how to add custom checkboxes in infusionsoft? - checkbox

I am trying to add custom checkbox in Infusionsoft.
But in the contact form there is no any option to choose field type to checkbox:

This is not possible in infusionsoft. You cant create custome checkboxes.


Template field in ext js

I have the need to create the custom form field which need to works like TemplateColumn in gridPanel.
This custom form field will render multiple field in data model using the provided template just like TemplateColumn.
Since i only want to display data using this custom form field in the form panel so i try to extend the display field, but it only accept 1 data field in the model.
How could I make the custom form field accept value from 2 or more data field in model.
Thanks in advance.
you can bind to several fields and also included text
bind: {
value: "{rec.field1} - static text -> {rec.field2}"
feel free to add a fiddle to show what you want to do if this is not correct.

Multi Select using angular schema forms

I am currently using multiselect checkbox in a dropdown using angular schema forms and my requirment say to disable some other control based on a value selected But I am unable to bind any events to checking of a check box in multi select.
Can anyone Help me on this?
If I understand well you want to remove controls base on some condition of other controls. I made it by adding a condition on the form definition like:
"condition" : "model.nameOfField == 'valueOfField'"

how to access the value of input text was nested in ui-grid cell

enter image description here
I made a cell template(ui-grid) which contains a label, a textfield, and a button. I bind a ng-click on the button. But I dont know how to access the value of textfield. Because what I want to implement is when user input value in the field and click save imagebutton and it will call ajax then do some update in web service.
I was wondering that is it possible to access the textfield from row entity, but I could not find the textfield property in the grid-cell.
thank you so much
ui-grid has built in row editor features. Try the link below.

smartgwt listgridfield with boolean type with checkbox in field header

I've listgridfield in which I need to show checkboxes. So, I just set that field like
It working fine like I want, only thing which I need now is checkbox in header with the same field. So when user want to check or uncheck all checkbox at once will do with this.
I know about the listGrid property which put checkbox field at first column
But this will not helpful for me, I need it at custom level.

rendering radio instead of checkbox or select list in forms

I hav a form which has a model as a source:
In model, we can define the field type, for example: boolean will make the checkbox in form.
now how can we define the type which be rendered as Radio buttons?
Just specify type in your Model like so
$this->addField("name")->setValueList(array('1'=>1, '2'=>2))->type('radio');
