Use of pace in gatling to control rate - gatling

I have following scenario which has two requests (RequestOne and RequestTwo). It is setup to run for 3 users and 1 repetition. The simulation should have taken at least 20 seconds to finish as I am using 20 seconds as pacing. However, every time I run it, it finishes in less than 20 seconds. I tried with different values for pacing as well.
val Workload = scenario("Load Test")
.repeat(1, "repetition") {
pace(20 seconds)
.exitBlockOnFail {
.group("Load Test") {
.exec(session => {
session.set("url", spURL)
.group("RequestOne") {exec(requestOne)}
.group("RequestTwo") {exec(requestTwo)}
Simulation com.performance.LoadTest completed in 11 seconds

Found the problem. I used only 1 repetition so the scenario didn't need to wait for the 20sec pacing to complete and it exited early. Setting repetition to > 1 helped achieve the desired rate.
val Workload = scenario("Load Test")
.repeat(10, "repetition") {
pace(20 seconds)
.exitBlockOnFail {
So, if you want to achieve fixed number of transactions in your simulation, use repetition, otherwise use "forever (" as mentioned in gatling docoumentation to achieve consistent rate.
val Workload = scenario("Load Test")
.forever (
pace(20 seconds)
.exitBlockOnFail {


laravel Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded --

hello guys so I am doing a laravel project ( new to laravel ).
i am supposed to to calculation from other tables and save the results in another OUTPUT table.
I have 8 calculation in total in each line and up to 3k lines to fill.
The problem that I get the ma execution time error 60 sec even if a change it in laravel and php.ini.
each function called is just calling a select where and sum I've decided to divide them for better org.
My question is is there a better way to process the data and minimize to exc time if you can help .
public function calcul($week)
{ $test = Output::where('week',$week)->Limit(1);
return self::afficher($week);
DB::table('article')->orderBy('material')->chunk(100, function ($stocks){
foreach ($stocks as $stock) {
$id = $stock->material;
$past_need=self::PassedNeeds($id) - self::NeedsInTwoWeeks($id);
'material' => $id,'safe_stock'=>$safe_stock,'past_need'=>$past_need,'two_week_need'=>$two_week_need,
return self::index();

how to use gatling feeder to use the data once per user for entire duration?

In gatling how to achieve the following?
sample test running with 4 users and multiple iterations
user1 should use orderId 101112 for all the iterations
user2 should use orderId 111213 for all the iterations
and so on ...
I am not able to find uniqueonce strategy in feeder.
scenario("Get Art")
.during(test_duration minutes) {
.exec(_.set("gToken", gToken))
.exec(actionBuilder = http("Get Arts")
Your scenario includes .during - which is a looping construct - and inside that you're calling feed. So each user is going to keep on looping for test_duration and on each loop it's going to pull the next value from the feeder.
To get the behaviour you want, you need to put the feeder before the loop...
scenario("Get Art")
.during(test_duration minutes) {
.exec(_.set("gToken", gToken))
.exec(actionBuilder = http("Get Arts")
val txn_getArt = exec(_.set("hToken",hToken))
.exec(_.set("gToken", gToken))
.exec(actionBuilder = http("Get Arts")
// Chaining it after feeder does the trick in scenario
scenario("Get Art").repeat(5000){feed(fdr_arts).exec(txn_getArt)}

how to set coreSize parameter in Hystrix?

I'm working on a spring boot project about electronic contract recently.And There has an interface of raiseContract().Considering that the traffic of this interface will be large in the future,My Leader let me use Hystrix to defender it.And I did not use it before.I am learning it and trying to use it on the interface.I use ThreadPool Isolation Strategy and I don't konw how to set
the parameter of coreSize reasonable in ThreadPoolProperties.In other words,I want to know what should I follow to set it.
I did a lot of research,but I did not get the answer.All of Answer is about the meaning of coreSize,maxQueueSize etc.
Here is my code:
groupKey = "contractGroup",
commandKey = "raiseContract",
fallbackMethod = "raiseContractFallback",
threadPoolProperties = {
#HystrixProperty(name = "coreSize", value = "20"),
#HystrixProperty(name = "maxQueueSize", value = "150"),
#HystrixProperty(name = "queueSizeRejectionThreshold", value = "100")},
commandProperties = {
#HystrixProperty(name = "execution.isolation.thread.timeoutInMilliseconds", value = "15000"),
#HystrixProperty(name = "circuitBreaker.requestVolumeThreshold", value = "5"),
#HystrixProperty(name = "circuitBreaker.errorThresholdPercentage", value = "50"),
#HystrixProperty(name = "circuitBreaker.sleepWindowInMilliseconds", value = "3000"),
#HystrixProperty(name = "fallback.isolation.semaphore.maxConcurrentRequests", value = "20")
As you are already aware of, there are 3 main threadPool configurations:
coreSize: Number of threads that will be maintained in the pool
maxSize: Defines how much extra threads are allowed in case need arises.
maxQueueSize: Queue size of the tasks
Now lets start with an example. Assume there is a service using hystrix, call it HystrixService, for which coreSize = maxSize = n and maxQueueSize = -1 (default case). This means at a time at most 'n' tasks will be executed. Any extra task that is coming will be rejected (fallback will be executed).
So, in ideal scenario, you have to ensure that this HystrixService doesn't reject any request coming to it. You need to know at max how many requests can there be on HystrixService. So if throughput on HystrixService is 10 Requests per second, then max concurrent requests on HystrixService can be 10. Now suppose latency of HystrixService is 2 sec, then by the time it responds to first 10 requests, 10 more requests will come. i.e. total requests = 2 * 10 = 20. So coreSize in this case should be 20.
This is same as mentioned in hystrix documentation,
coreSize = Peak Request per sec × P99 latency + some breathing room
Now, you can keep maxSize and queueSize a bit high, so that it doesn't reject requests, in case there are sudden throughput spikes on your service.

Why does Gatling stop simulation when any scenario exists and doesn't wait until the end?

Let's say I have this configuration
val scn = (name: String) => scenario(name)
.forever() {
jumpToRps(1), holdFor(10 seconds)
.throttle(jumpToRps(1), holdFor(20 seconds))
I would expect to run the whole simulation for 20 seconds - until all is finished. What actually happens is that the simulation is stopped after 10 seconds, right after the first scenario finishes.
---- Requests ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Global (OK=20 KO=0 )
> scn1 / HTTP Request (OK=10 KO=0 )
> scn2 / HTTP Request (OK=10 KO=0 )
---- scn1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[--------------------------------------------------------------------------] 0%
waiting: 0 / active: 1 / done:0
---- scn2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[--------------------------------------------------------------------------] 0%
waiting: 0 / active: 1 / done:0
Simulation foo.Bar completed in 10 seconds
To overcome this in general, I need to configure all scenarios that ends earlier then the final one to wait with zero throttle.
jumpToRps(1), holdFor(10 seconds),
jumpToRps(0), holdFor(10 seconds) // <-- added wait
.throttle(jumpToRps(1), holdFor(20 seconds))
Is this expected behavior? What other options do I have to make my simulation run until all scenarios are finished or until maxDuration?
Possible explanation could be that Feeder loops on data and when there is no more data it exists. In this case call "circular" on your feeder so that it goes back to the top of the sequence once the end is reached

AHK IF statement

ArrayCount = 0
Loop, Read, Times.txt ; This loop retrieves each line from the file.
ArrayCount += 1 ; Keep track of how many items are in the array.
ArrayTime%ArrayCount% := A_LoopReadLine
WinGetTitle, Title, A
Loop %ArrayCount%
element := ArrayTime%A_Index%
Time = %A_WDay%%A_Hour%%A_Min%
msgbox %Time% , %element%
if (Time=%element%)
IfWinExist, Test.txt
Sleep 500
Send Hi{enter}
msgbox %Time% , %element%
Sleep 500
WinActivate, %Title%
Ok so the main issue is with this part:
if (Time=%element%)
I have also tried
if (%Time%=%element%)
if (A_WDay . A_Hour . A_Min=%element%)
And I think some other similar variations, the problem I'm getting is it's either always true, or always false, depending on how I have it written.
Inside the text file is a list like this:
I add an extra line that has the current time for testing, and I added the msgbox to compare, and I can clearly see they're both the same when it doesn't work, or that they're different when it does. Sorry for such a basic question but I feel like I've really been trying for a long time and read everything I can on variables and IF statements, thanks for any help.
Also the point of it is I need it to go off every 7 hours starting at midnight on sunday, this is what I came up with, if there's maybe a completely better way in general I'd be happy to hear that too.
Try this:
if % Time = element
MsgBox, Equal!
As for the scheduling part, try running your script through Windows Task Scheduler (hit Windows+R, type taskschd.msc and press Enter). There are tutorials on the Internet explaining how to create new tasks.
With regard to timers, have a look at this as an example.
SetTimer, AlertType1, 60000
;If A_WDay between 2 and 7 ; is day monday - sunday?
If (A_Hour = 7 or A_Hour = 13)
If (ToAlertType1)
SoundBeep, 500, 500
MsgBox, 4096,%AppName%, Msg1.
Else if (A_Hour = 21)
If (ToAlertType2)
SoundBeep, 500, 500
MsgBox, 4096,%AppName%, Msg2.
