I have an array looking like this:
data =[[01, 777], [02, 888]]
Now I want to create a hash from it like below:
n_clip = [{"name"=>"01", "rep"=>"777"},{"name"=>"02", rep=>"888"}]
I tried to do this in that way:
n_clip = []
data.each do |a|
n_clip << Array[Hash[a.map {|| ["name", a.first]}], Hash[a.map {|| ["rep", a.last]}]]
but it doesn't work because I get:
n_clip = [[{"name"=>"01"},{"rep"="777"}], [{"name"=>"01"},{"rep"="777"}]]
and definitively it isn't what I expected.
data.map { |arr| { 'name' => arr[0], 'rep' => arr[1] } }
i would rather use symbols as hash keys
data.map { |arr| { name: arr[0], rep: arr[1] } }
If you wish to create an array of two hashes, each having the same two keys, the other answers are fine. The following handles the case where there are an arbitrary number of keys and data may contain an arbitrary number of elements.
def hashify(keys, arr_of_vals)
[keys].product(arr_of_vals).map { |ak,av| Hash[ak.zip(av)] }
keys = %w| name rep |
#=> ["name", "rep"]
arr_of_vals = [["01", "777"], ["02", "888"]]
hashify(keys, arr_of_vals)
#=> [{"name"=>"01", "rep"=>"777"}, {"name"=>"02", "rep"=>"888"}]
In your problem arr_of_vals must first be derived from [[1, 777], [02, 888]], but that is a secondary (rather mundane) problem that I will not address.
Another example:
keys = %w| name rep group |
#=> ["name", "rep", "group"]
arr_of_vals = [[1, 777, 51], [2, 888, 52], [1, 2, 53], [3, 4, 54]]
hashify(keys, arr_of_vals)
#=> [{"name"=>1, "rep"=>777, "group"=>51}, {"name"=>2, "rep"=>888, "group"=>52},
# {"name"=>1, "rep"=>2, "group"=>53}, {"name"=>3, "rep"=>4, "group"=>54}]
data.map { |name, rep| { 'name' => name.to_s, 'rep' => rep.to_s } }
arr = [
:start=> "3:30",
break: 30,
num_attendees: 14
id: 3,
start: "3: 40",
break: 40,
num_attendees: 4
id: 4,
start: "4: 40",
break: 10,
num_attendees: 40
When I do the following
arr.map do |hash|
[ hash[:id], hash[:start] ]
#=> [[2, "3:30"], [3, "3: 40"], [4, "4: 40"]]
Is there an elegant and efficient way of passing an array like return_keys = [:id, :start] and get the same above values rather than hard coding inside the array.map
Would you consider the following elegant and efficient?
arr.map { |h| h.values_at(:id, :start) }
#=> [[2, "3:30"], [3, "3: 40"], [4, "4: 40"]]
arr.map { |h| h.values_at(*return_keys) }
#=> [[2, "3:30"], [3, "3: 40"], [4, "4: 40"]]
I find the following really expressive
keys = [:id, :start]
arr.map {|hash| hash.slice(*keys).values}
The slice method returns a hash only with the keys passed as parameters (which are preceded by the * operator to convert an array into keyword arguments and avoid hardcoding). Then, the values method gets just the values out of the hash
I have two arrays of hashes:
a = [
key: 1,
value: "foo"
key: 2,
value: "baz"
b = [
key: 1,
value: "bar"
key: 1000,
value: "something"
I want to merge them into one array of hashes, so essentially a + b except I want any duplicated key in b to overwrite those in a. In this case, both a and b contain a key 1 and I want the final result to have b's key value pair.
Here's the expected result:
expected = [
key: 1,
value: "bar"
key: 2,
value: "baz"
key: 1000,
value: "something"
I got it to work but I was wondering if there's a less wordy way of doing this:
hash_result = {}
a.each do |item|
hash_result[item[:key]] = item[:value]
b.each do |item|
hash_result[item[:key]] = item[:value]
result = []
hash_result.each do |k,v|
result << {:key => k, :value => v}
puts result
puts expected == result # prints true
uniq would work if you concatenate the arrays in reverse order:
(b + a).uniq { |h| h[:key] }
#=> [
# {:key=>1, :value=>"bar"},
# {:key=>1000, :value=>"something"},
# {:key=>2, :value=>"baz"}
# ]
It doesn't however preserve the order.
[a, b].map { |arr| arr.group_by { |e| e[:key] } }
Here we use hash[:key] as a key to build the new hash, then we merge them overriding everything with the last value and return values.
I would rebuild your data a bit, since there are redundant keys in hashes:
thin_b = b.map { |h| [h[:key], h[:value]] }.to_h
#=> {1=>"bar", 1000=>"something"}
thin_a = b.map { |h| [h[:key], h[:value]] }.to_h
#=> {1=>"bar", 1000=>"something"}
Then you can use just Hash#merge:
#=> {1=>"bar", 2=>"baz", 1000=>"something"}
But, if you want, you can get exactly result as mentioned in question:
result.map { |k, v| { key: k, value: v } }
#=> [{:key=>1, :value=>"bar"},
# {:key=>2, :value=>"baz"},
# {:key=>1000, :value=>"something"}]
using Enumerable#group_by and Enumerable#map
(b+a).group_by { |e| e[:key] }.values.map {|arr| arr.first}
If you need to merge two arrays of hashes that should be merged also and there is more than two keys, then next snippet should help:
[a, b].flatten
.group_by { |v| v[:key] }
.map { |e| e.reduce(&:merge) }
I have 2 Arrays.
product_name = ["Pomegranate", "Raspberry", "Miracle fruit", "Raspberry"]
product_quantity = [2, 4, 5, 5]
I'd like to know how to initialize a hash such that it becomes
product_hash = {"Pomegranate"=>2, "Raspberry"=>9, "Miracle fruit"=>5}
Use each_with_object:
.each_with_object({}) {|(k, v), h| h[k] ? h[k] += v : h[k] = v }
#=> {"Pomegranate"=>2, "Raspberry"=>9, "Miracle fruit"=>5}
Or just use hash with default value:
.each_with_object(Hash.new(0)) {|(k, v), h| h[k] += v }
#=> {"Pomegranate"=>2, "Raspberry"=>9, "Miracle fruit"=>5}
I would start with something like this:
.map { |k, v| [k, v.map(&:last).inject(:+)] }
#=> { "Pomegranate" => 2, "Raspberry" => 9, "Miracle fruit" => 5}
I suggest to lookup each method in the Ruby's docs for Array and Hash and to check in the console what each the intermediate step returns.
This is but a slight variation of #llya's solution #2.
product_name.each_index.with_object(Hash.new(0)) { |i,h|
h[product_name[i]] += h[product_quantity[i]] } .
Couldn't we just do:
Seems to return the correct result for me?
I have a hash of integers as keys and arrays of strings as values. I need to convert this to a new hash that inverts this relationship with each item from the array of strings in the original hash values becoming a key in the new hash and each original key becoming the associated value. For example:
original = {1 => ['a', 'b', 'c'], 2 => ['g', 'm', 'z']}
new_hash = {'a' => 1, 'b' => 1, 'c' => 1, 'g' => 2, 'm' => 2, 'z' => 2}
I'm struggling to extract the items from the original array values. It's easy enough to do
original.each { |k, v| new_hash[v] = k }
but this keeps the original array as the new key. I've tried doing something like
original.each { |k, v| new_hash[v.each { |i| i }] = k }
but this also returns the original array for some reason.
Another one, via Array#product:
original.flat_map { |k, v| v.product([k]) }.to_h
#=> {"a"=>1, "b"=>1, "c"=>1, "g"=>2, "m"=>2, "z"=>2}
original.flat_map { |k, vs| vs.map { |v| {v => k} } }.reduce(&:merge)
the below snippet will give what you want, but let me think on a more readable and elegant solution.
newhash = {}
original.each do |k,v|
v.each do |v2|
newhash[v2] = k
#=> {1=>["a", "b", "c"], 2=>["g", "m", "z"]}
#=> {"a"=>1, "b"=>1, "c"=>1, "g"=>2, "m"=>2, "z"=>2}
Your approach is close. You'll have to iterate each element in the values array when assigning the new key/value pair to the newHash
newHash = {}
original.each { |k, v| v.each {|i| newHash[i] = k}}
original.map { |number, ary| Hash[ary.map { |char| [char, number] }] }.reduce(&:merge)
I have an array of arrays [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]. I also have an array of integers [3,4,5,6,8].
Is it possible for me to check if my integers match a complete array in the array of arrays?
So I have 4,5,6 in the int array, and it matches the middle array [4,5,6].
This should work
a = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]
integers = [3,4,5,6,8]
a.any? { |sub_array| sub_array.all? { |item| integers.include? item } }
Try this:
array_1 = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]
array_2 = [3,4,5,6,8]
array_1.any? { |e| (e - array_2).empty? }
# => true
array1 = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]
array2 = [4,5,6]
result = array1.map{|inner_array| inner_array - array2}
# => [[1, 2, 3], [], [7, 8, 9]]
result.any?{|inner_array| inner_array.empty?}
# => true
Assuming you expect a true or false and order doesn't matter, the following works:
require 'set'
a1 = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]
a2 = [3,4,5,6,8]
a1.any? { |item| item.to_set.subset? a2.to_set } #=> true
Assuming you want the index into a1 or nil
a1.index { |item| item.to_set.subset? a2.to_set }
Assuming you want the subset itself or nil
index = a1.index { |item| item.to_set.subset? a2.to_set }
index && a1[index]