Scrollmagic duration - scrollmagic

Is there a way to set the scrollmagic duration on a scene as long as the height of the scene? I want to use the class toggles functionality and certain scenes are heigher than the viewport height.
<section id="sec1">I'm 400px in height</section>
<section id="sec1">I'm 100% in height (1 viewport)</section>
<section id="sec1">I'm 2500px in height (2,2 viewports)</section>
Duration in px: {duration: 400}
Duration in vh: {duration: '100%'}
Duration in element height: ???
Thanks for helping!

Try using $("#sec1").height() in the duration option.

To make the duration the height of a scene, you would need to find the height of the item, and then apply that to the duration.
Seeing as all your scenes are sections, you could loop through all sections.
(function() {
let controller = new ScrollMagic.Controller();
// Run through all sections
let items = document.querySelectorAll("section");
items.forEach(function(element, index) {
let height = element.clientHeight; //height of current element
let scene = new ScrollMagic.Scene({
duration: height
//Other scene options go here
.on("leave enter", function() {
//Element instructions
Note: Unless the goal is to give each section their own ID, I would change the ID to class on your sections as pages should only have an ID appear once on the page, while classes can be used multiple times.
An example of this in use.


Add sentinel layer to leaflet map

This is how i define my url for get wms image for sentinel:
I have problems with define how to get &BBOX={x}{y}{x}{y}
In this image i see that the request is successfull
[![enter image description here][1]][1]
But when i copu the request URL I see this message:
<ServiceExceptionReport xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" version="1.3.0" xsi:schemaLocation="">
msWMSLoadGetMapParams(): WMS server error. Wrong number of arguments for BBOX.
How to set the right Bbox parameteres..
i read that bbox
Bounding box for map extent. Value is minx,miny,maxx,maxy in units of the SRS.
Also this is working request url:
Why bbox parameters are so long numbers:BBOX=2861802.338996999%2C5390950.730896911%2C2866694.30880725%2C5395842.700707162
Can you help me what to add in the bbox parameter so leaflet to get the right parameters and to view the layer...
// Declare map using EPSG3857 projection (default is also 3857, so just optionnal here) and set center
const center = [38, 20.472157];
const map ='map', {
crs: L.CRS.EPSG3857
}).setView(center, 4);
// Define wmsOptions for wmsLayer
const wmsOptions = {
layers: 'Landsat-8',
transparent: true,
format: 'image/png'
// WMS Layer constructor
const wmsLayer = L.tileLayer.wms('', wmsOptions);
// add To the map
Don't forget to set a height to the div map :
Style CSS :
#map {
height: 500px;
HTML Element :
<div id="map"></div>
See example with your WMS here: jsfiddle example

jsPDF muliple pages with div height - unable to determine the height

I am trying to generate a pdf from html divs with dynamic height and width. Below is the code.
let pages = this.rootDataContainer.nativeElement.getElementsByClassName('pdfpage');
for (let i = 0; i < pages.length; i++) {
this.pdfDoc.addHTML(pages[i], 0, 0, options, () => {
let pxHeight = pages[i].offsetHeight / scaleFactor;
this.pdfDoc.addPage(0, pxHeight);
this.counter = this.counter - 1;
There are couple of issues I am facing.
As addHTML is async, pages are added to pdf in random way.
height of the pdf page is either getting more or less height.
is there any way to set pdf size and sync the order of pages.
To sync I would use a recursive approach as in:
var pages = document.getElementsByClassName("pdfpage");
var pdfDoc = new jsPDF('p', 'pt', [0, 0]);
pdfDoc.addPage(pages[0].clientWidth, pages[0].clientHeight);
var addDivToPdf = function(pageNr) {
pdfDoc.addHTML(pages[pageNr], 0, 0, {background:"#FFF"}, () => {
if (++pageNr < pages.length) {
//New added DIV dimensions here
pdfDoc.addPage(pages[pageNr].clientWidth, pages[pageNr].clientHeight);
} else {"sample-file.pdf");
Notice I haven't use a for loop. This way the next page is added only when the previous is complete.
For the height, I'm not sure, scaleFactor must have the wrong units. It is not really clear if you want all pages to have the same size or you want different sizes to match the DIV height.
UPDATE: To control the widht and height according with the DIVs sizes, I have indicated 'pt' in the pdfDoc constructor:
var pdfDoc = new jsPDF('p', 'pt', [0, 0]);
However the first page appears to have always an standard size, so I have deleted it and added again with the desired size before adding the first DIV. The other pages can follow the normal flow:
pdfDoc.addPage(pages[0].clientWidth, pages[0].clientHeight);
The CodePen is updated:

How to get rendered height of stackpanel without actually displaying it (Xamarin.Forms)

I have implemented a custom AccordionControl.
It alternatingly consists of a HeaderView followed by a StackLayout.
When a HeaderView is tapped the corresponding StackLayout is expanded using an animation.
For the animation I need a start point and an end point (the rendered height). I have currently implemented a workaround, which shortly displays the StackLayout, gets the rendered height and then animates it. (The result obviously is a not so smooth animation)
stackLayout.IsVisible = true;
double heightWhenRendered = stackLayout.Height;
var animation = new Animation(d => stackLayout.HeightRequest = d, start: 0, end: heightWhenRendered, easing: Easing.CubicInOut);
animation.Commit(stackLayout, "Expand", finished: (x,s) =>

AngularJS animate dynamic margin

I have an element that appears when the user clicks a button elsewhere on the screen. The element appears to come out of the top of the screen. The element by default needs to be tucked out of view above the screen, so I will have a margin-top style that is based on the height of the element (and will be a negative value). This cannot be hardcoded in css because the element height may vary. When I click the button, I want the element margin-top to change to 0 and I want a transition animation.
The sample shown on angularJS documentation is for adding a removing a class. This would work fine if I knew the values to be set and could code them in CSS, however I cannot. What is the correct way to solve this?
The code below works for displaying and hiding my element using a margin but there is no animation. How do I trigger an animation here when the margin changes?
Quote Total: {{salesPriceTotal + taxesTotal - tradeInsTotal | currency}}
<div class="totals" ng-style="setTopMargin()">
// totals stuff here.
$scope.setTopMargin = function() {
return {
marginTop: $scope.marginTop
$scope.$watch('showTotals', function() {
var margin = $scope.showTotals ? 10 : -160 + $scope.modelTotals.length * -200;
$scope.marginTop = margin.toString() + 'px';
I added the following code per a suggested solution, but this code is never hit.
myApp.animation('.totals', function () {
return {
move: function (element, done) {
element.css('opacity', 0);
opacity: 1
}, done);
// optional onDone or onCancel callback
// function to handle any post-animation
// cleanup operations
return function (isCancelled) {
if (isCancelled) {
As the documentation explains: "The same approach to animation can be used using JavaScript code (jQuery is used within to perform animations)".
So you basically needs to use animate() from jQuery to do what you want.

Responsive sticky sidebar, need to update width

I've got a responsive sticky sidebar started here: I've got the sticky part down, and it's responsive in relation to the width of the original viewport width. However, if you scroll down and then change the viewport size you'll see that the width of the sidebar does not change.
I know I need to update the sidebarWidth variable, but I'm sure exact how/where to do that.
Any help is appreciated, thanks!
This one kind of got left behind amid some other projects, but I'm back to finish this. I got a little further, but still can't seem to figure out how to update the sidebar width if the user scrolls down the page then expands their browser (or rotates their device). I have some commented code in the JS panel where I left off.
Just put the width calculation in your scroll function.
$(function () {
// cache selectors
var wrapper = $('.wrapper');
var sidebar = $('.sidebar');
// get some maths
var sidebarTop = sidebar.offset().top;
var sidebarOffset = 25; // is .wrapper padding
// sticky logic
$(window).on('scroll', function () {
var windowTop = $(window).scrollTop();
var sidebarWidth = Math.round(wrapper.width() * 0.3); // is .sidebar width
if (sidebarTop < (windowTop + sidebarOffset)) {
position: 'fixed',
top: sidebarOffset,
width: sidebarWidth
} else {
position: 'static',
width: '30%' // original CSS value
There's a little bit of overhead there, since it has to calculate the width every time you scroll. The alternative would be to put it into a $(window).resize() function so it figures out the width when you resize the window.
