Where to keep active user data on React + Redux client application - reactjs

On my React + Redux client app, I need to get the active user info (fetch from myapp.com/users/me) and keep it somewhere so that I can access it from multiple components.
I guess window.activeUser = data would not be the best practice. But I could not find any resource about the best practice of doing that. What would be the best way to do what I want?

you can keep it in a separate reducer, and then import multiple parts of your state with connect() in your components.
Say if you have 2 reducers called users.js and tags.js which are combined with combineReducers when setting up your store. You would simply pull different parts by passing a function to your connect() call. So using es6 + decorators:
const mapStateToProps = state => {
return {users: state.users, tags: state.tags}
export default class MyComponent extends React.Component {
and then down in your render function:
return (
So your different reducer states become objects on this.props.

You can use React's context, HOC or global variables to make your data available to multiple components, via context
Something like...
class ParentDataComponent extends React.Component {
// make data accessible for children
getChildContext() {
return {
data: "your-fetchet-data"
render() {
return < Child />
class Child extends React.Component {
render() {
// access data from Parent's context
return (<div> {this.context.data} </div>);

create an action creator and call it on componentWillMount of the appropriate component so it runs right before your component mounts, and in the action creator fetch the data you need and pass it to a reducer. in that reducer you can keep the data you want throughout your application. so whenever you needed the data you can retrieve it from redux state. this tutorial from official redux website covers everything you need to know. mention me if you had any questions.


how components get updated when data store changes

I'm new to React and still struggling in understanding in using redux with React.
For example, below is some code :
const mapStateToProps = (storeData) => ({
editing: storeData.isEditMode;
const mapDispatchToProps = {
saveCallback: xxx
const connectFunction = connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps);
export const ProductDisplay = connectFunction(
class extends Component {
render() {
if (this.props.editing) {
} else {
and a component that uses ProductDisplay
export default class App extends Component {
render() {
return <ProductDisplay/>
Let's say storeData.isEditMode is changed by other component, so the wrapped component's props.editing is changed. As we know that the only way to trigger update process is to use setState() but how does react know that ProductDisplay component needs to be updated since there is no setState() method involved?
The connect function generates a wrapper component that subscribes to the store. When an action is dispatched, the wrapper component's callback is notified. It then runs your mapState function, and shallow-compares the result object from this time vs the result object from last time (so if you were to rewrite a redux store field with its same value, it would not trigger a re-render). If the results are different, then it passes the results to your "real" component" as props.
Dan Abramov wrote a great simplified version of connect at (connect.js) that illustrates the basic idea, although it doesn't show any of the optimization work.
React-Redux v6.0.0 made some major internal changes to how connected components receive their data from the store.
For more details: https://spin.atomicobject.com/2018/04/02/redux-rerendering/

React-Redux Dispatch design

We have a page with a header (Blue color) and content section (Green color) that can be seen in image below. The requirement is when a user selects a year in header, then the content page will show data as per the selected year.
What is happening right now Technically
When user selects a year in header, we dispatch the selected value and the active container's mapStateToProps function is triggered and the selected year is passed to the component.
class Page1Content extends Component {
function mapStateToProps(state) {
return { selectedYear : state.userSelectedValue };
export default connect(mapStateToProps, null)(Page1Content);
Question 1
How will data on Page1Content will refresh? Few approaches:
In ComponentDidUpdate react life cycle method of the Page1Content API to fetch data can be called. However have seen opinions where we should avoid React hooks and life cycle methods with Redux.
In mapStateToProps function API can be called.
Can any one suggest what is the better place to call the API?
Question 2
Data on Page1Content will be used only by this page. This data will not be used by any other component and hence need not be shared by any other Component. Now question 2 is
In case we decide to use ComponentDidUpdate should we again dispatch the API call using Thunk or any other library and then catch the response in mapStatesToProps again?
Or we should make the API call and resolve it in the component itself as a promise. Then the response will be set in State and respective Template will be refreshed.
ComponentDidUpdate is a lifecycle method not a hook. Hooks is functionality that allows functional components to have class based functionality such as state.
You are using a class based component in your example so you are not using hooks.
Yes Redux shouldnt be used with hooks since context is a better option.
You can lift state up so to speak and update the local state in the parent component getting rid of redux completely.
Just pass down the setState function and the state itself to the appropriate children.
class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
some_prop: false
this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);
handleClick() {
this.setState({some_prop: true})
console.log('Click happened');
render() {
return (
<Header onClick={this.handleClick } />
<Page1Component props={this.state.some_prop} />
Question 1
How will data on Page1Content will refresh?
best option is with a ternary expression in your render method, there is no need to check if the state updated. In react if the state is changed your component will automatically re render.
render() {
return (
? <p> {this.props.selectedYear}</p>
: null
Question 2
Data on Page1Content will be used only by this page. This data will not be used by any other component and hence need not be shared by any other Component. Now question 2 is
If I understand this correctly you will need to use an action creators, redux thunk is overkill here.
class Header extends Component {
constructor(props) {
handleClick() {
console.log('Click happened');
render() {
return (
<button onClick={(some_value) => this.handleClick(some_value)}>Click </button>
function mapDispatchToProps(state) {
return {
dispatchActioNCreator: (some_value) => dispatch(ACTIONS.action_creator(some_value) };
This will save your value from your header to the global redux state and then you can just access with mapStateToProps in your Page1Component.

Setting React Context from api response

I have an app where after login, user details are acquired and some user profiles will have a metric setting and others will have a non-metric (imperial).
I want to set a boolean (isMetric) in React Context as there are stateless components all over that need to reference it and I want to avoid passing an isMetric prop all through the component hierarchy.
I've been following the React 16 examples at https://reactjs.org/docs/context.html and so I have a unit-context.js of:
export const UnitContext = React.createContext({
isMetric: true,
toggleUnits: () => {},
and an App.js of
import { UnitContext } from './unit-context';
class App extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.toggleUnits = () => {
this.setState(state => ({
isMetric: !state.isMetric
this.state = {
isMetric: true,
toggleUnits: this.toggleUnits,
render() {
return (
<UnitContext.Provider value={this.state}>
< ... />
The above is the dynamic pattern that provides toggleUnits in the context itself so that state (context) can be set.
With the above pattern, I've confirmed that in my components I can access the isMetric value fine.
But I use redux-saga to handle api calls and it is retrieving the user's metric / non-metric setting.
Once I've acquired the user details, how can I set Context? (redux-saga seems to have it's own context aspect but I'm referring to React Context).
One option is to import the UnitContext with
import { UnitContext } from '.unit-context';
and then access the Consumer to get the state and thus the function. But I'm unsure how to reference what would normally be a Component in a redux-saga saga which is imperative code.
Alternatively, could I move the App state to redux? That seems odd and unsound to have a function in a redux store. I know that redux-saga provides a select method to access redux store via selectors and I have used that in the past.
As the context is provided by <UnitContext.Provider value={this.state}> then conceivably I could replace that value property setting with a redux store value instead of using local state.

converting react classes to functions with redux

I'm still new to react/redux, after getting something like this to function
class User extends React.Component {
componentWillMount() {
render() {
return (
<Profile />
export default connect(null, {fetchUser})(User);
class Profile extends React.Component {
render() {
const { user } = this.props
return (
const mapStateToProps = state => ({
user: state.store.user
export default connect(mapStateToProps, {})(Profile)
export const fetchUser = (.....) => dispatch => {
return {
user: action.payload.user
As I understand it, the User component calls an action (fetchUser) from connect on componentWillMount(). That action calls an api, gets the data and the reducer adds that to the store within the state. The Profile component can then use connect to map the data from fetchUser in the store and display that data.
After reading some tutorials including https://github.com/reactjs/redux/blob/master/docs/basics/UsageWithReact.md
It looks like things can be simplified a bit without using classes.
If I were to change the User and Profile components to a more functional way, how would I do it?
const User = () => {
return (
<Profile />
how do I dispatch the fetchUser action and how do I simulate it to be called with the flow of componentWillMount()?
or am I just over complicating things?
There is also a way to support lifecycle methods in functional components.
import React from 'react';
import lifecycle from 'react-pure-lifecycle';
// create your lifecycle methods
const componentDidMount = (props) => {
console.log('I mounted! Here are my props: ', props);
// make them properties on a standard object
const methods = {
const FunctionalComponent = ({children}) => {
return (
// decorate the component
export default lifecycle(methods)(FunctionalComponent);
I think you should keep using statefull components with redux...
Redux connect — is a PureComponent.
Yes — a very important thing, a HoC for a molecule is a pure one. And works even inside other pure components. And gets store from a current context.
Same is working, for example, for styled-component — you can wrap it with PureComponent, but it will still react to Theme changes.
Solution is simple — bypass logic, use old school events bus, subcribe, wait and emit events.
componentWillMount() {
// subscribe to the event emitter. This
// is necessary due to pure components blocking
// context updates, this circumvents
// that by updating when an event is emitted.
const subscribe = this.context[CHANNEL];
this.unsubscribe = subscribe(nextTheme => { <----- MAGIC
trySubscribe() {
if (shouldSubscribe && !this.unsubscribe) {
this.unsubscribe =
this.store.subscribe(this.handleChange); <----- MAGIC
componentDidMount() {
Thus, even if parent Pure Component will block any update enables you to catch a change, store update, context variable change, or everything else.
So — something inside pure components is very soiled and absolutely impure. It is driven by side effects!
But this bypass straight logic flow, and works just differently from the rest of application.
So — just be careful. And don’t forget about magic.
And this is a reason, why any redux store update will cause redraw in each connected component, and why you should use reselect just next to connect HoC —
to stop unnecessary change propagation.
But you should read this from another point of view:
redux-connect is a source of a change propagation.
redux connect is the end of a change propagation. It is still PureComponent.
And this leads to quite handy thing — you can control change propagation with redux-connect only. Just create a boundaries for a change. Lets talk about this in another article.
Pure components keep your application fast. Sometimes — more predictable, but often — less predictable, as long they change the way application works.
Stateless components are not pure, and may run slower than PureComponents by any kind.
But… if you very wish to create a fast application with good user experience — you have to use Pure Component.
No choice. But, now — you know hidden truth, and knew some magic…
React recommends that ajax request be made in componentDidMount(), rather than in componentWillMount(). For more info on this, read this post.
Since you want to make ajax requests in componentDidMount(), you need a class. There are two ways of writing component definitions: functional component and the class component. Functional components are more concise, but you don't get component lifecycle methods like componentDidMount(). Think of it as just a render function that takes props as inputs and outputs DOMs (in JSX). To override those lifecycle methods, you need to define them as a class.
If you want to use Redux, and want to make ajax requests in a Redux action, you should import the action creator function (fetchUser(..) in your case) that makes the ajax request, and dispatch(fetchUser(..)) in componentDidMount(). connect(..)ed components get dispatch(..) function passed to it by Redux store.
If you want to see how it's done in other redux apps, see the official example apps in the redux.js repo, paying attention to actions and containers: https://github.com/reactjs/redux/tree/master/examples
In Your case you can continue with statefull components no wrong in that
,If you need to go with functional way
There is a work arround
Calling the api in componentDidMount will make sense than
componentWillMount , Because you can show the user something is
I think,User component is designed nicely.It will act as a container for Profile to provide the Data.
Instead of making Profile component class oriented,it should be Stateless.
Lets User component pass the required data for Profile component.
You don't need to connect Profile component using redux-connect.Just render it as a Child component of User.
const Profile = (props) => {
const {user, likeProfile} = props;
//likeProfile()//call like this using dom event or programmatically.
return (
You need to make some changes in User component.
Get the state for Profile component via mapStateToProps.
class User extends React.Component {
componentWillMount() {
render() {
const {user, likeProfile} = this.props;
return (
<Profile user= {user} likeProfile={likeProfile} /> //passed the user data to Profile component vua User
Map the user state for Profile in User connect.
const mapStateToProps = (state)=>{
user : state.somereducerkey.user //this will be accessible in Profile via props { user}
export default connect(mapStateToProps, {fetchUser, likeProfile})(User);

Creating React components that *may* be used in Redux application

Imagine you have a relatively simple component you create as part of a component library (simplified for brevity):
class ExampleComponent extends React.Component {
componentDidMount() {
getAsyncData().then((response) => {
const {a} = response.data;
render() {
return (
The component is required to allow dropping it into an application (think Google Maps for relatively similar approach) and have it just work. It can, however, share its data from response with the rest of the application, via some sort of callback (see this.props.notify above) it may receive via its props. This is an actual requirement and not a architectural choice.
Since this is a part of a library - you don't know what kind of application it is going to get used in at all times, but you do know that in many many cases it is going to get used in a Redux application.
For Redux application the above self-contained approach is not necessarily the best - as the retrieved data in response is better kept in application state in Redux store, where it can be consumed by other parts of application.
Even more so - the ExampleComponent itself is better off being "passive" and not having state at all, rather using mapStateToProps to have Redux infrastructure inject the state update into it via props.
The idea is that when ExampleComponent is in Redux application - its setState call and reference to this.state in its render method are somehow abstracted and "re-routed" to props via Redux?
One way would be to make ExampleComponent to use dispatch that by default calls setState and can be overridden by injected Redux dispatch - basically take this to Redux:
class ExampleComponent extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.dispatch = this.props.dispatch || this.dispatch;
componentDidMount() {
getAsyncData().then((response) => {
this.dispatch({type: 'SOME_ACTION', data: response.data});
dispatch(action) {
swtich (action.type) {
const {a} = action.data;
case 'ANOTHER_ACTION': ...
render() {
return (
The above example works very well, save for:
this.state.a and its kin being sprinkled around the code whereas in Redux it should be this.props.state
having to do this.dispatch = this.props.dispatch || this.dispatch; in every component
I would like to avoid the obvious BaseComponent solutions that would abstract setState into some kind of hybrid... as this would take the code, with time, further away from "canonical" React.
Do you see an elegant way where the two approaches can be combined, with Redux superseding the inherent one?
You're making a fundamental mistake in thinking that a React component with Redux is different from a React component without Redux.
In fact, a React component is just a React component.
This is all your component needs to look like:
function ExampleComponent({ a }) {
return (
Simple, clean, readable, testable.
There's no obvious reason why your asynchronous data fetch should be buried inside the component's componentDidMount() method. It can be triggered anywhere else in the application. And it should be.
