Where to call the APIs in application stack? - angularjs

I'm trying to create a web application which use the APIs of some other application like "Twitter API", "Stack Exchange API" Github API. I'm thinking to use the MEAN stack for my application. As I'm new to this I'm not sure that where to call the API in the application stack.
Let me give me a example to clear my question.
Suppose I want to call the Gist API for listing the public gist in my application and display beautifully on the web browser.
For this I have to user the GET method with the URL "https://api.github.com/gists/public". Now my question is where should I call this GET method in my application stack ?
My requirements.
Call the query from web browser using User Interface to fetch data from API provider and display on caller's browser.
ADD/DELETE/UPDATE from the browser itself and it should reflect on API provider website too.
I don't need to store any data in my application. All data will store at API provider itself. User authentication will also done via API (OAuth 2)
I have few question on the basis of my requirements
Can my requirements be achieved only from front-end (Angular.js) ? If yes, shall I still need to use server-end (Node.js) in my application ?
Can it be done only using server-end (Node.js) ?
Can you suggest some better technologies to use in my stack according to my requirements ?
I new in this area so my understanding of application stack may not be clear. So I will be very thankful if you provide some online resource to understand API call and application stack implementation . I tried to search on Google but i didn't find good one.
I found this tutorial https://zapier.com/learn/apis/ very good. But there theory only. No example is given how to use in actual code.
Please let me know if the question is not clear to you.

You can create services in angular to make API calls or you can call the API's on the backend (node.js app) and then use a view engine like handlebars to generate the html.


Should you query Google Maps API directly or through your own REST API?

As the title explains I want to query Google Maps API based on a user input. Now, for the sake of clarity I've got a system in place with the frontend built in React and the backend on Java Spring. In particular, I want to perform forward geocoding whenever a user presses submit on a form to search for an address. Should I just do this natively inside the React code or create a service for it inside the Spring backend?
My thoughts would be that by chaining API calls would add unnecessary complexity but at the same time I don't feel like mixing responsibilities and making some part of the code call my own API and some other part ignore it completely.
If you make direct calls to Google Maps API from your frontend, you will expose your API key to frontend. Anyone could grab your API key and make queries to Google API outside of your application so unless you are sure that you can secure your api keys, i would suggest making api calls from your backend.

Sending an email from contact us form using only Angularjs and Send grid without back end API in place

I have taken a look around the internet and all the solutions emphasize using Express and Node Js API in place to able to send an email. I would love to see any suggestions on how to best go about it because I don't have a backend in place. Thank you.
You're going to need some sort of backend otherwise the API-Key will be exposed.
From the SendGrid documentation:
When you have a browser-only application that reaches out to APIs, the API key has to be embedded in the application. Anyone with access to a browser-only application can access all of the Javascript source code, including your API keys.
Making your API key publicly accessible could result in anyone authenticating API calls with your API key — this is a significant security concern both for you and SendGrid.
You could use a serverless AWS lambda function or google function which would be a "backend" but without having to support the infrastructure / use a big framework.

How to use API as backend in ionic mobile app development?

I am having a web application built using JAVA spring which has API feature to read and write into database.
Now i have to develop an ionic mobile app for the same application. How to read and write data into database.
I know Firebase and other alternatives can do the job.
But i need my own API code(written for web app) to be used. Is there any way to achieve that?
I guess calling the respective API when the web application is live is achievable.
But how can i achieve that while developing(When the web app is under construction)
Well depending on how you set up the API this could become quite difficult.
You're saying/guessing that you can call the API when the webapplication is live. This makes me assume you've created a REST API? Or did you create a Spring MVC application?
If the webapplication is directly linked to your Spring application (f.e. going to localhost:8080/my-profile shows a page (not JSON) of your profile) then I'm not sure if you can achieve the above mentioned target.
If you get a JSON response, or are somehow able to retrieve it from the webpage, you can just simply call (in typescript:)
this.http.get('http://localhost:8080/my-profile').map(response => console.log(response.json() );
Else, you probably will have to create a basic REST API (check out Spring boot for a 5 minute setup) and provide it, either with hardcoded data or connect it with your database.

How to make Ionic app work with an API written in Laravel but still works offline

I would like to ask how to create an ionic app that talks to Laravel API but still works offline when there's no connection.
Let's say i have to write a quiz mobile app in Ionic and it requests for Laravel API to retrieve the questions as well as store the scores in db.
I'm just starting to learn Ionic and i'm really confused right now on how to approach this.
What confuses me most are:
Does the Ionic source live inside the Laravel source code w/c serves the API?
If i want the Ionic app to be installable, should the Laravel source code be included as well during the compilation process?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Your php or in general server side code is completely independent from your ionic application. If you want your app to work offline you should think about something like fetching a high number of information initially and work with this data without making any additional requests.
However your ionic app does only contain the frontend. You could implement some logic for local storage, but if you want to keep information hidden from the user (e.g. solutions) you have to put that logic on a dedicated server.
In the few details you provided, I can say the Laravel code does not live inside the ionic app. The ionic app is separate from the backend API by Laravel. You are possibly trying for a ReST based architecture where you communicate with your Laravel Server with an API. You need to keep those codes separate.
However without any internet, you won't be able to access those APIs, so you will just be able to show some static data, or you could serve from a DB and show later. For how to use the sqlite db you can look here
In your backend you can have an API like
Which will fetch a question with options and if you want the app to have the answer for offline storage you may have that as well. When a user answers, you may check whether you have internet access and send answer and verify if you do, else you may save the answer in your DB and sync when you do have access. You can fetch multiple questions so that a user may answer multiple questions in case he/she will not have internet access.
Hope it helps. :)

Creating a web application that communicates with another web application seamlessly?

I am trying to develop a web application that can communicate with another web application. App1 is an app developed using Angular.js and Struts2. This apps sole purpose is to perform search queries on several databases and returning the information about the products for the user to view. App2, the current app I am developing, will be developed using Angular.js and Flask/Python. This app will be responsible for storing the products the user selects in a shopping cart and allowing the user to make a purchase.
I am stuck as to how to get the two applications to communicate(passing login information, selected items ids, etc.) with eachother.
I have tried passing information via a url redirect (http://www.example.com/?myVar=someData&...) but Angular is giving me a lot of trouble to try and get around that. Even if I can get this to work, I think it would be insecure as data the user shouldn't know will be exposed in the url.
My second thought would be to somehow access the session data from App1 in App2 but that could also lead to security issues.
My final thought would be to some how make a call to App1 that returns a json object that can be parsed in App2 but I am not entirely sure how to pass that information along.
How can I get the two applications to communicate with each other?
Thanks for your help
In my opinion this isn't really within the scope of AngularJS. However, I believe that the best, most accepted practice for communication between web applications in this day and age is RESTful Web Services.
It's not a small topic, but once you get the concept behind it you can use it in any programming language that supports web applications (Java which I'm assuming you're using because of struts has multiple REST libraries, I prefer Jersey but that's just me).
It's also an amazing way to use your Angular front end to talk with its own back end. The entire Angular $resource framework is built around the idea of using RESTful services.
Check out this link on Wikipedia for a brief synopsis of what makes a service RESTful: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representational_state_transfer#Applied_to_web_services
Now, that applies to most of what you asked. As far as login information is concerned, that's going to depend on your security implementation. A lot of times you can put information like that in the header of a web services request, and only accept requests that come from trusted servers, etc. but there's a good bit of stuff to understand there. It's an entirely separate topic.
Hopefully this helps you get started. Let me know if you'd like more information or pointers.
