How to count the time an element has focus in redux react - reactjs

I have a react component and I want to perform an action if it has focus for 2 seconds. In pure react I had internal state where I could handle this.
What is the approperate way to do it using Redux?

Use React for ephemeral state that doesn't matter to the app globally
and doesn't mutate in complex ways. For example, a toggle in some UI
element, a form input state. Use Redux for state that matters globally
or is mutated in complex ways. For example, cached users, or a post
Sometimes you'll want to move from Redux state to React state (when
storing something in Redux gets awkward) or the other way around (when
more components need to have access to some state that used to be
The rule of thumb is: do whatever is less awkward.
This is the answer by Dan Abramov creator of Redux.
In your case, I think it's OK to use React component state.


Shall we globalize all the states of a react application?

I have a question regarding the state management when using redux. the main aim of Redux is to globalize the state of the components so every component in the App can read and update that state.
My question is: When we write React/Redux applications, which design pattern we should use? to define every state in the Redux store? or to only define the states that require to be read by other components in the Redux store, and the rest will be encapsulated inside their relative components?
I think you got my question right? :D
Now, how about components' reusability? doesn't redux make it impossible for the components to be reusable?
& Thank yous 😘
There is no “right” answer for this. There are some Recommendations though -
Some common rules of thumb for determining what kind of data should be put into Redux:
Do other parts of the application care about this data?
Do you need to be able to create further derived data based on this original data?
Is the same data being used to drive multiple components?
Is there value to you in being able to restore this state to a given point - in time (ie, time travel debugging)?
Do you want to cache the data (ie, use what's in state if it's already - there instead of re-requesting it)?
Do you want to keep this data consistent while hot-reloading UI components (which may lose their internal state when swapped)?
From Redux Github -
Question: How to choose between Redux's store and React's state? #1287
dan_abramov - Use React for ephemeral state that doesn't matter to the app globally and doesn't mutate in complex ways. For example, a toggle in some UI element, a form input state. Use Redux for state that matters globally or is mutated in complex ways. For example, cached users, or a post draft.
Sometimes you'll want to move from Redux state to React state (when storing something in Redux gets awkward) or the other way around (when more components need to have access to some state that used to be local).
The rule of thumb is: do whatever is less awkward.
Cheatsheet -

Is using useState Hook while using redux to handle input forms an anti pattern?

I'm not able to grasp this point, If the store is a place where the entire application's state resides, why am I using useState hook to create a local state for my form components? Ideally, I should be mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps for handling inputs too? Is it an anti-pattern?
The creator of Redux, Dan Abramov, has commented on this earlier. Basically, it depends, and usually if the state is local to the application, then keep it there. This is stuff such as the state of a toggled button, if something has been pressed, etc.
Global app state is usually best left to your Redux store.
Dispatching all changes to redux for everything will needlessly invoke lots of updates on the connected components for nothing.
Regarding this:
the store is a place where the entire application's state resides
Where is that "fact" from? While Dan might have promoted this view early on, it is years since he changed his view on this. Basically the current view is to be a bit pragmatic, both in regards to what state to put in Redux stores and the whole split between presentational and container components.

Can I use state in components while using Redux or Redux store?

**Is it OK to Using a component state for just to handling form data, while the main data and other stuff of the application will be stored in the Redux store?
I don't want to use redux-form instead manually dispatch it to the reducers**
Redux comes into the picture when we want to manage the state across different component. It provides a centralize store where state of all the components are managed.
When talking about forms, in most cases form data is only limited to the component is which is being used. So, in that type of scenario there is no need to link them to centralized store using redux. A simple way is to store them in the component state and get it processed. Afterwards, you can store the output of that in redux store according to your needs.
It is okay to do that. You can keep a local state in the component. state = {} in class components, const [localState, setLocalState] = useState() for functional components.
Or you can use custom hooks for handling your local state needs. Check out useInput or useForm custom hooks that are developed by the community.
Yes of course. Some things go best in component state, some go best in a parent component, some go in Context, and some go in Redux. There is little use in putting everything in Redux, it just causes a lot of boilerplate and every component tries to update when the store changes.
You put things in Redux when different components that are at different places in the HTML tree use the same data, and it changes during the app's lifetime (things like the user's language don't change often and go in Context). You use it when you want to store your app's state to restore it later (which exact menus are currently open or closed is usually not that important) and when you want to keep track of state changing using the Redux dev tools.

When do I choose React state Vs Redux Store

I've been learning Redux and a part I'm unclear of is, how do I make a determination between using react state vs redux store and then dispatching actions. from my reading so far it looks like I could use React state in place of Redux store and still get things done. I understand the separation of concerns with using Redux store and just having 1 container component and the rest of it as stateless component but how do I make the determination of when to use React state Vs redux store is not very clear to me. Can someone please help?
If the state doesn't need to be shared with other components, or the state doesn't need to be keep when the component is unmounted, then you can just put it in the component's state.
You can think that the Redux store is the database of front-end, if you have something like product data fetched from an API, then the Redux store is the right place; if you have a dropdown component, which takes a isOpen prop, then the parent of that dropdown can just keep dropdownIsOpen as a component state.
For more information, here is the answer from Dan:
Also you said
only 1 container component and the rest of it as stateless component
This is incorrect. You can have several container components. A container component can also contain another container component.
From book:
First of all, we should always keep in mind that only the minimal
amount of data needed should be put into the state. For example, if we
have to change a label when a button is clicked we should not store
the text of the label, but we should only save a Boolean flag that
tells us if the button has been clicked or not. Secondly, we should
add to the state only the values that we want to update when an event
happens, and for which we want to make the component re-render.
Another way to figure out whether the state is the right place to
store information is to check if the data we are persisting is needed
outside the component itself or by its children. If multiple
components need to keep track of the same information, we should
consider using a state manager like Redux at the application level.
There are a few things that need to be grasp
State of component: If you want to keep state-specific to your HOC then use state. Now in the function component, we use useState.
State of redux: If you want to share data throughout the application use redux state.
Store of redux: It's nothing but a database for the redux library. In the case of redux, we can have only one store. To use multiple stores we can use Flux but it will make things more complicated.
You're absolutely right. Redux (and flux architecture in general) are only formalism tools to help for building large apps. They're not necessary at all.
There's actually an interesting post called You might not need redux by Dan Abramov, the creator of redux that might give you a better answer than I do:
If state is needed only for that particular component then prefer to use react state.
For example using state for UI actions
If any state you want to use across the component/project then go with redux state.
For example API response data etc
For detail understanding refer this link

React && Flux confused about where to put data

I'm developing a web app with React + Flux. But sometimes, I am confused about where to put the data of a component.
Flux says that we should keep the data in the store. When the data changed, store should emit a change event, then the react components which listen to the store's change event should call setState with the data in the store.
But in this way, one react component is made by two parts, which are the component it self, and the store to be listened. Sometimes I want the component to be more individual. I don't want some state of this component to be related to any store, so I store the state in the component jsx file. In this way it is not a flux style, but just react.
I'm not sure if I'm doing the right thing. Should a fluxible app to be totally obey the flux or not?
There is no right answer to this question.
You could differentiate between application state and view state just as much as you could reason that all state should live in one global store.
Application state could be User information, product information or that type of data whereas view state could be related to toggling a div or what color a link should have depending on the application state.
These two approaches are both used in the wild and there is just a matter of preference.
This is a good read that argues for the case of a single state.
I won't link to the other reasoning as it's the "flux way" and an easy Google
