File Name based on Array - arrays

I have created an array:
declare -A months=( ["JAN"]="AP01" ["FEB"]="AP02" ["MAR"]="AP03" ["APR"]="AP04" ["MAY"]="AP05" ["JUN"]="AP06" ["JUL"]="AP07" ["AUG"]="AP08" ["SEP"]="AP09" ["OCT"]="AP10" ["NOV"]="AP11" ["DEC"]="AP12")
Now I want read the replaced value of the month as it splits the file and creates new file name:
awk -F, '{print "a~ST_SAP_FILE~Actual~",echo ${months["${"$3":0:3}"]}","~RM.txt"}' ExtractOriginal.txt
The field where the variable substitution occurs is column 3. In there I have MAR-2016, what I am expecting is a file named: a~ST_SAP_FILE~Actual~MAR~RM.txt. However, I get an error:
awk: syntax error near line 1
awk: illegal statement near line 1
awk: syntax error near line 1
awk: bailing out near line 1
What is the right syntax to take column 3, pass it to my array, return the Substitution variable and use it as the file name?

There's a few ways you could go about solving your problem. Which you choose is mostly contingent on how tied to awk you want to be.
Declare the array in awk:
Is there any reason for you not to declare the variable in awk?
awk -F, 'BEGIN{months["JAN"]="AP01"; months["FEB"]="AP02"; months["MAR"]="AP03"; months["APR"]="AP04"; months["MAY"]="AP05"; months["JUN"]="AP06"; months["JUL"]="AP07"; months["AUG"]="AP08"; months["SEP"]="AP09"; months["OCT"]="AP10"; months["NOV"]="AP11"; months["DEC"]="AP12"}{print "a~ST_SAP_FILE~Actual~"months[substr($3,0,3)]"~RM.txt"}' ExtractOriginal.txt
(also note that I removed the commas from print, since those will add spaces that your question seems to indicate you do not want in the result)
As #Ed Morton pointed out, due to the nature of your array, we can simplify it's creation with split/sprintf, giving you this:
awk -F, 'BEGIN{split("JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC",t," "); for (i in t) months[t[i]]=sprintf("AP%02d",i)}{print "a~ST_SAP_FILE~Actual~"months[substr($3,0,3)]"~RM.txt"}' ExtractOriginal.txt
Parse the variable into awk:
This seems closest to what you were trying to do in your attempt. This keeps the array available in bash, but handles getting the filename you want with awk. Since there is no native way to handle a bash array in awk, you have to construct the latter from the former (which is made more difficult by this being an associative array).
I did this by first changing the bash array into a more easily parsed string which I then passed into awk as a variable.
# Declare the array
declare -A months=( ["JAN"]="AP01" ["FEB"]="AP02" ["MAR"]="AP03" ["APR"]="AP04" ["MAY"]="AP05" ["JUN"]="AP06" ["JUL"]="AP07" ["AUG"]="AP08" ["SEP"]="AP09" ["OCT"]="AP10" ["NOV"]="AP11" ["DEC"]="AP12")
# Change the array into a string more easily parsed with awk
# Each element in this array is of the format MON=APON
mon=`for key in ${!months[#]}; do echo ${key}'='${months[${key}]}; done`
# See below explanation
awk -F, -v mon="$mon" 'BEGIN {split(mon,tmp," "); for(m in tmp){i = index(tmp[m], "="); months[substr(tmp[m], 1, i-1)] = substr(tmp[m], i+1)}} {print "a~ST_SAP_FILE~Actual~"months[substr($3,0,3)]"~RM.txt"}' ExtractOriginal.txt
Below is a more readable version of the awk script. Note that -v mon="$mon" passes the bash variable mon into awk as a variable also named mon:
split(mon,tmp," "); # split the string mon into an array named tmp
for(m in tmp) { # for element in tmp
i = index(tmp[m], "="); # get the index of the '='
months[substr(tmp[m], 1, i-1)] = substr(tmp[m], i+1)
# split the elements of tmp at the '='
# and add them into an associative array called months
# the value is the part which follows the '='
print "a~ST_SAP_FILE~Actual~"months[substr($3,0,3)]"~RM.txt"
Skip awk entirely:
Another option is to simply not use awk at all, which removes the burden of getting the array into a workable state. It's not clear by your question if this is a potential solution for you, but personally I found this bash version much simpler to write/read/understand.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
declare -A months=( ["JAN"]="AP01" ["FEB"]="AP02" ["MAR"]="AP03" ["APR"]="AP04" ["MAY"]="AP05" ["JUN"]="AP06" ["JUL"]="AP07" ["AUG"]="AP08" ["SEP"]="AP09" ["OCT"]="AP10" ["NOV"]="AP11" ["DEC"]="AP12")
while read line; do # for line in file
month_yr=`echo $line | cut -d',' -f3` # get the third column
month=${months[${month_yr:0:3}]} # get first 3 characters
echo 'a~ST_SAP_FILE~Actual~'$month'~RM.txt'
done <"$filename"


Bash, wihle read line by line, split strings on line divided by ",", store to array

I need to read file line by line, and every line split by ",", and store to array.
File source_file.
while read -r line; do
IFS="," read -ra para_$i <<< $line
echo ${para_$i[#]}
done < source_file
Expected output.
Script will out error about echo.
./ line 21: ${para_$i[#]}: bad substitution
When I echo array one by one field, for example
echo para_1[0]
it shows, that variables are stored.
But I need use it with variable within, something like this.
Is possible to do this?
There is a trick to simulate 2D arrays using associative arrays. It works nice and I think is the most flexible and extensible:
declare -A para
while IFS=, read -r -a line; do
for j in ${!line[#]}; do
((i++)) ||:
done < source_file
declare -p para
will output:
declare -A para=([1,0]="usl-coop" [1,1]="/root" [2,1]="/bin" [2,0]="usl-dev" )
Without modifying your script that much you could use indirect variable expansion. It's sometimes used in simpler scripts:
while IFS="," read -r -a para_$i; do
echo "${!n}"
((i++)) ||:
done < source_file
declare -p ${!para_*}
or basically the same with a nameref a named reference to another variable (side note: see how [#] needs to be part of the variable in indirect expansion, but not in named reference):
while IFS="," read -r -a para_$i; do
declare -n n
echo "${n[#]}"
((i++)) ||:
done < source_file
declare -p ${!para_*}
both scripts above will output the same:
usl-coop /root
usl-dev /bin
declare -a para_1=([0]="usl-coop" [1]="/root")
declare -a para_2=([0]="usl-dev" [1]="/bin")
That said, I think you shouldn't read your file into memory at all. It's just a bad design. Shell and bash is build around passing your files with pipes, streams, fifos, redirections, process substitutions, etc. without ever saving/copying/storing the file. If you have a file to parse, you should stream it to another process, parse and save the result, without ever storing the whole input in memory. If you want some data to find inside a file, use grep or awk.
Here is a short awk script that do the task.
awk 'BEGIN{FS=",";of="para_%d[%d]=%s\n"}{printf(of, NR, 0, $1);printf(of, NR, 1, $2)}' input.txt
Provide the desired output.
FS=","; # set field seperator to `,`
of="para_%d[%d]=%s\n" # define common printf output format
{ # for each input line
printf(of, NR, 0, $1); # output for current line, [0], left field
printf(of, NR, 1, $2) # output for current line, [1], right field

How does bash array slicing work when start index is not provided?

I'm looking at a script, and I'm having trouble determining what is going on.
Here is an example:
# Command to get the last 4 occurrences of a pattern in a file
lsCommand="ls /my/directory | grep -i my_pattern | tail -4"
# Load the results of that command into an array
dirArray=($(echo $(eval $lsCommand) | tr ' ' '\n'))
# What is this doing?
yesterdaysFileArray=($(echo ${x[#]::$((${#x[#]} / 2))} | tr ' ' '\n'))
There is a lot going on here. I understand how arrays work, but I don't know how $x is getting referenced if it was never declared.
I see that the $((${#x[#]} / 2}} is taking the number of elements and dividing it in half, and the tr is used to create the array. But what else is going on?
I think the last line is an array slice pattern in bash of form ${array[#]:1:2}, where array[#] returns the contents of the array, :1:2 takes a slice of length 2, starting at index 1.
So for your case though you are taking the start index empty because you haven't specified any and length as half the count of array.
But there is a lot better way to do this in bash as below. Don't use eval and use the built-in globbing support from the shell itself
cd /my/directory
for file in *my_pattern*; do
[[ -f "$file" ]] || { printf '%s\n' 'no file found'; return 1; }
fileArray+=( "$file" )
and do
printf '%s\n' "${fileArray[#]::${#fileArray[#]}/2}"

How to get user input as number and echo the stored array value of that number in bash scripting

I have wrote a script that throws the output of running node processes with the cwd of that process and I store the value in an array using for loop and do echo that array.
How can I able to get the user enter the index of array regarding the output that the script throws and show the output against that input generated by user
Example Myscript
array=$(netstat -nlp | grep node)
for i in ${array[*]}
echo $i
output is something like that
I want something more advance. I want to take input from user like
Enter the regarding index from above list = 1
And lets suppose user enter 1
Then next output should be
Your selected value is 2064
Is it possible in bash
First, you're not actually using an array, you are storing a plain string in the variable "array". The string contains words separated by whitespace, so when you supply the variable in the for statement, the unquoted value is subject to Word Splitting
You need to use the array syntax for setting the array:
array=( $(netstat -nlp | grep node) )
However, the unquoted command substitution still exposes you to Filename Expansion. The best way to store the lines of a command into an array is to use the mapfile command with a process substitution:
mapfile -t array < <(netstat -nlp | grep node)
And in the for loop, make sure you quote all the variables and use index #
for i in "${array[#]}"; do
echo "$i"
arrays created with mapfile will start at index 0, so be careful of off-by-one errors
I don't know how variables are implemented in bash, but there is this oddity:
if you refer to the array without an index, you'll get the first element:
array=( "hello" "world" )
echo "$array" # ==> hello
If you refer to a plain variable with array syntax and index zero, you'll get the value:
echo "${var[0]}" # ==> 1234

Bash, split words into letters and save to array

I'm struggling with a project. I am supposed to write a bash script which will work like tr command. At the beginning I would like to save all commands arguments into separated arrays. And in case if an argument is a word I would like to have each char in separated array field,eg.
tr_mine AB DC
I would like to have two arrays: a[0] = A, a[1] = B and b[0]=C b[1]=D.
I found a way, but it's not working:
IFS="" read -r -a array <<< "$a"
No sed, no awk, all bash internals.
Assuming that words are always separated with blanks (space and/or tabs),
also assuming that words are given as arguments, and writing for bash only:
blank=$'[ \t]'
while IFS='' read -r -d '' -N 1 c ; do
if [[ $c =~ $blank ]]; then n=$((n+1)); continue; fi
eval ${varname}${n}'+=("'"$c"'")'
done <<<"$#"
last=$(eval echo \${#${varname}${n}[#]}) ### Find last character index.
unset "${varname}${n}[$last-1]" ### Remove last (trailing) newline.
for ((j=1;j<=$n;j++)); do
printf '<%s> ' "${!k}"; echo
That will set each array A1, A2, A3, etc. ... to the letters of each word.
The value at the end of the first loop of $n is the count of words processed.
Printing may be a little tricky, that is why the code to access each letter is given above.
Applied to your sample text:
<A> <B>
<D> <C>
The script is setting two (array) vars A1 and A2.
And each letter is one array element: A1[0] = A, A1[1] = B and A2[0]=C, A2[1]=D.
You need to set a variable ($k) to the array element to access.
For example, to echo fourth letter (0 based) of second word (1 based) you need to do (that may be changed if needed):
k="A2[3]"; echo "${!k}" ### Indirect addressing.
The script will work as this:
$ ABCD efghi
<A> <B> <C> <D>
<e> <f> <g> <h> <i>
Caveat: Characters will be split even if quoted. However, quoted arguments is the correct way to use this script to avoid the effect of shell metacharacters ( |,&,;,(,),<,>,space,tab ). Of course, spaces (even if repeated) will split words as defined by the variable $blank:
$ $'qwer;rttt fgf\ngfg'
<q> <w> <e> <r> <;> <r> <t> <t> <t>
<f> <g> <f> <
> <g> <f> <g>
As the script will accept and correctly process embebed newlines we need to use: unset "${varname}${n}[$last-1]" to remove the last trailing "newline". If that is not desired, quote the line.
Security Note: The eval is not much of a problem here as it is only processing one character at a time. It would be difficult to create an attack based on just one character. Anyway, the usual warning is valid: Always sanitize your input before using this script. Also, most (not quoted) metacharacters of bash will break this script.
$ qwer(rttt fgfgfg
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
I would strongly suggest to do this in another language if possible, it will be a lot easier.
Now, the closest I come up with is:
sentence="AC DC"
words=`echo "$sentence" | tr " " "\n"`
# final array
declare -A result
# word count
for i in $words; do
# letter count in the word
for l in `echo "$i" | grep -o .`; do
echo "Result Length $rLen"
for i in "${!result[#]}"
echo "$i => ${result[$i]}"
The above prints:
Result Length 4
w1-l1 => C
w1-l0 => D
w0-l0 => A
w0-l1 => C
Dynamic variables are not supported in bash (ie create variables using variables) so I am using an associative array instead (result)
Arrays in bash are single dimension. To fake a 2D array I use the indexes: w for words and l for letters. This will make further processing a pain...
Associative arrays are not ordered thus results appear in random order when printing
${!result[#]} is used instead of ${result[#]}. The first iterates keys while the second iterates values
I know this is not exactly what you ask for, but I hope it will point you to the right direction
Try this :
read -r -a words <<< "$sentence"
for word in ${words[#]}; do
inc=$(( i++ ))
read -r -a l${inc} <<< $(sed 's/./& /g' <<< $word)
echo ${words[1]} # print "CD"
echo ${l1[1]} # print "D"
The first read reads all words, the internal one is for letters.
The sed command add a space after each letters to make the string splittable by read -a. You can also use this sed command to remove unwanted characters from words (eg commas) before splitting.
If special characters are allowed in words, you can use a simple grep instead of the sed command (as suggested in :
read -r -a l${inc} <<< $(grep -o . <<< $word)
The word array is ${w}.
The letters arrays are named l# where # is an increment added for each word read.

How to copy an array in Bash?

I have an array of applications, initialized like this:
depends=$(cat ~/Depends.txt)
When I try to parse the list and copy it to a new array using,
for i in "${depends[#]}"; do
if [ $i #isn't installed ]; then
What happens is that only the first element of depends winds up on newDepends.
for i in "${newDepends[#]}"; do
echo $i
^^ This would output just one thing. So I'm trying to figure out why my for loop is is only moving the first element. The whole list is originally on depends, so it's not that, but I'm all out of ideas.
a=(foo bar "foo 1" "bar two") #create an array
b=("${a[#]}") #copy the array in another one
for value in "${b[#]}" ; do #print the new array
echo "$value"
The simplest way to copy a non-associative array in bash is to:
or to add elements to a preexistent array:
Newlines/spaces/IFS in the elements will be preserved.
For copying associative arrays, Isaac's solutions work great.
The solutions given in the other answers won't work for associative arrays, or for arrays with non-contiguous indices. Here are is a more general solution:
declare -A arr=([this]=hello [\'that\']=world [theother]='and "goodbye"!')
temp=$(declare -p arr)
eval "${temp/arr=/newarr=}"
diff <(echo "$temp") <(declare -p newarr | sed 's/newarr=/arr=/')
# no output
And another:
declare -A arr=([this]=hello [\'that\']=world [theother]='and "goodbye"!')
declare -A newarr
for idx in "${!arr[#]}"; do
diff <(echo "$temp") <(declare -p newarr | sed 's/newarr=/arr=/')
# no output
Try this: arrayClone=("${oldArray[#]}")
This works easily.
array_copy() {
set -- "$(declare -p $1)" "$2"
eval "$2=${1#*=}"
# Usage examples:
these=(apple banana catalog dormant eagle fruit goose hat icicle)
array_copy these those
declare -p those
declare -A src dest
source=(["It's a 15\" spike"]="and it's 1\" thick" [foo]=bar [baz]=qux)
array_copy src dest
declare -p dest
Note: when copying associative arrays, the destination must already exist as an associative array. If not, array_copy() will create it as a standard array and try to interpret the key names from the associative source as arithmetic variable names, with ugly results.
Isaac Schwabacher's solution is more robust in this regard, but it can't be tidily wrapped up in a function because its eval step evaluates an entire declare statement and bash treats those as equivalent to local when they're inside a function. This could be worked around by wedging the -g option into the evaluated declare but that might give the destination array more scope than it's supposed to have. Better, I think, to have array_copy() perform only the actual copy into an explicitly scoped destination.
You can copy an array by inserting the elements of the first array into the copy by specifying the index:
array=( One Two Three Go! );
array_copy( );
let j=0;
for (( i=0; i<${#array[#]}; i++)
if [[ $i -ne 1 ]]; then # change the test here to your 'isn't installed' test
let i+=1;
for k in "${array_copy[#]}"; do
echo $k
The output of this would be:
A useful document on bash arrays is on TLDP.
Problem is to copy array in function to be visible in parent code. This solution works for indexed arrays and if before copying are predefined as declare -A ARRAY, works also for associative arrays.
function array_copy
# $1 original array name
# $2 new array name with the same content
local INDEX
eval "
for INDEX in \"\${!$1[#]}\"
Starting with Bash 4.3, you can do this
$ alpha=(bravo charlie 'delta 3' '' foxtrot)
$ declare -n golf=alpha
$ echo "${golf[2]}"
delta 3
Managed to copy an array into another.
for element in "${secondArray[#]}"; do
echo "${element}"
I've found that this works for me (mostly :)) ...
eval $(declare -p base | sed "s,base,target,")
extending the sed command to edit any switches as necessary e.g. if the new structure has to be writeable, to edit out read-only (-r).
I've discovered what was wrong.. My if isn't installed test is two for loops that remove excess characters from file names, and spits them out if they exist on a certain web server. What it wasn't doing was removing a trailing hyphen. So, when it tested it online for availability, they were parsed out. Because "file" exists, but "file-" doesn't.
