Angular scope function parameter return undefined - angularjs

I'm calling a controller function from directive but the function parameter returns undefined when I console.log to check the value. Wondering what I'm doing wrong or maybe a step I forgot. I actually hard coded a value to see if this shows but only get undefined in the console. NOTE: The custom directive template is coming from external file so the function parameter is not being past to the controller. It only works if the custom directive element has the value attached. Should work with the inside directive html.
//******************** Directive ********************//
app.directive('customdir', [function() {
return {
restrict: "E",
template : "<div>Get product<button ng-click="addToCart(56)">Add to Cart</button></div>",
scope: {
link: function(scope, el, attrs) {
//******************** Controller ********************//
app.controller('mycontroller', function($scope) {
$scope.addToCart = function(thumbProductId){
$scope.thumbProductId = thumbProductId;
console.log("thumbProductId =" + $scope.thumbProductId); // Returns Undefined
//******************** Html ********************//
<div ng-controller="mycontroller">
<custom-dir add-to-cart="addToCart(thumbProductId)"> </custom-dir>

There were a couple things wrong in the code, the first being "customdir" not having a "-" between it, as there's no capital. You also need to escape certain characters in your html, such as quotations and forward slashes. Here's a plunkr of your example:
And the directive now looks:
myApp.directive('customdir', [function() {
return {
restrict: "E",
template : "<button ng-click=\"addToCart(thumbProductId)\">Add to Cart<\/button>",
scope: {
addToCart: "&"

Exposing Local Values to Parent Scope with Directive Expression Binding
To use Expression Binding to pass data from directive scope to parent scope, invoke the expression with a locals object.
myApp.directive('customdir', function() {
return {
restrict: "E",
template : "<button ng-click='addToCart({$id: 56})'>Add 56 to Cart</button>",
scope: {
addToCart: "&"
The above directive invokes the Angular Expression defined by the add-to-cart attribute with the value 56 exposed as $id.
<div ng-controller="mycontroller">
<customdir add-to-cart="thumbProductId = $id"> </customdir>
ThumbProductId => {{thumbProductId}}
When the user clicks on the button in the customdir element, the Angular Expression invoked will set thumbProductId to the value exposed by $id which in this case is 56.
To invoke a parent function with a local, simply make the Angular Expression a function:
<customdir add-to-cart="parentFn($id)"> </customdir>


Not able to access angular directive's isolated scope

First Directive:
app.directive("myDirectiveOne", function($rootScope){
return {
templateUrl : "/custom-one-html.html",
restrict: "AE",
scope: {
somedata: "=",
flags: "=",
functionone: "&"
,controller: function($rootScope,$scope, $element) {
$scope.firstFunction = function(){
console.log("First function is getting called")
$scope.$on('firstBroadcast',function(event, data){
$rootScope.$broadcast('secondBroadcast', data)
Second Directive:
app.directive("myDirectiveTwo", function($rootScope){
return {
templateUrl : "/custom-two-html.html",
restrict: "AE",
scope: {
data: "=",
functiontwo: "&"
,controller: function($rootScope,$scope, $element) {
$scope.secondFunction = function(){
console.log("Second function is getting called")
$rootScope.$broadcast('firstBroadcast', {})
$scope.$on('secondBroadcast',function(event, data){
$scope.editFunction = function(x){
console.log("This is the edit function", x);
Parent Controller:
$scope.parentFuntion = function(){
console.log("No trouble in calling this function")
So, the problem is when I try calling a function from a myDirectiveTwo html template, the controller which is active is the parent controller and not the isolated one.
May be it has something to do with the broadcasts I am using?
Html Code:
<div ng-repeat="x in data">
<button ng-click="editFunction(x)">Edit</button>
The strange thing is I get data values and ng-repeat works fine on load. But, when I click on the button it doesnt do anything. And if I add the same function in the parent controller, it gets called.. :(
How do I make the isolated scope controller active again..?
The problem is that ng-repeat creates a child scope, therefore the editFunction ends up being on the parent scope.
From docs
... Each template instance gets its own scope, where the given loop variable is set to the current collection item ...
Docs here
You can verify that this is the issue by getting your button element's scope and checking the $parent, as such angular.element(document.getElementsByTagName("button")).scope()
Although considered code smell, you can append $parent to your function call in order to access it, though keep in mind this now places a dependency on your HTML structure.
<button ng-click="$parent.editFunction(x)">Edit</button>
The issue was that I was using a deprecated method replace:true. This caused the unexpected scenarios.. As #Protozoid suggested, I looked at his link and found the issue.. To quote from the official documentation:
When the replace template has a directive at the root node that uses transclude: element, e.g. ngIf or ngRepeat, the DOM structure or scope inheritance can be incorrect. See the following issues: Incorrect scope on replaced element: #9837 Different DOM between template and templateUrl: #10612
I removed replace:true and its fine now :)
This is the link:

pass data from controller to directive's link?

In my controller :
myApp.controller('homeCtrl', function($scope, $rootScope, $state, 'red';
$rootScope.$on('new_story', function(event, data) {
$scope.cardObj = {key:'value'};
In my HTML :
<div clickmeee ></div>
<div id="feedContainer" card='{{cardObj}}'> </div>
In my directive :
myApp.directive('clickmeee', function($compile, $rootScope) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: {
card: '#'
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
element.bind('click', function() {   
scope.$watch('card', function(newVal, oldVal) {
How do I pass data from controller to this directive. I compile some html and prepend it to the div. All of that is sorted out but I need some data from object I am trying to pass.
Any help??
There are several problems in your code:
you define a scope attribute named 'card', but you use cardObj instead
you use a watch that is completely unnecessary. And worse: you create a new watch every time the element is clicked
you don't define any card attribute on your clickmeee element. Instead, you're placing it on another element, on which the directive is not applied
you're passing the attribute with '#'. That works, but the directive will receive a string, containing the JSONified object, rather than the object itself
you're not showming us where you emit an event that will initialize cardObj in the controller scope
Here is a plunkr showing a working version of your code.
Also, note that using bind('click') is a bad idea. You'd better have a template in your directive and use ng-click in the template, or simply not use a directive at all and just use ng-click directly on the div element.
Bad news. You are doing it wrong all the ways.
card='{{cardObj}}' >
this one should be put in the
<div clickmeee ></div>
So you can take it as binded scope variable in your directive registration
If you managed to use '#' syntax
card: '#'
it will turn your input to string, not a binded scope. Use '=' instead.
In the end
You dont need to use watch here:
scope.$watch('card', function(newVal, oldVal) {
since scope.card is binded via '=' connector. Just simple use alert(scope.card). (Need to warn you that alert an object is not a good idea)
I have tried your code here: plunker. Changed a litte bit by using cardObj as string for easier presentation. Does it match your work?
You should watch the card object:
myApp.directive('clickmeee', function() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: {
card: '#'
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
scope.$watch('card', function(value) {
<div clickmeee id="feedContainer" card='{{cardObj}}'> </div>
Whenever the controller changes the cardObj, the directive's watch on card is triggered:
$scope.$apply(function() {
$scope.cardObj = "test";

Using a function created in parent scope and also local scope varibles in an AngularJS directive with a template

So I am trying to create a directive which will replace an element with HTML which includes an ng-click which calls a function created in $scope.
An example I made can be found at
My HTML is
<div ng-app="myapp" ng-controller="mycontroller">
<!--This works-->
<div xyz></div>
<!--This works-->
<div ng-click="dosomething('Click me 2')">Click me 2</div>
<!--The click added in the directive here does NOT work-->
<div abc mytext="Click me 3"></div>
My JS is
var myapp = angular.module('myapp',[]);
myapp.controller('mycontroller', ['$scope', function($scope) {
$scope.greeting = 'Hola!';
$scope.dosomething = function (what) {
myapp.directive('xyz', function () {
return {
template: '<div ng-click="dosomething(\'Click me 1\')">Click me 1</div>'
//Does not work
myapp.directive('abc', function () {
return {
template: '<div ng-click="dosomething(\''+attr.mytext+'\')">Click me 3</div>'
I made 3 elements. The first two show that A. without the directive the click work. B. a directive without using the 'dosomething' function also works.
The 3rd element which tries to pass a parameter to the 'abc' directive and also call the function fails.
How can I also pass a parameter and also use the function? Thanks.
Well, if you look in the console, you will see an error that shows why this is not working:
Error: attr is not defined
You're trying to access an attr variable that doesn't exist.
The way to include attribute values in your directive template is to include them in the directive's scope:
scope: {
mytext: '#'
This means that there will now be a mytext variable in the scope of the directive.
This creates a problem, however, since the use of the scope: {} option creates an isolate scope for the directive, and this means that the enclosing controller's scope is not part of the directive's scope.
If feasible, the clean approach here is to also pass in the dosomething function as a parameter of the directive:
<div abc mytext="Click me 3" action='dosomething'></div>
return {
template: '<div ng-click="action(mytext)">Click me 3</div>',
scope: {
mytext: '#',
action: '='
But if that's not what you want to do and you really want to access dosomething from the parent scope, one thing you can do is use $parent.dosomething:
return {
template: '<div ng-click="$parent.dosomething(mytext)">Click me 3</div>',
scope: {
mytext: '#'
Such directive should have isolated scope, so it can be used everywhere.
That is simple directive that introduce two parameters: func and param.
app.directive('pit', function () {
return {
scope : {
func: '=',
param: '='
template: '<button ng-click="func(param)">Click me 3</button>'
And this is how u use it in html:
<div pit func="test1" param="test2"></div>
My plunker:

Acessing form from directive's link function

In my custom directive I'm declaring new form <div ng-form="inputForm"></div> with input in it.
How can I access to this form within link function? scope.inputForm is undefined:/
Edit: code sample
.directive('ifInput', ['$system', function ($system) {
return {
restrict: "E",
replace: true,
scope: {},
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
scope.temp = function () {
templateUrl: "template/if-input-pola/index.html"
.run(["$templateCache", function ($templateCache) {
"<div ng-form=\"inputForm\" class=\"form-group ng-fadeInLeft\" ng-class=\"{'has-error': inputForm[].$invalid && inputForm.$dirty}\">" +
"{{inputForm|json}}"+ //here is correct object (with $error and so on)
"<a ng-click=\"temp()\">a</a>" + //here is undefined
Problem was that I wan's using object like this ng-form="model.inputForm" - now everything is ok
You can just define ng-model e.g.
<input ng-model="myInput"> and
link: function (scope, element) {
According to the documentation, using ng-form="inputForm" should post the controller on the local scope. If you cannot see it, you're either looking at a nested scope with that property overwritten, or at an ancestor scope. Keep in mind, that some directives, such as ng-repeat or ng-if, create local scopes, so in the following code:
<div ng-controller="myController">
<div ng-if="someCondition">
<div ng-form="myInput">
myInput would NOT be visible on the scope managed by myController.
When accesing the scope property within a link function, it also depends where your linked directive is, as the property may not be assigned to the scope yet. Try $watching the property and you just might find out it's being assigned later.

Angularjs - Pass argument to directive

Im wondering if there is a way to pass an argument to a directive?
What I want to do is append a directive from the controller like this:
$scope.title = "title";
$scope.title2 = "title2";
Is it possible to pass an argument at the same time so the content of my directive template could be linked to one scope or another?
here is the directive:
app.directive("directive_name", function(){
return {
template:'<div class="title"><h2>{{title}}</h3></div>',
What if I want to use the same directive but with $scope.title2?
You can pass arguments to your custom directive as you do with the builtin Angular-directives - by specifying an attribute on the directive-element:
.append('<directive-name title="title2"></directive-name>');
What you need to do is define the scope (including the argument(s)/parameter(s)) in the factory function of your directive. In below example the directive takes a title-parameter. You can then use it, for example in the template, using the regular Angular-way: {{title}}
app.directive('directiveName', function(){
return {
scope: {
title: '#'
template:'<div class="title"><h2>{{title}}</h2></div>'
Depending on how/what you want to bind, you have different options:
= is two-way binding
# simply reads the value (one-way binding)
& is used to bind functions
In some cases you may want use an "external" name which differs from the "internal" name. With external I mean the attribute name on the directive-element and with internal I mean the name of the variable which is used within the directive's scope.
For example if we look at above directive, you might not want to specify another, additional attribute for the title, even though you internally want to work with a title-property. Instead you want to use your directive as follows:
This can be achieved by specifying a name behind the above mentioned option in the scope definition:
scope: {
title: '#directiveName'
Please also note following things:
The HTML5-specification says that custom attributes (this is basically what is all over the place in Angular applications) should be prefixed with data-. Angular supports this by stripping the data--prefix from any attributes. So in above example you could specify the attribute on the element (data-title="title2") and internally everything would be the same.
Attributes on elements are always in the form of <div data-my-attribute="..." /> while in code (e.g. properties on scope object) they are in the form of myAttribute. I lost lots of time before I realized this.
For another approach to exchanging/sharing data between different Angular components (controllers, directives), you might want to have a look at services or directive controllers.
You can find more information on the Angular homepage (directives)
Here is how I solved my problem:
app.directive("directive_name", function(){
return {
restrict: 'E',
transclude: true,
template: function(elem, attr){
return '<div><h2>{{'+attr.scope+'}}</h2></div>';
replace: true
$scope.building = function(data){
var chart = angular.element(document.createElement('directive_name'));
chart.attr('scope', data);
I now can use different scopes through the same directive and append them dynamically.
You can try like below:
app.directive("directive_name", function(){
return {
template:'<div class="title"><h2>{{title}}</h3></div>',
it sets up a two-way binding between the value of the 'accept' attribute and the parent scope.
And also you can set two way data binding with property: '='
For example, if you want both key and value bound to the local scope you would do:
For more info,
So, if you want to pass an argument from controller to directive, then refer this below fiddle
Hope it helps..
Controller code
myApp.controller('mainController', ['$scope', '$log', function($scope, $log) {
$scope.person = {
name:"sangeetha PH",
address:"first Block"
Directive Code
replace: true,
File :directives/search.html
<h1>{{personName}} </h1>
the File where we use directive
<search-result person-name="{{}}" person-address="{{person.address}}"></search-result>
<button my-directive="push">Push to Go</button>
app.directive("myDirective", function() {
return {
restrict : "A",
link: function(scope, elm, attrs) {
elm.bind('click', function(event) {
alert("You pressed button: " +'my-directive'));
here is what I did
I'm using directive as html attribute and I passed parameter as following in my HTML file. my-directive="push" And from the directive I retrieved it from the Mouse-click event object.'my-directive').
Insert the var msg in the click event with scope.$apply to make the changes to the confirm, based on your controller changes to the variables shown in ng-confirm-click therein.
<button type="button" class="btn" ng-confirm-click="You are about to send {{quantity}} of {{thing}} selected? Confirm with OK" confirmed-click="youraction(id)" aria-describedby="passwordHelpBlock">Send</button>
app.directive('ngConfirmClick', [
function() {
return {
link: function(scope, element, attr) {
var clickAction = attr.confirmedClick;
element.on('click', function(event) {
var msg = attr.ngConfirmClick || "Are you sure? Click OK to confirm.";
if (window.confirm(msg)) {
