Can I ALTER an existing table schema using a post-deployment script? - sql-server

SQL Server 2008 (not R2)
Visual Studio 2012 Premium
SQL Server Database Project/SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT)
Are there any problems\potential issues with altering a table schema using a post-deployment script?
My company has a web application (App A) whose backend database has tables that are replicated to another company application's database (App B) using CDC Replication. Making schema changes to these tables causes SSDT to use DROP/CREATE when generating the deployment script. This is a problem for App B's database that uses CDC Replication on these tables, because when the table is dropped and recreated, App B's database's CT_[table_name] tables are dropped, bringing App B down. My solution is to use a post-deployment script to make ALTERations to these tables, instead of allowing SSDT to generate DROP/CREATE. Are there any potential problems or issues with this approach?
I could really use some help.

You could conceivably handle such table changes using a Post-Deployment script if you were to exclude those tables from the SSDT project model. This can be achieved in either of the following ways:
For each of the table files involved in CDC replication, set the Build Action property to None
Or simply remove the affected table files from the project altogether
This would prevent SSDT from attempting to perform any actions on that table at all, so you wouldn't have to worry about the comparison engine producing scripts that break your CDC instances.
Naturally, this would mean that any objects that depend on the excluded table objects (such as procs or views) would also need to be moved to Post-Deployment scripts. This would result in the traceability of the database being reduced, as all excluded those tables would no longer have per-file history stored in source control.
Even if a solution can be found that doesn't result in these drawbacks, for example using a pre-compare script per Ed's excellent blog post, there is the issue of deployment atomicity to consider. If part of the deployment occurs in the script that SSDT generates, and another part occurs in a Post-Deployment script, then it's possible for an error to occur that leaves the database in a half-deployed state. This is because SSDT only uses a transaction for the parts of the deployment that it is responsible for; anything included in a Post-Deployment script will be executed after the initial transaction is committed.
This means your Post-Deployment script needs to be written in an idempotent way, so that it can be re-executed if something goes wrong (sorry if that is a bit of an obvious statement... it just seems always like a good point to make whenever post-deploy scripts are mentioned!).
If a higher degree control over the way that your table changes are deployed is desired, without the potential loss of traceability or deployment atomicity, then may I suggest considering a migrations-driven deployment tool like ReadyRoll (disclaimer: I work for Redgate Software). ReadyRoll is a project sub-type of SSDT but uses quite a different deployment style to SSDT: instead of waiting until deployment to find out that the table will be dropped/recreated, the migration script is produced at development time, allowing changes to the sync operations to be made before committing it to source control.
For more information about how SSDT and ReadyRoll compare, have a look at the ReadyRoll FAQ:

Are you using the in-built refactoring support to rename columns/tables? If you do then the deployment should generate a sp_rename.
If you are and it is a bug because of cdc:
raise a connect item
do your own alter but you will need to run a script before the deployment otherwise it will make the changes it want for you (I call it a pre-compare script)
See for more details.


How to develop t-sql in Visual Studio?

We are using Visual Studio 2013 with SSDT mainly for versioning t-sql code, so the sql is being developed on the dev server and then we use schema compare to transfer the scripts into visual studio (and check into Git). Before deployment (which we currently do with schema compare, too) we have to replace database and server references (with [$(database)] etc.). If we change the code in the dev server and compare again, such SQLCMD variables are lost again. (I would expect schema compare to be smart enough to retain the SQLCMD variables but I found no way to accomplish this).
The logical step is to develop sql in visual studio from the start. But so far, it has been hard to convince anybody in the team to do that. One can write sql and execute it in VS, no problem. One can also switch to SQLCMD mode and execute, all right. But when you create e.g. a view in VS, you must write down a create statement and of course this can be executed once but will yield an error when altering the view and executing the create statement again.
So my question is if anybody has some essential tips on how to do database development exclusively in Visual Studio. We were able to get the database references and all that straight, but not the development process.
I've been streamlining local database development and deployment using Visual Studio database projects for a few years now. Here are some tips.
In general...
Use local db instances: Each developer should have their own database instance installed locally. All scripts (tables, views, stored procs, etc.) should be developed in Visual Studio. Create a publish profile for deploying the project to the local db instance.
Use Publish feature: Confusingly Visual Studio provides both a Deploy and a Publish option which ultimately do the same thing. I recommend using just Publish because it's more prominent in the UI and you can create profiles to configure the deployment process for various database instances.
Keep local db up to date: When a developer makes changes in the database project and checks them in to source control then the other developers should check out these changes and republish the project to their local databases.
Create vs. Alter statements
All of your statements should be Create statements. There is no need for Alter statements or existence checks. Everything should be scripted as if you are creating the database objects for the first time. When you deploy or publish, VS will know whether to issue Alter statements for existing objects.
Some ideas:
Script your data as a series of Insert statements. Include them in a post-deployment script in the database project. But this can be tedious and error-prone.
Keep a database backup that includes all of your test data. When setting up a development environment for the first time, create the database from the backup. After you make significant changes to the data, create a new backup and have your devs recreate their databases from the backup. In most cases it's ok if the backup is out of sync with the schema defined in the project -- simply republish the project (make sure to turn off the "Re-create database" setting so that only the differences are published and thus the data is not lost).
There may be 3rd party tools to do this in which case they are worth looking in to.
Create your own solution for deploying data. Mine involved the following and worked really nicely (but required a lot of time and effort!):
All data stored in XML files - 1 file per table - whose structure resembled the table
An executable to read the XML files and generate SQL merge (or insert/update) statements for each row of data and save them to a SQL script
A pre-build event in the database project to run the executable and copy the resulting SQL script to a post-deployment script in the project
Publish the project and the data will be pushed during post-deployment
Test/Production Deployments
Publish feature: You can create publish profiles for your test and production environments. However it will include your pre- and post-deployment scripts, and you won't get the versatility that the other options provide.
dacpacs: Ed Elliott covered them in his answer. Advantages: no need for Visual Studio to deploy, they can be deployed via SQL Management Studio or the command line with sqlpackage.exe, they can be easier to work with than a T-SQL deployment script.
Schema Compare: Schema compare may be good if you can use Visual Studio for your deployments and you like to double check all of the changes being deployed. You can also selectively ignore changes which is useful when you aren't lucky enough to have a development environment that completely mirrors production.
An age-old challenge. We've tried to use the data projects as they were defined through the years, but ran into several problems, including the fact that it seemed that these projects changed with every release of Visual Studio.
Now, we use the data project only to integrate with TFS for work item management and source code control. The way we do it so that we can build sprocs/views in Visual Studio is we write each script using the drop/create pattern. Our scripts also contain security (we made the mistake of using the default schema... if I could go back in time we'd segregate schemas and do schema-based role level security).
For table schema, we do schema compares to/from a versioned template database.
A typical stored proc looks like this:
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[sp_MyStoredProcedure]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC'))
DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_MyStoredProcedure]
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_MyStoredProcedure]
#MyParameter int
-- Stored Procedure Guts
select 1
Good luck... ultimately, it just has to work for your team.
We are currently on the way to move from SSMT to SSDT. I see that we all facing the same problems and it is very strange that there is no good tutorial on the net (at least I haven't found it yet).
First of all about the variables. I think that you need to update to the newest version of SSDT (20015.02) + DacFx. We are using it and we do not have any problems with variables. It also has some new very good features as do not drop some objects on the target if they do not exist in the source.
However we came to solution to use synonyms for all cross database and linked server objects. For example we have table in the AnotherDatabase.dbo.NewTable. We create synonym [dbo].[syn_AnotherDatabase_dbo_NewTable] FOR [$(AnotherDatabase)].[dbo].[NewTable] and use it in the code instead of referencing the other databases. The same with linked servers: CREATE SYNONYM [syn_LinkedDatabase_dbo_NewTable] FOR [$(LinkedServer)].[$(LinkedDatabase)].[dbo].[NewTable].
Now about the development process. We set debug to our dev database in the project properties (later we are going to have separate databases for each developer). Then when you are modifying stored procedures/views/functions/etc... You open the script, change the CREATE to alter and you can work in the same way as you were doing in the SSMT. You can modify the body, execute it, execute queries in that window. However when you finish, you change it back from ALTER to CREATE and save the file.
The problem here is with the objects that does not support ALTER statement. In that case, you need to publish the code first. But in practice you are doing it so not so frequently so I believe that it is not so big deal.
SSDT is mature enough to use it to create your scripts and deploy your changes but you should move away from using the schema compare to doing deployments using sqlpackage.exe
The process looks something like:
-write code in vs/ssdt
-build project which results in a dacpac (either on your machine or ci server)
-deploy dacpac to db instance, using variables if you need to, to bring db's up to date. Use sqlpackage.exe to deploy or generate scripts which can be deployed manually
It should be pretty straight forward, but please ask if you are not sure on anything!

Does SSDT bulid script for only changed objects?

I'm currently in the process of redesigning our department's source control strategy using Team Foundation Server (TFS) in regard to database objects. Essentially, we store nothing in TFS at this time. I have discovered SSDT and really enjoy their integration within Visual Studio and think it will make our transition into TFS much easier.
So, Does SSDT have the capability of generating scripts based on the delta's of my SSDT project verses what is in our server? It seems from what I have researched, I will only be able to generate an entire database script.
Requirements (Mind you, our developers do not have ddl access to production):
I cannot drop a database to re-create it
I cannot drop ALL objects like all stored procs to re-create them but only what I need
Tables will need to be altered not dropped and only what has changed
Dacpac's are out of the question
Our best option based on our environment at this time is to use scripts for updates
Our database environment is currently SQL Server 2008 R2. My SSDT version is the latest 2013 that was published in June.
Yes, if you do a publish from the project you will pretty much meet all of these requirements, though dacpacs are built as part of the process. The schema compare and pre/post deploy scripts are stored in the dacpac and the publish reads what "should" be present against what is currently in the database. It then generates a change script of all necessary changes to bring the database in line with the project.
Make sure you use the Refactor/Rename when renaming objects - that will cut down on the table drop/recreate operations. You may want to be careful with the "Drop objects not in the project" options. If you haven't been careful with making sure all objects created in your production server are in your project, you could accidentally drop something important just because someone didn't get it checked in.
There are command lines to the SQLPackage command that can generate change detail reports and scripts that you can use. The scripts need to be run through SQLCMD or in SQLCMD mode, but you can definitely produce scripts pretty easily.

Generating database scripts for SQL Server database versioning

In the scope of responsible programming and versioning, I would like to start to version my database changes especially since I am developing on my database instance then moving it to production. I haven't found any thing that truly makes sense to me on how to do this. I am using Visual Studio 2010 Pro as my IDE. Is there a document that makes this process simple and able to detect changes to the database with relative ease? Or what should I change in my workflow to make this easier?
One way that I've successfully done this sort of thing in the past, is via Sql Source Control. Visual Studio does not offer this functionality for you.
Alternatively, you can use SSMS to generate the Database scripts for you and save it as a file; then you can check in the script. You would chose whether you generate the whole DB script in one file or whether you do it on an object by object basis. The syncing part will have to be done by you by executing your scripts in production. In conclusion a total nightmare.
Redgate also offers Sql Compare, which is great for syncing databases. Take a look at their products if you or your company can afford them.
We use our own DB solution in-house which brings all the tools required for proper DB versioning. While I realize that it may not be a perfect solution for everyone, I invite you to have a look at it (it is open-source): bsn ModuleStore
The versioning aspect is as follows: the tool can script out the SQL semi-automatically, and it does reformat the source code to be in an uniform format. The files will therefore always be identical for the same source, no matter of when and by whom something has been scripted; this therefore works nicely with non-locking source control systems (especially SVN, Git or Mercurial).
The reformat puts all statements in the same form (e.g. optional keywords such as AS, INNER, OUTER etc. are dealt with), scripts everything to the "dbo" schema (even if it was in a different one), puts all identifiers into the square braces ([something]), uppercases all reserved words, does the indentation etc.
Besides versioning, the runtime part of the tool can diff the running DB and the CREATE scripts (DB source code) and apply updates automatically for all non-destructive changes (e.g. updating indexes, constraints, views, stored procedures, triggers, custom types, new tables etc.). Destructuve changes have to be scriped manually (table changes which then usually require data transformations). The runtime will make sure that all updates are performed in a transaction and rollback if the resulting DB doesn't match the CREATE scripts, therefore you get the safety of knowing that the DB is exactly on the version required by the application, even if it has been tampered with manually.
Also, multiple "modules" can be used in a single database. Each module is stored as a schema and independent of other schemas, thereby making it possible to add or remove modules from one single DB, and avoiding the need to create multiple databases for different parts of the application. Also, the use of schemas to do this makes sure that there are no name collisions.
It may be worth noting that the toolset has no dependency to the SMO, it is autonomous.
Save Your Database scripts at SVN. Here is the Refernce How to use SVN Tortoise
Save your database script at VSS. Here is the reference What is VSS ? How can we use that ?
In both cases you can keep track of the changes done so that in future you can check the history which in saved in the form of versions.
You can use Red Gate product also
How do you pull out what what has changed?
Use comparison feature to check the changes made in the previous versions.
How do I apply the changes to the live database server?
Download the latest file from server.
I hope you are not using the Drop statements for the Table in your consolidated script. As it will delete all records from the table.
Drop statements will take place for Stored Pro, View, Function etc.
Please note that you have to run the complete latest database script file on the production server with below mentioned action plans
1. Remove Drop Statement for Schema DDL
2. Add Drop/Create Statements for Stored Proc/Views
3. Include Alter statements DML of schema.
Hope this will definitely help you.

Database source control vs. schema change scripts

Building and maintaining a database that is then deplyed/developed further by many devs is something that goes on in software development all the time. We create a build script, and maintain further update scripts that get applied as the database grows over time. There are many ways to manage this, from manual updates to console apps/build scripts that help automate these processes.
Has anyone who has built/managed these processes moved over to a Source Control solution for database schema management? If so, what have they found the best solution to be? Are there any pitfalls that should be avoided?
Red Gate seems to be a big player in the MSSQL world and their DB source control looks very interesting:
Although it does not look like it replaces the (default) data* management process, so it only replaces half the change management process from my pov.
(when I'm talking about data, I mean lookup values and that sort of thing, data that needs to be deployed by default or in a DR scenario)
We work in a .Net/MSSQL environment, but I'm sure the premise is the same across all languages.
Similar Questions
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The best way to manage database changes
MySQL database change tracking
SQL Server database change workflow best practices
Verify database changes (version-control)
Transferring changes from a dev DB to a production DB
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I look after a data warehouse developed in-house by the bank where I work. This requires constant updating, and we have a team of 2-4 devs working on it.
We are fortunate because there is only the one instance of our "product", so we do not have to cater for deploying to multiple instances which may be at different versions.
We keep a creation script file for each object (table, view, index, stored procedure, trigger) in the database.
We avoid the use of ALTER TABLE whenever possible, preferring to rename a table, create the new one and migrate the data over. This means that we don't have to look through a history of ALTER scripts - we can always see the up to date version of every table by looking at its create script. The migration is performed by a separate migration script - this can be partly auto-generated.
Each time we do a release, we have a script which runs the create scripts / migration scripts in the appropriate order.
FYI: We use Visual SourceSafe (yuck!) for source code control.
I've been looking for a SQL Server source control tool - and came across a lot of premium versions that do the job - using SQL Server Management Studio as a plugin.
LiquiBase is a free one but i never quite got it working for my needs.
There is another free product out there though that works stand along from SSMS and scripts out objects and data to flat file.
These objects can then be pumped into a new SQL Server instance which will then re-create the database objects.
See gitSQL
Maybe you're asking for LiquiBase?

How do you track database changes in source control?

We use SQL Server 2000/2005 and Vault or SVN on most of our projects. I haven't found a decent solution for capturing database schema/proc changes in either source control system.
Our current solution is quite cumbersome and difficult to enforce (script out the object you change and commit it to the database).
We have a lot of ideas of how to tackle this problem with some custom development, but I'd rather install an existing tool (paid tools are fine).
So: how do you track your database code changes? Do you have any recommended tools?
Thanks for all the suggestions. Due to time constraints, I'd rather not roll my own here. And most of the suggestions have the flaw that they require the dev to follow some procedure.
Instead, an ideal solution would monitor the SQL Database for changes and commit any detected changes to SCM. For example, if SQL Server had an add-on that could record any DML change with the user that made the change, then commit the script of that object to SCM, I'd be thrilled.
We talked internally about two systems:
1. In SQL 2005, use object permissions to restrict you from altering an object until you did a "checkout". Then, the checkin procedure would script it into the SCM.
2. Run a scheduled job to detect any changes and commit them (anonymously) to SCM.
It'd be nice if I could skip the user-action part and have the system handle all this automatically.
Use Visual studio database edition to script out your database. Works like a charm and you can use any Source control system, of course best if it has VS plugins. This tool has also a number of other useful features. Check them out here in this great blog post
or check out MSDN for the official documentation
Tracking database changes directly from SSMS is possible using various 3rd party tools. ApexSQL Source Control automatically scripts any database object that is included in versioning. Commits cannot be automatically performed by the tool. Instead, the user needs to choose which changes will be committed.
When getting changes from a repository, ApexSQL Source Control is aware of a SQL database referential integrity. Thus, it will create a synchronization scripts including all dependent objects that will be wrapped in a transactions so, either all changes will be applied in case no error is encountered, or none of the selected changes is applied. In any case, database integrity remains unaffected.
I have to say I think a visual studio database project is also a reasonable solution to the source control dilemma. If it's set up correctly you can run the scripts against the database from the IDE. If your script is old, get the latest, run it against the DB. Have a script that recreates all the objects as well if you need, new objects must be added to the this script as well by hand, but only once
I like every table, proc and function to be in it's own file.
One poor man's solution would be to add a pre-commit hook script that dumps out the latest db schema into a file and have that file committed to your SVN repository along with your code. Then, you can diff the db schema files from any revision.
I just commit the SQL-alter-Statement additional to the complete SQL-CreateDB-statement.
Rolling your own from scratch would not be very doable, but if you use a sql comparison tool like Redgate SQL Compare SDK to generate your change files for you it would not take very long to half-roll what you want and then just check those files into source control. I rolled something similar for myself to update changes from our development systems to our live systems in just a few hours.
In our environment, we never change the DB manually: all changes are done by scripts at release time, and the scripts are kept in the version control system. One important part of this procedure is to be sure that all scripts can be run again against the same DB the scripts are idempotent?) without loss of data. For example, if you add a column, make sure that you do nothing if the column is already there.
Your comment about "suggestions have the flaw that they require the dev to follow some procedure" is really a tell-tale. It's not a flaw, it's a feature. Version control helps developers in following procedures and makes the procedures less painful. If you don't want to follow procedures, you don't need version control.
In SQL2000 generate each object into it's own file, then check them all into your source control. Let your source control handle the change history.
In SQL 2005, you'll need to write a bit of code to generate all objects into separate files.
In one project I arranged by careful attention in the design that all the important data in the database can be automatically recreated from external places. At startup the application creates the database if it is missing, and populates it from external data sources, using a schema in the application source code (and hence versioned with the application). The database store name (a sqlite filename although most database managers allow multiple databases) includes a schema version, and we increase the schema version whenever we commit a schema change. This means when we restart the application to a new version with a different schema that a new database store is automatically created and populated. Should we have to revert a deployment to an old schema then the new run of the old version will be using the old database store, so we get to do fast downgrades in the event of trouble.
Essentially, the database acts like a traditional application heap, with the advantages of persistence, transaction safety, static typing (handy since we use Python) and uniqueness constraints. However, we don't worry at all about deleting the database and starting over, and people know that if they try some manual hack in the database then it will get reverted on the next deployment, much like hacks of a process state will get reverted on the next restart.
We don't need any migration scripts since we just switch database filename and restart the application and it rebuilds itself. It helps that the application instances are sharded to use one database per client. It also reduces the need for database backups.
This approach won't work if your database build from the external sources takes longer than you will allow the application to be remain down.
If you are using .Net and like the approach Rails takes with Migrations, then I would recommend Migrator.Net.
I found a nice tutorial that walks through setting it up in Visual Studio. He also provides a sample project to reference.
We developed a custom tool that updates our databases. The database schema is stored in a database-neutral XML file which is then read and processed by the tool. The schema gets stored in SVN, and we add appropriate commentary to show what was changed. It works pretty well for us.
While this kind of solution is definitely overkill for most projects, it certainly makes life easier at times.
Our dbas periodically check prod against what is in SVN and delete any objects not under source control. It only takes once before the devlopers never forget to put something in source control again.
We also do not allow anyone to move objects to prod without a script as our devs do not have prod rights this is easy to enforce.
In order to track all the change like insert update and delete there will be a lot of overhead for the SVN.
It is better to track only the ddl changes like (alter, drop, create) which changes the schema.
You can do this Schema tracking easily by creating a table and a trgger to insert data to that table.
Any time you want u can get the change status by querying from that table
There are a lots of example here and here
