ng-route : How to render layouts by path? - angularjs

I'm sorry not good at English well, please understand the subject is not good.
I am creating a SPA with angular.js.
I want to change or append view by path using ng-route.
For example,
<div id="topMenu" ng-controller="MainMenuController as mainMenuCtrl">
<div id="leftMenu"><!-- Sub menus for each main menu. path= #/(menu1|menu2) --></div>
<div id="content"><!-- Contents for each submenus path= #/(menu1|menu2)/{someSubMenu}/{contentName}--></div>
When the select top menu, then leftMenu shuld be changed.
And I access the link which is #/menu1/someContent then leftMenu and content should be changed.
What I have to do implementing these process?


How to keep AngularJS menu open when changing url

I need to keep a menu open when changing url. Right now if I click on View File or Diff the menu hides because the url will have a different path (/files , /diff).
Is there any way to prevent the menu from hiding when the url is changed?
This is my code:
Click to toggle menu
<div ng-show="collapsed">
<div class=container" ng-controller="MenuController" ng-show="show_menu()" ng-init="init_file_ids(number_of_files, selected_files)">
View File |
Diff |
Import |
Toggle chart
you want to make sure that collapsed variable is always set false when the pages are initiated. probably you can do that through controllers or from menu's directive controller.

Spinner in mvc

I define a spinner, when the page need to do some thing for example bring some data from database i want to show it, and when its done i want to hide this spinner, so i decide to define some thing like this in Layout.cshtml :
<div id="SpinnerDiv" ng-show="showSpinner">
<div id="AllContent">
<!--I put all of my contents here-->
but there is a problem in this method, when i put ng-show to False it will hide it's child too, so its not the right way, anyone one can help how can i implement a spinner ?
Your spinner should be managed by adding/removing a specific css class to <div id="AllContent">

AngularJS multiple templates in one page

I have an index that serves a static header menu, and below that an ng-view that based on route, selects the right template. Like this for example:
<div ng-view>
Everything is good so far, when a specific route is hit, a template is loaded in that container with the associated controller.
Now, I have another page that is loaded inside ng-view, and it's fired when url "/dashboard" is hit. The problem is that the dashboard page, has a sidebar menu that also needs to contain some routing logic (more or less). When a link has been clicked from the sidebar menu, I have to load only the left hand side of the page (not the whole ng-view container).
I have identified two solutions:
1) Create a directive that stores that sidebar menu, and inject it in all of the pages that are handled by the sidebar menu ==> routing is still handled by ng-view.
2) Use ng-include and have some routing logic in the dashboard page like this:
<a ng-click="templateType = 1">Template 1</a>
<a ng-click="templateType = 2">Template 1</a>
<div ng-if="templateType === 1" ng-include="template1"
<div ng-if="templateType === 2" ng-include="template2"
Is there another approach? Or what is the best practice in handling both a sidebar that handles some routes, and a static menu that handles another routes, with the mention that the sidebar menu is only available on some of the routes.
I have provided a paint drawing, in the hope that I can explain my problem better.
You can use UI-Router and give a shot at nested views. Here is a really good tutorial. I think what you're trying to achieve is mentioned at the end of the tutorial.
As all others have suggested you need to go for UI-router and nested views. It is great way to set up your page layout.
You can find the answer in
Angular UI-Router How to create a "layout" state?

AngularJS: how to display a new view inside the same page as modal?

I am quite new to AngularJS.
It looks like AngularJS can handle multi view application with ng-view.
My question is: how can I stay on the same page but make the ng-view display as inline modal box ?!
(It looks like ng-view replaces totally the original view)
Structure of the site is
<div id="mainContainer">
<div id="loginBoxModule"></div>
<div id="usersBoxModule"></div>
You should checkout Ui.Router ->
What it basically does is the following.
You create a partial that you want to load and in the index.html you can put something like:
<a ui-sref="list">Show List</a>
<div ui-view></div>
When clicking the link the partial list.html will load into the ui-view. So it will only reload the ui-view and not the whole page.
Try to use ng-include instead of ng-view. ng-view has a very specific behavior as it's hardly linked to the ui-router as Mike was mentioning.
With ng-include you can have a set of tabs at the top of the page and when you click on a tab, you just load another template (which has 1 parent div and 1 ng-controller on that div for instance).
Not sure what's your real use case though.

AngularJS Loading a page into a div

I have a few static html pages of content. I want to make an index page that has two div's One for a sidebar menu and one to hold content. When one of the menu links in the sidebar is clicked I want to load one of the other static html pages into the content div.
I just cant find any documentation that shows how to do this, so i'm not even sure if it's possible. Can anyone help?
You can also use ng-view to setup routes that will load your templates into your div. It's pretty straight forward, and there's a good example #
Use ng-include:
