How to 'add' cookie only for angular.http request - angularjs

I need to emulate some state in my developer utility, and for it I need to pass some special cookie to the http request which made via angular $http module.
Code for making http request looks simple:
if (condition){
var headers = getHeaders();
if (headers !== 'undefined'){
config['headers'] = headers;
return $http(config);
So looks like I should add some field to the this config. But I can't find any related data about this in $http docs.
I do not want to set cookie 'to the browser' becase I want to pass it only for some several requests performed asynchronously.
Is it real to nmake it with angular.js?


$http service cache when the method is post

when I set the $http to cache requests, I still see duplicate requests (with the same url and same data) sent to the server from browser network,
$, data, {cache:true} ).success(function(response) {
I have following questions:
Is this a right behaviour?
Can we cache post requests?
Is this the right way to do so or should I be doing it manually with the $cachefactory ?
From the docs:
Only GET and JSONP requests are cached.
If you want to cache POST-requests you would have to do it manually. You will need to make a service/factory that caches responses and serves as a layer before $http. You can use $cacheFactory or just a plain object.
function cacheService($http, $q){
var cache = {};
this.callSomething = function(postData){
let deferred = $q.defer();
let hash = angular.toJson(postData);
} else {
$'path/to/resource', postData).then(function(response){
cache[hash] = response;
return deferred.promise;
This is a simple example, you could of course use the same principle and make a more generalized service that takes an URL, postData and a cache object and returns a function that does the request and caches it.
I am not sure about cache working. But you can use $cacheFactory for same.
app.factory('Cache', function ($cacheFactory) {
return $cacheFactory('Cache');
app.controller('MyController', function ($scope, $http, Cache) {
$, data, {cache:Cache} ).success(function(response) {}
Only GET and JSONP requests are cached.
The cache key is the request URL including search parameters; headers are not considered.
Cached responses are returned asynchronously, in the same way as responses from the server.
If multiple identical requests are made using the same cache, which is not yet populated, one request will be made to the server and remaining requests will return the same response.
A cache-control header on the response does not affect if or how responses are cached.
AngularJS documentation mentions that:
Only GET and JSONP requests are cached.
$http.get(url, {cache: true}) caches the HTTP response in the default cache object (created with $cacheFactory).
Items on the $cachefactory are stored as key-value pairs. The url specified on the $http object is used as the key for the cached value (to be returned). This is one of the reasons it works well with GET which only depends on the URL being hit.
In case of a POST request, the data being sent will also affect the response besides the URL being hit which makes caching a POST request much more complex (since the request will also have to become a part of the key). From the W3 specs:
The actual function performed by the POST method is determined by the
server and is usually dependent on the Request-URI.
The action performed by the POST method might not result in a resource
that can be identified by a URI.
Responses to this method are not cacheable, unless the response
includes appropriate Cache-Control or Expires header fields.
If your data is simple, this SO link might prove a bit useful.

Can I create an $http request and not submitting it (yet)?

I have a generic component in my system that deals with submitting HTTP requests in chunks. It takes care of some application-common headers that I need to attach and updating all the necessary places in the GUI.
This component is shared between couple other components for various use-cases. I'm trying to delegate the task of creating HTTP request from a given input to the callers but found out that when the caller does:
var req = $http.get("url", {})
It's already submitting the request.
I'd like the callers to provide a method to generate a list of request objects from the input, and my component will deal with that later (add some headers for example, add success() and error() methods, or submit the requests in batches).
How can I only create the HTTP Request object, without sending it?
You can create wrapper function for "delayed" http request, that would return you preconfigured ready to call function, and use it instead of $http.
Maybe like this:
function dHttp(config) {
return function(options) {
angular.merge(config, options);
return $http(config);
var req = dHttp({
url: '/some',
data: {test: 21}
// later send it
req().then(function(data) {
A plain AJAX can be useful here"GET","a-url",true);
$http.get() is a declarative form of an ajax open and send.
var reqArr = [];
so you can change the objects as needed and send the ajax later on.

AngularJS - Setting default http headers dynamically

To overcome csrf attack, I have to send in csrf-token value in a header for every request by picking in the value from cookie as described here. Since this is to be done at every request, I am setting the default headers for $http in the main module's run function.
Now, If a new tab is opened for the same website, a new csrf token (in cookie) is issued by the server. Since the run function is run only once, the default header for csrf will be old one (for old tab), while the new csrf cookie will be sent to server, resulting in csrf-mismatch.
How to overcome this at a global level?
I want somehow to create a function which will be run everytime the $http is called, so that then I'll override the default headers.
Note: I do not want to set this header value for every $http request.
(Not that I think that it's relevant, but I'm using ui-router)
This is not just limited to csrf-token, I want to set some other headers too based on the logged in user, which has to be done dynamically (say when one user logs in, and logs out, then another user logs in).
you need to use http interceptor to do this on every request. read more about http interceptors here
below is one such example
module.factory('xsrfTokenInterceptor', function ($q, $http) {
return {
'response': function (response) {
var cookies = response.headers("Set-Cookie");
var token = someCrazyParsing(cookies);
return response || $q.when(response);
How about headers $http(config) parameter.
$scope.getWithHeader = function(){
method: 'GET',
url: '',
headers: {
'CustomHeader': 'HelloWorld'
sample code on jsFiddle

In an Angular http response interceptor, how can I get at the actual xhr object?

The method for a response interceptor is:
return {
response: function(response) {
// processing here
Because of the issues with CORS response headers and various bugs, I want to access the xhr object directly and retrieve specific headers. However, response seems to only have:
data - the returned body
config - the original request
status - the response status
headers() - the problematic function that gets stuck on the bugs
How can I get at the actual xhr object so I can look at the headers directly?
For reference: AngularJS and Apiary.IO - can't read any response headers?
I want to do option 3, and work with xhr directly, but how do I get to it in an interceptor?
I don't think there's a way to access the xhr object directly exposed to interceptors. However, If this is all due to the Firefox bug mentioned, you can do the following to get access to the headers you're looking for in FF:
Add the headers you need. Currently it's only asking for the specified headers in that array for the FF work-around. You'd add something like:
simpleHeaders = ["Cache-Control", "Content-Language", "Content-Type",
"Expires", "Last-Modified", "Pragma", "Access-Control-Allow-Origin"];

Angular $httpProvider transformResponse data contains local HTML DOM elements?

When I instantiate the following code in an AngularJS app, I get weird data in the transformResponse function (bottom of code). I'm not calling the $resource function from any controller, just loading the script in a browser. The data variable (see code) contains the HTML of the current partial, when loading the app.
This seems odd. Is this the way it's supposed to be?
var buddyServices = angular
.module('buddyServices', ['ng','ngResource'])
function ($resource) { console.log('resource');
return $resource('',
{service:'', BuddyApplicationName: 'xxx',
BuddyApplicationPassword: 'yyy'}
delete $httpProvider.defaults.headers.common['X-Requested-With'];
$httpProvider.defaults.transformResponse = function(data) {
return 'TEST: '+data;
=== EDIT ===
It just daunted on me: $httpProvider handles all http requests, so a page load is one of those. I'm guessing a bit now, but it seems probable. So, the question then becomes: Is there an "easy" way to constrain the data in the code above to only those requests performed by my service?
transformResponse takes another parameter headersGetter. You can use this to get the headers send with the response. Look for Content-Type header header. It should contain application/json
