Is there another way to "push-to-deploy" with Google App Engine? - google-app-engine

This two-year-old BitBucket “push-to-deploy” ( option looks really useful/interesting but seems like it’s no longer functional. The link in step 8 seems to have disappeared.
Is it possible to use this general feature somehow even if it doesn’t seem to work with BitBucket anymore?
If anyone has any ideas, it would be much appreciated. Thank you.

We use Jenkins for continuous integration and continuous deployment. You could take a look on .


Updating AppEngine deployed version on GitHub push

Is it possible to auto-deploy to AppEngine when Github receives a new commit? I found a bunch of dead documentation links that suggest it is, however I still have no idea how to set it up. There are some mentions for creating a release pipeline, but I don't see any way to do that in the cloud console anymore.
I've got my code mirroring the GitHub repository already, however I can't figure out how to link this to the deployment pipeline or even how to create a new version. Am I missing something obvious? This seems like it should be incredibly straightforward to do...
The entry on the Google Cloud Platform blog that's supposed to explain how to achieve this is blank. It seems Google quietly killed this feature. Some people have complained that it suddenly stopped working. The only way to do this now is to use Continous Delivery/Integration tools such as Travis CI.

How to clone a project from Firebase to another machine to work on it?

I have deployed code over Firebase Hosting. Now I want to clone that code to my local machine to work on it, and deploy it again.
I am a newbie in Firebase Hosting so any clues for this are accepted.
Thanks in advance.
If you accidentally lost access to your files, you may be able to recover them with the approach outlined here: Firebase code pull.
But in general Firebase Hosting is not a replacement for a version control system, which is the preferred way of working on a single project from multiple systems.
If you had static HTML-JS-CSS codes, you are most likely to get your code back using some tools/tricks/hacks. One of them is this-
But, if you had your code on Angular or something similar, you can't get the code back for obvious reasons.

Google app engine stuck deploying with appcfg

Google app engine refuses to deploy my latest build, and looking at the releases list, I can see that another build has been 'deploying' for the better part of a week.
Google doesn't offer support anymore for this without paying for it, but this is stuff that just shouldn't happen.
Hope one of you google engineers out there can help me with this. The google project is caleld vxlpay.
Have you tried doing an appcfg rollback?
Please cancel the deployment if it gets stuck; just waiting for it to finish often leads to frustration and desk-flipping. There's a few ways to help you deploy the app.
1) Generally, you can simply redeploy after waiting a few minutes.
2) Redeploy with another deployment method (appcfg, Google App Launcher, Eclipse...)
3) Rollback then redeploy
If all 3 fails, there might be something wrong with your configuration and you would probably need to speak to the support engineers at Google.
I ran into to this just now.
I think my issue had something to do with having a browser open to the site I was trying to deploy to. Apparently that was locking up a process or something because, when I closed it, my deploy finished.
Silly, yes. I think it has something to do with GAE attempting to migrate traffic but not dealing with cases where there's browsers open... There's probably a feature that allows for deploying and controlling whether or not traffic is migrated.
I'll have to give that a try to see if closing the connection (browser) resolved it or if it was just a timing thing.
Nope... Just takes an absurdly long time.
Maybe it's due to file sizes?
Note: This only occurs when deploying a Flex environment rather a standard one.

Any hosting that support Matisse database?

I am looking for a hosting that support Matisse database. I've been googling for a while and I didn't find anything. Someone can help me?
Anyway, my goal is to use a DBOO, so if you others that works fine, feel free to recommend me other options.
If they provide a distributable executable which i could not find on their site, you could install it on ec2 or azure compute.
you could also try Amisa Server as a service

Is there a Solr-Camel component?

I've been looking for this for a while and haven't found anything yet. Is there any reason to that ? I would like to proxy a solr server with the camel integration framework and I understand it must be quite straight forward without it, but less elegant :).
If someone has worked on this, I would love some feedback.
yep, there is a new camel-solr component
There is an Apache Lucene component
But I dont think anyone has done any Apache Solr component. However in the end its all Java code, so you should be able to leverage them together.
Also check out github as people spin off projects there creating all kind of Camel related components.
There is a camel-solr component proposal
I have build a Camel Solr endpoint as part of a search project. Solr and Camel fits smoothly and I have had no problems. Its available at here. Its still in the early days, i.e. I'm writing the documentation and testing as we speak.
It would be great if you could try it out and provide feedback, both to its usage as well as to the documentation.
