How to create a modal in angularJS? - angularjs

Hi I am unable to create a modal in AngularJS, also, I don't know where to start regarding modal creation implementation in angularJS. Please share your suggestions or any tutorials on how to create a modal in AngularJS. Thank you!

This is something you could do yourself. However, there are plenty of libraries that already do this.
If you want to pursue yourself then checkout Ben's article on the topic.

If you want to create an custom modal or dialog box you first need to create a directive and need to control the behaviour of the popup based on an event add a handler that will open the dialog box such as
//Keep this event at the top of your hierarchy.
event.stopPropagation();//stops the event from bubbling up the event chain.
//add a variable that will show or hide the modal dialog box.
$scope.hideDialog = true;
//use data to pass custom message to bind in your html.
$scope.message = data.message;
//Call this event
You can use angular material dialog box.
Use ng-dialog as explained in this blog
I hope this helps.


Custom Bootstrap UI alert with AngularJS

I am using angular-ui-bootstrap lib in my application. I need to create custom alert with button inside firing modal window.
I have tried two options:
Redefine module angular.module("template/alert/alert.html", []) from ui-bootstrap-tpls.js. Didn't work as I didn't manage to implement a button firing popup window.
Create a custom module based on "template/alert/alert.html" one. Found myself lost in a number of controllers in order to make popup window working.
What is the best approach to achieve that?
If I understood the question, you want to add a button to the alert that will launch a modal.
Plunker Demo
The easiest approach is to simply add your button into the alert template. In the Plunker demo, I copied both the contents of the UI Bootstrap alert and modal demos. Then I copied the alert template and added it to a script tag on the page. Inside the standard alert template I added a button as follows:
<button ng-controller="ModalDemoCtrl" class="btn" ng-class="'btn-' + (type || 'warning')" ng-click="open()">Open Modal</button>
That's an incredibly basic approach, but it should be a good starting point for you. If I were doing this in production, I would add my custom templates to the template cache instead of using script tags on the page itself and I would create a custom directive for my modal button so that I could pass any relevant information from my alert to my modal instance and do away with having to hard code the ng-controller on the button itself.
Just put your alert directive inside the modal template:

bind unbind dynamically $document click event in angular JS custom directive

I want to bind body click event to custom directive. I have created a custom directive for drop down. My functionality is I want closed the option list when the user clicks on the body. The html code for drop down is created by using <ul> and <li> tag. I have used the directive several times on the page. but the page now became slow as the no. of usage of directive increased on the page. So i want to know how to dynamically bind and unbind body click event inside the directive. i used $document.bind('click',function(){//function body}); syntax to bind click event. Please help. Thanks in advance
Instead of using JQuery, you can use the link method to manipulate DOM elements and add listeners
See : the AngularJS doc
I hope it may help

is there any inbuilt right click event in ng-grid using angularjs

i am using angularjs to write right click event for selected row in ng-grid.but i want to know is any inbuilt right click event there in ng-grid.if it is there please suggest me.
A directive may be used to bind required actions on a right click, by using contextmenu event.
You can also refer to answers to this question.
I think you need to define a celltemplate with the required conditions. Something like this by defining a directive
insert ng-click event into ng-grid

How to trigger Angular-Strap modal with event other than click event?

Angular Strap V2's modal seems to have lost some functionality of V1, and I'm struggling to work out how to achieve what was fairly straightforward with V1 (using angular-strap's $modal service).
The documentation only shows an example where the modal is attached to a DOM element like a button and seems to be automatically wired to the click event. However I want to use other events eg SwipeLeft is a common convention for deleting something, but I'd like to pop up an "Are you sure?" modal prompt for this action. Is this possible?
Is there any way to use the V2 modal with any event other than the click event?
Looking at the source code, it looks like you can bind your own events, or use the default click event.
It should work if you add a data-trigger='myEvent' to your markup.

Angular JS. Need to display details on click event

I have setup a plunker to demonstrate my question:
The plunker lists the people with their brief details. What I need is, when the above boxes gets clicked, the complete person's details should be displayed in the "person-list" div.
How can we achieve using Angular JS?
Thanks for reading.
Something like this plunkr? The ng-click will set the scope with the selected person.
