Browser back button in angularjs - angularjs

I have menu links. on clicking on these menu links hiding using angularjs.
How to enable browser back button to navigate back.


How to show a popup or dialog on click of menu tab of salesforce?

I am new to salesforce and there is a requirement to show a popup or dialog box (vf page) on click of menu tabs.
Please guide me if this can be done.
If you are using JQuery on visual force page then you can use JQuery Dialog to have pop up.
Please refer this link.

Side Menu issue in ionic

In my ionic menu, if we click any page from menu list, side menu appears. But on button click if we load any page side menu does not appear untill we refresh
I also face same type of problem,i think its help you.
I forgot to use the option enable-menu-with-back-views="true" on my <ion-side-menus>

AngularJS nested modal templates

I have a spa developed with AngularJS (routing with ngroute). Every template have the menu, in the menu there is a back button. I want to return to the previous view with he's state (information, scroll in the page etc). If I code every button in the menu to open the next template in modal that have dimension of full screen, and the back button just close the current modal. This method can do a memory leak?
This case is an hybrid application running in the tablet, the back button is in the menu of application not that of the browser.
Why don't you use $window.history.back();
Why don't you create a template for the menu and include it into your views by using ng-include?

Ionic + Angular UI-Routing: How to delete Back Stack?

Im working with the Ionic-Framework and AngularJS.
If you create the Ionic sidemenu sample project:
ionic start myApp sidemenu
You will get a small example application which shows my exact problem.
You can try out the behaviour here: Plunker
If you open up the Side-Menu and navigate to several locations everything
is put on the Back-Stack. How can I prevent that behaviour for special pages?
For our example lets say i always want to completely delete the Back-Stack
when the "playlists" page is called. My Application will run on mobile devices only and its very untypical to be able to press the back button in the main menu and be navigated to the last opended page.
I want Angular UI-Routing to simulate the Android Backing behaviour.
How can i achieve that?
Another problem is that the hardware back button seems to work different than the back button of the navigation bar. You can see that in the browser. If you navigate to a link from the side menu there wont appear a back button in the navigation bar (Like it should be!). But when you press the browser back button, suddenly a back button in the navigation bar appears (very uncool!). How to prevent that?

redirect to home page and remove the back button on navigation bar

i have an simple ion sidebar app with links inside the sidebar so when the user taps on the link in the sidebar a new view is loaded
but when the user taps the back button i want them to go to the home page form the view in which they where.
i accomplish this using
And it works fine but when i arrive at the home pace the sidebar "hamburger" icon is replaced with a back button to the view.
so is there a way to navigate to home without any history?
i am using all latest version of ionic
In Ionic 1.0.0-beta.14 you can do $ionicHistory.clearHistory()
More info
