Enforcing a unique combination relationship in fields - database

Summery: I need any combination of [Field_1] and [Field_2] to be unique and for that uniqueness to be enforced. Note: This is not for permutations - and that's the difficulty.
In Depth:
I'm trying to track contacts for vendor software. I've set my DB up in the time old fashion such that a Vendor record may have many contacts. The trick is that contacts may be related to each other and may not be related to the parent vendor record. An example:
1. SuperBrokenSoftware is a tool who's vendor I need to contact all the time.
2. WeMakeBadSoftware is the Vendor
3. Fred works for WeMakeBadSoftware
4. Gale works for WeHelpPeopleWhenOthersWont
Let's say Gale is the appropriate contact to fix my issue with the SuperBrokenSoftware.
There is no way using the current hierarchy to track Gales relationship to SuperBrokenSoftware.
My solution is to keep track of these relationships in a table like so:
Field1 Field2 Field3
Fred Gale Gale handles specific issues for Fred
However given this solution Field_1 and Field_2 must be unique in combination. That is to say the records:
Field1 Field2 Field3
Fred Gale "Gale handles specific issues for Fred"
Gale Fred "Gale is awesome - Fred sucks"
Should be viewed as the same. Record 2 should not be allowed in the database because it is not unique.
What I have Tried:
Using the bijective - Szudzik's function: a >= b ? a * a + a + b : a + b * b; where a, b >= 0
I can calculate a unique identifier for every combination - but access cannot enforce uniqueness on a calculated field.
What is the best way to enforce a combination in Access?
Thanks in advance!!!

Create new field for unique identifier with unique index and create Before Change data macro, which should insert/change calculated identifier in new field.
Unique key can be just sorted concatenation of field1 and field2


Simple database design - some columns have multiple values

Caveat: very new to database design/modeling, so bear with me :)
I'm trying to design a simple database that stores information about images in an archive. Along with file_name (which is one distinct string), I have fields like genre and starring where each field might contains multiple strings (if an image is associated with multiple genres, and/or if an image has multiple actors in it).
Right now the database is just a single table keyed on file_name, and the fields like starring and genre just have multiple comma-separated values stored. I can query it fine by using wildcards and like and in operators, but I'm wondering if there's a more elegant way to break out the data such that it is easier to use/query. For instance, I'd like to be able to find how many unique actors are represented in the archive, but I don't think that's possible with the current model.
I realize this is a pretty elementary question about data modeling, but any guidance anyone can provide or reading you can direct me to would be greatly appreciated!
You need to create extra tables in order to stick with the normalization. In your situation you need 4 extra tables to represent these n->m relations(2 extra would be enough if the relations were 1->n).
image(id, file_name)
genre(id, name)
image_genres(image_id, genre_id)
stars(id, name, ...)
image_stars(image_id, star_id)
And some data in tables:
image table
genre table
image_genres table
stars table
Alicia Keys
Nelly Furtado
image_stars table
For unique actor count in database you can simply run the sql query below

Is it good practice to assign ranges to userid?

I'm building a database schema for users of my app, and I am thinking of setting the userid value according to user type. So,
buyers: 10001 to 19999
sellers: 20001 to 29999
shippers: 30001 to 39999
Next, I assign unique email addresses to the userid:
aaaaa#yy.com....... password.......10005 ---> this email belong to user 10005 (a buyer)
bbbbb#yy.com.......password.......20008 ---> this email belongs to user 20008 (a seller)
ccccc#yy.com.......password.......30187 ---> this email belongs to user 30187 (a shipper)
I then have 3 tables for buyers, sellers, and shippers because each may have different attributes:
buyerid.......name....... mother
10005....... John....... Mary
10006 ....... Chris....... Nancy
sellerid....... name....... pet
20008 ....... Adam....... Dog
20018 ....... Tony ....... cat
shipperid....... name....... car
30187....... George....... GMC
30188 ....... Larry ....... Honda
The advantage here is that I have a single login_table for all user types. I do not want to have 3 login tables for each type. Based on the userid value I know what type of user it is. Keeping three tables for each user (buyer_table, seller_table, and shipper_table) is good for making the schema more understandable, in addition to being able to assign different attributes to each user type.
Sounds good? Maybe.
However, I have a problem in that the login_table refers to “userid” while the three user tables each has a different id name for the user, so in the buyer_table I have buyerid as primary key, in the seller_table it is sellerid as primary key, and finally in the shipper_table, the shipperid is the primary key.
How can I link these three primary keys to the login_table? The login_table has userid as a foreign key to one of those three tables, but it is called “userid”, not buyerid, or sellerid, or shipperid!
1) Is it a good idea to classify the userid value according to ranges?
2) If so, how can I resolve the PK-FK issue as described above?
3) Am I off completely?
Having ranges of values for different kinds of similar objects is not bad. If you feel like doing so, you could use sequences wich support value ranges. This way, you could have a buyer sequence wich goes from 0-1000, a seller one from 1001 to 2000 and so on. That would also help you keeping track of the increasing index of the different kinds!

How to enforce unique 2-tuple on oracle table?

I am trying to enforce the property that table Match should have all unique tuples (Team 1, Team 2). However, let Team 1 = Detroit Pistons and Team 2 = Chicago Bulls. I do not want to allow (Detroit Pistons, Chicago Bulls) to be inserted into the table if (Chicago Bulls, Detroit Pistons) already exists.
How can I enforce this constraint?
A) The tuples are semantically identical. (I think this is your case.)
That means the tuple {Chicago Bulls, Detroit Pistons} means exactly the same thing as the tuple {Detroit Pistons, Chicago Bulls}. Use a CHECK constraint to impose an order on the two columns.
CHECK (column_1 < column_2)
That kind of constraint would allow {Chicago Bulls, Detroit Pistons}, but it would reject {Detroit Pistons, Chicago Bulls}. This is kind of like imposing a canonical form on otherwise free-form data.
B) The tuples are semantically distinct.
That means the tuple {Chicago Bulls, Detroit Pistons} means one thing, and the tuple {Detroit Pistons, Chicago Bulls} means something else. For example, the first attribute might mean "home team", and the second might mean "visiting team". In this case, all you need is some kind of unique constraint on the pair of columns.
You can create a unique function-based index:
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX unq_match ON match ( LEAST(team1,team2), GREATEST(team1,team2) );
LEAST() will get the "lesser" of the two teams (whether by ID or name, it doesn't matter) while GREATEST will get the "greater" of the two. Unfortunately this particular solution doesn't scale up to 3-or-more-tuples.

Best way to store results data in database? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Is storing a delimited list in a database column really that bad?
(10 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I have results data like this:
1. account, name, #, etc
2. account, name, #, etc
10. account, name, #, etc
I have approximately 1 set of results data generated each week.
Currently it's stored like so:
Which is annoying because I can't query any of the data without parsing the BLOB into a custom object. I'm thinking of changing this.
I'm thinking of having one giant table:
date1 1 user1 nn #
date1 2 user2 nn #
date1 10 userN nn #
date2 1 user5 nn #
date2 2 user12 nn #
date2 10 userX nn #
I don't know anything about database design principles, so can someone give me feedback on whether this is a good approach or there might be a better one?
I think it is ok to have a table like that, if there are not one-to-many relationships. In that case, it would be more efficient to have multiple tables like in my example below. Here are some general tips as well:
Tip: Good practice My professor told me that it's always good to have an "ID" column, which is a unique number identifier for each item in the table (1, 2, 3… etc.). (Perhaps that was the intent of your "Number" column.) I think SQLite forces each table to have an ID column anyways.
Tip: Saving storage space - Also, if there is a one-to-many relationship (example: one name has many accounts) then it might save space to have a separate table for the accounts, and then store the ID of the name in the first table- so that way you are storing many ints instead of duplicate strings.
Tip: Efficiency - Some databases have specific frameworks designed to handle relationships such as many-to-one or many-to-many, so if you use their framework for that (I don't remember exactly how to do it) it will probably work more efficiently.
Tip: Saving storage space - If you make your own ID column it might be a waste if it automatically includes an "ID" column anyways - so you might want to check for that possibility.
Conceptual Example: (Storing multiple accounts for the same name)
Poor Solution:
Storing everything in 1 table (inefficient, because it duplicates Bob's name, rank, and datetime):
1 Bob 1 date1 bob_account_1
2 Joe 2 date2 user2_joe
3 Bob 1 date1 bob_account_2
4 Bob 1 date1 bobs_third_account
Better Solution: Having 2 tables to prevent duplicated information (Also demonstrates the usefulness of ID's). I named the 2 tables "Account" and "Name."
Table 1: "Account" (Note that NAME_ID refers to the ID column of Table 2)
1 1 bob_account_1
2 2 user2_joe
3 1 bob_account_2
4 1 bobs_third_account
Table 2: "Name"
1 Bob 1 date1
2 Joe 2 date2
I'm not a database expert so this is just some of what I learned in my internet programming class. I hope this helps lead you in the right direction in further research.

DB Design: Sort Order for Lookup Tables

I have an application where the database back-end has around 15 lookup tables. For instance there is a table for Counties like this:
CountyID(PK) County
49001 Beaver
49005 Cache
49007 Carbon
49009 Daggett
49011 Davis
49015 Emery
49029 Morgan
49031 Piute
49033 Rich
49035 Salt Lake
49037 San Juan
49041 Sevier
49043 Summit
49045 Tooele
49049 Utah
49051 Wasatch
49057 Weber
The UI for this app has a number of combo boxes in various places for these lookup tables, and my client has asked that the boxes list in this case:
CountyID(PK) County
49035 Salt Lake
49049 Utah
49011 Davis
49057 Weber
49045 Tooele
'The Rest Alphabetically
The best plan I have for accomplishing this is to add a column to each lookup table for SortOrder(numeric). I had a colleague tell me he thought that would cause the tables to violate 3rd-Normal-Form, but I think the sort order still depends on the key and only the key (even though the rest of the list is alphabetical).
Is adding the SortOrder column the best way to do this, or is there a better way I am just not seeing?
I agree with #cletus that a sort order column is a good way to go and it does not violate 3NF (because, as you said, the sort order column entries are functionally dependent on the candidate keys of the table).
I'm not sure I agree that alphanumeric is better than numeric. In the specific case of counties, there are seldom new ones created. But there is no requirement that the numbers assigned are sequential; you can allocate them with numbers that are a multiple of a hundred, for example, leaving ample room for insertions.
Yes I agree a sort order column is the best solution when the requirements call for a custom sort order like the one you cite. I wouldn't go with a numeric column however. If the data is alphanumeric, the sort order should be alphanumeric. That way you can seed the value with whatever is in the county field.
If you use a numeric field you'll have to resequence the entire table (potentially) whenever you add a new entry. So:
Columns: ID, County, SortOrder
UPADTE County SET SortOrder = CONCAT('M-', County)
and for the special cases:
SET SortOrder = CONCAT('E-' . County)
WHERE County IN ('Salt Lake', 'Utah', 'Davis', 'Weber', 'Tooele')
Arguably you may want to put another marker column in to indicate those entries are special.
I went with numeric and large multiples.
Even with the CONCAT('E-'.. example, I don't get the required sort order. That would give me Davis, SL, Tooele... and Salt Lake needs to be first.
I ended up using multiples of 10 and assigned the non-special-sort entries a value like 10000. That way the view for each lookup can have
ORDER BY SortOrder ASC, OtherField ASC
Another programmer suggested using DECODE in Oracle, or CASE statements in SQL Server, but this is a more general solution. YMMV.
