How to make three.js run in React Native (without WebView)? - reactjs

I am looking for solution to integrate React Native with three.js. From what I've know, three.js runs in DOM. Is there any way to use three.js in without render to DOM? I use three.js for render 3D object. The example can be looked at, and need solutions to port into React Native.
Thanks :)

You could look at Expo's GLView component, as well as expo-three, their Three.js integration. It is pretty buggy at the moment but you might get results.


A way to precompile a single react component for a react native webview

As the title suggests I am looking for a way to precompile a single or set of normal react components to plain html/js so I can inject this into my webview.
Since I am open to any solution I will give you some background on what I am trying to achieve. We are building a react native app and need to use Leafleft maps by customer requirement. Since Leaflet is not available for react native straight away we are looking for a way to implement it. Currently we are looking at compiling the leaflet react code to normal html/js and inject this into a webview. If there are other/ better ways by all means suggest them!
Thanks for your time 😄

Can I embed React-three-fiber in an Angular app

I have built an angular app that makes pretty extensive use of three.js. Since I built that app, React-three-fiber has been developed and I love it. I don't want to rebuild the app in react. Is it possible to embed react and thus react-three-fiber in an angular app?
Short Answer: It doesn't make sense.
Full answer: React-three-fiber is a renderer for three.js. It merely expresses threejs in JSX:
<mesh />
new THREE.Mesh()
If you want to use React components in Angular you might use a module like ngReact. However, you would have to convert any JSX code to code that does not use JSX as described here. This would defeat the purpose of r3f and you would basically just re-create r3f for Angular.

implement leaflet-responsive-popup plugin with react leaflet

It is more theoretical question, rather than some problem. I am kind of a newbie to adding maps to my app. I have found that using react leaflet is somewhat manageable . however lately I stumbled upon a plugin for the original leaflet leaflet-responsive-popup that will allow me to change the display of popups. however I am strugling on how to implemente it with react leaflet.
Thanks for your help

Is Redux the same for React and React native?

I am currently studying RN by myself, without prior knowledge in React. A lot of things seem to exist in both such as Redux and hooks. Many of the resources I find refer to React in the title (e.g "Redux Crash Course With React").
My question is: where does the line cross between React and React Native? Would I be fine studyig form these resources that refer to React, or would that just confuse me?
I'm trying to understand a go to approach to understand which resource I'd be fine with and which would be irrelevant.
React Native contains React library to use it as front-end library.
Most of usages of React are the same for React-Native. And it is same for Redux too.
React-Native must have other libraries to build applications that can run on both of Android and iOS.
Also it has middleware libraries that allow us to use most of native libraries' functionalities. As an example you can check Alert directory out. It is used for to show native Android alert dialogs.
Good luck..
Both react and react native use javascript to create the user interface we need but the difference is in the rendering, style and bundling and you should know that react native is a framework itself but react.js is a library. the main difference:
---React-Native doesn’t use HTML to render the app, but provides alternative components that work in a similar way. Those React-Native components map the actual real native iOS or Android UI components that get rendered on the app.
---With React-Native, you’ll have to learn a completely new way to animate the different components of your app with Javascript.
--- navigating between pages are totally different!!!
so we conclude that it's better to study references based on RN not react.js . but some functionalities such as redux or hooks or a lot of it's components are exactly the same and you can study react.js references for them. only the 3 differents that i said above are important.

Share Component/Logic between React and React-Native

Im trying to create an application targettng both web and mobile. The idea is to create react components that differ on how they render but share the logic.
React v.014 blog post stated "we’re splitting the main react package into two: react and react-dom. This paves the way to writing components that can be shared between the web version of React and React Native.
The react package contains React.createElement, .createClass, .Component, .PropTypes, .Children, and the other helpers related to elements and component classes. We think of these as the isomorphic or universal helpers that you need to build components."
I've found a great example ( that uses the same concept and accomplished the result (react-native 0.13.6 and react 0.14.2).
In this code, you will see nothing special just a smart idea on how to extend react-native naming conventions system to include a web version. The minute I upgrade to latest react-native, it complaints about any component that uses React.Component from the react package instead of react-native.
This is confusing since 0.14 release seem to indicate that was exactly the point moving fw. Let React create components, let react-dom deal with the DOM and let react-native deal with ios/android views.
I think this is a brilliant idea but I cant seem to pass this particular problem. Any thoughts, ideas will be greatly appreciated.
The transition to make react native work this way is underway but incomplete. See AMA.
We are working hard to stop using our fork such that people can use require('react') and work the same as require('react-native'), this will make it possible for all the third party plugins to work on both places without doing anything.
Right now we can't use relay on the open source version of react-native without forking it, which is a huge shame and we're working on fixing that.
