Prevent react-native-router-flux from rendering all components - reactjs

I'm using React-Native-Router-Flux for routing my app. The issue is that it seems like when a redux state changes, ALL the components under the Router gets rerendered, not just the "current" component.
So lets say I have 2 components under the Router: Register and Login and both share the same authenticationReducer. Whenever an authentication event (such as user registration or signin) fails, I want to display error Alerts.
The problem is that when an error is fired from one of the components, two Alerts show up at the same time, one from each component. I assumed when I am currently on the Register scene, only the error alert would show from the Register component.
However, it seems like both components rerender whenever the redux state changes, and I see 2 alerts (In the below example, both 'Error from REGISTER' and 'Error from SIGNIN').
Here are the components:
export default class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
<Provider store={store}>
<Scene key='root'>
<Scene key='register' component={Register} type='replace'>
<Scene key='signin' component={SignIn} type='replace'>
class Register extends Component {
render() {
const { loading, error } = this.props;
if (!loading && error) {
Alert.alert('Error from REGISTER');
return <View>...</View>;
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
return {
loading: state.get("authenticationReducer").get("loading"),
error: state.get("authenticationReducer").get("error"),
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(Register);
class SignIn extends Component {
render() {
const { loading, error } = this.props;
if (!loading && error) {
Alert.alert('Error from SIGNIN');
return <View>...</View>;
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
return {
loading: state.get("authenticationReducer").get("loading"),
error: state.get("authenticationReducer").get("error"),
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(SignIn);
How do I change this so that only the REGISTER error message shows when I am currently on the Register Scene, and vice versa?

Because of the way react-native-router-flux works, all previous pages are still "open" and mounted. I am not totally sure if this solution will work, because of this weird quirk.
Pretty strict (and easy) rule to follow with React: No side-effects in render. Right now you are actually doing a side-effect there, namely, the Alert.alert(). Render can be called once, twice, whatever many times before actually rendering. This will, now, cause the alert to come up multiple times as well!
Try putting it in a componentDidUpdate, and compare it to the previous props to make sure it only happens once:
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
if (this.props.error && this.props.error !== prevProps.error) {
// Your alert code
I am not totally convinced that this will actually work, as the component will still update because it is kept in memory by react-native-router-flux, but it will at least have less quirks.

I solved this by creating an ErrorContainer to watch for errors and connected it to a component that uses react-native-simple-modal to render a single error modal throughout the app.
This approach is nice because you only need error logic and components defined once. The react-native-simple-modal component is awesomely simple to use too. I have an errors store that's an array that I can push errors to from anywhere. In the containers mapStateToProps I just grab the first error in the array (FIFO), so multiple error modals just "stack up", as you close one another will open if present.
const mapStateToProps = (
state ) => {
return {
error: state.errors.length > 0 ? state.errors[0] : false
export default function errors (state = [], action) {
switch (action.type) {
case actionTypes.ERRORS.PUSH:
return state.concat({
type: action.errorType,
message: action.message,
case actionTypes.ERRORS.POP:
return state.slice(1);
case actionTypes.ERRORS.FLUSH:
return [];
return state;


React Higher Order Component With Redux causes infinite loop

I'm trying to show loading while data is fetching from API and I want a higher-order component to achieve this. But my code causes an infinite loop
//home.tsx file
export class Home extends Component<Props, any> {
componentDidMount(): void {
render() {
return (
const mapStateToProps = (state: AppState): StateProps => {
return {
data: getResultsSelector(state),
const mapDispatchToProps: DispatchProps = {
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(WithLoading(Home));
//hoc.tsx file
function WithLoading(Component:any) {
return function WihLoadingComponent({ loading, ...props }:any) {
if (!loading) return <Component {...props} />;
return <p>Hold on, fetching data might take some time.</p>;
export default WithLoading;
How can I fix this issue ?
I assume that getCharacters() is the function that fetches data from the API.
The Component is mounted depending on loading, but loading is set when the Component is mounted.
if (!loading) return <Component />; mounts the component.
componentDidMount invokes getCharacters()
getCharacters() sets loading = true
if (!loading) return <Component />; does not return the Component anymore.
when loading is done: loading = false
if (!loading) return <Component />; mounts the component again.
continue at 2.
The loading and mounting must be made independent of each other.
A. Either you should not invoke the loading inside the Component,
B. or you should not mount the Component conditionally.
A: separate the loading from the Component
As you probably want to create a generic HOC that shows some arbitrary Component only when loaded === true, you might prefer A., which means you have to design the Components so that they do not change loading themselves.
There might be ways to do that, e.g.:
componentDidMount(): void {
if( !this.props.dataHasAlreadyBeFetched ){
but I think that would be bad style, and it seems to me that in your case it makes sense to separate it, because apparently the only reason your Component is mounted the first time is to invoke getCharacters, which unmounts the Component.
B: not un-mount the Component
The Component is always mounted (without if( !loading)), and itself has to be designed to render any content only if loading === true (and otherwise null). Of course, loading has to be passed to the Component as well.

Common DRY principle violation React Native/Redux

I seem to be having a reoccurring issue that I'm hoping there is a design solution out there that I am not aware of.
I'm running into the situation where I need to dispatch the exact same things from two different components. Normally I would set this to a single function and call the function in both of the components. The problem being that if I put this function (that requires props.dispatch) in some other file, that file won't have access to props.dispatch.
class FeedScreen extends Component {
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
let {appbase, navigation, auth, dispatch} = this.props
//This is to refresh the app if it has been inactive for more
// than the predefined amount of time
if(nextProps.appbase.refreshState !== appbase.refreshState) {
const navigateAction = NavigationActions.navigate({
routeName: 'Loading',
const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({
auth: state.auth,
appbase: state.appbase
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(FeedScreen)
class AboutScreen extends Component {
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
const {appbase, navigation} = this.props
//This is to refresh the app if it has been inactive for more
// than the predefined amount of time
if(nextProps.appbase.refreshState !== appbase.refreshState) {
const navigateAction = NavigationActions.navigate({
routeName: 'Loading',
const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({
auth: state.auth,
appbase: state.appbase
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(AboutScreen)
See the similar "const navigateAction" blocks of code? what is the best way to pull that logic out of the component and put it in one centralized place.
p.s. this is just one example of this kind of duplication, there are other situations that similar to this.
I think the most natural way to remove duplication here (with a react pattern) is to use or Higher Order Component, or HOC. A HOC is a function which takes a react component as a parameter and returns a new react component, wrapping the original component with some additional logic.
For your case it would look something like:
const loadingAwareHOC = WrappedComponent => class extends Component {
componentWillReceiveProps() {
// your logic
render() {
return <WrappedComponent {...this.props} />;
const LoadingAwareAboutScreen = loadingAwareHOC(AboutScreen);
Full article explaining in much more detail:
Your HOCs will become the connected components in this case, and pass down the props from the redux state into the wrapped component.
btw: componentWillReceiveProps is deprecated. The docs tell you how to remedy.

Context API consume from anywhere

I am trying to implement a shared state into my application using the React context api.
I am creating an errorContext state at the root of my tree. The error context looks like so:
// ErrorContext.js
import React from 'react';
const ErrorContext = React.createContext({
isError: false,
setError: (error) => {}
export default ErrorContext;
Desired Result
I would like to update (consume) this context from anywhere in the app (specifically from within a promise)
Ideally the consume step should be extracted into a exported helper function
Example Usage of helper function
.catch((error) => {
Following the react context docs:
I can create a provider like so :
class ProviderClass {
state = {
isError: false,
setError: (error) => {
this.state.isError = error;
render() {
return (
<ErrorContext.Provider value={this.state}>
Then I can consume this provider by using the Consumer wrapper from inside a render call:
{(context) => {
The Problem with this approach
This approach would require every developer on my team to write lots of boilerplate code every-time they wish to handle a web service error.
e.g. They would have to place ErrorContext.Consumer inside the components render() method and render it conditionally depending on the web service response.
What I have tried
Using ReactDOM.render from within a helper function.
const setError = (error) =>{
// boilerplate that i mentioned above
) }
export default setError;
Why doesn't this work?
For some reason ReactDOM.render() always places this code outside the React component tree.
<div id="contextNodeInDOM'></div> <-- even though my node is here
<ErrorContext.Consumer></ErrorContext.Consumer> <-- ReactDOM.render puts the content here
Therefore there is no context parent found for the consumer, so it defaults to the default context (which has no state)
From the docs
If there is no Provider for this context above, the value argument
will be equal to the defaultValue that was passed to createContext().
If anyone can assist me on my next step, I am coming from Angular so apologies if my terminology is incorrect or if I am doing something extremely stupid.
You can export a HOC to wrap the error component before export, eliminating the boilerplate and ensuring that the context is provided only where needed, and without messing with the DOM:
// error_context.js(x)
export const withErrorContext = (Component) => {
return (props) => (
{context => <Component {...props} errorContext={context} />}
// some_component.js(x)
const SomeComponent = ({ errorContext, ...props }) => {
.catch((error) => {
export default withErrorContext(SomeComponent);
Now that React 16.8 has landed you can also do this more cleanly with hooks:
const SomeComponent = props => {
const { setError } = useContext(ErrorContext)
http.get("/blah").catch(() => setError(true))
return <div />
Following the react context docs:
I can create a provider like so :
class ProviderClass {
state = {
isError: false,
setError: (error) => {
this.state.isError = error;
I don't think so - there should be setState used. There is a general rule in react "don't mutate state - use setState()" - abusing causes large part of react issues.
I have a feeling you don't understand context role/usage. This is more like a shortcut to global store eliminating the need of explicitly passing down props to childs through deep components structure (sometimes more than 10 levels).
App > CtxProvider > Router > Other > .. > CtxConsumer > ComponentConsumingCtxStorePropsNMethods
Accessing rendered DOM nodes with id is used in some special cases, generally should be avoided because following renders will destroy any changes made externally.
Use portals if you need to render sth somewhere outside of main react app html node.

Browser navigation broken by use of React Error Boundaries

When an error is thrown in our React 16 codebase, it is caught by our top-level error boundary. The ErrorBoundary component happily renders an error page when this happens.
Where the ErrorBoundary sits
return (
<Provider store={configureStore()}>
<Router history={browserHistory}>{routes}</Router>
However, when navigating back using the browser back button (one click), the URL changes in the address but the page does not update.
I have tried shifting the error boundary down the component tree but this issue persists.
Any clues on where this issue lies?
The op has probably found a resolution by now, but for the benefit of anyone else having this issue I'll explain why I think its happening and what can be done to resolve it.
This is probably occurring due to the conditional rendering in the ErrorBoundary rendering the error message even though the history has changed.
Although not shown above, the render method in the ErrorBoundary is probably similar to this:
render() {
if (this.state.hasError) {
return <h1>An error has occurred.</h1>
return this.props.children;
Where hasError is being set in the componentDidCatch lifecycle method.
Once the state in the ErrorBoundary has been set it will always render the error message until the state changes (hasError to false in the example above). The child components (the Router component in this case) will not be rendered, even when the history changes.
To resolve this, make use of the react-router withRouter higher order component, by wrapping the export of the ErrorBoundary to give it access to the history via the props:
export default withRouter(ErrorBoundary);
In the ErrorBoundary constructor retrieve the history from the props and setup a handler to listen for changes to the current location using history.listen. When the location changes (back button clicked etc.) if the component is in an error state, it is cleared enabling the children to be rendered again.
const { history } = this.props;
history.listen((location, action) => {
if (this.state.hasError) {
hasError: false,
To add to jdavies' answer above, make sure you register the history listener in a componentDidMount or useEffect (using [] to denote it has no dependencies), and unregister it in a componentWillUnmount or useEffect return statement, otherwise you may run into issues with setState getting called in an unmounted component.
componentDidMount() {
this.unlisten = this.props.history.listen((location, action) => {
if (this.state.hasError) {
this.setState({ hasError: false });
componentWillUnmount() {
The analog to jdavies answer for React Router 6 is:
const { pathname } = useLocation()
const originalPathname = useRef(pathname)
useEffect(() => {
if (pathname !== originalPathname.current) {
}, [pathname, resetErrorBoundary])
tl;dr wrap components where you expect errors with error boundaries but not the entire tree
Tried first #jdavies answer using withRouter but then found a better solution for my use case: Dan from the React-Team advised against using HOCs with Error Boundaries and rather use them at stragetic places.
In that Twitter thread is a debate around the pros and cons though and Dan left it open which way you should go but I found his thoughts convincing.
So what I did was to just wrap those strategic places where I expect an error and not the entire tree. I prefer this for my use case because I can throw more expressive, specific error pages than before (something went wrong vs there was an auth error).
jdavies comment is the way to go,
but, if you are confused by this, basically you make it look like this:
class ErrorBoundary extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
const { history } = props;
history.listen((location, action) => {
if (this.state["hasError"]) {
hasError: false,
this.state = { hasError: false };
then at the end of the file you add:
export default withRouter(ErrorBoundary);
(don't forget to import { withRouter } from "react-router-dom"; at top)
also, if you were using e.g. export class ErrorBoundry ... like i was, don't forget to change the import { ErrorBoundary } from "./ErrorBoundry"; to import ErrorBoundary from "./ErrorBoundry"; wherever you use it e.g. App.tsx

Next.js data loading Issue

I face an issue with Next.JS and fetching initial props to my pages. I am doing an application with several (7-8) pages. One the left menu, once a an icon is clicked, the router is pushing the user to the proper page. Then if the user is logged in, the page and child components load. Everything works, as I am trying to cover loading time with a loading component, something like this:
render() {
if ( !== undefined) {
return (<Provider store={store}><Main info={} path={this.props.url.pathname} user={this.props.user} token={this.props.token} /></Provider>)
} else {
return (<Loading />)
The designed goal is to kick the Loading Component when the data is fetching. Not after. I was trying to do it with React lifecycle hooks, but it seems that `
static async getInitialProps({req})
Comes before everything. Have a look on the entire code
export default class Component extends React.Component {
static async getInitialProps({req}) {
const authProps = await getAuthProps(req,
return authProps;
componentDidMount() {
if ( === undefined) {
render() {
if ( !== undefined) {
return (<Provider store={store}><Main info={} path={this.props.url.pathname} user={this.props.user} token={this.props.token} /></Provider>)
} else {
return (<Loading />)
getInitalProps is being called when the Page component is rendered. You should not use it in any other components since it won't work.
That is not part of React Lifecycle but Next's implementation. I believe what you wanna do is just fetch data and measure its loading time. If so, then using a componentDidMount might be enough.
