snoop wpf virus total - wpf

I would like to use Snoop WPF to help in developing and troubleshooting my applications' UI. The problem is, when I check the file on Virus Total, it says that it is infected, so I am not allowed to install it at work. Has else had problems with this download? Please see the report from Virus Total:
Does anyone have any suggestions?

Removed the SnoopInstaller project and after that it passed my company's antivirus scan. So now just build and run from source.
Needed to install Visual Studio 2008 and sp1 because when you install this also installs all the required C++ redistributables.
Then I actually opened the Snoop.sln file in Visual Studio 2015, changed all of the ManagedInjectorLauncher project to .NET Framework 4.5.2, and started debugging Snoop.


Can Surface SDK run on Visual Studio 2012?

I need to create a WPF app using the Surface SDK. I am using Visual Studio 2012, and according to this SO post, VS2012 doesn't allow that. However, since this was posted before it was officially released, I want to make sure I'm not missing something.
I just need a few of the touch/swipe controls that come with it. Is there a different option for VS2012? The other developer is using 2010, so it needs to be able to still run on his machine. It's a very simple app that I just need to hammer out, so I'm looking for the fastest, easiest method. Both of us and the end application is to run on Windows 7.
I found an easy solution by which it seems to work. It does expect you to have Visual Studio 2010 installed. Following the following steps I managed to compile in Visual Studio 2012 using .NET 4.5. TouchDown events work. I tried it out on some small projects and they seem to work perfectly fine.
Use Visual Studio 2010 to set up a Surface project.
Safe and close Visual Studio 2010.
Open the solution using Visual Studio 2012.
Change the target framework under project settings to .NET 4.5.
Save as a new solution file.
Compile, ... everything works!
This method prevents you from having to set up all the configuration files/references yourself. The only downside is you don't have any of the Surface tools integrated into the IDE. E.g. the toolbox, project templates, ... This of course doesn't prevent you from writing plain XAML yourself.
If for some reason this doesn't work in the long run I will update this post.
The easiest way will unfortunately be for you to run VS2010.
Currently the SDK is not supported in VS2012, for a few reasons.
Notably, the way that touch works in Win8 is a lot better than in previous versions of Windows. This unfortunately meant a rewrite of the touch layer that the Surface SDK uses. The new controls are written to adapt dynamically based on mouse/touch input, making the Surface SDK controls a bit redundant.
Microsoft might make the SDK available for VS2012 in the future, but this is kind of debatable.
If you are still dead set on giving it a shot, download an application called Orca ( and edit the SDK installer file, removing the dependency on VS2010.
This is how I got the Surface 1 SDK to work with VS2010, since it was targeting VS2008 (note that it still has not been updated to work with VS2010)
Let me know how you go.

Can't find what assembly contains BusyIndicator

I had my project written in Silverlight 4. Recently I've reinstalled my system and installed Silverlight 5. But when I re-installed "everything" I got the problem with BusyIndicator. It does look like this control was removed from System.Windows.Controls.Toolkit and attempts to compile my project (targeted still to Silverlight 4) fails with error:
The type 'ToolkitControls:BusyIndicator' was not found.
The namespace is defined as follow:
I saw a lot of other topics on StackOverflow and see people use this control widely. That sounds like I don't have some toolbox installed or miss any assembly.
I do have the following components installed:
MS VS 2010 SP1
Tools for Visual Studio® 2010 SP1 (
Silverlight 5 Toolkit - December 2011 (
Do I need something else?
Probably I need to add some reference to my project to have already installed toolboxes linked to my project?
Please advise, any help is very much appreciated!
P.S. Recently found similar problem and solution for WPF ( The type toolkit:BusyIndicator was not found). But in my case I don't know with which assembly to start... I've looked through the GAC and "Program Files\Microsoft Silverlight": can't find any assemblies in that looks like related to Silverlight control toolbox...
I just added the same Tools and Silverlight 5 ToolKit to my Visual Studio installation. I was able to find the BusyIndicator by going to the ToolBox right clicking and then selectin ChooseItems I found it there not enabled.
Namespace = System.Windows.Controls
Assembly Name = System.Windows.Controls.Toolkit
Directory = C:\Program files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Silverlight\v5.0\Toolkit\dec11\Bin
Heh, the answer was easy though not really obvious:
I should install toolkit for the 4th Silverlight (! :)
I instaled nuget package and now working right.
PM> Install-Package SilverlightToolkit-All

unable to find a version of silverlight developer runtime installed

In the following environment:
-Windows 7 64bit
-Microsoft Silverlight 5 SDK
I have created a few lightswitch applications in VS2012 but I am running into an error when attempting to create a new one or open an existing lightswitch project. I receive a pop-up that says "unable to find a version of silverlight developer runtime installed".
There is a link on the pop-up which starts a download but after downloading it, I still receive the same error.
I was able to fix the issue by doing the following :
I went into "Uninstall a program" and noticed that I had 4 different Silverlight related items installed.
Microsoft Silverlight
Microsoft Silverlight SDK3
Microsoft Silverlight SDK4
Microsoft Silverlight SDK5
I just uninstalled the first item, "Microsoft Silverlight" then reinstalled the appropriate (32 or 64 bit) Microsoft Silverlight SDK5 from the following link: .
Don't use the link that is given in VS 2012. Doesn't work.
I have a slight different solution for Visual Studio 2010. After uninstall the current Silverlight Runtime, I got it to work if I download it from Visual Studio suggested url.
The best way I have found to find the most current Silverlight 5 Developer Runtime or End-User Runtime, is to search the downloads for the latest Silverlight bits. All other suggestions seem to take you on a wild goose chase depending on what version of Visual Studio or OS you are using.
Search Microsoft Downloads
Just look for the latest "Security Update for Microsoft Silverlight" entry.
The Silverlight Security Update KB2890788 is what fixed it for me, after trying uninstall and re-install without success.

Can't start debugger in VS2012 RC

Windows 7, 64 bit
Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2012 RC Version 11.0.50522.1
Running VS in administrator mode
The VS solution contains a web
application, with target: .NET Framework 4.
When I press F5, the solution builds... and nothing else happens.
Happens with both IIS or the VS Dev Server.
Happens with Platform Target of "Any CPU" or "x86"
If instead, I use the Debug / Attach to Process... menu, after a few seconds, I get:
"Debugger is Busy" - Debugger is performing a remote operation that is taking longer than expected. This dialog stay until I click "Terminate" and confirm it.
Then this dialog appears:
"Microsoft Visual Studio"
"Unable to connect to the Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor named [COMPUTER NAME]. The network connection to the Visual Studio Remote Debugger has been closed."
After clicking OK, the 'normal' "Attach to Process" window finally shows up. In it, the list of "Available Processes" is empty.
Any suggestions or clues?
The main points that I wonder about:
Why is the list of processes empty? It is not surprising that the debugger does not work if it cannot see any processes.
Why is it trying to do "remote" debugging, when it is just accessing the local computer?
(Cross posted on social.msdn)
I had the same problem in VS 2012 (not the RC, but the final release) using a VS 2010 project. It would build fine, but the debugger would not start. So, I modified the solution file:
Changed "Format Verion 11.00" to "Format Verion 12.00"
And changed "# Visual Studio 2010" to "# Visual Studio 2012"
It's a workaround for now until my company upgrades its projects to VS 2012.
I've got a similar setup and I'd followed all the suggestions here and on Microsoft Connect - none of which worked for me. The only thing that did work was renaming MSVSMON.EXE in the x64 folder to MSVSMON.EXE.OLD and copying in the file from the x86 folder in it's place. I'm not sure if there are any other implications in doing this but it seems to have solved the problem in my case.
I eventually resolved this problem by deleting the msvsmon*.* entries in the \Windows\Prefetch folder. After doing so I could debug normally.
Ultimately, a Repair of the VS2012 resolved this issue for me. I followed the advice found at your social.msdn cross-post without any resolution (Devenv.exe /SafeMode /ResetSettings /ResetSkipPkgs and /Setup). Like you, my solution (VS 2010 SP1) also has a web application (targeting .NET 3.5), and the startup project is set to a winforms app. The ASP.NET development server did not start, nor did the app I was trying to debug.
Note that this issue was also posted to Connect at this link (by you?). If anyone else sees this issue, the Connect folks are requesting running the Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Feedback Tool to collect data. As I started the Repair process prior to finding the Connect issue, I did not and was not able to provide feedback to MS with logging.
Seen a similar issue when running both Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Studio 2012 at the same time. Closing Visual Studio 2010 allow the debugger to start working in Visual Studio 2012.
I had the same issue - starting debugger just told me what a good job it had made of the build and the decided that that was enough.
I feared the worst, but luckily for me a reboot fixed the problem.
I know that this is therefore a pretty useless post in as far as offering help to anyone suffering with this issue, but I thought it was worth noting the point as it shows a) another person with the same problem so please fix it MS, and b) that sometimes a reboot fixes it so maybe that tells the maintainers something.
If you are opening a VS 2010 project with the new VS 2012 version it's probably your bin and obj folders that are causing the problem,deleting them solved the problem for me.Or you could clean your solution but I preferred manual deletion.
I just closed and reopened VS. This seemed to fix my problem
On another computer, with the RTM of Visual Studio 2012, I opened an older project and found that I could not press F5 to start the application. All that seemed to happen was a message in the status bar on the bottom edge of the window: "This item does not support previewing".
This solution had two projects, and the correct one was bold in the Solution Explorer, presumably indicating that it was the startup project.
However, after selecting the project and choosing "Set as Startup Project" in the context menu, I was then able to use F5 to run and debug it.
It turns out that the "This item does not support previewing" was nothing to do with the problem, but is a message that shows on the status bar whenever the item just selected in the Solution Explorer does does not support previewing.
For what it's worth, I found that I received this error message when I had an entry missing in my hosts file. I am using local domain aliases and the one I was trying to debug with wasn't in hosts. Adding the missing entry solved the problem for me.
Just copy all dte*.olb files, from C:\Program Files (X86)\Common
Files\Microsoft Shared\MSEnv to C:\Program Files X86\Microsoft Visual
Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE.
Just my two cents,
I have experienced this issue twice now and it turns out after all of the suggestions I tried, it was BitDefender on my local machine that was doing this. So my fix for this problem is to try adding in exceptions to the local security software into the firewall and AV parts of it. Tell it to ignore the msvsmon.exe and devenv.exe altogether and see what difference that makes.
Otherwise try ripping it off altogether and see if the it lets you debug your solution.
You can see here for more info:
I installed the latest BitDefender version and all was fine for me.
I personally encountered some comparable problem: Visual Studio 2010 did not begin debugging but froze.
When I clicked VS it displayed a "Wait some more" or "Switch to" message box which didn't help me.
Using a task manager I could kill the *.vshost.exe process which brought VS back to life but aborted the debugging. Launching the program without debugging started the application instantly.
Disable the indexing service for your code directories! Either deactivate the index service or uncheck the folders in the Indexing Service control panel.
Had this problem for a C++ application. Looking at the devenv.exe events in ProcMon pointed me to it trying to load a Visual Assist configuration file, which I had in my disk cleanup zeal accidentally deleted. Removing and then installing the extension again fixed it for me.
I have fixed the same issue by checking off the "Enable the Visual Studio hosting process" option from the start-up project Properties->Debug - Enable Debuggers options
All you have to do to fix this is go "Project > Set as StartUp Project" then hit F5 or the debug button and it will work!!!

Problems debugging after installing Silverlight update

I made the mistake of downloading the latest Silverlight runtime so that I could watch a video on Channel 9. Well now Visual Studio 2010 says it cannot debug Silverlight. The message it gives me is this:
Unable to start debugging. The Silverlight Developer Runtime is not installed. Please install a matching version.
What is it talking about and where to I get this so called "matching version".
I fixed this by uninstalling Silverlight 5 in the control panel and installing the Silverlight 5 Tools.
