Is "offset-fetch and order by" ordering the whole table or partial table? - sql-server

In SQL Server, if I try the following query:
select id from table
order by id
offset 1000000 ROWS
fetch next 1000000 ROWS ONLY;
How will SQL Server work? What strategy does SQL server use?
1. Do a sorting on the whole table first and then select the 1 million rows we need
2. Do a sorting on partial table and then return the 1 million rows we need.
I assume it is 2nd option. If so, how does SQL server decide which range of the table to be sorted?
Edit 1:
I am asking this question to understand what could cause the query slow. I am testing with two queries:
--Query 1:
select id from table
order by id
offset 1 ROWS
fetch next 1 ROWS ONLY;
--Query 2:
select id from table
order by id
offset 1000000000 ROWS
fetch next 1 ROWS ONLY;
I found the second query can take me about 30 minutes to finish while the first takes almost 0 second.
So I am curious on what causes this difference? If the two have same time used for order by (or does it even really do a sorting on the whole table? The id is the clustered indexed column of the table. I cannot imagine that it takes 0 second to finish sorting on a terabyte table.)
Then if the sorting takes same time, only difference would be the clustered-index scan. For first query, it only needs to scan first 1 or 10 (a small number) of rows. While for the second query, it needs to scan a much bigger number of rows ( >1000000000 ). But I am not quite sure if this is correct.
Thank you for your help!

Let me take a simple example..
order by id
offset 50 rows fetch 25 rows only
For the above query,the steps would be
1.Table should be sorted by id (if not pay penalty of sort,there is no partial sort,always a full sort)
2.Then scan 50+25 rows(paying cost of 75 rows) and return 25 rows only..
Below is an example of orders table i have(orderid is Pk,so sorted),you can see even though, we are getting only 20 rows ,you are paying cost of 120 rows...
Coming to your question,there is no partial sort (Which implies first option regarding sort only),even you try to return one row like below..
select top 1* from table
order by orderid


Snowflake query pruning by Column

in the Snowflake Docs it says:
First, prune micro-partitions that are not needed for the query.
Then, prune by column within the remaining micro-partitions.
What is meant with the second step?
Let's take the example table t1 shown in the link. In this example table I use the following query:
Date = ‚11/3‘ AND
Name = ‚C‘
Because of the Date = ‚11/3‘ it would only scan micro partitions 2, 3 and 4. Because of the Name = 'C' it can prune even more and only scan micro-partions 2 and 4.
So in the end only micro-partitions 2 and 4 would be scanned.
But where does the second step come into play? What is meant with prune by column within the remaining micro partitions?
Does it mean, that only rows 4, 5 and 6 on micro-partition 2 and row 1 on micro-partition 4 are scanned, because date is my clustering key and is sorted so you can prune even further with the date?
So in the end only 4 rows would be scanned?
But where does the second step come into play? What is meant with prune by column within the remaining micro partitions?
Benefits of Micro-partitioning:
Columns are stored independently within micro-partitions, often referred to as columnar storage.
This enables efficient scanning of individual columns; only the columns referenced by a query are scanned.
It is recommended to avoid SELECT * and specify required columns explicitly.
It simply means to only select the columns that are required for the query. So in your example it would be:
SELECT col_1, col_2 FROM t1
Date = ‚11/3‘ AND
Name = ‚C‘

SQL join running slow

I have 2 sql queries doing the same thing, first query takes 13 sec to execute while second takes 1 sec to execute. Any reason why ?
Not necessary all the ids in ProcessMessages will have data in ProcessMessageDetails
-- takes 13 sec to execute
Select * from dbo.ProcessMessages t1
join dbo.ProcessMessageDetails t2 on t1.ProcessMessageId = t2.ProcessMessageId
Where Id = 4 and Isdone = 0
--takes under a sec to execute
Select * from dbo.ProcessMessageDetails
where ProcessMessageId in ( Select distinct ProcessMessageId from dbo.ProcessMessages t1
Where Where Id = 4 and Isdone = 0 )
I have clusterd index on t1.processMessageId(Pk) and non clusterd index on t2.processMessageId (FK)
I would need the actual execution plans to tell you exactly what SqlServer is doing behind the scenes. I can tell you these queries aren't doing the exact same thing.
The first query is going through and finding all of the items that meet the conditions for t1 and finding all of the items for t2 and then finding which ones match and joining them together.
The second one is saying first find all of the items that are meet my criteria from t1, and then find the items in t2 that have one of these IDs.
Depending on your statistics, available indexes, hardware, table sizes: Sql Server may decide to do different types of scans or seeks to pick data for each part of the query, and it also may decide to join together data in a certain way.
The answer to your question is really simple the first query which have used will generate more number of rows as compared to the second query so it will take more time to search those many rows that's the reason your first query took 13 seconds and the second one to only one second
So it is generally suggested that you should apply your conditions before making your join or else your number of rows will increase and then you will require more time to search those many rows when joined.

Table Scan very high "actual rows" when filter placed on different table

I have a query, that I did not write, that takes 2.5 minutes to run. I am trying to optimize it without being able to modify the underlying tables, i.e. no new indexes can be added.
During my optimization troubleshooting I commented out a filter and all of a sudden my query ran in .5 seconds. I have screwed with the formatting and placing of that filter and if it is there the query takes 2.5 minutes, without it .5 seconds. The biggest problem is that the filter is not on the table that is being table-scanned (With over 300k records), it is on a table with 300 records.
The "Actual Execution Plan" of both the 0:0:0.5 vs 0:2:30 are identical down to the exact percentage costs of all steps:
Execution Plan
The only difference is that on the table-scanned table the "Actual Number of Rows" on the 2.5 min query shows 3.7 million rows. The table only has 300k rows. Where the .5 sec query shows Actual Number of Rows as 2,063. The filter is actually being placed on the FS_EDIPartner table that only has 300 rows.
With the filter I get the correct 51 records, but it takes 2.5 minutes to return. Without the filter I get duplication, so I get 2,796 rows, and only take half a second to return.
I cannot figure out why adding the filter to a table with 300 rows and a correct index is causing the Table scan of a different table to have such a significant difference in actual number of rows. I am even doing the "Table scan" table as a sub-query to filter its records down from 300k to 17k prior to doing the join. Here is the actual query in its current state, sorry the tables don't make a lot of sense, I could not reproduce this behavior in test data.
SELECT dbo.FS_ARInvoiceHeader.CustomerID
, dbo.FS_EDIPartner.PartnerID
, dbo.FS_ARInvoiceHeader.InvoiceNumber
, dbo.FS_ARInvoiceHeader.InvoiceDate
, dbo.FS_ARInvoiceHeader.InvoiceType
, dbo.FS_ARInvoiceHeader.CONumber
, dbo.FS_EDIPartner.InternalTransactionSetCode
, docs.DocumentName
, dbo.FS_ARInvoiceHeader.InvoiceStatus
FROM dbo.FS_ARInvoiceHeader
INNER JOIN dbo.FS_EDIPartner ON dbo.FS_ARInvoiceHeader.CustomerID = dbo.FS_EDIPartner.CustomerID
LEFT JOIN (Select DocumentName
FROM GentranDatabase.dbo.ZNW_Documents
WHERE DATEADD(SECOND,TimeCreated,'1970-1-1') > '2016-06-01'
AND TransactionSetID = '810') docs on dbo.FS_ARInvoiceHeader.InvoiceNumber = docs.DocumentName COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN
WHERE docs.DocumentName IS NULL
AND dbo.FS_ARInvoiceHeader.InvoiceType = 'I'
AND dbo.FS_ARInvoiceHeader.InvoiceStatus <> 'Y'
--AND (dbo.FS_EDIPartner.InternalTransactionSetCode = '810')
AND (NOT (dbo.FS_ARInvoiceHeader.CONumber LIKE 'CB%'))
AND (NOT (dbo.FS_ARInvoiceHeader.CONumber LIKE 'DM%'))
AND InvoiceDate > '2016-06-01'
The Commented out line in the Where statement is the culprit, uncommenting it causes the 2.5 minute run.
It could be that the table statistics may have gotten out of whack. These include the number of records tables have which is used to choose the best query plan. Try running this and running the query again:
EXEC sp_updatestats
Using #jeremy's comment as a guideline to point out the Actual Number of Rows was not my problem, but instead the number of executions, I figured out that the Hash Match was .5 seconds, the Nested loop was 2.5 minutes. Trying to force the Hash Match using Left HASH Join was inconsistent depending on what the other filters were set to, changing dates took it from .5 seconds, to 30 secs sometimes. So forcing the Hash (Which is highly discouraged anyway) wasn't a good solution. Finally I resorted to moving the poor performing view to a Stored Procedure and splitting out both of the tables that were related to the poor performance into Table Variables, then joining those table variables. This resulted in the most consistently good performance of getting the results. On average the SP returns in less than 1 second, which is far better than the 2.5 minutes it started at.
#Jeremy gets the credit, but since his wasn't an answer, I thought I would document what was actually done in case someone else stumbles across this later.

Adding datalength condition makes query slow

I have a table mytable with some columns including the column datekey (which is a date and has an index), a column contents which is a varbinary(max), and a column stringhash which is a varchar(100). The stringhash and the datekey together form the primary key of the table. Everything is running on my local machine.
SELECT TOP 1 * FROM mytable where datekey='2012-12-05'
returns 0 rows and takes 0 seconds.
But if I add a datalength condition:
SELECT TOP 1 * FROM mytable where datekey='2012-12-05' and datalength(contents)=0
it runs for a very long time and does not return anything before I give up waiting.
My question:
Why? How do I find out why this takes such a long time?
Here is what I checked so far:
When I click "Display estimated execution plan" it also takes a very long time and does not return anything before I give up waiting.
If I do
SELECT TOP 1000 datalength(contents) FROM mytable order by datalength(contents) desc
it takes 7 seconds and returns a list 4228081, 4218689 etc.
exec sp_spaceused 'mytable'
rows reserved data index_size unused
564019 50755752 KB 50705672 KB 42928 KB 7152 KB
So the table is quite large at 50 GB.
SELECT TOP 1000 * FROM mytable
takes 26 seconds.
The sqlservr.exe process is around 6 GB which is the limit I have set for the database.
It takes a long time because your query needs DATALENGTH to be evaluated for every row and then the results sorted before it can return the 1st record.
If the DATALENGTH of the field (or whether it contains any value) is something you're likely to query repeatedly, I would suggest an additional indexed field (perhaps a persisted computed field) holding the result, and searching on that.
This old msdn blog post seems to agree with #MartW answer that datalength is evaluated for every row. But it's good to understand what is really meant by "evaluated" and what is the real root of the performance degradation.
As mentioned in the question, the size of every value in the column contents may be large. It means that every value bigger than ~8Kb is stored in special LOB-storage. So, taking into account the size of the other columns, it's clear that most of the space occupied by the table is taken by this LOB-storage, i.e. it's around 50Gb.
Even if the length of contents column for every row has been already evaluated, which is proved in post linked above, it's still stored in LOB. So engine still needs to read some parts of the LOB-storage to execute the query.
If LOB-storage isn't in RAM at the time of a query execution then we need to read it from a disk, which is of course much slower than from RAM. Also possibly the read of LOB-parts is rather randomized than linear which is even more slow as it tends to raise the whole number of memory-blocks needed to be read from a disk.
At the moment it probably won't be using the primary key because of the stringhash column included before the datekey column. Try adding an additional index that just contains the datekey column. Once that key is created if it's still slow you could also try a query hint such as:
SELECT TOP 1 * FROM mytable where datekey='2012-12-05' and datalength(contents)=0 WITH INDEX = IX_datekey
You could also create a seperate length column that's updated either in your application or in an insert / update trigger.

100k Rows Returned in a random order, without a SQL time out please

I've been doing a lot of reading on returning a random row set last year, and the solution we came up with was
ORDER BY newid()
This is fine for <5k rows. But when we are getting >10-20k rows we are getting SQL time outs, the Execution planned tells me that 76% of my query cost comes from this line. and removing this line increase the speed by an order of magnitude when we have a large amount of rows.
Our users have a requirement of doing up to 100k rows at a time like this.
To give you all a bit more details.
We have a table with 2.6 million 4 digit alpha-numeric codes. We use a random set of these to gain entry into a venue. For example, if we have an event with a 5000 capacity, a random set of 5000 of these will be drawn from the table then issued to the each customer as a bar-code, then the bar-code scanning app at the door with have the same list of 5000. The reason for using a 4 digit alpha numeric code (and not a stupidly long number like a GUID) is that it easy for people to write the number down (or SMS it to a friend) and just bring the number and have it entered manually, so we don't want large amount of characters. Customers love the last bit btw.
Is there a better way than ORDER BY newid(), or is there a faster way to get 100k random rows from a table with 2.6 mil?
Oh, and we are using MS SQL 2005.
There is an MSDN article entitled "Selecting Rows Randomly from a Large Table" that talks about this exact problem and shows a solution (using no sorting but instead using a WHERE clause on a generated column to filter the rows).
The reason your query is slow is that the ORDER BY clause causes the whole table to be copied into tempdb for sorting.
If you want to generate random 4-digit codes, why not just generate them instead of trying to pull them out of a database?
Generate 100k unique numbers from 0 to 1,679,616 (which is the number of unique four-digit alphanumeric codes, ignoring case - 2.6 million rows must have some duplicates) and convert them to your four-digit codes.
You don't have to sort.
DECLARE #RandomNumber int
DECLARE #Threshold float
SELECT #RandomNumber = COUNT(*) FROM customers
SELECT #Threshold = 50000 / #RandomNumber
SELECT TOP 50000 * FROM customers WHERE rand() > #Threshold ORDER BY newid()
Just as a matter of interest, what is the performance like if you replace
ORDER BY newid()
One thought is to break down the process into steps. Add a column in the table for a GUID then do an update statement into the table adding the GUIDs. This can be done ahead of time if necessary. You should then be able to run the query with an orderby on the GUID column to recieve the results the same way.
Have you tried using % (modulo) on a given int column? Not sure what your table structure is, but you could do something like this:
select top 50000 *
from your_table
where CAST((CAST(ASCII(SUBSTRING(venuecode,1,1)) as varchar(3))+
CAST(ASCII(SUBSTRING(venuecode,2,1))as varchar(3))+
CAST(ASCII(SUBSTRING(venuecode,3,1))as varchar(3))+
CAST(ASCII(SUBSTRING(venuecode,4,1))as varchar(3))) as bigint) % 500000 between 0 and 50000
The above code will take all of your alpha numeric venues and convert them to an integer and then split the entire table into 500,000 buckets of which you are taking the top 50000 that fall between 0 and 50000. You can play with the number after the % since (500,000) and you can play with the between. This should randomize it for you. Not sure if the where clause will bite you on performance, but it's worth a shot. Also, without an order by, there is no guarantee of the order (if you have multiple cpus and threading).
