find locks on a table with specifc row sybase - sybase

the below query will give me the lock on a table
select distinct object_name(id)
from master..syslocks
what I am searching is to find out on which row its locking ?
for example if I got update messages set name ='hi' where id =1 and messages is causing locks, I want a query to know that id =1 for this table is causing locking. can I know that ?

First it depends if you table is using AllPages/Datapages/Datarows lock scheme (see output of "sp_help tablename")
If it is Datarows, you can get a lock on specific row, otherwise locks will be on page (data or index or both) or on the table.
Using syslocks or sp_lock, you can retrieve the page involved in the lock.
To print the content of the page, you could run "dbcc page (database_id,pageno,4)"


update with rowlock in MSSQL server

I was trying to understand ROWLOCK in SQL server to update a record after locking it. Here is my observation and would like to get a confirm if ROWLOCK is like a table or page lock sort of thing or I have not tried it correctly. ROWLOCK should be a lock to row only not to the table or page.
Here is what I tried:
I created a simple table:row_lock_temp_test with two columns ID and Name with no PK or index. Now I open SQL Server, two different clients but same credentials and tried executed a set of queries as follow:
Client 1:
2: update row_lock_temp_test set name = 'CC' where id = 2
Client 2:
2: update row_lock_temp_test set name= 'CC' where id = 2
I executed Query 1, 2 on C-1 and went to C-2 and executed the same queries, both clients executed the queries and then I committed the transaction, all good.
Then I added RowLock to update query,
2: update row_lock_temp_test WITH(rowlock) set name = 'CC' where id = 2
2: update row_lock_temp_test WITH(rowlock) set name = 'CC' where id = 2
Now, I executed query 1 and 2 on C-1 and then went to C-2 and tried to execute the same 2 queries, but query got Stuck as expected because the row is locked by C-1 so it should be in queue until the transaction is committed on C-1. as soon as I committed transaction on C-1 query on C-2 got executed and then I committed the transaction on C-2 as well. All good.
here I tried another scenario to execute the same set of queries with row id = 3
2: update row_lock_temp_test WITH(rowlock) set name = 'CC' where id = 3
I executed 1st two queries in C-1 and then went to executed 1st two queries of C-2, row id is different in both clients, but still, the query in C-2 got stuck. This means while updating query with id = 2 it has locked the page or table, I was expecting a row lock, but it seems a page or table lock.
I also tried using xlock, HOLDLOCK, and UPDLOCK with different combinations but it is always locking the table. is there any possibility to lock a row only.
Select and insert is working as expected.
Thanks in advance.
Lock hints are only hints. You can't "force" SQL to take a particular kind of lock.
You can see the locks being taken with the following query:
select tl.request_session_id,
from sys.dm_tran_locks tl
join sys.partitions pt on pt.hobt_id = tl.resource_associated_entity_id
join sys.objects ob on ob.object_id = pt.object_id
where tl.resource_database_id = db_id()
order by tl.request_session_id
OK, let's run some code in an SSMS query window:
create table t(i int, j int);
insert t values (1, 1), (2, 2);
begin tran;
update t with(rowlock) set j = 2 where i = 1;
Open a second SSMS window, and run this:
begin tran;
update t with(rowlock) set j = 2 where i = 2;
The second execution will be blocked. Why?
Run the locking query in a third window, and note that there are two rows with a resource_type of RID, one with a status of "grant", the other with a status of "wait". We'll get to the RID bit in a second. Also, look at the resource_description column for those rows. It's the same value.
OK, so what's a resource_description? It depends on theresource_type. But for our RID it represents: the file id, then the page id, then the row id (also known as the slot). But why are both executions taking a lock on row slot 0? Shouldn't they be trying to lock different rows? After all, we are updating different rows.
David Browne has given the answer: In order to find the correct row to update, SQL has to scan the entire table, because there is no index telling it how many rows there are where i = 1. It will take an update lock on each row as it scans through. Why does it take an update lock on each row? Well, it's not to "do" the update, to so speak. It will take an exclusive lock for that. Update locks are pretty much always taken to prevent deadlocks.
So, the first query has scanned through the rows, taking a U lock on each row. Of course, it found the row it wanted to update right away, in slot 0, and took an X lock. And it still has that X lock, because we haven't committed.
Then we started the second query, which also has to scan all of the rows to find the one it wants. It started off by trying to take the U lock on the first row, and was blocked. The X lock of our first query is blocking it.
So, you see, even with row locking, your second query is still blocked.
OK, let's rollback the queries, and see what happens if we have the first query update the second row, and the second query update the first row? Does that work? Nope! Because SQL still has no way of knowing how many rows match the predicate. So the first query takes its update lock on slot 0, sees that it doesn't have to update it, takes its update lock on slot 1, sees the correct value for i, takes its exclusive lock, and waits for us to commit.
The query 2 comes along, takes the update lock on slot 0, sees the value it wants, takes its exclusive lock, updates the value, and then tries to take an update lock on slot 1, because that might also have the value it wants.
You'll also see "intent locks" on the next "level" up, i.e., the page. The operation is letting the rest of the engine know that it might want to escalate the lock to the page level at some point in the future. But that's not a factor here. Page locking is not causing the issue.
Solution in this case? Add an index on column i. In this case, that's probably the primary key. You can then do the updates in either order. Asking for row locking in this case makes no difference, because SQL doesn't know how many rows match the predicate. But even if you try to force a row lock in some situation, and even with a primary key or appropriate index, SQL can still choose to escalate the lock type, because it can be way more efficient to lock a whole page, or a whole table, than to lock and unlock individual rows.

Optimizer stats on a busy table with large inserts and deletes

Environment: Oracle database 19C
The table in question has a few number data type columns and one column of CLOB data type. The table is properly indexed and there is a nightly gather stats job as well.
Below are the operations on the table-
A PL/SQL batch procedure inserts 4 to 5 million of records from a flat file presented as an external table
After the insert operation, another batch process reads the rows and updates some of the columns
A daily purge process deletes rows that are no longer needed
My question is - should gather stats be triggered immediately after the insert and/or delete operations on the table ?
Per this Oracle doc Online Statistics Gathering for Bulk Loads, bulk loads only gather online statistics automatically when the object is empty. My process will not benefit from it as the table is not empty when I load data.
But online statistics gathering works for insert into select operations on empty segments using direct path. So next I am going to try append hint. Any thoughts... ?
Before Oracle 12c, it was best practise to gather statistics immediately after a bulk load. However, according to Oracle's SQL Tuning Guide, many applications failed to do so, therefore they automated this for certain operations.
I would recommend to have a look at the dictionary views DBA_TAB_STATISTICS, DBA_IND_STATISTICS and DBA_TAB_MODIFICATIONS and see how your table behaves:
CREATE INDEX i ON t(object_name);
SELECT table_name, num_rows, stale_stats
SELECT index_name, num_rows, stale_stats
T 67135 NO
I 67135 NO
If you insert data, the statistics are marked as stale:
INSERT INTO t SELECT * FROM all_objects;
T 67138 YES
I 67138 YES
SELECT inserts, updates, deletes
WHERE table_name='T';
67140 0 0
Likewise for updates and delete:
UPDATE t SET object_id = - object_id WHERE object_type='TABLE';
4,449 rows updated.
DELETE FROM t WHERE object_type = 'SYNONYM';
23,120 rows deleted.
67140 4449 23120
When you gather statistics, stale_stats becomes 'NO' again, and `DBA_TAB_MODIFICATIONS* goes back to zero (or an empty row)
T 111158 YES
I 111158 YES
Please note, that `INSERT /*+ APPEND */ gathers only statistics if the table (or partition) is empty. The restriction is documented here.
So, I would recommend in your code, after the inserts, updates and deletes are done, to check if the table(s) appear in USER_TAB_MODIFICATIONS. If the statistics are stale, I'd gather statistics.
I would also look into partitioning. Check if you can insert, update and gather stats in a fresh new partition, which would be a bit faster. And check if you can purge your data by dropping a whole partition, which would be a lot faster.

UPDATE slow when setting column to NULL

I have a SQL Server 2008 table with 80,000 rows and am executing the following query:
SET HelloWorldID = NULL
WHERE HelloWorldID = #helloWorldID
HelloWorldID is an int and the #helloWorldID parameter is also int.
The query is taking too long and I'd like to optimize it. I created a nonclustered index on HelloWorldID but it didn't matter. I may have to redesign this...maybe put the HelloWorldID on another table that links it to the TableName table?
Since the command you're waiting on is DELETE I have to guess that there is a trigger on dbo.TableName and that it is performing additional work that you do not expect. Or perhaps some CASCADE option that is affecting other tables that have triggers on them.
It all depends on how much rows will be updated by this query.
If you're updating a lot of rows, say 30% of the table, then the index will actually slow down the query (as index will be updated along with the table, and it won't help with filtering the rows for update). Also ROWLOCK will slow it down, because the engine will issue a separate lock for each row (as opposed to pagelocks that would occur normally).
Try removing the index and running this update using WITH(TABLOCK) just to see what happens.
I get this problem sometimes. Your query is dependent upon simultaneously getting a write-lock on every row in the table meeting the conditions of the WHERE-Clause . Depending on your needs for full 'ACID', you could do something like this:
SELECT getdate() -- force ##rowcount=1
while ##rowcount > 0
UPDATE TOP (1000) dbo.TableName
SET HelloWorldID = NULL
WHERE HelloWorldID = #helloWorldID
This will do the update is smaller chunks, and help overcome locking issues. But remember, this-method gives up on doing this-query as a single-transaction. You will need to tune the 1000 to a value that is right for your server.

Deadlock while updating two different rows on a single table

Been reading on deadlocks alot and when i thought i knew it well here comes the problem.
There are two similar transactions going on at same time. They look like below:
BEGIN TRAN //read_committed_snapshot ON
//an application sends insert query
//later on application sends update query for the newly inserted row
UPDATE t1 SET name='NewName', number=16 WHERE id = 10 //this ID is the id of the inserted row.
The given code is not the exact one that i use in my app, but the idea is same, it just has more columns.
Table t1 has primary key ID, some nonclustered indexes.
After running two of these transactions simultaneously it deadlocks. The profiler says that the deadlocked query was this UPDATE t1 SET name='NewName', number=16 WHERE id = :id for each of the conflicting processes.
Sorry i do not have the XML of the deadlock, but profiler told that both processes had X lock and both of them tried to acquire U locks.
process 1
owner - X
waiter - U
process 2
owner - X
waiter - U
t1 table was shown for both processes as object and PK_id index as indexname.
So what is actually happening here? Each transaction updates different rows in same table, why did it deadlock?
Many examples on the net say 'hey its because of how it scans indexes, it scans pk index for one transaction and some other nonclustered index for another transaction' but their profiler deadlock graphs show different values under indexname, so that is not the same as i am having, the index name is the same.
Any ideas how to resolve this? Its driving me crazy. I thought enabling read_committed_snapshot would solve this but i was wrong.
Most likely that one or both of your updates using the table/clustered index scan for find the rows for update - it often causes deadlocks. Check the execution plan.

Get "next" row from SQL Server database and flag it in single transaction

I have a SQL Server table that I'm using as a queue, and it's being processed by a multi-threaded (and soon to be multi-server) application. I'd like a way for a process to claim the next row from the queue, flagging it as "in-process", without the possibility that multiple threads (or multiple servers) will claim the same row at the same time.
Is there a way to update a flag in a row and retrieve that row at the same time? I want something like this psuedocode, but ideally, without blocking the whole table:
Block the table to prevent others from reading
Grab the next ID in the queue
Update the row of that item with a "claimed" flag (or whatever)
Release the lock and let other threads repeat the process
What's the best way to use T-SQL to accomplish this? I remember seeing a statement one time that would DELETE rows and, at the same time, deposit the DELETED rows into a temp table so you could do something else with them, but I can't for the life of me find it now.
You can use the OUTPUT clause
UPDATE myTable SET flag = 1
id = 1
flag <> 1
Main thing is to use a combination of table hints as shown below, within a transaction.
WHERE BeingProcessed = 0
UPDATE QueueTable
SET BeingProcessed = 1
SELECT * FROM QueueTable WHERE ID = #NextId
UPDLOCK will lock the next available row it finds that's available, preventing other processes from grabbing it.
ROWLOCK will ensure only the individual row is locked (I've never found it to be a problem not using this as I think it will only use a rowlock anyway, but safest to use it).
READPAST will prevent a process being blocked, waiting for another to finish.
