODUCT=ASG >build_log_0508.log
I'm unfamiliar with emq. I can't find a reference to it, except as "enterprise mail queue for JIRA", which [AFAICT] may be part of cPanel?
Getting the following error on compilation: prod/libs/app/app.c:720:5: error: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'free' [-Werror] free(tmp_dn);
This is the smoking gun ...
I don't know what compiler you're using, or what OS/environment, but it appears to not flag this as a warning/error by default.
However, it is a bug in the source app.c that needs to be fixed. It was correctly flagged as a warning/error by the addition of -Wall and -Werror
Note: As I mentioned in my original answer, it would be helpful to have the final cc command line that produced this error [as well as the cc command when this file is not flagged].
I created a simple test case:
myfree(void *ptr)
Here, under gcc, I did gcc -c test.c and I get:
test.c: In function 'myfree':
test.c:5:2: warning: implicit declaration of function 'free' [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
test.c:5:2: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'free'
test.c:5:2: note: include '<stdlib.h>' or provide a declaration of 'free'
So, gcc flags this by default [even without -Wall or -Werror]. But, your compiler does not unless it is given -Wall. This could occur if your compiler were clang and you also specified -std=c89
As I implied earlier, if you just specify -Wall but not -Werror, you should get the same warnings but they just won't stop the build. In a large build, they can be easily overlooked in the log [by a human (e.g.) me :-)].
Referring to the suggestions in my original answer, assuming that the cc commands between case (1) ["good"] and case (2) ["bad"] only differed by the addition of -Wall, the correct way to fix this is to edit app.c and add #include <stdlib.h> as part of the includes.
Is there any problem with "SUB_CDEFS := -Wall -Werror"?
It will have similar problems/benefits as with CDEFS.
I am adding at the end of the makefiles
This is all the more reason to use += instead of :=. You might be "killing off" the -std=c89 if that were specified somewhere.
It worked after doing += instead of :=.
As I mentioned, using := removed some critical compile options, that were specified elsewhere in the makefile(s).
But, once again, the source code has a bug and is broken. It was broken before you ever touched it. By adding -Wall -Werror using :=, you uncovered this bug, that previously was masked incorrectly. This is a good thing.
Using += just sweeps the bug under the rug [again], by restoring some build options that were lost with :=. But, these "lost" build options were wrong. They allowed a genuine flaw in the C code to escape detection.
This is not about getting the build to work [with a workaround], but to fix the root cause of the build problems, which is to modify the C source code. There are probably other such C source code bugs and some may be more severe.
With the workaround to "fix" the build, you've now got a piece of built software that can not be trusted to run correctly. It could fail in intermittent ways on your system(s). Or, produce incorrect results. Or, allow your system to be hacked [and potentially expose you to legal liability] if you're putting this on a publicly facing site.
If you're not comfortable doing the source modification yourself, file a bug report with the original author of the software. The source code should have a README file, or BUGS file, or whatever that should outline a procedure for doing so.
Just need one more clarification for what is the difference between SUB_CDEFS, UN_CDEFS, and CDEFS
It's completely arbitrary.
Software projects built with make, can often build multiple programs or libraries. These often are placed in subdirectories. Each such subdirectory often has its own Makefile.
To avoid needless duplication [and potential error], the parts that would be common to these makefiles are placed in a single makefile, often called a rules file [but it's just a makefile]. The individual makefiles then have a line like: include ../common/rules.mk
The rules file expects that certain symbols are defined that help guide it to build the targets for the given subdirectory.
CDEFS et. al. are an example of such symbols. Names that are descriptive of function are [should be] chosen. That is, CDEFS [probably] means "C definitions". The actual symbol names and their function depends upon the rules file. We could use the symbol SHRONK instead of CDEFS. That doesn't help much with understanding things, but if all makefiles were edited to change CDEFS to SHRONK, it would work.
For example, in other software, instead of CDEFS, a similar symbol might be named CFLAGS or COPTS. This is fairly common.
Side note: It's a bit moot at this point, but things would have gone much more smoothly and quickly if you had edited your question and posted the output cc commands and [some of] your makefiles as I had requested. You would have gotten specific answers in a matter of hours instead of general guidelines [that took several days].
So, without the rules file, it's not possible to tell. Only make a guess, based upon the names:
CDEFS -- global cc options for a subdirectories
SUB_CDEF -- cc options for this particular subdirectory
UN_CDEFS -- specify -Ufoo options
The particular software you are building may have documentation for this in a documentation file or in comments in one or more of the makefiles.
To understand this generally, there are many online guides to make. Under Linux, there are "info" files. So, try info make. Other systems have detailed manpages, so do man make
I have an open source project that relies on another open source project (let's call that other project X). Both are written in C. I've had to hack pieces of X to get multi-threading to work. This causes some issues when trying to package up the code for distribution. To make things easier, I've just included the entirety of X within mine along with the few little hacks I've made.
I'd like to do something more sophisticated now in order to keep the improved functionality of X (it has frequent releases and mine does not) without having to repackage the whole project (with my hacks) within my project again each time that X has a release.
There are only 3 or 4 functions in that need to override. I can follow what is going on in this IBM Tutorial, but how can I modify my Makefile.am to generate the Makefile changes suggested in that article? To summarize, the article suggests writing my own functions with the same signatures as the ones I want to override (in a file called libfuncs.c) and then add the following 'libs' target to the makefile:
all: libs setresgid-tester
libs: libfuncs.c
gcc -shared -Wl,-soname,libfuncs.so.1 -o libfuncs.so.1.0 libfuncs.c
ln -s libfuncs.so.1.0 libfuncs.so.1
ln -s libfuncs.so.1 libfuncs.so
setresgid-tester: setresgid-tester.c
gcc -o setresgid-tester setresgid-tester.c
All of that makes sense to me. What I need to do, however, is to have this 'libs' target created for me with the autotools. I have a Makefile.am works well right now. How do I modify it to produce the desired results above? It was difficult to find in the autotools documentation, but I may just not have known exactly what to look for.
I'm happy to provide more details if helpful. Thanks in advance.
I'm trying to write a simple syntax checker for C code using the frontend available in libclang. Due to deployment concerns, I need to be able to statically link all the libraries in libclang, and not pass around the .so file that has all the libraries.
I'm building clang/llvm from source, and in llvm/Release+Asserts/lib I have a bunch of .a files that I think I should be able to use, but it never seems to work (the linker spews out thousands of errors about missing symbols). However, when I compile it using the libclang.so also present in that directory as follows:
clang main.c -o bin/dlc -I../llvm/tools/clang/include -L../llvm/Release+Asserts/lib/ -lclang
Everything seems to work well.
What is the minimum set of .a files I need to include to make this work? I've tried including absolutely all of the .a files in the build output directory, with them provided to clang/gcc in different orders, without any success. I only need the functions mentioned in libclang's Index.h, but there don't seem to be any resources or documentation on what the various libclang*.a files are for. It would be very helpful to know which files libclang.so pulls in.
The following is supposed to work, as long the whole project has all static libraries (I counted 116 in my Release/lib directory).
clang main.c -o bin/dlc -I../llvm/tools/clang/include ../llvm/Release/lib/*.a
[edit: clang main.c -o bin/dlc -I../llvm/tools/clang/include ../llvm/Release/lib/libclang.a ../llvm/Release/lib/*.a]
Note that the output binary is not static, so you don't need any -static flag for gcc or ld, if you're using this syntax.
If that doesn't work you might need to list the libraries in order: if some library requires a function available in another library, then it may be necessary to list it first in the command line. See comments about link order at:
I am currently working trying to develop software for a SAM7X256 microcontroller in C. The device is running contiki OS and I am using the yagarto toolchain.
While studying the map file (to try to figure out why the .text region had grown so much) I discovered that several kb of the .text region where assigned to unwind support (see below)
.text 0x00116824 0xee4 c:/toolchains/yagarto/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.6.2\libgcc.a(unwind-arm.o)
0x00116c4c _Unwind_VRS_Get
0x0011763c __gnu_Unwind_Backtrace
.text 0x00117708 0x1b0 c:/toolchains/yagarto/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.6.2\libgcc.a(libunwind.o)
0x00117708 __restore_core_regs
0x00117708 restore_core_regs
0x00117894 _Unwind_Backtrace
.text 0x001178b8 0x558 c:/toolchains/yagarto/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.6.2\libgcc.a(pr-support.o)
0x00117958 __gnu_unwind_execute
0x00117e08 _Unwind_GetTextRelBase
I have tried finding looking for some information on unwinding and found 1 and 2. However the following is still unclear to me:
When/why do I need unwinding support?
What part of my code is causing pr-support.o, unwind-arm.o and libunwind.o to be linked?
If applicable, how do I avoid linking the items below.
In case it is necessary I am including a link to the complete map file
Thanks in advance for your help
Edit 1:
Adding Linker commands
CC = arm-none-eabi-gcc
-I$(CONTIKI_CPU)/dbg-io \
-I$(CONTIKI)/platform/$(TARGET) \
${addprefix -I,$(APPDIRS)} \
CFLAGS += $(CFLAGSNO) -O -DRUN_AS_SYSTEM -DROM_RUN -ffunction-sections
LDFLAGS += -L $(CONTIKI_CPU) --verbose -T $(LINKERSCRIPT) -nostartfiles -Wl,-Map,$(TARGET).map
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -nostartfiles -o project.elf -lc Project.a
Several parts to this answer:
the unwinding library functions are pulled in from exception "personality routines" (__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0 etc.) that are mentioned in exception tables in some of the GCC library function modules.
your map file shows that bpapi.o (a module which contains integer division functions) pulls in this exception code. I don't see this in the latest YAGARTO, but I do it in _divdi3.o which is another integer division helper module. I can reproduce the effect of the unwinding code being pulled in by writing a trivial main() that does a 64-bit division.
the general reason for C code having (non-trivial) exception tables is so that C++ exceptions can be thrown "through" the C code when you arbitrarily mix C and C++ code in your application.
functions which can't throw or call throwing functions, should, if they have exception tables at all, only need trivial ones marked as CANTUNWIND, so that the unwinding library isn't pulled in. You'd expect division helpers to be in this category and in fact in CodeSourcery's distribution, _divdi3.o is marked CANTUNWIND.
so the root cause is that YAGARTO's GCC library (libgcc.a) is built inappropriately. Not quite incorrectly, as it should still work, but it's code bloat that you wouldn't expect in an embedded toolchain.
Can you do anything about this? There seems to be no simple way to get the GNU linker to ignore ARM exception sections, even with a /DISCARD/ script - the link to the text section overrides that. But what you can do is add a stub definition for the exception personality routine:
void __aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0(void) {}
int main(void) { return *(unsigned long long *)0x1000 / 3; }
compiles to 4K using YAGARTO, compared to 14K without the stub. But you might want to investigate alternative GNU tools distributions too.
GCC has an option that eliminates exception handling.
While I'm not familiar with yagarto to say for sure, it may have a similar option. On GCC, this option eliminates this overhead at the expense of support for standard exceptions.