Two main functions in a C application - c

I'm actually put in a big project. My first step to understand the code was to search the main function so that I have a vision of the architecture.
What I discovered is that there is more than one main function. It's true that they are in different folders, but I don't understand how this application succeed to build. What I know is that the linker expects one main function (Entry point).
I believe it's too hard to understand the build process of the application, so I'm asking because for sure some of you have encountered this.
1 - Should I have theoretical background to understand this? If so, please suggest me articles, books, what ever you want.
2 - When do we have to use several main functions in one application?

You can't have multiple main functions for a single executable. There are several possibilities.
If doing a build builds only a single application, then only one of the main functions will be compiled. (Or none, if there's an option to build a library rather than an executable.) There are probably options that determine which one to build, depending on which variant of the application you want, the target system, or something else.
Or perhaps the application consists of multiple executables, with one main function for each one.
If running the build doesn't take too long, a trick I've used to determine which of several source files is actually compiled is to temporarily add #error directives, like:
#error "TEMPORARY: This is /full/path/to/source.cpp"
The resulting error message will tell you which source file was actually compiled. (You can also use #warning directives if your compiler supports them.)

Should i have theorical background to undestand this, suggest me articles book what ever you want
You need to have some understanding of what a build means but, more importantly, you have to understand the build process in your specific environment. You need to have an understanding of:
The list of build targets (executables and shared libraries)
The compiler settings used by them (you could be building DLLs for VS 2010 as well as VS 2012).
When do we have to use several main functions in one application?
When your build system builds multiple executables, you will need multiple main functions.
When your build system chooses file1.c or file2.c for building an executable depending on some settings, you might find main functions in file1.c as well file2.c. This will be a rather poor way to organize code but it is possible.

Trying to link an executable with multiple definitions for the same identifier (aka main in this case) will fail as the linker cannot select one or the other.
There's one possibility, though that allows you to have multiple main entry points, but assuring you only select one in the building process.
I'll illustrate this with a simple example: suppose you have a library (a .a static library) that has a module that includes a main definition. As library modules are selected at link time depending on the actual need of the identifiers at the time the library is linked, you can have a main definition in a module to supply when you don't have one, or that module is not linked in case you have a proper definition of it. This is exploited in some standard libraries like -ll (flex has a definition of main that calls the yylex() function), -ly (bison has a main definition that call the yyparse() routine) These modules are included if you don't have done it before.
But beware, as if you link your main function after the library -ll, for example, it will be included (as main was not resolved at the time he library was included, and then you included the second, duplicated entry, making the ld linker to complaint)


When building a DLL which will be loaded using LoadLibrary, do I need to link with the dependent binaries or is including the headers enough?

I'm building a plugin (extension module) system for a language interpreter I'm writing in C.
During runtime, the program uses LoadLibrary in order to load a specified DLL file. This seems to work, with basic DLLs which don't depend on functions defined in the main program.
However, I'm trying to build a plugin DLL which does depend on functions which are defined in the main program binary.
To do so, I defined a interface.h header in the main code base, for these plugins to include and use. It defines the headers for the functions they might require. The plugin does #include <interface.h> in its header.
I compile the plugin DLL like so:
gcc myplugin.c -shared -Wl,--subsystem,windows -D MYPLUGIN_EXPORTS -o myplugin.dll -I..\main_program_headers
I then get the following kind of errors:
undefined reference to 'some function name'
Does this mean I have to compile the plugins with dynamic linking to the actual binaries they depend on in the main program?
If so, does this mean I need to keep the individual .o files of the main program around, even after linking them to the result .exe? Can GCC link directly against the .o files?
Anyway, I really hoped LoadLibrary takes care of fixing the function references on load during runtime. Doesn't it?
As #tenfour kindly answered, a DLL must follow normal linking rules and function references need to be resolved at build time. He / she suggested a system where the host program passes into the plugin pointers for the needed function.
This approach will indeed work, but I would still like to know:
What kind of build process is necessary to allow the plugin to call functions from the main app directly, without any special system at runtime (except for LoadLibrary).
I would like to say that my main source of influence here is the extension system for the CPython interpreter. It seems to me judging by its documentation that a CPython extension doesn't receive function pointers from the host interpreter, and is still able to directly call Py_* functions from it.
Any idea how such a thing can be done? How can the plugin DLL be built to support this? What and how do I need to link against?
Since you didn't post interface.h, I can only guess that you are forward-declaring functions there, for example:
int some_func();
If the plugin code tries to invoke this method, it will compile, but the linker has no reference to it. The body of that function only exists in your host application.
Instead, if you want to dynamically link, using LoadLibrary, you need to use function pointers, e.g.:
typedef int (*some_func_ptr)(); // declare the fn pointer type
some_func_ptr some_func = x; // assign it after the host passes you x
some_func(); // now you can call it without linker issues.
And viola you have used dynamic linking to create a plugin system. Of course the design of your interface will force this to be more complex but that's mostly just labor once you understand the concept.

how to make shared library an executable

I was searching for asked question. i saw this link which is doing exactly the same thing which I want. But there is no explanation of whats going on. I am also confused whether shared library with out main() can be made executable if yes how? I can guess i have to give global main() but know no details. Any further easy reference and guidance is much appreciated
I am working on x86-64 64 bit Ubuntu with kernel 3.13
This is fundamentally not sensible.
A shared library generally has no task it performs that can be used as it's equivalent of a main() function. The primary goal is to allow separate management and implementation of common code operations, and on systems that operate that way to allow a single code file to be loaded and shared, thereby reducing memory overhead for application code that uses it.
An executable file is designed to have a single point of entry from which it performs all the operations related to completing a well defined task. Different OSes have different requirements for that entry point. A shared library normally has no similar underlying function.
So in order to (usefully) convert a shared library to an executable you must also define ( and generate code for ) a task which can be started from a single entry point.
The code you linked to is starting with the source code to the library and explicitly codes a main() which it invokes via the entry point function. If you did not have the source code for a library you could, in theory, hack a new file from a shared library ( in the absence of security features to prevent this in any given OS ), but it would be an odd thing to do.
But in practical terms you would not deploy code in this manner. Instead you would code a shared library as a shared library. If you wanted to perform some task you would code a separate executable that linked to that library and code. Trying to tie the two together defeats the purpose of writing the library and distorts the structure, implementation and maintenance of that library and the application. Keep the application and the library apart.
I don't see how this is useful for anything. You could always achieve the same functionality from having a main in a separate binary that links against that library. Making a single file that works as both is solidly in the realm of "silly computer tricks". There's no benefit I can see to having a main embedded in the library, even if it's a test harness or something.
There might possible be some performance reasons, like not having function calls go through the indirection of the PLT.
In that example, the shared library is also a valid ELF executable, because it has a quick-and-dirty entry-point that grabs the args for main from where the ABI says they go (i.e. copies them from the stack into registers). It also arranges for the ELF interpreter to be set correctly. It will only work on x86-64, because no definition is provided for init_args for other platforms.
I'm surprised it actually works; I thought all the crap the usual CRT (startup) code does was actually needed for stdio to work properly. It looks like it doesn't initialize extern char **environ;, since it only gets argc and argv from the stack, not envp.
Anyway, when run as an executable, it has everything needed to be a valid dynamically-linked executable: an entry-point which runs some code and exits, an interpreter, and a dependency on libc. (ELF shared libraries can depend on (i.e. link against) other ELF shared libraries, in the same way that executables can).
When used as a library, it just works as a normal library containing some function definitions. None of the stuff that lets it work as an executable (entry point and interpreter) is even looked at.
I'm not sure why you don't get an error for multiple definitions of main, since it isn't declared as a "weak" symbol. I guess shared-lib definitions are only looked for when there's a reference to an undefined symbol. So main() from call.c is used instead of main() from because main already has a definition before the linker looks at libtest.
To create shared Dynamic Library with Example.
Suppose with there are three files are : sum.o mul.o and print.o
Shared library name " "
cc -shared -o sum.o mul.o print.o
and compile with
cc main.c ./

How to get all symbol conflict from 2 static libs in VC8

Say I have 2 static libs
In both libs I will define 10 same functions
When Compiling a sample test code say "test.c" , I link with both static libs ex1.a and ex2.a
In "test.c" I will call only 3 functions, then I will get the
linker error "same symbols deifned in both ex1.a and ex2.a libraries" This is Ok.
My Question here is :
1. Why this error only display 3 functions as multiple defined.. Why not it list all 10 functions
In VC8 How can I list all multiple defined symbols without actualy calling that function in test code ...
Thats because, linker tries to resovle a symbol name, when it compiles and links a code which has the function call. Only when the code has some function calls, linker would try to resolve it in either the test code or the libraries linked along and thats when it would find multiple definitions. If no function called, then I guess no problem.
What you experience is the optimizing part of the linker: By default it won't include code that isn't referenced. The compiler will create multiple object files with most likely unresolved dependencies (calls that couldn't be satisfied by the code included). So the linker takes all object files passed and tries to find solutions for the unresolved dependencies. If it fails, it will check the available library files. If there are multiple options with the same exact name/signature it will start complaining cause it won't be able to decide which one to pick (for identical code this won't matter but imagine different implementations using different "behind the scenes" work on memory, such as debug and release stuff).
The only (and possibly easiest way) I could think of to detect all these multiple definitions would be creating another static library project including all source files used in both static libs. When creating a library the linker will include everything called or exported - you won't need specific code calling the stuff for the linker to see/include everything as long as it's exported.
However I still don't understand what you're actually trying to accomplish as a whole. Trying to find code shared between two libraries?

How to ensure unused symbols are not linked into the final executable?

First of all my apologies to those of you who would have followed my questions posted in the last few days. This might sound a little repetitive as I had been asking questions related to -ffunction-sections & -fdata-sections and this one is on the same line. Those questions and their answers didn't solve my problem, so I realized it is best for me to state the full problem here and let SO experts ponder about it. Sorry for not doing so earlier.
So, here goes my problem:
I build a set of static libraries which provide a lot of functionalities. These static libraries will be provided to many products. Not all products will use all of the functionalities provided by my libs. The problem is that the library sizes are quite big and the products want it to be reduced. The main goal is to reduce the final executable size and not the library size itself.
Now, I did some research and found out that, if there are 4 functions in a source file and only one function of that is used by the application, the linker will still include the rest of the 3 functions into the final executable as they all belong to the same object file. I further analyzed and found that -ffunction-sections, -fdata-sections and -gc-sections(this one is a linker option) will ensure only that one function gets linked.
But, these options for some reasons beyond my control cannot be used now.
Is there any other way in which I can ensure that the linker will link only the function which is strictly required and exclude all other functions even if they are in the same object file?
Are there any other ways of dealing with the problem?
Note: Reorganizing my code is almost ruled out as it is a legacy code and big.
I am dealing mainly with VxWorks & GCC here.
Thanks for any help!
Ultimately, the only way to ensure that only the functions you want are linked is to ensure that each source (object) file in the library only exports one function symbol - one (visible) function per file. Typically, there are some files which export several functions which are always all used together - the initialization and finalization functions for a package, for example. Also, there are often functions used by the exported function that do not need to be visible outside the source (object) file - make sure they are static.
If you looked at Plauger's "The Standard C Library", you'll find that every function is implemented in a separate file, even if the file ends up 4 lines long (one header, one function line, an open brace, one line of code, and a close brace).
Jay asked:
In the case of a big project, doesn't it become difficult to manage with so many files? Also, I don't find many open source projects following this model. OpenSSL is one example.
I didn't say it was widely used - it isn't. But it is the way to make sure that binaries are minimized. The compiler (linker) won't do the minimization for you - at least, I'm not aware of any that do. On a large project, you design the source files so that closely related functions that will normally all be used together are grouped in single source files. Functions that are only occasionally used should be placed in separate files. Ideally, the rarely used functions should each be in their own file; failing that, group small numbers of them into small (but non-minimal) files. That way, if one of the rarely used functions is used, you only get a limited amount of extra unused code linked.
As to number of files - yes, the technique espoused does mean a lot of files. You have to weigh the workload of managing (naming) lots of files against the benefit of minimal code size. Automatic build systems remove most of the pain; VCS systems handle lots of files.
Another alternative is to put the library code into a shared object - or dynamic link library (DLL). The programs then link with the shared object, which is loaded into memory just once and shared between programs using it. The (non-constant) data is replicated for each process. This reduces the size of the programs on disk, at the cost of fixups during the load process. However, you then don't need to worry about executable size; the executables do not include the shared objects. And you can update the library (if you're careful) without recompiling the main programs that use it. The reduced size of the executables is one reason shared libraries are popular.

How to catch unintentional function interpositioning?

Reading through my book Expert C Programming, I came across the chapter on function interpositioning and how it can lead to some serious hard to find bugs if done unintentionally.
The example given in the book is the following:
mktemp() { ... }
main() {
mktemp(){ ... }
getwd(){ ...; mktemp(); ... }
According to the book, what happens in main() is that mktemp() (a standard C library function) is interposed by the implementation in my_source.c. Although having main() call my implementation of mktemp() is intended behavior, having getwd() (another C library function) also call my implementation of mktemp() is not.
Apparently, this example was a real life bug that existed in SunOS 4.0.3's version of lpr. The book goes on to explain the fix was to add the keyword static to the definition of mktemp() in my_source.c; although changing the name altogether should have fixed this problem as well.
This chapter leaves me with some unresolved questions that I hope you guys could answer:
Does GCC have a way to warn about function interposition? We certainly don't ever intend on this happening and I'd like to know about it if it does.
Should our software group adopt the practice of putting the keyword static in front of all functions that we don't want to be exposed?
Can interposition happen with functions introduced by static libraries?
Thanks for the help.
I should note that my question is not just aimed at interposing over standard C library functions, but also functions contained in other libraries, perhaps 3rd party, perhaps ones created in-house. Essentially, I want to catch any instance of interpositioning regardless of where the interposed function resides.
This is really a linker issue.
When you compile a bunch of C source files the compiler will create an object file for each one. Each .o file will contain a list of the public functions in this module, plus a list of functions that are called by code in the module, but are not actually defined there i.e. functions that this module is expecting some library to provide.
When you link a bunch of .o files together to make an executable the linker must resolve all of these missing references. This is the point where interposing can happen. If there are unresolved references to a function called "mktemp" and several libraries provide a public function with that name, which version should it use? There's no easy answer to this and yes odd things can happen if the wrong one is chosen
So yes, it's a good idea in C to "static" everything unless you really do need to use it from other source files. In fact in many other languages this is the default behavior and you have to mark things "public" if you want them accessible from outside.
It sounds like what you want is for the tools to detect that there are name conflicts in functions - ie., you don't want your externally accessible function names form accidentally having the same name and therefore 'override' or hide functions with the same name in a library.
There was a recent SO question related to this problem: Linking Libraries with Duplicate Class Names using GCC
Using the --whole-archive option on all the libraries you link against may help (but as I mentioned in the answer over there, I really don't know how well this works or how easy it is to convince builds to apply the option to all libraries)
Purely formally, the interpositioning you describe is a straightforward violation of C language definition rules (ODR rule, in C++ parlance). Any decent compiler must either detect these situations, or provide options for detecting them. It is simply illegal to define more than one function with the same name in C language, regardless of where these functions are defined (Standard library, other user library etc.)
I understand that many platforms provide means to customize the [standard] library behavior by defining some standard functions as weak symbols. While this is indeed a useful feature, I believe the compilers must still provide the user with means to enforce the standard diagnostics (on per-function or per-library basis preferably).
So, again, you should not worry about interpositioning if you have no weak symbols in your libraries. If you do (or if you suspect that you do), you have to consult your compiler documentation to find out if it offers you with means to inspect the weak symbol resolution.
In GCC, for example, you can disable the weak symbol functionality by using -fno-weak, but this basically kills everything related to weak symbols, which is not always desirable.
If the function does not need to be accessed outside of the C file it lives in then yes, I would recommend making the function static.
One thing you can do to help catch this is to use an editor that has configurable syntax highlighting. I personally use SciTE, and I have configured it to display all standard library function names in red. That way, it's easy to spot if I am re-using a name I shouldn't be using (nothing is enforced by the compiler, though).
It's relatively easy to write a script that runs nm -o on all your .o files and your libraries and checks to see if an external name is defined both in your program and in a library. Just one of the many sane sensible services that the Unix linker doesn't provide because it's stuck in 1974, looking at one file at a time. (Try putting libraries in the wrong order and see if you get a useful error message!)
The Interposistioning occurs when the linker is trying to link separate modules.
It cannot occur within a module. If there are duplicate symbols in a module the linker will report this as an error.
For *nix linkers, unintended Interposistioning is a problem and it is difficult for the linker to guard against it.
For the purposes of this answer consider the two linking stages:
The linker links translation units into modulles (basically
applications or libraries).
The linker links any remaining unfound symbols by searching in modules.
Consider the scenario described in 'Expert C programming' and in SiegeX's question.
The linker fist tries to build the application module.
It sess that the symbol mktemp() is an external and tries to find a funcion definiton for the symbol. The linker finds
the definition for the function in the object code of the application module and marks the symbol as found.
At this stage the symbol mktemp() is completely resolved. It is not considered in any way tentative so as to allow
for the possibility that the anothere module might define the symbol.
In many ways this makes sense, since the linker should first try and resolve external symbols within the module it is
currently linking. It is only unfound symbols that it searches for when linking in other modules.
Furthermore, since the symbol has been marked as resolved, the linker will use the applications mktemp() in any
other cases where is needs to resolve this symbol.
Thus the applications version of mktemp() will be used by the library.
A simple way to guard agains the problem is to try and make all external sysmbols in your application or library unique.
For modules that are only going to shared on a limited basis, this can fairly easily be done by making sure all
extenal symbols in your module are unique by appending a unique identifier.
For modules that are widely shared making up unique names is a problem.
