Match vectors of different length by their maxima and get indices - arrays

I have variables
A = [40 67 68 70 66 65 99 90 65 20 21]
B = [1 1 2 3 1]
How to get indices if A by matching the maxima of B and A?
So imagine I slide with B over A, stop when the maxima match, and then I'd like to get the "position" of B by means of the according indices of A.
desired result :
4 5 6 7 8

One way of many:
A = [40 67 68 70 66 65 99 90 65 20 21]
B = [1 1 2 3 1]
%// maxima
[~,mA] = max(A(:))
[~,mB] = max(B(:))
%// result
mDiff = mA - mB
idx = ( mDiff + 1 ) : ( mDiff + numel(B) )


How do I separate an array depending on values in a column?

Say I have an Mx4 array A where the values in the first column are a number 1 to 12. Now I want to gather the rest of the columns in 12 separate Mx3 arrays depending on which number is in column 1.
How would I go about doing that?
You can use unique and splitapply as follows. The result is a cell array of arrays.
M = [2 11 41 51;
1 10 20 30;
1 62 83 22;
4 73 53 53;
2 84 94 14]; % example data
L = 5; % Group labels are 1:L (L=12 in your case)
[u,~,w] = unique(M(:,1));
result = cell(L,1);
result(u) = splitapply(#(x){x}, M(:,2:end), w);
This gives
>> celldisp(result)
result{1} =
10 20 30
62 83 22
result{2} =
11 41 51
84 94 14
result{3} =
result{4} =
73 53 53
result{5} =

How to use nested or double for loop in Matlab to generate new 1D array by comparing Existing 1D array

For example
I have one binary array with size of 9 as b = [0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1], Then another array 'm' with size of 7 as m = [21 28 36 45 45 66 66]. Here i want to change all the zeros of 'b' by 1st element of m then replace 1's of b by consecutive elements of 'm' so my output 1D array should be like k = [21 28 21 36 21 45 45 66 66].
Below is my code i really don't know where i did mistake please help me to solve this
b= [0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1];
m = [21 28 36 45 45 66 66];
m = m(:);
for i=1:length(b)
for j=2:length(m)
if b(i)==0
am getting output as
k = [21 66 21 66 21 66 66 66 66]
Use logical indexing instead - it is much faster and more readable:
b = [0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1];
m = [21 28 36 45 45 66 66];
k = zeros(size(b));
k(b==0) = m(1); % fill values where b=0 with m(1)
k(b==1) = m(2:sum(b)+1); % fill values where b=1 with consecutive m values
>> k
k =
21 28 21 36 21 45 45 66 66

Vectorize 2d convolution on matlab

I got this Code for computing two dimensional convolution for two given arrays.
[r,c] = size(x);
[m,n] = size(y);
h = rot90(y, 2);
center = floor((size(h)+1)/2);
Rep = zeros(r + m*2-2, c + n*2-2);
for x1 = m : m+r-1
for y1 = n : n+r-1
Rep(x1,y1) = x(x1-m+1, y1-n+1);
B = zeros(r+m-1,n+c-1);
for x1 = 1 : r+m-1
for y1 = 1 : n+c-1
for i = 1 : m
for j = 1 : n
B(x1, y1) = B(x1, y1) + (Rep(x1+i-1, y1+j-1) * h(i, j));
How can i vectorize it , so no for loops exist ?
Thanks in advance.
Here's what I came up with:
%// generate test matrices
x = randi(12, 4, 5)
y = [2 2 2;
2 0 2;
2 2 2]
[r,c] = size(x);
%[m,n] = size(y); %// didn't use this
h = rot90(y, 2);
center = floor((size(h)+1)/2);
Rep = zeros(size(x)+size(h)-1); %// create image of zeros big enough to pad x
Rep(center(1):center(1)+r-1, center(2):center(2)+c-1) = x; %// and copy x into the middle
%// all of this can be compressed onto one line, if desired
%// I'm just breaking it out into steps for clarity
CRep = im2col(Rep, size(h), 'sliding'); %// 'sliding' is the default, but just to be explicit
k = h(:); %// turn h into a column vector
BRow = bsxfun(#times, CRep, k); %// multiply k times each column of CRep
B = reshape(sum(BRow), r, c) %// take the sum of each column and reshape to match x
T = conv2(Rep, h, 'valid') %// take the convolution using conv2 to check
assert(isequal(B, T), 'Result did not match conv2.');
Here are the results of a sample run:
x =
11 12 11 2 8
5 9 2 3 2
7 9 3 4 8
7 10 8 5 4
y =
2 2 2
2 0 2
2 2 2
B =
52 76 56 52 14
96 120 106 80 50
80 102 100 70 36
52 68 62 54 34
T =
52 76 56 52 14
96 120 106 80 50
80 102 100 70 36
52 68 62 54 34

How to get the 3rd column in an array by using 1st and 2nd column values as index in Matlab

I have an array with three columns like this:
10 75 20
30 67 50
85 12 30
98 49 70
I have A and B values, and I want to get the corresponding C value.
For example if I enter (30,67) it should display 50.
Does Matlab have any trick for getting C value?
(my dataset is very large, and I need a fast way)
you can use ismember:
ABC = [10 75 20
30 67 50
85 12 30
98 49 70];
q = [30 67
85 12];
[~, locb] = ismember( q, ABC(:,1:2), 'rows' );
C = ABC(locb,3);
The result you get is
C =
Note that the code assume all pairs in q can be found in ABC.
Let your input data be defined as
data = [ 10 75 20
30 67 50
85 12 30
98 49 70];
values = [ 30 67];
This should be pretty fast:
index = data(:,1)==values(1) & data(:,2)==values(2); %// logical index to matching rows
result = data(index,3); %// third-column value for those rows
This gives all third-column values that match, should there be more than one.
If you want to specify several pairs of values at once, and obtain all matching results:
index = any(bsxfun(#eq, data(:,1).', values(:,1)), 1) & ...
any(bsxfun(#eq, data(:,2).', values(:,2)), 1);
result = data(index,3);
For example, given
data = [ 10 75 20
30 67 50
85 12 30
98 49 70
30 67 80 ];
values = [ 30 67
98 49];
the result would be
result =
You can create a sparse matrix. This solution only works if C does not contain any zeros and A and B are integers larger 0
A = [10 30 85 98]';
B = [75 67 12 49]';
C = [20 50 30 70]';
S = sparse(A,B,C);
S(10,75) % returns corresponding C-Value if found, 0 otherwise.
Try accumarray:
YourMatrix = accumarray([A B],C,[],#mean,true);
This way YourMatrix will be a matrix of size [max(A) max(B)], with the values of C at YourMatrix(A(ind),B(ind)), with ind the desired index of A and B:
A = [10 30 85 98]';
B = [75 67 12 49]';
C = [20 50 30 70]';
YourMatrix = accumarray([A B],C,[],#mean,true);
ind = 2;
ans =
This way, when there is a repetition in A B, it will return the corresponding C value, provided each unique pair of A B has the same C value. The true flag makes accumarray output a sparse matrix as opposed to a full matrix.

Array contents display in pairs

I have an array for example: A=[01 255 03 122 85 107]; and I want to print the contents as
FF 01
7A 03
6B 55
Basically a read out from a memory. Is there any function in MatLab lib? I need to do this with minimum use of loops.
Use this -
Output -
ans =
If you only want to print it as characters, use it without str2num, like this -
Output -
ans =
General case with zeros padding -
A=[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3] %// Input array
N = 3; %// groupings, i.e. 2 for pairs and so on
A = [A zeros(1,N-mod(numel(A),N))]; %// pad with zeros
out = str2num(num2str(fliplr(reshape(A,N,[])'),'%1d'))
Output -
out =
Edit for hex numbers :
Ar = A(flipud(reshape(1:numel(A),2,[])))
out1 = reshape(cellstr(dec2hex(Ar))',2,[])'
out2 = [char(out1(:,1)) repmat(' ',[numel(A)/2 1]) char(out1(:,2))]
Output -
out1 =
'FF' '01'
'7A' '03'
'6B' '55'
out2 =
FF 01
7A 03
6B 55
