mockStatic: mock java.lang with PowerMock - static

I am trying to mock MBeanServer with Mockito, but my attempts fails.
public void testGetAllCacheProperties() {
MBeanServer server = MBeanServerFactory.newMBeanServer();
ObjectInstance inst = server.registerMBean(new MyBeanService(), ObjectName.getInstance(SERVICE_NAME));
I suppose to inject my mock into method that normally runs on jBoss AS 7:
public Response getAllProperties() {
MBeanServer platformMBeanServer = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer();
But it fails with exception:
JmxMBeanServer cannot be returned by getPlatformMBeanServer()
getPlatformMBeanServer() should return MBeanServer
When I try
PowerMockito.doReturn(server).when(ManagementFactory.class, "getPlatformMBeanServer");
I get exception:
java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation: when resolving method ";" the class loader (instance of org/powermock/core/classloader/MockClassLoader) of the current class, my_package_for_test_class.TestClass, and the class loader (instance of <bootloader>) for the method's defining class, java/lang/management/ManagementFactory, have different Class objects for the type javax/management/MBeanServer used in the signature

There is not possible to mock static from java.lang package, since PowerMock tries to change bite code and bite code of java.lang classes
obviously protected from modifications.
There is work around suggested by Johan Haleby.
You have to create wrapper class:
public class JmxUtils {
public static MBeanServer getPlatformMbeanServer() {
return ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer();
Then test will look like this
public class CacheControllerTest {
//.. preconditions


How to inject a Drone instance without managing its lifecycle?

I have a Graphene Page Object.
public class MyPage {
private WebDriver driver;
// page methods using the driver
And a Test Class that uses the page object.
public class MyTest {
public void test(#InitialPage MyPage page) {
// use page & assert stuff
public void anotherTest(#InitialPage MyPage page) {
// use page & assert stuff even harder
Now, I've decided that MyTest should use method scoped Drone instances. So I add...
public class MyTest {
private WebDriver driver;
Now when I run the test I get two browsers and all tests end with errors. Apparently this lifecycle management is treated as a qualifier too.
Yes, adding #MethodLifecycle in MyPage too helps. But this is not a solution - a page shouldn't care about this and should work in any WebDriver regardless of its scope. Only tests have the knowledge to manage the drone lifecycles. A page should just use whatever context it was invoked in. How can I achieve that?
This may be the answer:
public class MyPage {
private WebDriver driver;
But I'm afraid that this skips some Drone-specific enriching. Also not sure if it will correctly resolve when there are multiple Drone instances.

Testing of static methods with PHPUnit

I want to test a method. This method used the static method verifyPassword() in an abstract class.
class Authentication {
public function onUserAuthenticate($credentials) {
$checkedIn = UHelper::verifyPassword($credentials);
Now I created a mock object in my test method, because I want not test the verifyPassword() with this test.
class AuthenticationTest {
public function testonUserAuthenticate {
$uhelper = $this->getMockForAbstractClass(\UHelper::class);
$this->class = new \Authentication();
How can I accomplish, that my mock object is used in the test method when I run $this->class->onUserAuthenticate($credentials) ?
verifyPassword is a call to a static methode in the abstract class UHelper, so I do not have a setUHelper method anywhere.
hat I'm trying to do is make variable class Authentication in ther call of the method onUserAuthenticate use the stub $uhelper. That is not answered in the related question.

#EnableAspectJAutoProxy not work with proxyTargetClass=false

I am learning about Spring AOP at first time.
I am reading about in this sites:
Site2 and
Following this I have made the next classes
Main class:
public class App {
public static void main(String[] args) {
AnnotationConfigApplicationContext context = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext();
MessagePrinter printer = context.getBean(MessagePrinter.class);
App config class:
public class AppConfig {
public void doAlert() {
System.out.println("Application done.");
Aspect class:
public class AspectMonitor {
#Before("execution(* com.pjcom.springaop.message.impl.MessagePrinter.getMessage(..))")
public void beforeMessagePointCut(JoinPoint joinPoint) {
System.out.println("Monitorizando Mensaje.");
And others...
Just like that app work nice, but if I put proxyTargetClass to false. Then I get the error below.
Exception in thread "main" org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No qualifying bean of type [com.pjcom.springaop.message.impl.MessagePrinter] is defined
at com.pjcom.springaop.App.main(
Indicates that JDK dynamic proxy will be created to support aspect execution on the object. And therefore as this type of proxy requires a class to implement an interface your MessagePrinter must implement some interface which declares method getMessage.
On the opposite instruct to use CGLIB proxy which is able to create proxy for a class without an interface.
1> Message Printer has to be defined as a component i.e :
package com.pjcom.springaop.message.impl;
public class MessagePrinter{
public void getMessage(){
System.out.println("getMessage() called");
in the same package as configuration java file if no #ComponentScan is not defined for some other packages.
2> If same type of bean class has many other dependencies then to resolve dependencies in spring Config use #Qualifier annotation.

Apex error: "Save error: Method does not exist or incorrect signature"

I'm currently learning apex (using the IDE), and I'm running into some trouble when writing a test for a custom controller.
The controller class is as follows:
public with sharing class CustomController {
private List<TestObject__c> objects;
public CustomController() {
objects = [SELECT id, name FROM TestObject__c];
public List<TestObject__c> getObjects() {
return objects;
and the test class is:
private class ControllerTest {
static testMethod void customControllerTest() {
CustomController controller = new CustomController();
System.assertNotEquals(controller, null);
List<TestObject__c> objects;
objects = controller.getObjects();
System.assertNotEquals(objects, null);
On the objects = controller.getObjects(); line I'm getting an error which says:
Save error: Method does not exist or incorrect signature: [CustomController].getObjects()
Anyone have an idea as to why I'm getting this error?
A nice shorthand:
public List<TestObject__c> objects {get; private set;}
It creates the getter/setter for you and looks cleaner imo. As for your current issue, yes - it's hard saving code directly into production - especially with test classes in separate files.
Best to do this in a sandbox/dev org then deploy to production (deploy to server - IDE). But if you must save directly into production then I'd combine test methods with your class. But in the long run, having #test atop a dedicated test class is the way to go. It won't consume your valuable resources this way.

Unable to return collections or arrays from JAX-WS Web Service

I found that I was unable to return collections from my JAX-WS Web Service.
I appreciate that the Java Collections API may not be supported by all clients, so I switched to return an array, but I can't seem to do this either.
I've set up my web service as follows:
public class MyClass {
public ReturnClass[] getArrayOfStuff() {
// extremely complex business logic... or not
return new ReturnClass[] {new ReturnClass(), new ReturnClass()};
And the ReturnClass is just a POJO. I created another method that returns a single instance, and that works. It just seems to be a problem when I use collections/arrays.
When I deploy the service, I get the following exception when I use it:
javax.xml.bind.MarshalException - with linked exception:
[javax.xml.bind.JAXBException: [LReturnClass; is not known to this context]
Do I need to annotate the ReturnClass class somehow to make JAX-WS aware of it?
Or have I done something else wrong?
I am unsure of wheter this is the correct way to do it, but in one case where I wanted to return a collection I wrapped the collection inside another class:
public class MyClass {
public CollectionOfStuff getArrayOfStuff() {
return new CollectionOfStuff(new ReturnClass(), new ReturnClass());
And then:
public class CollectionOfStuff {
// Stuff here
private List<ReturnClass> = new ArrayList<ReturnClass>();
public CollectionOfStuff(ReturnClass... args) {
// ...
Disclaimer: I don't have the actual code in front of me, so I guess my example lacks some annotations or the like, but that's the gist of it.
