Add column to condition based on parameter value SQL - sql-server

I'm working in a dynamic query where i need to add a column to the query if the parameter value is false.
SET #FilterExp = 'SELECT * from tblName where ptblnFlag = '+Convert(varchar(2),#blnFlag)+') as tbl where 1=1'+ COALESCE(NULLIF( CONVERT(varchar(8000), #FilterExp),''), '')
In the above query i need to check if the #blnFlag is false then the column can be added in the where condition. If true it need not to be there.
Something like if the condition is false it should return all values and if true the result set is based on the condition.

You just need AND/OR operator's no need of Dynamic query here
FROM tblName
WHERE ( ptblnFlag = #blnFlag
AND #blnFlag = 0 )
OR #blnFlag = 1
May be am wrong with variable names but logic will be same


Retrieve value of a column after update?

I update a counter (no autoincrement ... not my database ...) with this FDQuery SQL:
UPDATE CountersTables
SET Cnter = Cnter + 1
OUTPUT Inserted.Cnter
WHERE TableName = 'TableName'
I execute FDQuery.ExecSQL and it works: 'Cnter' is incremented.
I need to retrieve the new 'Counter' value but the subsequent command
newvalue := FDQuery.FieldByName('Cnter').AsInteger
Fails with error:
... EDatabaseError ... 'CountersTables: Field 'Cnter' not found.
What is the way to get that value?
TFDQuery.ExecSQL() is meant for queries that don't return records. But you are asking your query to return a record. So use TFDQuery.Open() instead, eg:
FDQuery.SQL.Text :=
'UPDATE CountersTables' +
' SET Cnter = Cnter + 1' +
' OUTPUT Inserted.Cnter' +
' WHERE TableName = :TableName';
FDQuery.ParamByName('TableName').AsString := 'TableName';
NewValue := FDQuery.FieldByName('Cnter').AsInteger;
If the database you are connected to does not support OUTPUT, UPDATE OUTPUT into a variable shows some alternative ways you can save the updated counter into a local SQL variable/table that you can then SELECT from.
You have also the RETURNING Unified support Ok, doc only shows INSERT SQL but UPDATE works too.
And I should use a substitution variable for tablename

Filter SQL datatable according to different parameters, without a WHERE clause

I'm building an application that needs to allow the user to filter a data table according to different filters. So, the user will have three different filter posibilites but he might use only one, or two or the three of them at the same tame.
So, let's say I have the following columns on the table:
ID (int) PK
Sede (int)
Programa (int)
Estado (int)
All of those columns will store numbers, integers. The "ID" column is the primary key, "Sede" stores 1 or 2, "Programa" is any number between 1 and 15, and "Estado" will store numbers between 1 and 13.
The user may filter the data stored in the table using any of those filters (Sede, Programa or Estado). But the might, as well, use two filters, or the three of them at the same time.
The idea is that this application works like the data filters on Excel. I created a simulated table on excel to show what I want to achieve:
This first image shows the whole table, without applying any filter.
Here, the user selected a filter for "Sede" and "Programa" but leaved the "Estado" filter empty. So the query returns the values that are equal to the filter, but leaves the "Estado" filter open, and brings all the records, filering only by "Sede" (1) and "Programa" (6).
In this image, the user only selected the "Estado" filter (5), so it brings all the records that match this criteria, it doesn't matter if "Sede" or "Programa" are empty.
If I use a SELECT clasuse with a WHERE on it, it will work, but only if the three filters have a value:
DECLARE #sede int
DECLARE #programa int
DECLARE #estado int
SET #sede = '1'
SET #programa = '5'
SET #estado = '12'
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Inscripciones]
([dbo].[Inscripciones].[Sede] = #sede)
([dbo].[Inscripciones].[Programa] = #programa)
([dbo].[Inscripciones].[Estado] = #estado)
I also tryed changing the "AND" for a "OR", but I can't get the desired result.
Any help will be highly appreciated!! Thanks!
common problem: try using coalesce on the variable and for the 2nd value use the field name you're comparing to. Be careful though; Ensure it's NULL and not empty string being passed!
What this does is take the first non-null value of the variable passed in or the value you're comparing to.. Thus if the value passed in is null the comparison will always return true.
[dbo].[Inscripciones].[Sede] = coalesce(#sede, [dbo].[Inscripciones].[Sede])
[dbo].[Inscripciones].[Programa] = coalesce(#programa, [dbo].[Inscripciones].[Programa])
[dbo].[Inscripciones].[Estado] = coalesce(#estado, [dbo].[Inscripciones].[Estado])
If sede is null and programa and estado are populated the compare would look like...
?=? (or 1=1)
?=programa variable passed in
?=Estado variable passed in
Boa Sorte!
Thank you all for your anwers. After reading the article posted in the comments by #SeanLange I was finally able to achieve what was needed. Using a CASE clause in the WHERE statement solves the deal. Here's the code:
FROM [dbo].[Inscripciones]
([dbo].[Inscripciones].[Sede] = (CASE WHEN #sede = '' THEN [dbo].[Inscripciones].[Sede] ELSE #sede END))
([dbo].[Inscripciones].[Programa] = (CASE WHEN #programa = '' THEN [dbo].[Inscripciones].[Programa] ELSE #programa END))
([dbo].[Inscripciones].[Estado] = (CASE WHEN #estado = '' THEN [dbo].[Inscripciones].[Estado] ELSE #estado END))
([dbo].[Inscripciones].[TipoIngreso] = (CASE WHEN #tipoingreso = '' THEN [dbo].[Inscripciones].[TipoIngreso] ELSE #tipoingreso END))
Thanks again!!

For loop cursor in teradata

In my Teradata Stored Procedure, I want to have a for loop cursor against a dynamic sql.
Below is the code snippet
SET get_exclude_condition = '';
SET colum_id = 'SELECT MIN (parent_criteria_id) ,MAX (parent_criteria_id) FROM arc_mdm_tbls.intnl_mtch_criteria WHERE act_ind = 1 AND criteria_typ = ''Exclude'' AND mtch_technique_id ='||mtch_technique_id||';' ;
PREPARE input_stmt FROM colum_id;
OPEN flex_cursor;
FETCH flex_cursor INTO parent_criteria_id_min , parent_criteria_id_max ;
CLOSE flex_cursor;
SET get_exclude_condition = '';
WHILE (parent_criteria_id_min <= parent_criteria_id_max)
SET get_exclude_condition = get_exclude_condition || '( ';
SET for_loop_stmt = 'SELECT criteria FROM arc_mdm_tbls.intnl_mtch_criteria WHERE act_ind = 1 AND mtch_technique_id ='||mtch_technique_id||' AND criteria_typ= ''Exclude'' AND parent_criteria_id ='||parent_criteria_id_min||';';
FOR for_loop_rule AS c_cursor_rule CURSOR FOR
Can I declare a for loop cursor like this ?
Or do I need to have something like this only ?
FOR for_loop_rule AS c_cursor_rule CURSOR FOR
SELECT rule_id
FROM arc_stage_tbls.assmt_scoring_rules
WHERE rule_typ = :v_RuleType
ORDER BY rule_id
I mean can I first frame the dynamic sql and then have a for loop cursor on top of that or with the cursor declaration only I need to have a static sql query ?
Please clarify.
While you haven't posted everything that the stored procedure is trying to accomplish, it does appear that what you are asking can be accomplished using SET based logic and not looping through a cursor. If you need to parameterize the 'mtch_technique_id' you can use a Teradata macro which will allow you to maintain a SET based approach.
Here is the SQL for creating a macro that returns a result set based on my interpretation of what your snippet of the stored procedure is trying to accomplish:
REPLACE MACRO {MyDB}.Intnl_Mtch_Criteria(mtch_technique_id INTEGER) AS
SELECT criteria
FROM arc_mdm_tbls.intnl_mtch_criteria
WHERE act_ind = 1
AND (much_technique_id, criteria_typ) IN
(SELECT MIN((parent_criteria_id), MAX (parent_criteria_id)
FROM arc_mdm_tbls.intnl_mtch_criteria
WHERE act_ind = 1
AND criteria_typ = 'Exclude'
AND mtch_technique_id = :mtch_technique_id;

Writing the SQL CASE statement to update a column based on the value of another column from another table

I need to update the values in a Column named "TravelAgencyID2" in "dbo.ReservationStay" based on the values of column "TravelAgencyTypeCode" of "dbo.TravelAgency".
The condition of the update is like this: If TravelAgencyTypeCode in dbo.TravelAgency is NOT EQUAL to 'DMC', then TravelAgencyID2 = TravelAgencyID (from dbo.ReservationStay), ELSE TravelAgencyID2 remains unchanged.
SO, you only need to update those rows WHERE a condition is met?
SET rs.TravelAgencyID2 = rs.TravelAgencyID
FROM ReservationStay rs
INNER JOIN TravelAgency ta on rs.TravelAgencyID2 = ta.ID
WHERE ta.TravelAgencyTypeCode != 'DMC'
This will only update the rows you need, without touching anything else.

Range parameter on the MDX-query

I have a correct MDX-query:
SELECT NON EMPTY { [Measures].[IssueOpened] } ON COLUMNS,
NON EMPTY { ([Projects].[Id].[Id].ALLMEMBERS * [Priorities].[Id].[Id].ALLMEMBERS ) } ON ROWS
FROM [Reports]
WHERE [CreatedOn].[Date].&[2010-01-01T00:00:00]:[CreatedOn].[Date].&[2010-02-01T00:00:00]
I need to create SSRS-report with filter on CreatedOn dimension.
Here is my non-working solution:
I transform query to:
SELECT NON EMPTY { [Measures].[IssueOpened] } ON COLUMNS,
NON EMPTY { ([Projects].[Id].[Id].ALLMEMBERS * [Priorities].[Id].[Id].ALLMEMBERS ) } ON ROWS
FROM [Reports])
CreatedOnDate parameter (type = datetime)
Set value of CreatedOnDate parameter to value:
="[CreatedOn].[Date].[" + Format(CDate(Parameters!CreatedOnDate.Value), "yyyy-MM-dd") + "T00:00:00]"
But when I run the report I get:
The restriction imposed by the CONSTRAINED flag in the STRTOSET function were violated
Somehow the parameter is not what you think. CONSTRAINED flag will force generating an error if the string is not a member when using StrToSet MDX function (check the failing example) :
You can try without the CONSTRAINED flag or find out the value of your parameter :
MEMBER myParam AS "[CreatedOn].[Date].[" +
Format(CDate(Parameters!CreatedOnDate.Value), "yyyy-MM-dd")
+ "T00:00:00]"
[Measures].[myParam] on 0
FORM [Reports]
Playing a bit with this should make easier spotting the issue.
It should work if you use STRTOMEMBER for each side of the range
STRTOMEMBER("[CreatedOn].[Date].&[2010-01-01T00:00:00]", constrained):STRTOMEMBER("[CreatedOn].[Date].&[2010-02-01T00:00:00]", constrained)
