Access to not loaded nodes of DataTable with DeferRender option - datatables-1.10

My problem is that I have a datatable containing thousands of datas and I faced performance problems on Internet Explorer 11 (I don't want <11 and I'm not facing any issues on Firefox and Chrome). To solve the performance problem I added deferRender: true to my dataTable which was really successful but then I faced another problem I don't have solved yet.
The new problem is that each row of my table has a checkbox and the datatable header has a checkbox which check/uncheck all row checkboxes when there is a click on it.
When the click happen I retrieve all nodes in my table by doing var allNodes = myTable.rows().nodes() and change the checked property of each row checkbox.
Without the deferRender option I was retrieving all nodes but since I had this option which is doing a lazy loading I am only retrieving nodes already loaded (first page and pages loaded).
So my question is :
Is there a way to keep the IE performance patch with the lazy loading deferRender option and still have access to all nodes (maybe through a function I haven't find yet) or is there another way to improve performance on IE ?
Thank you for your help.
P.S. : If needed I add my datatable initialization code here :
ajax: {
url: myUrl,
contentType: 'application/json',
type: 'POST',
data: function (d) {
return JSON.stringify(dataToSend);
columns: [
data: 'Identifier',
type: 'html',
sortable: false,
render: function (data, type, row) {
return '<input type="checkbox" name="checkboxRow" value="' + $('<div/>').text(data).html() + '">';
data: 'Mnemo',
render: function (data, type, row) {
return '<a class="hand-cursor">' + $('<div/>').text(data).html() + '</a>';
{ data: 'FamGam.Family' },
{ data: 'FamGam.Gamme' },
fnCreatedCell: function (nTd, oData, iRow, iCol) {
if (oData === 'En service') {
} else if (oData === 'En cours de démontage') {
data: 'dataState.Libelle'
{ data: 'IdentifierUI' },
{ data: 'TechnicalRoom.InterventionUnitySenderSite' },
{ data: 'IdentifierTechnicalRoom' },
type: 'html',
sortable: false,
defaultContent: '<img class="imgBtn secondBtn" ' +
'src="' + urlImages + '/edit.png" ' +
'alt="Editer" title="Editer" />'
deferRender: true,
destroy: true,
searching: true,
retrieve: true,
order: [1, 'asc']


How to apply filter function to paging grid with local(memory) store in ExtJS6?

I have a paging grid with local store, and I want to apply a filter using my own function. But it is failed.
From internet recommendations I used remoteFilter: true and enablePaging: true options in store config.
And it works perfectly if I filter store with specific configuration object:
store.filter([{ property: 'age', value: 12 }]);
unfortunately it is not enough to build complex filter criteria.
In accordance with documentation there is a special filterBy method in store object to use function as filter. But, when I am providing it like this:
store.filterBy( function( record ) {
return record.get( 'age' ) <= 12;
I got an error Uncaught Error: Unable to use a filtering function in conjunction with remote filtering.
Here is my working example in fiddle
This is my store configuration and all business logic from controller. I'll skip view configuration here to focus on main part( IMO )of code
Ext.define('TestGridViewModelr', {
extend: '',
alias: 'viewmodel.myexmpl.main.testgrid',
data: {
formulas: {},
stores: {
simpsons: {
model: '',// 'SimpsonModel',
pageSize: 2,
// remoteSort: true,
remoteFilter: true,
proxy: {
type: 'memory',
enablePaging: true,
reader: {
type: 'json',
rootProperty: 'items'
Ext.define('TestGridController', {
extend: '',
alias: 'controller.myexmpl.main.testgrid',
init: function () {
console.log('controller inititalized\n init async store loading...');
setTimeout( this.onStoreLoad.bind( this ), 1000 );
initViewModel: function(vm){
console.log( 'viewModel init', vm.get('test') );
emptyMethod: function () {},
onStoreLoad: function () {
console.log('loading store');
var vm = this.getViewModel();
var store = vm.getStore('simpsons');
store.getProxy().data = this.getSimpsonsData().items;
// store.loadData( this.getSimpsonsData() );
//++++++++++++ FILTERING ++++++++
onToggleFilter: function () {
console.log('simple filter');
var filter = this.getSimpleFilter()
this.toggleFilter( filter );
onToggleFnFilter: function(){
console.log('function filter');
// var filterFn = this.filterChildren;
var filterFn = this.getFilterUtil()
this.toggleFilter( filterFn );
getSimpleFilter: function(){
return {
property: 'age',
value: '12'
getFilterUtil: function() {
return Ext.create( 'Ext.util.Filter', {
filterFn: this.filterChildren
filterChildren: function( record ) {
var age = record.get( 'age' );
console.log( 'filter record up to age:', age )// debugger;
return parseInt( age ) <= 12;
toggleFilter: function( fltr ) {
var store = this.getViewModel().getStore( 'simpsons' );
var filters = store.getFilters();
if ( filters.length > 0 ) {
} else {
this. applyFilterToStore( fltr, store );
applyFilterToStore: function( filter, store ){
var method = Ext.isFunction( filter ) || filter instanceof Ext.util.Filter
? 'filterBy'
: 'setFilters';
store[method]( filter );
getSimpsonsData: function(){
return {
'items': [{
'name': 'Lisa',
'age': 12,
"email": "",
"phone": "555-111-1224"
}, {
'name': 'Bart',
'age': 8,
"email": "",
"phone": "555-222-1234"
}, {
'name': 'Homer',
'age': 40,
"email": "",
"phone": "555-222-1244"
}, {
'name': 'Marge',
'age': 34,
"email": "",
"phone": "555-222-1254"
In general I want to have ability to set up filter criteria on paging grid with local store programmatically. Function allows me to extend filter capabilities and build flexible logical expression using conjunction and disquisition. For example:
name.lenght <= 4 && ((year % 4 == 0) && (year % 100 != 0)) || (year % 400 == 0)
Thank you in advance,
You can't use both remoteFilter and filterBy in one store. Decide where should be the logic of the filter - on Client Side or Server Side?
If on server side, set the remoteFilter as true and use filter action with extra paramaters which you can catch on server and perform the filter.
If on client side, set the remoteFilter as false and use filterBy function like you attached.
Check the example on fiddle (I just changed a few things):
I have finally resolved this issue!
Mentioned error raised in onFilterEndUpdate method of store in next lines:
me.getFilters().each(function(filter) {
if (filter.getInitialConfig().filterFn) {
Ext.raise('Unable to use a filtering function in conjunction with remote filtering.');
I have override this method in my store entity and commented out these lines.
I know it is not best solution, but I could not find better one.
Here is the complete solution concerning this topic:
Configure store with remoteFilter: true and enablePaging: true options:
model: '',
pageSize: 2,
remoteFilter: true,
proxy: {
type: 'memory',
enablePaging: true,
reader: {
type: 'json'
Load data into the store using its Proxy instead of loadData method:
store.getProxy().data = this.getSimpsonsData().items;
Override method onFilterEndUpdate after store initialization and comment out mentioned lines i.e:
onStoreLoad: function() {
store.onFilterEndUpdate = this.onFilterEndUpdate.bind( store );
onFilterEndUpdate: function() {
var me = this
, suppressNext = me.suppressNextFilter
, filters = me.getFilters(false);
// If the collection is not instantiated yet, it's because we are constructing.
if (!filters) {
if (me.getRemoteFilter()) {
// me.getFilters().each(function(filter) {
// if (filter.getInitialConfig().filterFn) {
// Ext.raise('Unable to use a filtering function in conjunction with remote filtering.');
// }
// });
me.currentPage = 1;
if (!suppressNext) {
} else if (!suppressNext) {
me.fireEvent('datachanged', me);
me.fireEvent('refresh', me);
if (me.trackStateChanges) {
// We just mutated the filter collection so let's save stateful filters from this point forward.
me.saveStatefulFilters = true;
// This is not affected by suppressEvent.
me.fireEvent('filterchange', me, me.getFilters().getRange());
Here is live example in fiddle

$q.all pushing Json header in array when pushing key value

I am developing an application. I have multiple ajax calls and I need to bind all json into single json. I used below code. But when doing it's also appending json response headers, status and others. I need to push only the key values. Can anyone help me out of this ?
My code is below :
$scope.downloadPdf = function () {
var frequency = $http.get("myapplicationurl" + $stateParams.searchId + "?" + "startDate=" + $stateParams.startDate + "&" + "endDate=" + $stateParams.endDate)//,
// name = $http.get("../myapplicationurl/" + $stateParams.searchId)
$q.all([frequency]).then(function (arrayOfResults) {
angular.forEach(arrayOfResults[0], function (value, key) {
angular.forEach(value[0], function (data, header) {
angular.forEach(value, function (it, header) {
console.log("Body : " + $scope.columns);
console.log("Header : " + $scope.header);
header: 'simple text',
content: [
text: 'Fruits and Calories'
style: 'demoTable',
table: {
widths: ['*', '*', '*'],
body: [
// $scope.columns
footer: {
columns: [
'Left part',
{text: 'Right part', alignment: 'right'}
styles: {
header: {
bold: true,
color: '#000',
fontSize: 11
demoTable: {
color: '#666',
fontSize: 10
First, not sure why you need to use $q.all(), as you have only 1 promise to wait for.
Second, write a simple .then(function(result) {... }) for your $http call, and inspect the returned object. There you can find out which element you should extract for getting only "key values", as the result object will contain also the request, headers, statuses etc.
I think what you are looking for is on "".

Populate Kendo Grid with Angular model list

I have an Angular app that retrieves my data from the server and would like to use the results to populate a kendo grid. I have tried to create a but can not get the grid to populate. Below is what I am trying.
$scope.surchargeGridOptions = {
dataSource: {
pageSize: 15,
autoSync: true,
autoBind: false,
data: $scope.model.dataSource,
$scope.getWaivers = function () {
waiverService.getCustomers($scope.model.customer.CustomerID).then(function (result) {
$scope.model.waivers =;
$scope.model.dataSource = new{
data: $scope.model.waivers,
Is it possible to do this and how should I go about it?
The data source object in your options has a data property that only requires a reference to a plain array, not an entire kendo data source.
You should use k-data-source to reference your data...
<kendo-grid k-data-source="myData"></kendo-grid>
... and you don't strictly need a kendo data source to get it working...
$scope.myData = [
{ name: 'a', number: 1 },
{ name: 'b', number: 1 },
{ name: 'c', number: 1 },
{ name: 'd', number: 1 }
.. If you have dynamic data then a kendo observable array would be best practice.
Here is a code pen example.
Front Html Page having Grid option
<div kendo-grid="ListGrid" options="ListOptions" k-rebind="ListOptions" class="k-grid-content-border"></div>
function GridColumn() {
return [{
field: 'name',
template: "<a ng-click='ToList(this.dataItem)' class='cursor-pointer'>{{}}</a>",
title: "",
footerTemplate: "Total",
width: 200,
locked: true,
$scope.ToGeo = function (item) {
$scope.dataLoded = false;
GetResults(function (res) {
$scope.ListOptions.dataSource = new{
data: res,
$scope.ListOptions.columns = GridColumn();
$scope.dataLoded = true;
where GetResults is for API call and fetching data

checkbox states disappear on pagination of kendo grid

Not sure if I am doing this correctly. But I bind a kendo grid with array data of objects, where each object has a Boolean property (i.e. either true or false).
For the user I display it as a checkbox with the checked state showing the true state and vice versa. If you check something in the page 1; go to the page 3; check a few rows; and go back to page 1, the state of the checkbox defaults to how it was at the time it was loaded.
Here is the code snippet I've used.
$(function () {
var ds = new{
transport: {
read: {
url: '/echo/json/',
type: 'POST',
data: {
json: JSON.stringify(students)
pageSize: 5
var kgrid = $("#grid").kendoGrid({
columns: [
field: 'name',
title: 'Name'
}, {
field: 'age',
title: 'Age'
}, {
field: 'place',
title: 'Place'
}, {
field: 'hasCar',
title: 'Owns Car',
template: function (data) {
return '<input type="checkbox" ' + (data.hasCar ? 'checked' : '') + '/>';
height: 240,
pageable: true
$('#btnload').click(function () {
var grid ='kendoGrid');
var res = $('#result');
kgrid.find('tr td:last input:checked').each(function(i, e){
var name = $(e).closest('tr').children().first().text();
res.append('<p>' + name + '</p>');
How to persist the state on pagination?
Ps: fiddle to work with:
That is because the changes you are doing stays there in the grid only - not in kendoDataSource. Here MVVM is not done. So you have to change appropriate value in dataSource each time you click the checkbox.
When you select another page in kendoGrid, it fetches data from dataSource, and then display it the grid. Unless and untill that dataSource is changed, you can't see the changes done in the grid.
PS: Had there is any field for Id in dataSource I would have updated jsfiddle myself
Check this Updated jsfiddle
I have updated template for checkbox
template: function (data) {
return '<input type="checkbox" ' + (data.hasCar ? 'checked' : '') + ' data-name="'+ + '"' +'/>';
Now checkbox will have name of the data. You can change it with id. On change event, update your dataSource accordingly on each checkbox click.
$('#grid-display input').live('change', function(){
//update the data source here based on the data-name attribute u're getting
Use databound event in the kendo Grid.
Not sure below code work will work for you or not. But similar code worked for me
function OnDataBoundEventMethod(e) {
var view = this.dataSource.view();
for (var i = 0; i < view.length; i++) {
if ([view[i].hasCar]) {
this.tbody.find("tr[data-uid='" + view[i].uid + "']")
.attr("checked", "checked");

Using buffered store + infinite grid with dynamic data

The goal is to use buffered store for the dynamic data set.
The workflow is below:
Some data is already present on server.
Clients uses buffered store & infinite grid to handle the data.
When the application runs the store is loading
and 'load' event scrolls the grid to the last message.
Some records are added to server.
Client gets a push notification and runs store reload.{addRecords: true});
The load event runs and tries to scroll to the last message again but failes:
TypeError: offsetsTo is null
e = || offsetsTo, '_internal').getXY();
Seems that the grid view doesn't refreshes and doesn't show the added records, only the white spaces on their places.
Any ideas how can I make the grid view refresh correctly?
The store initialization:
Ext.define('', {
extend: '',
requires: [''],
constructor: function (config) {
Ext.apply(this, config);
this.proxy = Ext.merge(this.proxy, {
type: 'rest',
batchActions: true,
reader: {
type: 'json',
root: 'rows'
writer: {
type: 'orm'
Ext.define('', {
{ name:'id', type:'int', defaultValue : undefined },
{ name:'createDate', type:'date', dateFormat:'Y-m-d\\TH:i:s', defaultValue : undefined },
{ name:'creator', type:'User', isManyToOne : true, defaultValue : undefined },
{ name:'message', type:'string', defaultValue : undefined },
{ name:'nameFrom', type:'string', defaultValue : undefined },
{ name:'topic', type:'Topic', isManyToOne : true, defaultValue : undefined }
idProperty: 'id'
Ext.define('', {
extend: '',
requires: [''],
alias: '',
storeId: 'ChatMessages',
model: '',
proxy: {
url: 'http://localhost:8080/chat/services/entities/chatmessage'
var store = Ext.create('', {
buffered: true,
pageSize: 10,
trailingBufferZone: 5,
leadingBufferZone: 5,
purgePageCount: 0,
scrollToLoadBuffer: 10,
autoLoad: false,
sorters: [
property: 'id',
direction: 'ASC'
Grid initialization:
Ext.define('', {
alias: '',
extend: '',
requires: ['', 'akma.UIUtils', 'Ext.grid.plugin.BufferedRenderer'],
features: [],
hasPagingBar: false,
height: 500,
loadedMsg: 0,
currentPage: 0,
oldId: undefined,
forceFit: true,
itemId: 'topicGrid',
selModel: {
pruneRemoved: false
multiSelect: true,
viewConfig: {
trackOver: false
plugins: [{
ptype: 'bufferedrenderer',
pluginId: 'bufferedrenderer',
variableRowHeight: true,
trailingBufferZone: 5,
leadingBufferZone: 5,
scrollToLoadBuffer: 10
tbar: [{
text: 'unmask',
handler: function(){
constructor: function (config) {
this.topicId = config.topicId; =;
this.topic =;
var topicPanel = this;'load', function (store, records) {
var loadedMsg = store.getTotalCount();
var pageSize = store.pageSize;
store.currentPage = Math.ceil(loadedMsg/pageSize);
if (records && records.length > 0) {
var newId = records[0];
if (topicPanel.oldId) {
var element;
for (var i = topicPanel.oldId; i < newId; i++) {
element = Ext.get(i + '');
topicPanel.oldId = records[records.length-1];
var view = topicPanel.getView();
this.on('afterrender', function (grid) {
var me = this;
akma.UIUtils.onPasteArray.push(function (e, it) {
var items = e.clipboardData.items;
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; ++i) {
if (items[i].kind == 'file' && items[i].type.indexOf('image/') !== -1) {
var blob = items[i].getAsFile();, function (event) {
var response = Ext.JSON.decode(;
var fileId = response.rows[0].id;
me.sendMessage('<img src="/chat/services/file?id=' + fileId + '" />');
sendMessage: function(message){
var topicGrid = this;
method: 'POST',
rows: Ext.encode([{"message":message,"topic":{"id":topicGrid.topicId}}])
blinkMessage: function (messageElement) {
if (messageElement) {
var blinking = setInterval(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 250)
}, 500);
setTimeout(function () {
}, this.showInterval ? this.showInterval : 3000)
columns: [ {
dataIndex: 'message',
text: 'Message',
renderer: function (value, p, record) {
var firstSpan = "<span id='" + + "'>";
var creator =;
return Ext.String.format('<div style="white-space:normal !important;">{3}{1} : {0}{4}</div>',
creator ? '<span style="color: #' + creator.chatColor + ';">' + creator.username + '</span>' : 'N/A',,
upd: Seems that the problem is not in View. The bufferedrenderer plugin ties to scroll to the record.
It runs a callback function:
callback: function(range, start, end) {
me.renderRange(start, end, true);
targetRec =, recordIdx)[0];
....., recordIdx)[0]
tries to get the last record in the store.
Ext.Array.push(result, Ext.Array.slice(me.getPage(pageNumber), sliceBegin, sliceEnd));
getPage returns all records of the given page, but the last record is missing i.e. the store was not updated perfectly.
Any ideas how to fix?
The problem is that store.load() doesn't fill up store PageMap with the new data. The simplest fix is using store.reload() instead.
Maybe you are to early when listening to the load event. I am doing roughly the same in my application (not scrolling to the end, but to some arbitrary record after load). I do the view-refresh and bufferedrender-scrollTo in the callback of the store.load().
Given your code this would look like:
this.on('afterrender', function (grid) {
var store = grid.getStore();
callback: function {
// snip
var view = topicPanel.getView();
