How to use bluetooth in Marmalade SDK? - mobile

I'm writing a mobile application on Marmalade SDK. How can I connect to other device via bluetooth?
No, Marmalade doesn't have a Bluetooth API. However, you could write
an extension to do it.
iOS has a CoreBluetooth API that allows you to interact with devices
supporting the Bluetooth 4 Low Energy GATT profile - this is only
supported from iOS 5/iPhone 4S/iPad3 and up, and will only
interoperate with Bluetooth 4 LE capable peripherals exposing a GATT
service. For earlier iOS devices, the only option is to use Apple's
proprietary iAP protocol, which means you can't "talk" to generic
Bluetooth devices - only those that implement iAP.
Android on the other hand offers Bluetooth 2.x + EDR connectivity. A
number of profiles (e.g. RFCOMM, A2DP) are supported. However, Android
doesn't have an API for Bluetooth 4 LE yet.
So, currently, the situation, from a cross-platform point of view, is
quite fragmented and it isn't straightforward to implement a
one-size-fits all Bluetooth connectivity solution.


Read BLE Beacons from react PWA

I'm designing a PWA for customer support.
One of the functionalities will require precisely (5 meters error margin) positioning the user's phone.
I'm thinking of using beacons as their range and precision suites my needs.
the thing is: How can I read beacons from a react.js (no native) PWA? Of course for triangulation, this would require reading several beacons.
Sorry, there is no practical way to make a web app that scans for bluetooth beacons due to the lack of browsers' support for bindings to raw bluetooth scanning.
Google Chrome does support BLE interaction via JavaScript through the Web Bluetooth API. However, it only supports discovering and connecting to GATT services, not arbitrary BLE scanning needed to find beacons. This means you cannot find iBeacon, Eddystone or AltBeacon compatible devices.
You might be able to discover a connectable custom BLE device that simulates beacon behavior through a connectable GATT service. But even if you did this, it would only work on Chrome, not on Safari, Microsoft or Firefox browsers, because Web Bluetooth is not supported on those platforms.
Even if you get this working on Chrome with a custom beacon, bluetooth beacons only provide very rough distance estimates. Triangulation only works decently at very close ranges of 3 meters or less. More practical indoor positioning techniques with beacons use RSSI fingerprinting not triangulation. And again, even Google Chrome with Web Bluetooth does not support the arbitrary scanning needed to do this.

Communicating with a Bluetooth device from UEFI code

Is it possible to communicate with a mobile device supporting Bluetooth LE from UEFI of a system? UEFI specification 2.6 adds support for Bluetooth but I dont see any new laptops supporting it and also the specification doesnt say anything about Bluetooth LE.
This feature is possible. However, its not related to UEFI Mode but this feature has to be embedded into the bluetooth chip itself. This feature is generally known as Headless mode of Bluetooth Chip.
The Bluetooth chips contain two firmwares. One firmware for general BT functionality and the other firmware contain a lite Bluetooth stack which contain a very cut down version of Bluetooth stack which can support BLE feature. So, when your laptop either gets shutdown or goes to sleep, your BT chip goes into headless mode and start advertising itself to other BLE device. Other ble device like mobile can see this and can connect to it and start your laptop.
This feature is however, not present in any laptop known to me. But you find a good example of this in Samsung's smart TV. You can switch on your TV from samsung mobile using ble.

Bluetooth Low Energy with iOS 6

I'm trying to make a new app that talks to a bluetooth low energy chip. I have never played around with bluetooth or BLE before, so I'm trying to learn as much as I can about it. I know that I have to implement Apple's Core Bluetooth framework, and from there I have a few very basic questions.
Is the code for writing apps with classic bluetooth the same as apps with BLE, or are they different?
What's the deal with AT commands, I tried reading a bit into it but are those something I have to mix with Objective-C while making a call to the device?
Central and peripheral. I noticed that when you are making two devices talk to each other, one has to be central and one peripheral. Lets say I make an app that turns on a light via a bluetooth low energy chip. Would the iPhone be the peripheral, and the chip / light be the central?
Bluetooth "classic" and Bluetooth Low Energy don't work the same way. Bluetooth Low Energy works with Peripheral->Service(s)->Characteristic(s) (it's like a tree)...
There are a few videos at the WWDC 2012 session (from the Portal iOS Developers) dealing with Bluetooth Low Energy and the CoreBluetooth.framework.
There is also sample code (CoreBluetooth Temperature Sensor) from Apple.
Apps to play with and free : LightBlue & BLE Utility, which can convert them into Peripheral/Central and interact...

Connecting an Adobe AIR mobile app to Arduino wirelessly - what are the options?

Is there a way to connect an Adobe AIR mobile app to an Arduino hardware wirelessly with no pc or router?
either with bluetooth or directly to an Xbee piece connected to the Arduino?
I need both iOS and android solutions
You could use the Native Extensions for Adobe AIR (ANE) for iOS and Android, although it means you might have to do a bit of C coding (or at least have basic understanding of the C programming language). A couple of projects have been created for either Bluetooth or Arduino connection using ANE already.
There is an ANE based project called as3-arduino-connector on Google Code, which gives you an ActionScript 3 API and mimics the Arduino serial port.
Another useful project might be AirNativeiOS-Bluetooth, an AIR Native Extension to add Bluetooth support for iOS apps. A corresponding project for Android is Bluetooth ANE, although the website mentions that it's early beta only, not ready for production.
Digi International has a Wi-Fi XBee now; that might be a good option since Android and iOS devices have Wi-Fi already. The more commonly used XBee modules (Series 1 and 2) use 802.15.4 networking (instead of Wi-Fi's 802.11).
I haven't used one yet, personally, so I don't know how you access the serial port connected to the Arduino. It might be possible to telnet to the XBee and send/receive data from Arduino.

Windows Phone 7 Bluetooth/Wi-Fi

I would like to create application for Windows Phone 7, which will be communicating with desktop application via Bluetooth/Wi-Fi. Is there any API in Silverlight, which allows to use Bluetooth/Wi-Fi programatically?
Looks like bluetooth is going to be standard in the chassis spec. Unfortunately at this stage there is no api exposing Bluetooth functionality in the SDK. I think we'll have to wait and see on this one.
I understand devices will be able to inherently connect over wifi the same as 3g. No low level wifi specific api's known at this stage.
