Receiving AT commands - c

I'm using a microcontroller to communicate with a SIM808 module and I want to send and receive AT commands.
The problem right now is that for some commands I receive only some portions of the answers I should receive, but for some others I receive what I should. For example, if I shut down the module I receive "NORMAL POWER DOWN", as expected.
I believe I'm receiving everything, I'm just not being capable of seeing it. I receive the beginning and the end of the response, so the problem should be on the way I parse and buffer. I'm using a FIFO buffered RXC interrupt.
For example, for the command "AT+CBC" I should receive something like:
+CBC: 1,96,4175
But I receive "+CBC1,4130OK"
(I replaced the unreadable characters with a dot)
bool USART_RXBufferData_Available(USART_data_t * usart_data)
/* Make copies to make sure that volatile access is specified. */
uint8_t tempHead = usart_data->buffer.RX_Head;
uint8_t tempTail = usart_data->buffer.RX_Tail;
/* There are data left in the buffer unless Head and Tail are equal. */
return (tempHead != tempTail);
uint8_t USART_receive_array (USART_data_t * usart_data, uint8_t * arraybuffer)
uint8_t i = 0;
while (USART_RXBufferData_Available(usart_data))
arraybuffer[i] = USART_RXBuffer_GetByte(usart_data);
return i;
void USART_send_array (USART_data_t * usart_data, uint8_t * arraybuffer, uint8_t buffersize)
uint8_t i = 0;
/* Wait until it is possible to put data into TX data register.
* NOTE: If TXDataRegister never becomes empty this will be a DEADLOCK. */
while (i < buffersize)
bool byteToBuffer;
byteToBuffer = USART_TXBuffer_PutByte(usart_data, arraybuffer[i]);
void send_AT(char * command){
uint8_t TXbuff_size = strlen((const char*)command);
USART_send_array(&expa_USART_data, (uint8_t *)command, TXbuff_size);
fprintf(PRINT_DEBUG, "Sent: %s\n\n", command);
void receive_AT(uint8_t *RXbuff){
memset (RXbuff, 0, 100);
uint8_t bytes = 0;
bytes = USART_receive_array(&expa_USART_data, RXbuff);
int n;
if (bytes>0)
for (n=0;n<bytes;n++)
if (RXbuff[n]<32)
fprintf(PRINT_DEBUG, "Received: %s\n\n", RXbuff);
int main(){
unsigned char RXbuff[2000];

So, the problem didn't have to do with this part of the code. I am using an emulated serial port to print stuff from the micro-controller to the PC. The issue was that the rate with which I was printing a char to the PC was much faster than what the PC was receiving, that's why some parts didn't appear.


Array Data Reading Failed

I am reading the data from a "Torque Wrench" using "USB Host Shield2.0" and Arduino UNO. I am receiving correct data from my "Torque Wrench" Data is receiving in a array.
But when I started reading data after "for" loop inside Void loop() I am receiving incorrect data. I attached Both output pictures correct and incorrect data.
Basically I am read data from Torque Wrench and send to receiver using Nrf24l01. I am receiving incorrect data.
My question is :- Why I am reading Incorrect data outside "for" loop.
Correct Data inside "for" loop :- enter image description here
Incorrect Data outside "for" loop :- enter image description here
#include <SPI.h> // for SPI communication
#include <nRF24L01.h>
#include <RF24.h>
#include <cdcacm.h>
#include <usbhub.h>
//#include "pgmstrings.h"
// Satisfy the IDE, which needs to see the include statment in the ino too.
#ifdef dobogusinclude
#include <spi4teensy3.h>
#include <SPI.h>
RF24 radio(7, 8); // CE, CSN
const byte address[6] = {'R','x','A','A','A','B'}; // the address the the module
class ACMAsyncOper : public CDCAsyncOper
uint8_t OnInit(ACM *pacm);
uint8_t ACMAsyncOper::OnInit(ACM *pacm)
uint8_t rcode;
// Set DTR = 1 RTS=1
rcode = pacm->SetControlLineState(3);
if (rcode)
ErrorMessage<uint8_t>(PSTR("SetControlLineState"), rcode);
return rcode;
lc.dwDTERate = 9600;
lc.bCharFormat = 0;
lc.bParityType = 0;
lc.bDataBits = 8;
rcode = pacm->SetLineCoding(&lc);
if (rcode)
ErrorMessage<uint8_t>(PSTR("SetLineCoding"), rcode);
return rcode;
USB Usb;
//USBHub Hub(&Usb);
ACMAsyncOper AsyncOper;
ACM Acm(&Usb, &AsyncOper);
void setup() {
#if !defined(__MIPSEL__)
while (!Serial);
if (Usb.Init() == -1)
Serial.println("USB Not Connected");
delay( 200 );
void loop() {
if( Acm.isReady()) {
uint8_t rcode;
/* reading the keyboard */
if(Serial.available()) {
uint8_t data=;
/* sending to the phone */
rcode = Acm.SndData(1, &data);
if (rcode)
ErrorMessage<uint8_t>(PSTR("SndData"), rcode);
uint8_t buf[64];
uint16_t rcvd = 64;
char text[64];
rcode = Acm.RcvData(&rcvd, buf);
if (rcode && rcode != hrNAK)
ErrorMessage<uint8_t>(PSTR("Ret"), rcode);
if ( rcvd ) {
for(uint16_t i=0; i < rcvd; i++ )
// Serial.print((char)buf[i]); // correct Data read from torque wrench
text[i] = (char)buf[i];
Serial.println(text); // reading wrong data here
//radio.write(&text, sizeof(text));
Character arrays must be null-terminated to count as C strings.
After the for loop, add text[rcvd] = '\0';
Also, your rcvd is fixed at 64. It needs to be one less than the array size for the null terminator to fit.

Writing to EEPROM could not be completed as it resets the board

I am writing this program to write byte of data to each memeory location and then read and compare the stored bytes. However, when i am writing the data through FOR loop, the loop ends after 749 Writes and reset the Micro. i am resetting the WDT so that shouldnt be an issue. its a fairly simple programme and I was expecting it to work smoothly. here is the code:
I am using PIC24FJ256GB210 with 24LC512K serial EEPROM.
void memorytest2 (void)
unsigned int number;
unsigned int data =100;
if (loop == 1)
for (number=500; number < 1500; number++)
WriteEEByte(0xAA, EEPROMStart+data);
loop =0;
data =0;
number =500;
void WriteEEByte (unsigned char source,unsigned int dest)
I2C2CONbits.RCEN = 0; // disable rx MODE AS MASTER
StartWrite(dest); // start write process at address y
I2C2TRN = source; // put data in buffer
while (I2C2STATbits.TRSTAT);// wait for transmit to complete - including ack
I2C2CONbits.PEN = 1; // send stop condition to terminate write
while (I2C2CONbits.PEN);
ReadBusy(); //write delay (~5mS)
void ResetCOP (void)

Struct memory allocation issues for message buffer

I'm trying to use static structs as a buffer for incoming messages, in order to avoid checking the buffer on the MCP2515-external unit. An ISR enters the function with a can_message* value 255 to actually read new messages from my MCP2515.
Other applications register an ID in the message passed as argument, in order to check if the buffer holds any messages with the same value.
This returns wrong IDs, and the rest of the datafields are 0 and uninitialized. What is wrong?
can_message struct:
typedef struct
uint8_t id;
uint8_t datalength;
uint8_t data[8];
int CAN_message_receive(can_message* message)
static volatile can_message* buffers = (volatile can_message*)0x18FF;
static int birth = 1;
for (int i; i < CAN_MESSAGE_UNIQUE_IDS; i++)
//These structs gets addresses outside SRAM
buffers[i] = (can_message){0,0,0};
birth = 0;
if (message == CAN_UPDATE_MESSAGES)
/* Sorts messages <3 */
can_message currentMessage;
//These functions are working:
CAN_message_get_from_MCP_buf(&currentMessage, 0);
buffers[] = currentMessage;
CAN_message_get_from_MCP_buf(&currentMessage, 1);
buffers[] = currentMessage;
return 0; //returns nothing !
if(buffers[message->id].id != 0)
//This copy gives wrong id and data:
memcpy(message, &buffers[message->id], sizeof(can_message));
buffers[message->id].id = 0;
return 0;
return -1;
Edit 1:
I did however notice that any buffers[i]-struct gets a totally different address than expected. It does not use the addresses following 0x18FF on the SRAM. Is there any way to change this?
Edit 2:
This is my main-loop:
while (1) {
//printf("tx buf ready: %d\n", MCP2515_TX_buf_empty(0));
value = USART_ReadByte(0);
printf("CAN_receive: ID: %d, datalength: %d, data: \n",;
for (int k; k < msg.datalength; k++)
printf("%d, ",[k]);
Edit 3: Changing the buffer-pointer to array solved the issue. (It does no longer use the SRAM, but whatever floats my boat)
int CAN_message_receive(can_message* message)
static can_message buffers[CAN_MESSAGE_UNIQUE_IDS];
static int birth = 1;
for (int i; i < CAN_MESSAGE_UNIQUE_IDS*10; i++)
*(char*)(0x18FF+i) = 0;
printf("buffers: %X\n", &buffers[i]);
birth = 0;
Pointer to buffers changed to buffer-array:
int CAN_message_receive(can_message* message)
static can_message buffers[CAN_MESSAGE_UNIQUE_IDS];
static int birth = 1;
for (int i; i < CAN_MESSAGE_UNIQUE_IDS*10; i++)
*(char*)(0x18FF+i) = 0;
printf("buffers: %X\n", &buffers[i]);
birth = 0;
I would strongly suggest to decouple the ISR logic with the programs own message cache logic. Also the initializing logic with the birth variable looks unnecessary.
I would setup some ring buffer that the ISR can write messages to and from that the main code reads the data into the ID-lookup-buffer.
This would ensure that message updates does not interfere with readouts (at least if you check the read/write indices to your ring buffer) and also eliminates the need to put Mutexes around your whole message buffer.
Currently it smells very badly because of missing read/write synchronization.
// global
static can_message g_can_messagebuffers[CAN_MESSAGE_UNIQUE_IDS];
static volatile can_message g_can_ringbuffer[MAX_RECEIVEBUFFER];
static volatile int g_can_ringbufferRead = 0;
static volatile int g_can_ringbufferWrite = 0;
// called from ISR
void GetNewMessages()
// todo: check ring buffer overflow
can_message currentMessage;
CAN_message_get_from_MCP_buf(&g_can_ringbuffer[g_can_ringbufferWrite], 0);
g_can_ringbufferWrite = (g_can_ringbufferWrite + 1) % MAX_RECEIVEBUFFER;
CAN_message_get_from_MCP_buf(&g_can_ringbuffer[g_can_ringbufferWrite], 1);
g_can_ringbufferWrite = (g_can_ringbufferWrite + 1) % MAX_RECEIVEBUFFER;
// called from main loop
void handleNewMessages()
while(g_can_ringbufferRead != g_can_ringbufferWrite){
const can_message* currentMessage = &g_can_ringbuffer[g_can_ringbufferRead];
if(currentMessage->id < CAN_MESSAGE_UNIQUE_IDS)
g_can_messagebuffers[currentMessage->id] = *currentMessage;
g_can_ringbufferRead = (g_can_ringbufferRead + 1) % MAX_RECEIVEBUFFER;
// called from whoever wants to know
// todo:
// really required a by value interface?
// would it not be sufficient to return a pointer and
// provide an additional interface to mark the message as used?
int getMsg(can_message* message)
if(buffers[message->id].id != 0)
*message = &g_can_messagebuffers[message->id];
g_can_messagebuffers[message->id].id = 0;
return 0;
return -1;
// alternative to above
const can_message* getMsg(int id)
&& (g_can_messagebuffers[id] != 0))
return &g_can_messagebuffers[id].id;
return NULL;
void invalidateMsg(int id)
g_can_messagebuffers[id] = 0;
after your changes to an message array instead some strange pointer, there is also no need for the setup routine for this code.
if your micro controller already has a buffer for received messages, then may be it is unnecessary at all to register a ISR and you could empty it from the mainloop directly into your own id-lookup buffer (assuming the mainloop is fast enough)

Arduino Variable size Array Declaration

I get an error while trying to run the following code:
int SizeOfReadArray = 10;
int PacketLength = 5;
unsigned char rmessage[SizeOfReadArray];
unsigned long flag = 0;
unsigned char DataPacket[PacketLength];
int alternate = 1;
int remaining;
int Index;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
void loop() {
void PacketExtraction(){
// Read Serial Buffer store in array
// onetime execution for getting exact message from serial buffer
if (flag == 0){
for (int j=0;j<SizeOfReadArray;j++){
// check for start of packets through header bytes
if (rmessage[j+0] == 65 && rmessage[j+1] == 65){
// store the Index for extracting packet from message array
Index = j;
remaining = SizeOfReadArray-Index+PacketLength;
flag = 1;
// actual packet extraction
/* take PacketLength of data from serial burffr and store the rest
for remaining bytes for next data packet construction */
if (alternate == 1){
for (int k=0;k<5;k++){
// storing remaining bytes form next execution
unsigned char previouspacket[remaining];
for (int k=0;k<remaining;k++){
previouspacket[k] = rmessage[k+Index+PacketLength];
alternate = 0;
/* now this time take the previously saved remaining bytes of packet
and merge them with the current packet data */
for (int k=0;k<remaining;k++){
DataPacket[k] = previouspacket[k];
for (int k=0;k<(remaining+1);k++){
DataPacket[k+remaining] = rmessage[k];
alternate = 1;
Error Message:
Arduino: 1.6.1 (Windows 7), Board: "Arduino Mega or Mega 2560,
ATmega2560 (Mega 2560)"
sketch_apr04b.ino: In function 'void PacketExtraction()':
sketch_apr04b.ino:52:23: error: 'previouspacket' was not declared in
this scope
Error compiling.
This report would have more information with "Show verbose output
during compilation" enabled in File > Preferences.
previouspacket is only declared in the first branch of the if…then blocks.
You should move unsigned char previouspacket[remaining]; before the if statement

UART ISR Tx Rx Architecture

Am I complicating things?
I'm architecting my code to talk from a 8051 micro to a peripheral device over UART. The peripheral responds to commands from the host and can only respond to one command at a time. It's a simple send and receive protocol. (tx1, rx1, tx2, rx2, tx3, rx3) Each TX message is terminated with a CR, each response is terminated with a >. I can't send a new message until I receive the response to the last one. Responses can also echo print the original TX message in the beginning if I enable that option (but this causes more traffic)
An example message would be:
TX: Hello
RX: World!>
Or with echo option...
TX: Hello
RX: Hello\rWorld!>
Option A
A function such as getHello would consist of both the send and receive. A parallel ISR routine would gather the incoming bytes and throw a flag when the '>' character is received.
char* getHello(char * buf){
delay(10ms); //wait a little bit
//wait for receive to come in or timeout to occur
while(!receiveFlag || !timeoutFlag); //thrown by ISR
//parse the message and do some other stuff
return buf;
Everything is contained within one function.
Easier to debug
This function is blocking and could hang if the peripheral never responds so a timeout must be implemented.
Messages can't be received out of order, must be in series (ie, tx1, rx1, tx2, rx2, tx3, rx3)
Option B
A parallel approach is taken. Two separate functions would created. one to send the message, and one that would vertexed upon receiving a response from the ISR.
void sendHello(){
//do some other stuff if needed
char* receiveMsg(char * buf){
//figure out from echo print what the tx message was
//use a switch statement to decide which response parser to call
switch(txMessage){ //pseudo code
case "Hello":
//parse the message and do some other stuff
return buf;
Can handle parallel messages coming back out of order because it relies on the echo printing of the tx message to figure out how to parse it. (ie, tx1, tx2, tx3, rx1,rx2,rx3)
quite difficult to debug
spawns multiple threads
lots of extra code
not worth it since messages will definitely come back in order
Right now, I'm doing Option B, but as I continue on with the project, I begin to feel like this is getting overly complex. I'm curious what you guys think.
I tend to do this kind of stuff, though, Id tend to have a separate serial port "class" ( struct + functions ) and a protocol class that lives over the top of serial port. I used these all the time in my embedded systems. This gives you the best of both worlds, a blocking synchronous call and an async call so you can pseudo multitask.
typedef struct serial_port_s serial_port;
typedef void (*serial_on_recived_proc)(serial_port* p);
typedef struct serial_port_s{
bool timeoutFlag;
bool receiveFlag;
void* context;
serial_on_recived_proc response_handler;
void send_serial(serial_port* p, char* message)
void receive_serial(serial_port* p, char* response)
bool has_data(serial_port* p)
return p->receiveFlag;
bool has_timed_out(serial_port* p)
return p->timeoutFlag;
bool is_serial_finished(serial_port* p)
return has_data(p) || has_timed_out(p);
bool serial_check(serial_port* p)
if(is_serial_finished(p) && p->response_handler != NULL)
p-> response_handler = NULL;
return true;
return false;
void send(serial_port* p, char* message, char* response)
send_serial(p, message);
receive_serial(p, response);
void sendAsync(serial_port* p, char* message, serial_on_recived_proc handler, void* context)
p->response_handler = handler;
p->context = context;
send_serial(p, message);
void pow_response(serial_port* p)
// could pass a pointer to a struct, or anything depending on what you want to do
char* r = (char*)p->context;
receive_serial(p, r);
// do stuff with the pow response
typedef struct
char text[100];
int x;
bool has_result;
} bang_t;
void bang_parse(bang_t* bang)
bang->x = atoi(bang->text);
void bang_response(serial_port* p)
bang_t* bang = (bang_t*)p->context;
receive_serial(p, bang->text);
void myFunc();
char response[100];
char pow[100];
bang_t bang1;
bang_t bang2;
serial_port p; //
int state = 1;
// whatever you need to do to set the serial port
// sends and blocks till a response/timeout
send(&p, "Hello", response);
// do what you like with the response
// alternately, lets do an async send...
sendAsync(&p, "Pow", pow_response, pow);
// non block check, will process the response when it arrives
// it has responded to something, we can send something else...
// using a very simple state machine, work out what to send next.
// in practice I'd use enum for states, and functions for managing state
// transitions, but for this example I'm just using an int which
// I just increment to move to the next state
case 1:
// bang1 is the context, and will receive the data
sendAsync(&p, "Bang1", bang_response, &bang1);
case 2:
// now bang2 is the context and will get the data...
sendAsync(&p, "Bang2", bang_response, &bang2);
//nothing more to send....
// do other stuff you want to do in parallel
Take things simple. An ISR routine must be very fast so for me the best approch is to have a global RXBuffer like this:
#include <cstdint>
#include <deque>
#include <algorithm>
class RXBuffer {
friend class ISR;
typedef std::deque<uint8_t>::const_iterator const_iterator;
size_t size() const { m_buffer.size(); }
// read from the buffer in a container in the range [first, last)
template <typename Iterator>
void read(Iterator first, Iterator last, Iterator to)
// how many bytes do you want to read?
size_t bytes_to_read = std::distance(first, last);
if (bytes_to_read >= size())
// read the whole buffer
std::copy(begin(), end(), first);
// empty the buffer
return size();
// copy the data
copy(begin(), begin() + bytes_to_read, firt);
// now enque the element
m_buffer.erase(begin(), begon() + bytes_to_read);
return bytes_to_read;
void put(uint8_t data)
// check buffer overflow
const_iterator begin() const { return m_buffer.begin(); }
const_iterator end() const { return m_buffer.end(); }
std::deque<uint8_t> m_buffer; // buffer where store data
size_t m_size; // effective size of the container
class ISR {
ISR(RXBuffer& buffer) : m_buffer(buffer) {}
// ISR Routine
void operator () (uint8_t data)
RXBuffer& m_buffer;
RXBuffer g_uart1_rx_buffer;
Now you have the ISR and a RXBuffer where search data, so you need something to wrap the UART functions. You can implement as follow:
class UART {
UART(unsigned int uart_device, RXBuffer& rx_buffer) :
m_uart(uart_device), m_buffer(rx_buffer)
unsigned int uart_device() const { return m_uart; }
// set the timeout during a read operation
void timeout(unsigned ms) { m_timer.countdown(ms); }
template <typename InputIterator>
void read(InputIterator first, InputIterator last)
// start the timer
size_t size = std::distance(first, last);
size_t read_bytes = 0;
while (read_bytes != size && !m_timer.is_expired())
read_bytes += + read_bytes, last);
if (read_bytes != size) throw std::exception("timeout");
template <typename OutputIterator>
void send(OutputIterator first, OutputIterator last)
size_t size = std::distance(first, last);
uart_send(m_uart, &(*first), size);
unsigned int m_uart;
RXBuffer& m_buffer;
timer m_timer;
