How to use global variables on a state machine - c

I made this state machine :
enum states { STATE_ENTRY, STATE_....} current_state;
void (*const state_table [MAX_STATES][MAX_EVENTS]) (void) = {
{ action_entry , action_entry_fail , action_entry_repeat }, /*
procedures for state 1 */
void main (void){
event = get_new_event (); /* get the next event to process */
if (((event >= 0) && (event < MAX_EVENTS))
&& ((current_state >= 0) && (current_state < MAX_STATES))) {
state_table [current_state][event] (); /* call the action procedure */
printf("OK 0");
} else {
/* invalid event/state - handle appropriately */
When I modify a global variable in one state the global variable remain the same , and I need that variable in all the states . Do you now what could be the problem ?
My Global variable is this structure:
#if (CPU_TYPE == CPU_TYPE_32)
typedef uint32_t word;
#define word_length 32
typedef struct BigNumber {
word words[64];
} BigNumber;
#elif (CPU_TYPE == CPU_TYPE_16)
typedef uint16_t word;
#define word_length 16
typedef struct BigNumber {
word words[128];
} BigNumber;
#error Unsupported CPU_TYPE
BigNumber number1 , number2;
Here is how I modify:
//iterator is a number from where I start to modify,
//I already modified on the same way up to the iterator
number2.words[i]=(nr_rand1<<21) | (nr_rand2<<11) | (nr_rand3);

This is just in case you may want to change your approach for defining the FSM. I'll show you with an example; say you have the following FSM:
You may represent it as:
void function process() {
fsm {
fsmSTATE(S) {
/* do your entry actions heare */
event = getevent();
/* do you actions here */
if (event.char == 'a') fsmGOTO(A);
else fsmGOTO(E);
fsmSTATE(A) {
event = getevent();
if (event.char == 'b' || event.char == 'B') fsmGOTO(B);
else fsmGOTO(E);
fsmSTATE(B) {
event = getevent();
if (event.char == 'a' ) fsmGOTO(A);
else fsmGOTO(E);
fsmSTATE(E) {
/* done with the FSM. Bye bye! */
I do claim (but I believe someone will disagree) that this is simpler, much more readable and directly conveys the structure of the FSM than using a table. Even if I didn't put the image, drawing the FSM diagram would be rather easy.
To get this you just have to define the fsmXXX stuff as follows:
#define fsm
#define fsmGOTO(x) goto fsm_state_##x
#define fsmSTATE(x) fsm_state_##x :

Regarding the code that changese number2:
number2.words[i]=(nr_rand1<<21) | (nr_rand2<<11) | (nr_rand3);
I can't fail to note that:
i is never incremented, so just one element of the array is changed (iterator+1) over an infinite loop;
even if i would be incremented, only the a portion of the words array it's changed depending on the value of iterator (but this might be the intended behaviour).
unless iterator can be -1, the element words[0] is never changed (again this could be the intended behaviour).
I would check if this is really what you intended to do.
If you're sure that it's just a visibility problem (since you said that when you declare it as local it worked as expected), the only other thing that I can think of is that you have the functions in one file and the main (or where you do your checks) in another.
Then you include the same .h header in both files and you end up (due to the linker you're using) with two different number2 because you did not declare it as extern in one of the two files.
Your compiler (or, better, the linker) should have (at least) warned you about this, did you check the compilation messages?

This is not an answer - rather it is a comment. But it is too big to fit the comment field so I post it here for now.
The code posted in the question is not sufficient to find the root cause. You need to post a minimal but complete example that shows the problem.
Something like:
#include <stdint.h>
typedef uint32_t word;
#define word_length 32
typedef struct BigNumber {
word words[4];
} BigNumber;
BigNumber number2;
enum states { STATE_0, STATE_1} current_state;
enum events { EVENT_A, EVENT_B } event;
void f1(void)
int i;
current_state = STATE_1;
for (i=0; i<4; ++i) number2.words[i] = i;
void f2(void)
int i;
current_state = STATE_0;
for (i=0; i<4; ++i) number2.words[i] = 42 + i*i;
void (*const state_table [2][2]) (void) =
{ f1 , f1 },
{ f2 , f2 }
int main (void){
current_state = STATE_0;
event = EVENT_A;
state_table [current_state][event] (); /* call the action procedure */
printf("%u %u %u %u\n", number2.words[0], number2.words[1], number2.words[2], number2.words[3]);
event = EVENT_B;
state_table [current_state][event] (); /* call the action procedure */
printf("%u %u %u %u\n", number2.words[0], number2.words[1], number2.words[2], number2.words[3]);
return 0;
The above can be considered minimal and complete. Now update this code with a few of your own functions and post that as the question (if it still fails).
My code doesn't fail.
0 1 2 3
42 43 46 51


Dynamically allocate and initialize new object with 30% probability

I'm writing a program that will simulate a randomized race between runners who are climbing up a mountain where dwarf orcs (dorcs) are coming down the mountain to attack the runners. It begins with two runners named harold and timmy at the bottom of the mountain. The runners make their way up the mountain in randomized moves where they may make progress forward up the mountain, or they may slide back down the mountain. Dorcs are randomly generated, and they inflict damage on a runner if they collide. The simulation ends when one of the runners reaches the top of the mountain, or when both runners are dead.
I'm struggling with a part where I have to implement the actual race loop. Once the race is initialized, the race loop will iterate until the race is over. This happens when either a winner has been declared, or when all runners are dead.
Every iteration of the race loop will do the following:
with 30% probability, dynamically allocate a new dorc as an EntityType structure, and initialize it as follows:
(a) a dorc’s avatar is always “d”
(b) each dorc begins the race at the top of the mountain, which is at row 2
(c) with equal probability, the dorc may be placed either in the same column as timmy, or in the same column as the harold, or in the column exactly half-way between the two
(d) add the new dorc to the race’s array of dorcs
(e) using the pthread_create() function, create a thread for the new dorc, and save the thread pointer in the dorc’s entity structure; the function that each dorc thread will execute is the void* goDorc(void*) function that you will implement in a later step; the parameter to the goDorc() function will be the EntityType pointer that corresponds to that dorc
I guess I'm confused with the logic of how to approach this. I decided to make a function called isOver() to indicate if the race is over, and then a separate function called addDorc() to initialize the Dorc elements and do all the requirements above.
In isOver(), I attempt to add a dorc object to the dorcs array by doing addDorc(race); with every iteration of the race loop/if the race hasn't ended or no one died. But I keep getting the error:
control.c:82:3: error: too few arguments to function ‘addDorc’
The problem is I don't think I can manually declare all the parameters in addDorc() because some elements like the "path" argument are based on probability. As mentioned above, with equal probability, the dorc may be placed either in the same column as timmy, or in the same column as the harold, or in the column exactly half-way between the two. The issue is I don't know how to factor this random value when calling addDorc() and would appreciate some help. I also don't know if I'm doing the "with 30% probability, dynamically allocate a new dorc as an EntityType structure" correctly and would be grateful for some input on that as well.
typedef struct {
pthread_t thr;
char avatar[MAX_STR];
int currPos;
int path;
} EntityType;
typedef struct {
EntityType ent;
char name[MAX_STR];
int health;
int dead;
} RunnerType;
typedef struct {
int numRunners;
RunnerType *runners[MAX_RUNNERS];
int numDorcs;
EntityType *dorcs[MAX_DORCS];
char winner[MAX_STR];
int statusRow;
sem_t mutex;
} RaceInfoType;
void launch();
int addDorc(RaceInfoType*, char*, int, int);
int isOver(RaceInfoType*);
void initRunners(RaceInfoType*);
int addRunner(RaceInfoType*, char*, char*, int, int, int, int);
int randm(int);
void *goRunner(void*);
void *goDorc(void*);
RaceInfoType *race;
void launch(){
race = malloc(sizeof(RaceInfoType));
race->numRunners = 0;
if (sem_init(&race->mutex, 0, 1) < 0) {
printf("semaphore initialization error\n");
strcpy(race->winner, " ");
int i;
for(i = 0; i < race->numRunners; ++i){
pthread_create(&(race->runners[i]->ent.thr), NULL, goRunner, " ");
race->numDorcs = 0;
int addDorc(RaceInfoType* race, char *avatar, int path, int currPos){
if(race->numDorcs == MAX_DORCS){
printf("Error: Maximum dorcs already reached. \n");
return 0;
race->dorcs[race->numDorcs] = malloc(sizeof(EntityType));
int timmysColumn = race->dorcs[race->numDorcs]->currPos;
int haroldsColumn = race->dorcs[race->numDorcs]->currPos;
int halfwayColumn = (timmysColumn+haroldsColumn)/2;
int r = rand()%100;
pthread_t dorc;
if(r <= 30){
strcpy(race->dorcs[race->numDorcs]->avatar, "d");
race->dorcs[race->numDorcs]->currPos = 2;
if(r <= 33){
race->dorcs[race->numDorcs]->path = timmysColumn;
}else if(r <= 66){
race->dorcs[race->numDorcs]->path = haroldsColumn;
race->dorcs[race->numDorcs]->path = halfwayColumn;
pthread_create(&dorc, NULL, goDorc, " ");
int isOver(RaceInfoType* race){
int i;
for(i = 0; i < race->numRunners; ++i){
if((race->winner != " ") || (race->runners[race->numRunners]->dead = 1)){
return 1;
return 0;
void initRunners(RaceInfoType* r){
addRunner(r, "Timmy", "T", 10, 35, 50, 0);
addRunner(r, "Harold", "H", 14, 35, 50, 0);
int addRunner(RaceInfoType* race, char *name, char *avatar, int path, int currPos, int health, int dead){
if(race->numRunners == MAX_RUNNERS){
printf("Error: Maximum runners already reached. \n");
return 0;
race->runners[race->numRunners] = malloc(sizeof(RunnerType));
strcpy(race->runners[race->numRunners]->name, name);
strcpy(race->runners[race->numRunners]->ent.avatar, avatar);
race->runners[race->numRunners]->ent.path = path;
race->runners[race->numRunners]->ent.currPos = currPos;
race->runners[race->numRunners]->health = health;
race->runners[race->numRunners]->dead = dead;
return 1;
Caveat: Because there's so much missing [unwritten] code, this isn't a complete solution.
But, I notice at least two bugs: the isOver bugs in my top comments. And, incrementing race->numRunners in addDorc.
isOver also has the return 0; misplaced [inside the loop]. That should go as the last statement in the function. If you had compiled with -Wall [which you should always do], that should have been flagged by the compiler (e.g. control reaches end of non-void function)
From that, only one "dorc" would get created (for the first eligible runner). That may be what you want, but [AFAICT] you want to try to create more dorcs (one more for each valid runner).
Also, the bug the compiler flagged is because you're calling addDorc(race); but addDorc takes more arguments.
It's very difficult to follow the code when you're doing (e.g.) race->dorcs[race->numDorcs]->whatever everywhere.
Better to do (e.g.):
EntityType *ent = &race->dorcs[race->numDorcs];
ent->whatever = ...;
Further, it's likely that your thread functions would like a pointer to their [respective] control structs (vs. just passing " ").
Anyway, I've refactored your code to incorporate these changes. I've only tried to fix the obvious/glaring bugs from simple code inspection, but I've not tried to recompile or address the correctness of your logic.
So, there's still more work to do, but the simplifications may help a bit.
race = malloc(sizeof(RaceInfoType));
race->numRunners = 0;
if (sem_init(&race->mutex,0,1) < 0) {
printf("semaphore initialization error\n");
strcpy(race->winner," ");
int i;
for (i = 0; i < race->numRunners; ++i) {
RunnerType *run = &race->runners[i];
EntityType *ent = &run->ent;
race->numDorcs = 0;
addDorc(RaceInfoType* race,char *avatar,int path,int currPos)
if (race->numDorcs == MAX_DORCS) {
printf("Error: Maximum dorcs already reached. \n");
return 0;
EntityType *ent = malloc(sizeof(*ent));
race->dorcs[race->numDorcs] = ent;
int timmysColumn = ent->currPos;
int haroldsColumn = ent->currPos;
int halfwayColumn = (timmysColumn + haroldsColumn) / 2;
int r = rand()%100;
#if 0
pthread_t dorc;
if (r <= 30) {
ent->currPos = 2;
if (r <= 33) {
ent->path = timmysColumn;
} else if (r <= 66) {
ent->path = haroldsColumn;
} else {
ent->path = halfwayColumn;
#if 0
race->numDorcs += 1;
isOver(RaceInfoType* race)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < race->numRunners; ++i) {
#if 0
if ((race->winner != " ") ||
(race->runners[race->numRunners]->dead = 1))
return 1;
RunnerType *run = &race->runners[i];
if ((race->winner != " ") || (run->dead == 1))
return 1;
#if 0
return 0;
#if 1
return 0;
initRunners(RaceInfoType* r)
addRunner(RaceInfoType* race,char *name,char *avatar,int path,int currPos,
int health,int dead)
if (race->numRunners == MAX_RUNNERS) {
printf("Error: Maximum runners already reached. \n");
return 0;
RunnerType *run = malloc(sizeof(*run));
race->runners[race->numRunners] = run;
EntityType *ent = &run->ent;
ent->path = path;
ent->currPos = currPos;
run->health = health;
run->dead = dead;
return 1;
I noticed in addDorc(), you put pthread_t dorc; in an if statement. I don't quite understand what my if statement is actually supposed to be checking though.
I forgot to mention/explain. I wrapped your/old code and my/new code with preprocessor conditionals (e.g.):
#if 0
// old code
// new code
After the cpp stage, the compiler will only see the // new code stuff. Doing this was an instructional tool to show [where possible] what code you had vs what I replaced it with. This was done to show the changes vs. just rewriting completely.
If we never defined NEVERWAS with a #define NEVERWAS, then the above block would be equivalent to:
// old code ...
// new code
Would it still be under the if(r <= 30) part like I did in my original code?
Yes, hopefully now, it is more clear. #if is a cpp directive to include/exclude code (as if you had edited that way). But, a "real" if is an actual executable statement that is evaluated at runtime [as it was before], so no change needed.
My other concern is it doesn't look like dorc is used anywhere in the function because you write pthread_create(&ent->thr,NULL,goDorc,ent); which seems to use ent instead?
That is correct. It is not used/defined and the value goes to ent->thr. As you had it, the pthread_t value set by pthread_create would be lost [when dorc goes out of scope]. So, unless it's saved somewhere semi-permanent (e.g. in ent->thr), there would be no way to do a pthread_join call later.

Alternative to global arrays in C multithreading environment?

does anyone know about an elegant (efficient) alternative to using large global arrays in C for an embedded system, whereby the array is written to in an interrupt service routine and it is read elsewhere asynchronously:
I have no issues with the current implementation, however I was just wondering if it is the best option.
for example:
uint8_t array_data[20] = {0};
volatile bool data_ready = false;
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 20; i++){
array_data[i] = some_other_data[i];
data_ready = true;
data_ready = false;
Using global arrays is often the best approach unless one would need to use the storage for other purposes when the interrupt routine isn't running. An alternative is to use a global pointer to data that may be stored elsewhere, but one must be very cautious changing that pointer while interrupts are enabled.
An important caveat with your code, by the way: although the Standard regards the implications of a volatile qualifier as implementation-defined, allowing for the possibility that implementations may treat a volatile write as a potential "memory clobber", the authors of gcc require the use of compiler-specific intrinsics to prevent operations on "ordinary" objects from being reordered across operations on volatile-qualified ones.
For example, given:
volatile unsigned short out_count;
int *volatile out_ptr;
int buffer[10];
void do_write(int *p, unsigned short count)
out_ptr = p;
out_count = count;
do {} while(out_count);
void test(void)
buffer[0] = 10;
buffer[1] = 20;
do_write(buffer, 2);
buffer[0] = 30;
buffer[1] = 40;
buffer[2] = 50;
do_write(buffer, 3);
because the __asm intrinsics don't use gcc-specific syntax to indicate that they might "clobber" the contents of memory in ways the compiler can't understand (even though many compilers support the use of empty __asm intrinsics for that express purpose, and such intrinsics wouldn't really serve any other purpose), and because gcc can see that there's no way that do_write could alter the contents of buffer, it "optimizes out" the code that would store the values 10 and 20 into buffer before the first call to do_write.
Clang doesn't seem quite as bad as gcc. It doesn't seem to reorder writes across volatile writes, it seems to refrain from reordering reads across functions that are not in-line expanded, and it seems to treat empty asm directives as potential memory clobbers, but I I'm not familiar enough with its documentation to know whether such restraint is by design, or merely a consequence of "missed optimizations" which might be "fixed" in future versions.
Consider using translation unit scope rather than global scope. That is declare the array static in the translation unit in which it is used. That translation unit should contain in this case the ISR that writes the data and an access function to read the data. Anything else, including main() should be in other translation units in order that that do not have direct access to the array:
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
static volatile uint8_t array_data[DATA_LEN] = {0};
static volatile bool data_ready = false;
void someIsr(void)
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 20; i++)
array_data[i] = some_other_data[i];
data_ready = true;
bool getdata( char* dest )
bool new_data = data_ready ;
if( data_ready )
memcpy( desr, array_data, sizeof(array_data) ) ;
data_ready = false ;
Then main() in some other translation unit might have:
#include "mydevice.h"
int main( void )
uint8_t somewhare[DATA_LEN] = {0};
if( getdata( somewhere ) )
// process new data
The above is based on your example, and the aim here is to isolate the array so that outside of the ISR the access is enforced to be read-only. In practice it is likely that you will need a "safer" data structure or access method such as a critical-section, double-buffering or a ring buffer so that the data can be accessed without risk of it being modified while it is being read.
This is no less efficient that your original global access, it is simply a restriction of the visibility and accessibility of the array.
As I mentioned in my top comment, one of best ways is to implement a ring queue.
Although I done a few ring queue implementations, here's one I just cooked up for illustration purposes. It is a [cheap] simulation of an Rx ISR for a uart [which is fairly common in embedded systems].
It is fairly complete, but I've not debugged it, so it may have some issues with the queue index calculations.
Anyway, here's the code:
// queue.c -- a ring queue
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
enum {
QMAX = 1024
typedef unsigned char qdata_t; // queue data item
typedef struct {
int qenq; // index for enqueue
int qdeq; // index for dequeue
int qmax; // maximum number of elements in queue
int qover; // number of queue overflows
qdata_t *qbuf; // pointer to queue's buffer
} queue_t;
queue_t *rxisr_q; // pointer to Rx qeueue
// cli -- disable interrupts
// sti -- enable interrupts
// uart_ready -- uart is ready (has Rx data available)
int rval = rand();
rval = ((rval % 100) > 95);
return rval;
// uart_getc -- get character from uart receiver
int rval = rand();
rval &= 0xFF;
return rval;
// qwrap -- increment and wrap queue index
qwrap(queue_t *que,int qidx,int inc)
int qmax = que->qmax;
qidx += inc;
if (inc > 0) {
if (qidx >= qmax)
qidx -= qmax;
else {
if (qidx < 0)
qidx += qmax;
return qidx;
// qavail_total -- total amount of space available (for enqueue)
qavail_total(queue_t *que)
int qlen;
qlen = que->qdeq - que->qenq;
if (qlen < 0)
qlen += que->qmax;
qlen -= 1;
return qlen;
// qavail_contig -- total amount of space available (for enqueue) [contiguous]
qavail_contig(queue_t *que)
int qlen;
qlen = que->qdeq - que->qenq;
if (qlen < 0)
qlen = que->qmax - que->qenq;
qlen -= 1;
return qlen;
// qready_total -- total amount of space filled (for dequeue)
qready_total(queue_t *que)
int qlen;
qlen = que->qenq - que->qdeq;
if (qlen < 0)
qlen += que->qmax;
return qlen;
// qready_contig -- total amount of space filled (for dequeue) [contiguous]
qready_contig(queue_t *que)
int qlen;
qlen = que->qenq - que->qdeq;
if (qlen < 0)
qlen = que->qmax - que->qdeq;
return qlen;
// qfull -- is queue full?
qfull(queue_t *que)
int next;
next = qwrap(que,que->qenq,1);
return (next == que->qdeq);
// qpush -- push single value
qpush(queue_t *que,qdata_t chr)
int qenq = que->qenq;
int qnxt;
int push;
qnxt = qwrap(que,qenq,1);
push = (qnxt != que->qdeq);
if (push) {
que->qbuf[qenq] = chr;
que->qenq = qnxt;
return push;
// qalloc -- allocate a queue
queue_t *
qalloc(int qmax)
queue_t *que;
que = calloc(1,sizeof(*que));
que->qbuf = calloc(qmax,sizeof(qdata_t));
return que;
// uart_rx_isr -- ISR for uart receiver
int chr;
queue_t *que;
que = rxisr_q;
while (uart_ready()) {
chr = uart_getc();
#if 0
if (qfull(que)) {
if (! qpush(que,chr)) {
main(int argc,char **argv)
int qlen;
int qdeq;
queue_t *que;
rxisr_q = qalloc(QMAX);
que = rxisr_q;
while (1) {
qlen = qready_contig(que);
if (qlen > 0) {
qdeq = que->qdeq;
que->qdeq = qwrap(que,qdeq,qlen);
return 0;

How to protect enum assignment

I want to prevent invalid value enum assignment. I know if i even assign value that is not in enum it will work. Example:
enum example_enum
void example_function(void)
enum example_enum the_enum = ENUM_VAL3; // correct
the_enum = 41; // will work
the_enum = 0xBADA55; // also will work
bar(the_enum); // this function assumes that input parameter is correct
Is there easy, efficient way to check if assignment to enum is correct? I could test value by function
void foo(enum example_enum the_enum)
if (!is_enum(the_enum))
// do something with valid enum
I could resolve this in following way:
static int e_values[] = { ENUM_VAL0, ENUM_VAL1, ENUM_VAL2, ENUM_VAL3 };
int is_enum(int input)
for (int i=0;i<4;i++)
if (e_values[i] == input)
return 1;
return 0;
For me, my solution is inefficient, how can i write this if i have more enums and more values in enums?
As long as the enum is continuous one can do something like this:
static int e_values[] = { ENUM_VAL0, ENUM_VAL1, ENUM_VAL2, ENUM_VAL3, ENUM_VAL_COUNT };
int is_enum(int input) { return 0 <= input && input < ENUM_VAL_COUNT; }
Another alternative is to not validate the enum value beforehand, but error out once the code detects an invalid value:
switch(input) {
case ENUM_VAL0: ... break;
case ENUM_VAL1: ... break;
assert(0 && "broken enum");
But there is no way to enforce that the enum value doesn't go out of the range at all in C. The best you can do if you want to secure the enum against fiddling is to hide the value away in a struct and then have functions to manipulate the struct. The function and struct implementation can be hidden away from the user via a forward declaration in the .h file and the implementation in the .c file:
struct example_t {
enum example_enum value;
void example_set_val0(example_t* v) { v->value = ENUM_VAL0; }
There is no way of warning about assigning integers that fit into the enum.
Enumerators in C are synonyms for integer types. Assuming the type chosen for enum example_enum is int, then your code is identical to:
void example_function(void)
int the_enum = ENUM_VAL3; // correct
the_enum = 12345; // will work
bar(the_enum); // this function assumes that input parameter is correct
void foo(int the_enum)
if (!is_enum(the_enum))
// do something with valid enum
You could use structures, but even that can be circumvented:
struct example_enum_struct e = { 12345 };
e.value = 23456;
Basically if you want to restrict a type to specific values, you will need to perform checks.
If anyone is interested in this topic, here I have some solution which works.
#define TYPED_ENUM(name_) \
typedef struct { int v; } name_
#define TYPED_ENUM_VALUE(name_, value_) (name_) { value_ }
#define GET_TYPED_ENUM_VALUE(en_) (en_.v)
#ifndef USB_CLASS_H
#define USB_CLASS_H
#include "typed_enums.h"
#include "typed_enums.h"
#include "usb_class.h"
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
usbClass = 12345; // tadam!!!! throws error
printf("usbClass = USB_CLASS_VIDEO\n");
printf("usb class value: %02X\n", GET_TYPED_ENUM_VALUE(usbClass));
return 0;
enum value assignment works like struct assignment
enum for pointers also works
enum value can't be changed
can't be used in switch
can't be directly compared
can't directly return enum number value
Note: sorry for abusing preprocessor here

Printing name of #define by its value?

I have a C program with some definitions for error codes. Like this:
#define FILE_NOT_FOUND -2
#define FILE_INVALID -3
#define ...
#define ...
Is it possible to print the name of the definition by its value? Like this:
// output
In short, no. The easiest way to do this would be something like so (PLEASE NOTE: this assumes that you can never have an error assigned to zero/null):
//Should really be wrapping numerical definitions in parentheses.
#define FILE_NOT_FOUND (-2)
#define FILE_INVALID (-3)
#define INTERNAL_ERROR (-4)
typdef struct {
int errorCode;
const char* errorString;
} errorType;
const errorType[] = {
{NULL, "NULL" },
// Now we just need a function to perform a simple search
int errorIndex(int errorValue) {
int i;
bool found = false;
for(i=0; errorType[i] != NULL; i++) {
if(errorType[i].errorCode == errorValue) {
//Found the correct error index value
found = true;
if(found) {
printf("Error number: %d (%s) found at index %d",errorType[i].errorCode, errorType[i].errorString, i);
} else {
printf("Invalid error code provided!");
if(found) {
return i;
} else {
return -1;
Additionally, if you wanted to save on typing even more, you could use a preprocessor macro to make it even neater:
const errorType[] = {
Now you only have to type the macro name once, reducing the chance of typos.
You can do something like this.
#include <stdio.h>
#define FILE_NOT_FOUND -2
#define FILE_INVALID -3
const char* name(int value) {
#define NAME(ERR) case ERR: return #ERR;
switch (value) {
return "unknown";
#undef NAME
int main() {
printf("==== %d %s %s\n", FILE_NOT_FOUND, name(FILE_NOT_FOUND), name(-2));
No, that's not possible. What would this print?
#define FILE_NOT_FOUND 1
#define UNIT_COST 1
Kinda ...
static char* error_codes(int err) {
static char name[256][256] = {
int base = .... lowest error code;
return name[err - base];
#define PRINT_NAME(N) error_code(N)
Why not elect to use an enumeration instead?
enum errors {FILE_NOT_FOUND = -2, FILE_INVALID = -3, INTERNAL_ERROR = -4};
FILE *fp = fopen("file.txt", "r");
if(fp == NULL) {
Not automatically. The name is losing during compilation, and only the constant number remains in the code.
But you can build something like this:
const char * a[] = {"","","FILE_NOT_FOUND","FILE_INVALID"};
and access it by using the define value absolute value as index.
Use designated initializers of C99 for this, but a bit of care is necessary if your error codes are negative.
First a version for positive values:
#define CODE(C) [C] = #C
char const*const codeArray[] = {
enum { maxCode = (sizeof codeArray/ sizeof codeArray[0]) };
This allocates an array with the length that you need and with the string pointers at the right positions. Note that duplicate values are allowed by the standard, the last one would be the one that is actually stored in the array.
To print an error code, you'd have to check if the index is smaller than maxCode.
If your error codes are always negative you'd just have to negate the code before printing. But it is probably a good idea to do it the other way round: have the codes to be positive and check a return value for its sign. If it is negative the error code would be the negation of the value.
This is how I do it in C:
< MyDefines.h >
#pragma once
// Switch-case macro for getting defines names
#define BEGIN_DEFINE_LIST const char* GetDefineName (int key) { switch (key) {
#define MY_DEFINE(name, value) case value: return #name;
#define END_DEFINE_LIST } return "Unknown"; }
// Macros for declaring defines
#define BEGIN_COMMAND_LIST /* nothing */
#define MY_DEFINE(name, value) static const int name = value;
#define END_COMMAND_LIST /* nothing */
// Declare your defines
< MyDefineInfo.h >
#pragma once
const char* GetDefineName(int key);
< MyDefineInfo.c >
#include "MyDefines.h"
Now, you can use the declared switch-case macro wherever like this:
< WhereEver.c >
#include "MyDefines.h"
#include "MyDefineInfo.h"
void PrintThings()
// etc.

Function pointers in FSM

HI.. I want an example of how to implement FSM using function pointers in C.
See this simple example on how to implement a finite state machine in C.
An example is too big to write as an answer here.
Here's an existing example, which I found by Googling for state machine c "function pointer": Implementing Efficient State Machines
Here is a little demo of using function pointers in ARDUINO. This example does not allow for concurrency. It perfectly transferable to normal C if make write the setup and loop inside main()
Each state is a void() function. Each state function is responsible for reading input and setting output. When this is done the function should return immediately. It will be called again directly. The function is also responsible for state-transition by calling the leave function immediately before returning. Each state function should have a static long variable for timekeeping.
A global variable state is set to point to the initial state in the setup routine.
I wanted timekeeping in the different states so i implemented the state transitions by 2 functions:
void enter(long *stateTime), this should be called the very first thing when entering the state functions. It activates the state if inactive end keeps time.
void leave(void (*next)(), long *statetime), this changes the global state pointer and deactivates the current state.
void (*state)();//function pointer for state machine
long prevMillis = 0;//timekeeper
const int LEDPIN = 13;
int counter1 = 0;
void enter(long *statetime){
if(*statetime==-1){//check for passive state
prevMillis = millis();//set timemark when entering state
*statetime = millis()-prevMillis;//keep time
void leave(void (*next)(), long *statetime){
*statetime=-1;//set state to passive
state=next;//point to next state
void off500ms(){
static long stateMillis;//timer for this state
enter(&stateMillis);//update timer
digitalWrite(LEDPIN, LOW);
if(stateMillis>499){//check if time is up
leave(on500ms, &stateMillis);
void off2s(){
static long stateMillis;//timer for this state
enter(&stateMillis);//update timer
digitalWrite(LEDPIN, LOW);
if(stateMillis>1999){//check if time is up
leave(on500ms, &stateMillis);
void on500ms(){
static long stateMillis;//timer for this state
enter(&stateMillis);//update timer
digitalWrite(LEDPIN, HIGH);
if(stateMillis >499){//time is up
if(++counter1==6){//number of blinks
leave(off2s, &stateMillis);
counter1=0;//reset counter
leave(off500ms, &stateMillis);
void setup(){
state = on500ms;//set initial state
void loop(){
state();//start FSM
I would say initialize a array of pointers to event handlers. So each element of a array is a function pointer to a particular event which is part of an enum.
if foo is your array of function pointers which is initialized to event then call foo[event]() when any event occurs.
Try coding for calling a function pointer first, next you can move to array and come back to SO if there are more doubts.
For a start you can read about function pointers here.
State transtion code can be utilize either by array or switch case. Written under if else directive.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int entry_state(void);
int foo_state(void);
int bar_state(void);
int exit_state(void);
enum state_codes lookup_transitions(enum state_codes, enum ret_codes);
/* array and enum below must be in sync! */
int (* state[])(void) = { entry_state, foo_state, bar_state, exit_state};
enum state_codes { entry, foo, bar, end};
enum ret_codes { ok, fail, repeat};
struct transition {
enum state_codes src_state;
enum ret_codes ret_code;
enum state_codes dst_state;
/* transitions from end state aren't needed */
struct transition state_transitions[] = {
{entry, ok, foo},
{entry, fail, end},
{foo, ok, bar},
{foo, fail, end},
{foo, repeat, foo},
{bar, ok, end},
{bar, fail, end},
{bar, repeat, foo}};
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
enum state_codes cur_state = entry;
enum ret_codes rc;
int (* state_fun)(void);
for (;;) {
state_fun = state[cur_state];
rc = state_fun();
if (end == cur_state)
cur_state = lookup_transitions(cur_state, rc);
* lookup_transition() function has time complexity of class O(n).
* We can optimize it.
* */
enum state_codes
lookup_transitions(enum state_codes cur_state, enum ret_codes rc)
#if 0
switch (cur_state) {
case entry:
cur_state = ((rc == ok) ? (foo) : (end));
case foo:
cur_state = ((rc == ok) ? (bar) : ((rc == fail) ? (end) : (foo)));
cur_state = ((rc == ok) ? (end) : ((rc == fail) ? (end) : (foo)));
return cur_state;
char arr_size = (sizeof(state_transitions) / sizeof(state_transitions[0])); /* This can be shifted to main function to avoid redundant job. */
char count;
for (count = 0; count < arr_size; count++) {
if ((state_transitions[count].src_state == cur_state) && (state_transitions[count].ret_code == rc)) {
return (state_transitions[count].dst_state);
int entry_state(void)
int st;
enum ret_codes rc;
printf("YOU ARE IN ENTRY STATE.\nEnter 0/1: ");
scanf("%d", &st);
rc = ((st == 1) ? (fail) : (ok));
return rc;
int foo_state(void)
int st;
enum ret_codes rc;
printf("YOU ARE IN FOO STATE.\nEnter 0/1/2: ");
scanf("%d", &st);
rc = ((st == 0) ? (ok) : ((st == 2) ? (repeat) : (fail)));
return rc;
int bar_state(void)
int st;
enum ret_codes rc;
printf("YOU ARE IN BAR STATE.\nEnter 0/1/2: ");
scanf("%d", &st);
rc = ((st == 0) ? (ok) : ((st == 2) ? (repeat) : (fail)));
return rc;
int exit_state(void)
printf("YOU ARE IN EXIT STATE.\n");
